Possessing Bella Ch. 21


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Andrew was waiting for them when they returned. He was sitting at the smaller desk near the door of her showroom style office that had been Dorothea's.

"Oh dear," Bella said, looking at him and as she watched the pained look cross his face and immediately apologised. "Oh not you, sorry, the desk, we will need another one for Dorothea until your office is ready."

"That won't be necessary," Dorothea, who had been sitting on one of the Roman stools looking through a file, declared. "I will be helping out Diane for the next few months, so I will only be popping in and out for the team meetings."

"Speaking of team meetings," Andrew interrupted, "I was looking over the proposed renovations again with Rhys, and he suggested that maybe a small meeting room between our offices. We will be renovating this wall anyway to add a doorway. It would be far better than holding a meeting where ever we can find space." Andrew hated giving up the floor space in his office but, after his meeting with Rhys and Patrick, he knew it was small penance to be able to keep his position within Bella's budding business.

"Yes," Bella agreed easily. "I trust you two have already worked that into the plan?" she smiled knowingly.

"There are two plans now, one with and one without," Andrew nodded. "Pending your decision."

"With the meeting room, please," she nodded. "Now let's all sit and have a chat about where we go from here and how we take all the groundwork Andrew has done and put it into our first retail outlet."

"Would you like me to stay and take minutes of the meeting?" Chelsea asked.

"Yes, I would like you at all team meetings because, as I intimated in your interview, I was looking for someone who was wanting to be part of a dynamic young team," Bella smiled.

"Well then I am certainly in the wrong place," Dorothea cackled, lightening the mood.

"Don't let her fool you, she is younger at heart than all of us," Bella laughed properly for the first time since she had arrived at the dining hall that morning. Bella and Andrew went through each detail of where they were at with suppliers, artisans and finding a space to open their shop, bringing Chelsea and Dorothea up to speed on all the current developments.

"Tomorrow I will be working with Kurt and Rhys to set some achievable goals toward making this business plan more than an idea on paper. So let's go over this one more time and fill in any holes they could find in the plan with information and targets.

"That will have to wait until tomorrow. Your driver Lincoln is here to collect you, and Mr White has asked to see you again before you leave," Chelsea said without apology. "Mrs Brown, Mr Collins has asked that you accompany Bella home this evening."

"Oh okay," Bella looked at the tablet in Chelsea's hands that she seemed to consult constantly. "I guess it's meeting adjourned then. Tomorrow will be a busy day, Chelsea has the schedule and will send it to you both," Bella said quickly and stood to gather herself to face Kurt again.

"I will meet you at the elevators," Dorothea squeezed her hand. It had been a turbulent day and this evening wasn't promising to be much better.

Bella walked slowly to Kurt's office. It was strange that she suddenly felt more in control of her life after having her future planned out in minute detail. It was terrifying for her, but she also had a sense of purpose rather than floundering around with half-formed ideas that she ultimately took to someone else for approval. She felt good about the team meeting she had just led and, though she didn't fully understand the intricacies of the schedule and plan that Rob and Kurt had for her, she trusted them. More importantly, the man who had given her so much trusted them to help and guide her. She smiled as Dianne came into sight and noted the extension to her desk.

"You're stealing one of my staff I hear?" Bella laughed.

"Not stealing exactly, just misappropriating," Dianne laughed with her. "It's been a tough day. How are you holding up?" Dianne asked with concern.

"Truthfully, I feel good. I mean at first it was all too much too fast, and I couldn't think. I am not sure I understand everything that was said, but I agree that its time to take matters, especially here at the company, more seriously," Bella voiced the thoughts that had just gone through her head.

"He's been kicking people's asses all day. It's like he feels he needs to start putting his own mark on this place, and he is cleaning house so to speak. You better go in Honey," Dianne smiled and hugged her before opening the door.

"Good you're here," Kurt looked up from the files he had been going through. Bella saw the purple spine and knew they were personel files. "Come around here and kneel," he instructed, pointing at his side of the desk. Bella obediently followed his command.

"A very large part of who you are and how you came to this point in your life is your submissive nature," Kurt began. "It will be difficult for you to put that aside while you are here in this building, and I cannot pretend to understand how that will feel." He reached down and took her hands, guiding her to her feet. "That is the last time you will kneel on command in this building, no one is your Master here, not even Rob, do you understand?"

"Yes Master," Bella answered automatically, making him frown.

"You will call me Kurt or Mr White here in this building. You will have to learn to compartmentalise and differentiate between your life here and your life at home and the club, and it will take time," he said understandingly. "I want you to be successful and respected here. I want you to clear away any doubt that others may have that you slept your way up the corporate ladder by showing your intelligence and hard work."

"I guess I did in a way sleep my way into this position," Bella admitted.

"Do you think Mel would have left so much to a bimbo? No, he knew your potential and so do I," he smiled again. "I am still the captain of this ship, though, and I still command you. Do not think that just because I have altered the protocols between us here that I will not punish you if you deserve it or inform your other Master of your discretions."

"Yes Captain," Bella smiled mischievously.

"I love you, Bella, I only want the best for you," Kurt folded her in his arms. "I honestly believe that what we are doing is the best course of action. I agree it is too soon for you to beg another collar, and I worried at the pressure of that."

"You did?" Bella looked up at him in surprise.

"Dianne tells me I was born to worry. I worry about the details in things. For instance, Mel's choice of wardrobe for his assistant was all well and good but you are a partner and as such should have a more executive wardrobe. Dianne will help with that tomorrow, new measurements will need to be taken, and you can let her know your preferences. Rob may want to be at that meeting, I will speak to him tonight," he chuckled, "Though from memory his tastes in many things mirrored Mel's, so we may have to negotiate that carefully." Dianne buzzed through a message and he sighed.

"I will see you at the club tonight. Don't worry Bella, Rob and I will handle everything," he reassured her as he walked her to the door. "Just remember, we love you and that all of this is for the best."

"See you tomorrow," she waved at Dianne and walked quickly to the elevators to meet Dorothea, who was standing and talking with Patrick.

"We're late," Dorothea pressed the button as she saw Bella walking toward them. "Let's get you home." They went down in the lift and found Lincoln had pulled up next to it, waiting for them. Dorothea didn't press her to talk, and she was grateful for that. She had so much going on in her mind, her clothes, the different protocols for work and home, the choices being made for her and her impending collaring, albeit temporarily to Rob. She brooded over how Stephen would take the news.

"I can never have a normal life again,' she blurted into the silence of the car.

"Perhaps it seems that way now, but your definition of normal will change," Dorothea took her hand. "I think I lead a very normal life," she winked and laughed softly.

Bella shook her head and laughed with her as the car came to a stop in the car park beneath her building. Stepping from the car, she was surprised to see Stephen waiting for them, and she felt his hand cradle the back of her neck as the three of them stepped into the elevator. No one spoke as it silently rose to the third floor and opened on Rob's side of the floor. Stephen guided Bella into Rob's apartment, where he sat scrolling through a tablet with pursed lips.

"Welcome home, little brat," Rob smiled."How did the rest of your day pan out at the company?"

"It went reasonably well, thank you, Master," Bella said, confusion lacing her voice.

"Come and sit," he threw a cushion on the floor before his chair. "I will explain. Everyone have a seat."

Dorothea and Stephen each sat on a couch on either side of the cushion on which Bella knelt.

"Stephen and I have spent the afternoon discussing today's revelations and plans for your immediate future," Rob said conversationally. "He agrees that it is in your best interests to learn about the world you have entered into properly. In fact, he has generously agreed to act as my second."

"Your second, Master?" Bella looked at them.

"You remember when you took Mel's collar. He introduced us for the first time and told you that I was his second and that you were to obey me as you obeyed him?" Rob paused and watched her face for understanding. "Just as at the company Kurt has his second in Rhys. These are the things we do to protect the ones we hold dear to us."

Bella nodded remembering. She opened her mouth to ask a question but closed it again, unable to find the words and unsure if she should talk at all.

"You can speak freely," Rob reassured her "There will be no punishments handed out for anything today. I understand it has been a long and confusing day for you already."

"I will wear your collar, but I will obey and serve you both?" Bella asked, not quite sure of what this meant for her.

"You will wear my collar and serve me," Rob corrected. "You will obey Stephen and serve him with my permission or in my absence. He knows the club better than anyone aside of myself, and he will help you to learn all of the facets of that business. As the club owner and manager, I am expected to be seen and mingle with the crowd, as is Stephen, so we will share the duty of monitoring you there. Also, if one of the performances booked on a given night is unable to fulfill the spot one of us usually steps in and fills the void. It will be a good stage for you to show off your beauty and strength."

Bella bit her lip, unsure if she liked the idea of performing in the club, but she said nothing, preferring to listen during her confusion.

"I will be duty bound to abide by the rules and protocols Rob has set for you," Stephen's low bass cut into her thoughts. "I agree almost entirely with what he has set out for you to undertake, both at home and in the club, and I am looking forward to remaining in close contact with you and what is occurring in your life. While you wear another's collar you will continue to call me Sir, not Master. It will save you some confusion as Rob and I work closely together downstairs."

"Yes, Sir Stephen," Bella said softly, understanding why he had said this.

"As always the choice is yours, but this is my preference for a second. Should you disagree, then now is the time to voice your concerns," Rob said almost formally.

"I agree, Master. Stephen is the best person to step into that position," she said, finally realising why they were so serious. They were worried about her answer.

"I have sent you that document," Rob said to Stephen. "Get it back to me tomorrow and we will iron out any concerns." He smiled at Bella. "Now come and sit over here," he threw a cushion between his chair and the couch on which Stephen sat, "We have some questions for your lovely young friend here."

"Don't you try and butter me up, Rob Collins," Dorothea shook her finger at him. "I have known you for far too long to fall for that smooth charm of yours." she laughed.

"I told you that you should have gone with beautiful," Stephen shook his head with a sly grin.

"What is it you two gentlemen want now?" Dorothea eyed them suspiciously.

"Information, dear lady," Rob smiled.

"Chelsea or Andrew?" she asked without batting an eyelid.

"Both would be nice, your perspective is always so refreshingly honest," Rob chuckled.

"Chelsea is a Domme who chews up and spits out weak men, preferring only to dally with men who will challenge her either intellectually or physically. She's smart and ruthless and likes to help mould the up and coming power brokers of the business world. It gets her into places and social circles unnoticed. She's been the force behind many successful men and women over the last ten years," Dorothea recounted what she knew of the woman. Bella could see how that description fitted her new assistant perfectly.

"I don't want Bella manipulated by someone else with their own agenda," Rob growled.

"The woman doesn't have an agenda. She can pretty much go where she wants already. I think this is about the challenge of making a sweet submissive girl into a corporate giant to be respected and even feared to a degree. Not that I can see that happening but one never knows," she smiled at Bella's astonished face. "James dragged her into his treasure hunting before he passed. I think she loved the puzzle of tracking things thought to have disappeared, been stolen or destroyed during the world wars. Theirs was an intellectual affair."

"She sounds like a good person to have on board then," Stephen said. "Now Andrew," his voice darkened as he said the name.

"Don't be too hard on him. He knows he fucked up royally, and those are his words, not mine. Trust me, he is paying his penance, and he is much wiser for the lesson. I think he will be a fine dominant one day, with the right mentor. However, you may have to negotiate your time with him if Bella will be in the club most evenings." Dorothea said thoughtfully.

"Different hats," Rob shrugged. "She is who she is, if she can successfully put on a different hat when she goes to work, then he should be able to as well. Many of the executives saw Bella at the company with Mel, as well as here at the club. You have to be able to keep it professional. I explained that to Andrew today in terms he couldn't have misunderstood."

"Did you?" Stephen asked curiously.

"I just told him what you tell all the morons... Just because she is a submissive doesn't mean she is his submissive and just because he is a dominant doesn't mean he is her dominant," Rob said nonchalantly.

"Well, we can't stop all the men who work there from coming to the club, so I don't see the need to stop him, but perhaps we will pick our times more carefully," Stephen seemed to consider the problem. "You said her weekends will be her own, so we can start there."

"Agreed," Rob said. "Now I believe Sera is expecting you downstairs for dinner, Dorothea. She has been worried about you and brought her medical bag in case you need a check up," he grinned.

"I'm not going on my own then," Dorothea rolled her eyes heavenward.

"I will take you, dear lady. I believe Rob wishes to discuss some details about the meeting this evening, " Stephen offered. "I will have something to eat sent up in thirty minutes, any requests?"

"Whose cooking?" Rob asked.

"Jake's here but Theo has the kitchen because of the meeting," Stephen said.

"Seafood platter for two?" Rob looked at Bella questioningly.

"Perfect thank you, Master," Bella said, thinking it wold be nice to be able to pick and choose from a range of things.

"Send it over to Bella's place," Rob said, "We will be heading over there in a few minutes anyway so she can dress appropriately for the meeting."

"Sure, shall we go my lady?" Stephen held out his arm to Dorothea.

"We shall," she grinned. "I am sure Sera is just dying to see her Uncle Stevie," she cackled, and Stephen groaned as he closed the door.

Rob pulled her up to his lap and held her close. "It's been a big day huh?"

"Yes, Master," Bella whispered into his chest. "It's been big and long and confusing and strangely calming. I know that doesn't make any sense, but this afternoon as I was visiting Master Kurt, I felt somehow calmer. As if all the anxiety I had about having to make choices had just melted away. I mean, I know I still have choices to make, but I don't have to make them right now anymore. I can just concentrate on what is before me, one day at a time."

"You are the most precious girl I have ever known," Rob said softly, raising her chin to look into her eyes. He kissed her then gently at first, deepening it into a passionate possession of her mouth. He had been concerned about the confusion and anxiety that usually beset her, and he was surprised to find that their decision to put some solid rules and structure in her life, rather than continue seeing her flailing about trying to be everything to everybody, was exactly what she had needed to find some peace of mind.

"Come then, my little Tinkerbell, we have much to do," Rob picked her up and carried her back across the elevator to her apartment. He opened the door and placed her on her feet just inside the door.

"My parents used to call me Tinkerbella," she said as he put her down.

"I know," Rob said softly, "I also know it was a name Mel used on occasion. It suits you, though, so it is hard to resist," he stroked her cheek. "Stand here for a moment."

"I like it," she tilted her head, watching him move her living room furniture slightly as she thought about it. "It was always a childhood name. He gave me that costume because he knew it would please my parents, not because of his affection for the name." She smiled as he finally sat facing her and the door as he did in his apartment.

"When you come home to me after work, the first thing you will do when entering the door is strip," Rob said without preamble. "To begin with, you will come home to this apartment. It is where your belongings are and where you will dress appropriately for work, home or the club as the need arises. You will learn my preferences for each, though I imagine Kurt and this Chelsea will probably have some input into your work attire. This arrangement will take some negotiating, I imagine."

Bella understood what he had said, despite all the additional rambling, and slowly slid her skirt down, taking the prohibited underwear with it and stepping out of both. She then removed her blouse and the bra she had worn that day not contemplating the turn of events that occurred.

"The rule on underwear is?" Rob asked.

"Your preference is none, we have yet to discuss rules implicitly, Master," Bella said softly, lowering her eyes.

"This is true, and there will be some occasions where stockings may be acceptable, but never pantyhose or tights," he said emphatically. "Now that you are suitably naked, you may greet me with a kiss and kneel at my feet to offer me your service."

This was a little reminiscent of the rituals she learned in the Gor lifestyle, so she sashayed to him and leaned over placing a hand on his chest and kissed him gently, brushing her lips down his jaw and throat as she moved to her knees. Her hand trailed lightly down his chest to her open thighs.

"How may I serve you this evening, Master?" Bella asked breathlessly, remembering her training well.

"I want you to greet my cock as well," Rob growled in a husky voice. He popped the button on his jeans and stood to expose his cock to her waiting mouth.