Pretend Girlfriend


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Emily turned to Kurt. "Dear, you need to convince this lovely girl to get serious about marriage and a family."

Andrew looked at his wife. "It amazing that this lunk managed to get a girlfriend at all, much less one as pretty and charming as Kelly."

I turned to Kurt, and held his hand and gazed into his eyes. He seemed almost mesmerized by that. "Kurt, hon, I've told you that I'll let you know when I'm ready for something more serious."

With that I leaned forward and gave Kurt a quick kiss. In one sense my stomach did flip flops at kissing a guy and particularly one like Kurt. Honestly, it was probably the first kiss a girl had voluntarily given him in years, and maybe ever. He did have a tendency as I've explained to destroy anything with a girl long before he ever get to kissing.

Kurt looked like he was going to float out of his chair. I was doing my damnedest to look like a real girlfriend and this fool was looking like someone who could not get a girl for any amount of money. That was the truth, but that's not how it was supposed to seem. I let go of Kurt's hand and picked up my wine glass and downed the rest of it in one swallow.

Andrew filled my glass again, which might have been good, because I felt like I might need a lot of alcohol to get through the next week. Emily was beaming about the kiss, but Rebecca had a quizzical look. I suspected that Rebecca might be figuring out that my appearing as a girlfriend was really a sham. Just how thin were the walls in this house?

I wasn't memorizing everything, but seemed to think that Rebecca's room was right next to Kurt's. Could she have heard some of our conversation in Kurt's room before dinner? At some point I'd need to talk to her and make sure she didn't ruin our little façade. Dinner was finished and along with the other women (yeah I had to think of myself as one) I helped clean up, while the men went to watch tv.

Of course Emily had to grill me when we were in the kitchen. "Why don't you want to get married? Don't you love my son?"

"I like him, but I'm not 'in love' with him."

"But you came here to meet his family?"

"Emily, we've been dating, and as I said I like him. He asked me to come here with him, and I agreed."

"Usually if a girl goes to meet a guy's parents, it's something more than 'like'."

"I'll tell you what I've told Kurt -- don't push. If it's going to happen, it will. Pushing just causes a negative reaction."

"We've really been hoping that you were the one, Kelly."

"With time, it either will be or won't be."

"You make it sound more like it won't be."

Rebecca was in the kitchen with us and I could see her eyes wide though the whole discussion. Emily went to take some beer, wine, and snacks to the living room, leaving Rebecca and I in the kitchen.

"Kelly, how well do you know my brother?"

"Well enough to understand why your mother in anxious to see him with a woman."

"I don't think my brother managed a single date in high school."

"He had some in college, but many of those ditched him before the date was over."

"You knew Kurt in college?"

Shit, was I about to blow my cover? I vaguely recalled that Rebecca had visited him when we were in college. There's an outside chance, she'd remember Kurt's guy friend named Kelly. I had to do soe fast shucking and jiving.

"We weren't close, but I saw how he acted. I've been trying to turn him into less of a misogynistic jerk."

"He has seemed to treat you a little better than most of the other women."

"He's a work in progress. I don't think we're forever, but if I can make him a little better, he might find a forever woman."

Rebecca stepped closer to me. In fact she was so close we were almost touching. I remembered meeting her when she visited Kurt. I thought she was cute, but she didn't seem to have much interest in me. Was that because Rebecca liked women? In a sense, that was a shame, because I found I really liked her and after I change back if she were amenable, I'd really go for Rebecca.

Rebecca stroked my head, which made my pulse jump like it hadn't in years.

"You know, Kelly, if you weren't my brother's girlfriend and were into women, I could really go for you."

"Um -- uh -- even if Kurt and I break up, there might be issues."

"That's a shame."

With that, Rebecca gave me a quick kiss, then exited the kitchen. I stood there, trying to get my heart rate back to normal and leaned against the counter because my knees were shaking. About that time, Emily came back into the kitchen. She asked if I wanted another glass of wine and I may have been a little too forceful in saying I did.

Emily poured me another glass of wine and gave me a strange look as I staggered out of the kitchen and to the living room. As I got there, Kurt patted an open seat next to him. Since I was supposed to be his girlfriend, it would have been strange if I hadn't sat by him. Of course Kurt put an arm around me, pulled me close and kissed my cheek.

He would have kissed me on my lips if I'd turned my face to him, but since I didn't, he settled for the cheek. I felt that if I had to keep up this façade, I needed alcohol. I'm normally a pretty good judge of how much I can drink, but it seems with the new body that my tolerance was lower. Essentially, I got smashed then as things wound down, I staggered to the bathroom, peed, and put on my nightshirt.

I had doffed my bra, but kept panties on when I changed. The bra was too uncomfortable to sleep in, but I wanted something covering my nether parts. I was afraid that if I was sans panties that would encourage Kurt to do things I didn't want him to do. Sure, I had my IUD, so I couldn't get pregnant, but I still didn't want him fucking me, even if we were sharing a bed.

So I'm an optimist for thinking that still having panties on would in any way discourage Kurt from trying to fuck me. He was not a virgin, since he had hired a hooker one night to get past that hurdle. Plus I think another time he had taken advantage of a drunk girl. Yes, that should have been a warning, but being drunk myself, I also deluded myself into thinking I might be okay.

I no sooner laid down in bed before Kurt was all over me. I tried to protest, but to little avail. He started with groping my breasts over my nightshirt. I was not cooperating and he could not get my clothing off, but he didn't let that stop him. He spent a while working my boobs over, and frankly he was not especially good at what he did -- at least from my standpoint.

He did more grabbing and squeezing than fondling or caressing. I guess I could have tried to teach him to do it all better, but given that I didn't want him doing it at all, I had to motivation to improve him. After mauling my titties, he pulled my nightshirt up as much as he could, then began assaulting my pussy.

He could not get my panties off without my cooperation, but he didn't let that stop him. He stuck a hand in my panties and fingers in my slit. I was wet -- even though I didn't want this, my body seemed to be responding. In a way, that was worse and I felt betrayed by my body -- or at least the body I was in until I could change back.

He got naked and got my panties enough to one side to get his cock in my quim. It felt good, I just didn't want to be fucked by Kurt, or any other guy. I suppose it was merciful that he couldn't last long and after only two minutes erupted inside me. He almost collapsed on me before regaining his senses -- such as they were. He kept his dick in me as long as he could manage, but soon it softened and slid out.

After it did, he rolled off and to one side, then began pawing my tits again. I grabbed his hand, but sadly in this body, he was far stronger than I was. He began to kiss me, though I refused to respond to his kisses. He moved down to bite my neck and leave a hickey. I suppose he wanted everyone to know he had fucked me.

"Damn, that was great Kelly."

"That was not part of the deal, you bastard."

"They think we're lovers, so if there's no evidence in the bed, they'll get suspicious."

"You touch me again, and I'll walk out of here, go to a hotel, and you can explain that to them anyway you want."

"You promised to be my girlfriend for this week."

"Your pretend girlfriend -- that meant acting like I was your girlfriend when we are around your family, and did not include you fucking me."

"Oh come on, Kelly."

"I am a guy -- a guy who took a pill to change his body to female, so I could pretend to be your girlfriend. And I only did that because you can't get a real girl to do that."

"So no more sex?"

"None, and if anyone asks, I'm on my period."

"You're taking all the fun out of it."

"That was fun for you -- not for me."

Kurt turned away from me on the bed and pouted. I turned away from him. I had his cum seeping out of me and soiling my panties and my nightshirt was rumpled from his groping. I got myself as comfortable as I could and went to sleep. I had a lot of strange dreams, and in a lot of them< I was female. Given that I had no intention of staying this way, that was disturbing.


Kurt was still grumpy in the morning, but I grabbed a change of clothes to head to the bathroom and shower. Rebecca was coming out as I got there. She had an odd look on her face, which again made me wonder how much she might have heard. Kurt's room had an outside wall on one side and Rebecca on the other. The master bedroom with Kurt's parents was well away from us, and Michael was on the other side of Rebecca.

"So how was your night, Kelly?"

"I've had worse, but I've had a lot better."

"Typical of when the two of you spend the night together?"

"Typically we don't spend the night together. The way my work is, that would be inconvenient, so if we're at his place, I usually go home, and if we're at mine, I kick him out."

"Even on weekends?"

"I'm often on call, so it's just better that way."

"So I guess you aren't on call this week?"

"Even I take an occasional vacation."

"Well, I guess that's good."

I gave her the best smile I could manage, then told her I needed to shower before someone else wanted the bathroom. The house had 2-1/2 baths so if someone needed to pee while I was showering, it was no problem. What I really didn't want was Kurt deciding to try to join me in the bathroom. Interior locks don't keep people out and after last night I didn't trust him.

I showered as quickly as I could and still wash away the remains of last night. I dried off and was dressing when I heard someone try to turn the doorknob. I was basically decent, so I grabbed my stuff and opened the door to see Kurt there. I told him the bathroom was all his and ducked around him to leave. He stood in the doorway to the bathroom for a few seconds as I scooted away.

"You should have waited -- I could have joined you."

I saw no one else around, so I gave him the finger as I ducked back in the bedroom. I still had to brush my hair and try to make it look half decent. It would have been easier with a blow drier but that was in the bathroom. I at least made my hair neat, then used the bedroom mirror to put on makeup. In one sense, I surprised myself by catching on to applying makeup as quickly as I had.

I was out of the bedroom and heading to breakfast before Kurt returned, which was how I preferred it. Rebecca asked if I'd like to go do some shopping. Given that I'd much rather be shopping with Rebecca and cuddling with Kurt, I accepted immediately. We were heading out the door as Kurt came down. Rebecca yelled t him that we'd see him later and we left before he could try to join us.

"Kelly, why do I feel like you and my brother are having some difficulties?"

"We're certainly having a rough patch."

"You can talk to me about it."

"I think he wants something more like what your mother is pushing, and I'm not doing that."

"Not now, or not ever?"

"Honestly, Rebecca, probably not ever. I like him as a friend, but not as a forever lover."

"So what are you looking for?"

"Let's just say, I'm not what I want to be, and drop it."

She smiled at me and continued to drive. We went to a nearby mall, and she wanted to do some clothes shopping. We went into one shop and she selected several items, then took me back to the dressing rooms. We went in one together, and she produced a tube top, saying she thought it would look cute on me. She had me take off my top and sports bra to try it on.

Of course my little boobies hung out there while I did. Since for the moment we were both women, that didn't bother me. It did seem cute, but I told her it would certainly get Kurt far too worked up if I wore that. She had a pair of low cut jeans she wanted me to try on. My jeans were closer to mid-rise than low rise or mom jeans. The jeans had pulled my panties tight and my camel toe was quite obvious.

I found myself wondering if she had me trying these things on so she could make sure I was really female. Thanks to the pill, I was quite female, and after that, she quit pushing me to try things. She tried on several while I was in the room, including trying the tube top herself. Need I bother saying I got quite a good look at her mammaries, and she had nice ones, only slightly bigger than mine.

I did buy the low cut jeans, but passed on the tube top, but Rebecca bought a tube top. After a bit of clothes shopping, we hit the food court for lunch. We hit a Chinese place where I got broccoli beef and she got bourbon chicken, both of us with fried rice. Though it had been fairly obvious before, now as I saw her eye attractive women who passed, it was clear that she really was into women.

I hope it doesn't sound too vain to say that I thought I was as attractive as some of the women she enjoyed watching. After one particularly nice one passed, who I saw her watch I had to remark.

"She certainly was very pretty."

"She was, though she doesn't have anything on you, Kelly."

"Taking the flirting up a notch, I see."

"Did you object?"

"Not at all, and I think you're pretty cute too."

"Keep that up and I won't let my brother have you back."

"Kurt and your mother would both be upset at that."

"When you and Kurt break up, if you'd like to try a woman, let me know."

"When we break up?"

"You and I both know that's going to happen."

"Let's see how things go."

Rebecca and I did more window shopping and hung around the mall until nearly dinner time before we headed back to her house. I took my purchases to the room I was sharing with Kurt, and he followed me in.

"You're spending more time with my sister than you are with me."

"She's more fun to spend time with."

"She just wants to get into your panties."

"Like you don't."

"What do you think will happen when you change back?"

"I know that when I'm a guy, she won't have any interest in me."

"Besides, you're supposed to be my girlfriend."

"Your pretend girlfriend -- and you've tried pushing that way beyond what you should."

Kurt scowled at me, but before he could continue the discussion, there was a knock at the door. Rebecca called through the door.

"Okay kids, put on your clothes and come to dinner."

I immediately opened the door and she had the biggest grin on her face. She knew damned well we were fully dressed, but was pulling both my chain and Kurt's. We followed her down to dinner and I played the girlfriend to the best of my ability. Emily smiled at me and asked if I was sure I wasn't ready for marriage.

Rebecca almost choked on her food when Emily asked me. I made it clear that marriage was out of the question at present. Emily said she had her mother's engagement ring and said she would be thrilled if Kurt put it on my finger. Kurt looked a little uncomfortable, no doubt because he knew that in about a week I'd be a guy again, and he didn't want to marry a guy.

Kurt kept his hands to himself when we went to bed. I didn't get drunk that night and decided I would not get drunk again, as long as I was a woman.


The next day was quite warm, as it tended to be in that area, even at that time of year. Rebecca asked me to join her as the pool. She said she could provide me with a bathing suit, but I told her, that I'd brought one. I changed in the bathroom, as I tried to do any time I changed clothes. I had no interest in getting naked or nearly so around Kurt.

I put on my modest two piece suit and went to the pool where Rebecca was wearing a suit that only barely covered the essentials. I don't think there were more than three square inches of cloth in her entire suit. To be honest, I like women and loved seeing her in that suit. She said we needed sunscreen and asked me to put some on her, saying she put some on me as well.

Her suit bottom was a thong in back and I had to spend a lot of time rubbing lotion on her ass. At one point, I almost thought she was going to have an orgasm. Need I bother saying that she took far longer that I thought necessary to get lotion on me. Emily, her husband, and Michael were all at work, and I saw Kurt in the house, watching us and getting red in the face as he did.

Though there wasn't much to her suit, she unhooked the string on her top as she sunned. I didn't feel that brave, certainly not with Kurt watching. We went in to get drinks and Kurt disappeared when we did. After a while we each showered to wash off the lotion. When I was in the shower, I heard Rebecca speak to Kurt, apparently tell him he couldn't go in while I showered.

Things generally went as well as could be expected for most of that week. I had taken that pill last Saturday morning, and we weren't scheduled to leave until Monday afternoon. I had to take more than a 48 hour pill to get us clear of everything. On Friday evening Kurt talked to me.

"Kelly, we can't take a chance of anyone seeing you as a guy."

"You're right."

"Go ahead and take a 7 day pill tonight -- that way we will be safe."

"I can't just catch a red eye out of here tonight and tell them something came up?"

"You promised me a week."

"You made promises too, and in spite of them, you fucked me one night."

"I haven't touched you since then, have I?"

"Just give me the damned pill."

I had a bottle of water and took the thing, even though that meant I'd be a woman for at least another week. Being the holiday season we exchanged gifts. I mostly brought things with me based on what Kurt told me about his family. I picked up a few additional gifts once I had met them, mostly relying on input from Rebecca.

Once I saw her taste in jewelry, I bought Rebecca a nice necklace, along with giving Emily a bottle of her favorite perfume. For Kurt, I had a nice sweater -- he'd get use of it when we went back, and it was nicer than anything her currently had. Rebecca gave me a beautiful pair of earrings. I was almost sorry I would not be able to make use of them for long.

Kurt, being what Kurt is, gave me a very sheer negligee. He looked very smug when I opened and saw it. Emily, of course asked if I was going to model it for him later. There was no way in hell I was going to do that, but I had no intention of saying that. I told Emily she'd just have to imagine. Rebecca was biting her lip to keep from laughing.

Emily also asked if Kurt could add to my presents by giving me a ring. I told her that was not a present that I could accept. Emily seemed to pout while her husband just shook his head. Michael had a girlfriend who joined us and I had a little something for her, based on what Rebecca told me. Cyndi seemed pleased with it.

When I could do so discretely, I told Rebecca she could pass the negligee to Cyndi, unless she wanted it herself. She told me that the only way she'd wear it is if I took it off her myself. I really wished Rebecca was at least bisexual, because I'd love nothing better than to do exactly that after I resumed my normal life. I told her I couldn't make any promises, and she gave me a sly smile.