Pregnant Experiences

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Susan experiences a problematic pregnancy...
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All work is fiction intended for fantasy only, regardless of content, and consent must always be acquired when engaging in any sex act with another adult.

Please note that all characters are clearly over eighteen and written as such in all stories.


Susan groaned as she opened the door to her apartment, the key slowly turning in the lock. That was one more thing she was going to have to get fixed, even though the moderately nice apartment belonged to her. The problem there was that she couldn't even afford the apartment, despite being highly driven by her career and climbing the corporate ladder, without a roommate at that time.

It was worth it, however, even as she slumped inside, kicking off her heels and wishing she was stepping into something else in that moment. She didn't want to be wearing shoes like that when she could have had slippers on, though separating the lines of motherhood, which she had wanted since her early twenties, ten years ago, and her career itself were going to be a challenge indeed.

After all, Susan still had hope she could hold out and find a partner soon enough, so she could experience motherhood before she was much older. Sure, she was lightly built and on the slim side, though she thought her hazel eyes were perhaps one of her best qualities. Susan usually only wore a light face of makeup, enough to be professional, for she had little else to worry about in life other than her career. Heavy make up just made her feel like she was itching all over.

Life was good, however, and she was ready for her next promotion -- which was easily in the pipeline for the next couple of months. Long overdue, of course, but she had everything going, everything running, everything the way it needed to be.

She just wished she had that one more thing that would make her life even better than it was already, expanding her world and life in the right direction.


Her roommate, who she was lucky enough to get along with, grinned and waved to her from the kitchen as Susan headed on through. Kali was a different soul to Susan but, in a way, they complemented one another quite well. Her hair was cut a lot shorter than Susan's auburn locks, which were usually loose around her face, though Susan's wouldn't have personally chosen a pixie cut or green dye either.

"Hey, Kali!" She said, feeling brighter just being in Kali's presence. "What's up? You seem rather perky today."

Kali grinned, though it was a touch shakier than usual.

"Uh...well..." Suddenly, she dithered, playing for time. "This is all kind of out of the blue but... You know that guy I've been seeing?"

Susan nodded, curiosity roused.

"Yeah... Tim, was it? He was nice."

Susan hadn't, in all honesty, spent all that much time with Tim, but that didn't stop her offering an unsolicited opinion, as was the case with so many others.

"Yeah... Hm... Well, I'm pregnant!" Kali said, the words all coming out in a rush. "I didn't expect it to happen, we weren't trying... Well, I guess we must not have been as careful as I'd thought!"

"Oh! That's wonderful news! Congratulations!"

The words came from her automatically, even as something bitter settled into the pit of her stomach. Just how long had she been wanting a child? And there was Kali... Just stumbling into it all! She didn't even have her life together, drifting from job to job. And she didn't even think she'd been with Tim for all that long, considering the fact she hadn't heard all that much about him. Kali talked a lot, babbling sometimes, so surely she would know more about the guy than she did, if Kali had really been with him for a lot longer.

She hugged Kali and smiled and said all the right things, the things she was supposed to, but...that didn't make it any easier. It didn't stop the twist in the pit of her stomach, the envy that didn't belong there.

Susan hadn't wanted to resort to artificial insemination, as she wanted a two-parent relationship, but...there was no other option for her. She'd been looking for the promotion to higher clients as an attorney, but...that wasn't going to make her as happy as having a little one around would. She'd longed for the glow of pregnancy, seeing her skin brighten and her hair gleam, resting her hand oh so very delicately on the round of her stomach as she settled down for the evening, nursing her pregnant belly.

Yet Kali falling pregnant, even though Susan had no intention at all of ending her lease agreement, pushed her to make the appointment, going alone to the AI clinic, the meetings, the appointments... Everything she needed to make her dreams happen.

The promotion, of course, would come to her before they even realised she was pregnant. After that, Susan would find a way to work it out.

It happened quickly, which was something of a blessing for her. It could have been a long, drawn-out process but, fortunately, Susan found herself looking at positive pregnancy test around the nine-week mark, meaning she was already a couple of weeks along to show at all. She headed to the doctor's office, of course, to confirm it as soon as she was able to slip out of work, though, thankfully for her, the doctor's office was not all that far away.

Things were convenient and her heart soared, imagining just how pretty her baby shower was going to be, how she was going to be able to track every little stage of her pregnancy, savouring every little moment. Of course, she wanted a child too -- but, in a way, Susan almost wanted to be pregnant more than she wanted a baby.

The two things, however, went hand in hand -- and it tampered down her envy of Kali. Susan could only imagine just how Kali was going to react once she told Kali she was pregnant and smiled faintly at the idea of being the centre of attention, for once. That wasn't something that happened all that often and she inhaled briefly, parting her lips as she allowed a little tension to ease from her body.

She deserved it. She was going to have everyone's attention on her, just like Kali, all because it would be her moment at last and her pregnancy.

And yet...there was something different about how their pregnancies progressed, even though they were quite close together. It only took a couple more weeks, up to about one month pregnant, roughly, before the nausea hit, sending her hurtling to the bathroom in the morning and losing the contents of her stomach roughly.

She bore through it though. It wasn't something that would last, she was sure, and it was something she heard about happening to so many women during the early stages of their pregnancies. Babies could be hard on the body, but they were so very worth it too.


Susan straightened from the toilet, telling herself she already felt a little better as she rinsed out her mouth and freshened up again, though she felt like hunching forward, curling a little more into herself. Her stomach still jumped queasily and she did her best to ignore it, washing off her face and brushing her hair back from her cheeks.

Her eyes looked a little more sunken than before, as if she wasn't getting enough sleep -- but she'd gone to bed early enough. Susan groaned and shook her head, an ache in her neck, though her head spun slightly.

She'd thought it would be easier, even in the early days for her, as she had been wanting it so badly. Turning back and forth in the full-length mirror on the back side of the bathroom door, she made a face at herself.

"Ugh... Why?"

She was only talking to herself, but it was difficult not to see that her buttocks looked a little thicker and heavier before, as if they were pulling down a little more under their own weight. The layer of soft fat, which usually sat so nicely, seemed a little more dimpled than usual. She turned back and forth, trying to work out if it was a trick of the light. But she still had work to get to and couldn't linger in the bathroom for all that long.

She didn't tell her roommate about her pregnancy, not quite yet, even though it was nothing all that unusual. She'd have to tell her about it sooner or later, though she wasn't all that concerned, no... Kali would either adjust or she'd move out.

Susan grunted as she drove in to work, keeping an eye on the traffic as her stomach gurgled.


She was not comfortable, though didn't quite pay it all the due mind she should have, shifting her weight back and forth in the car. No position seemed comfortable in the slightest, though she had to keep trying, had to keep moving, trying absolutely anything just to find some small measure of comfort there.

Still, Susan managed, somehow, to make her way into work and to her desk, though she was at the very least grateful for her private office. The promotion would move her to a corner office and she smiled at the notion she'd get a view out over the city.

Maybe as my pregnancy progresses, she thought, I might need to work remotely some days.

It would be a tough call but, of course, she'd make it work, somehow. She was sure everything would settle down sooner or later and Susan most certainly didn't mind pulling some late nights to get all the work done.

She'd more than proven herself in times past and she took a breath, knowing, all over again, she'd continue to prove herself. It was just a shame she had to work harder at it, to be fair, than the men in the company.

But that wasn't something Susan could change in a night -- and one reason she was set on improving her standing and influence in the company. The higher she went, the better placed she'd be to make changes.

"And I'll be doing it all for you," she said with a smile, sitting back in her chair and resting a hand on her stomach, though she couldn't feel any rise there, not yet. "All for you. You're going to have an amazing life, my darling."

Yet the sense of unrest in her belly continued, even if the nausea had, at the very least faded. She tried to ignore it, though had to keep a straight face in meetings that day, despite constantly feeling like she had to go to the bathroom.

And, when she finally let out a little "toot" of gas, passing wind, she sucked in a breath, her eyes going wider for a split second. Thankfully, that time, she was on a conference call with other attorneys who were out of state, though Susan could not be entirely sure she was muted at that time. The sound of her breaking wind, however, was quiet enough for it to pass by anyone else's attention, her heart pounding more quickly as she tried not to look like anything at all was out of the ordinary.

Yet it was the first note Susan had to tell her that her pregnancy, well... It was not going to be quite the same as she had imagined. She had high expectations for herself and what she wanted from her pregnancy, though things were not always as easy as wanted.

The nausea was one thing, but, as another three weeks went by, she packed on the pounds, eating her weight, or so it felt, every single day. The mornings were rough, but the afternoons and evenings cycled between the shift and gurgle of her stomach and her constant need to feed herself.

Susan packed the fridge full of goods, trying to stay as healthy as possible, though she did vaguely miss her sushi fix, not able to have raw fish during pregnancy. The lack of alcohol and a glass of cool, white wine at the end of a long day was much missed too, even though some doctors said it was okay to have a little alcohol. For the sake of her stomach and her baby, she opted not to indulge, not even a little. It just wasn't worth it to her.

But when she started eating, she so often found that she couldn't stop, even running over her lunch time at work and constantly snacking when she was out of sight of others. Her healthy snacks, carrot sticks with houmous and other such treats, were replaced with fresh bread and cheese, the former from the bakery down the street, dipping chips in ranch dressing and following the lure of her cravings. It was a lot messier, when it came to eating her fill, than she had been prior, though Susan took care to clean up her desk afterwards and vacuum out her car.

Even then, she couldn't abide the mess, though her weight gain forced her to move a little differently. She didn't feel like she had very much baby weight on her at all by that time, which was as expected, but her thighs and hips evened out the size of her belly, allowing her curves to really shine. She grunted as she leaned over into the car so she could clean it out, struggling and out of breath with the amount of effort it took, though there was little else she could do but try in that matter.

Late night snack fests became the norm too as she started to feel her bra cutting into her back, digging into her flesh. She didn't see the need to buy new bras yet, for surely her bra size was going to go up again during pregnancy as her breasts filled out, but they grew more uncomfortable, forcing her to constantly adjust and shift the straps. Even on the largest setting, the catch at the back of the bra, nothing was quite right on her, not in the slightest.

Yet her breasts were heavier and even her nipples seemed a bit larger and puffier too, more sensitive as they rubbed against the front of her bras. Susan groaned, sitting at the dining table late at night, watching videos on her phone, though she was glad, at least that time, Kali wasn't around. It was getting embarrassing simply how much she was eating, how many more inches there were around her waist, everything feeling so much heavier and clunkier than before.

The weight gain had not been what she'd thought about coming in pregnancy, with most weight rounding out her buttocks and, of course, in a pregnant belly, but it was not unexpected. The bump was evident and she smiled.

It would all be worth it.

The first trimester for Kali, on the other hand, seemed to go an awful lot more smoothly for her. Not once did she seem to have to race to the bathroom with nausea, a few weeks ahead in her pregnancy, and a small bump rose on her belly. Yet it was the kind of bump that gently pushed up her shirts as she progressed, as if she was carrying the additional weight well. Although Kali was a little larger, though only by a single dress size, she didn't really gain any weight at all -- at least, not as far as Susan could tell by the eye.

She got her life together too, taking on the healthier food choices and learning to cook as Susan had been before, swapping to better choices as if it simply came naturally to her. Susan's nose wrinkled as she entered the kitchen one evening, though the scent of the stew was something that should have made her mouth water before.

"Ugh... Oh, sorry," she added, not wanting to seem rude when Kali was attempting to cook. "That's just turning my stomach today... I don't know what's up with me."

Kali gave her a shrewd look, looking back over her shoulder at Susan, though there was a twinkle in her eye too.

"You know..." She said softly, her voice low and level. "If I didn't know any better, I'd've said you were pregnant too, Susan. But surely you would have told me if that was the case. After all, I told you."

If her tone had not had that flicker of mischief in it, well...Susan might have felt bad. Though it was all fair in how Kali should have known about her pregnancy. It just wasn't the sort of thing Susan was quite ready to announce, even if she was only going to give it another couple of weeks just make sure all was well before telling all.

"Yeah... Yeah, I think... Argh," Susan grunted, confessing at last. "Yes, I was waiting a bit longer to say, Kali, but, yes, you're right... I'm pregnant too."

Her lips twitched in a smile and she clasped her hands to her chest, as if suddenly realising that she was, in fact, pregnant.

"Yes... I'm pregnant! I'm really pregnant!"

"Oh, my god!" Kali squealed, though the high-pitch of her voice caught Susan off-guard. "Congratulations! That's amazing news! I mean, I suspected, but...yeah, I didn't really think... Wow, oh my gosh! This is so wonderful! I'm so happy for you!"

Hugging tightly, they bounced up and down, caught up in one another's arms. Even Susan could not help but laugh aloud, relief washing through her at finally having something out in the open, finally revealing to someone, even if it was just Kali, the truth of her condition.

They sat together, late into the evening while tiredness pulled at Susan, talking about their pregnancies, how they'd been progressing. Even though Susan had not experienced all that much as yet, she still nodded earnestly as Kali talked about how smooth hers had been so far, even just getting a peculiar little craving for sweet things.

"Have you been craving anything yet?" She asked, holding Susan's hand as if the two of them were a lot closer than they were. "I've just wanted those sugared strawberry things... You know, the imported ones?"

Susan nodded, even though she didn't really know what they were. She grimaced.

"Uh... Yeah, weird combinations..." She admitted. "Pickles and cream... Yeah, that was the latest. I'm scarfing down practically all the junk food I can at all times of the day."

"Ew, that's so crazy!" Kali said, with a cute wrinkle of her nose. "I can't imagine eating that, how do you even get it down?"

"Uh, I don't know?" Susan shrugged. "I don't really think about it like that, it just kind of...happens? It tastes really good to me now. I can't imagine eating that before either though!"

She laughed, though it was better that things were in the open, even as she checked out her body, that evening, in the bedroom mirror. There were light pouches of fat where there had been none before, a softness to her lower body that gave her a more vivacious shape than before. If someone had been describing her, they would have said she was "thick" -- and that was very accurate.


Susan made a face, turning back and forth, though it was not something she needed to spend too much time on. Though most weight had slipped to her buttocks and thighs, along with the typical gain on her stomach with the swell of her pregnancy, her upper body had a little too, with the edges softened along her arms and her breasts filling out a little more. Yet it suited her, considering the additional weight gain all seemed proportional on her body. She was most definitely curvier, of course, with most weight thickening her thighs and buttocks.

However, things would become even clearer, as time went on, highlighting the difference between Kali's pregnancy and hers. Moving well into the second trimester, Susan's stomach rumbled with gas, sometimes quiet and sometimes groaning and churning all day long while she was trying to work. When she broke wind, she quickly fanned the area around her with both hands, as long as there was no one too near, all so she could go unnoticed in her gassy state for as long as possible.

At work, however, it grew increasingly difficult to hide the fact that she was incredibly gassy. She had an office at work, though still had to go to the copy machine and kitchen from time to time, along with attending meetings. If she didn't scurry by the cubicles quickly enough, she was liable to crop dust people with silent but deadly farts -- and that was only if it wasn't a noisy fart that got her in the end!

People had already started complaining about how bad the office was smelling and Susan hoped her face wasn't so red that people blamed her fully for it. Still, not much could be done except speaking to her doctor about it.

Once, when a direct report was in her office going over some paperwork, she broke wind obnoxiously, though it was quiet enough, at that time, that she was able to somewhat get away with it. Sure, it was embarrassing to make a noise like that while she was at work, though only so much, in the end, could be done about it. John looked up and got a little flustered, but, overall, it was not a terrible thing.