Pricey Free Pass


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Ray thought hard, and said, "I don't want you lying to me and sneaking around behind my back. I guess you're going to do what you're going to do, and I can't stop you. I just hope you can get this out of your system so that we can get back to just you and me."

Jessi stood up and gave Ray a hug and a kiss on the lips. They spent the rest of the day together, not talking much, but being nice to each other as they went about their Saturday routine. When bedtime came, neither one was in the mood for sex, so there wasn't any.

Sunday football, plus

On Sunday morning Jessi was awakened by Ray climbing out of bed. Ray went to the bathroom to piss, then to the kitchen to make coffee. Jessi got up and went to the bathroom next. Catching her reflection in the mirror, she saw a look of happy anticipation on her face. She stepped into the shower, thinking about Rodney and how they would be together again in just a couple of hours.

Ray returned to the bathroom and found Jessi once again standing beside the tub with her leg propped up, giving her pussy a quick once-over with her razor. She turned toward her husband and their eyes connected, but neither one said anything. Jessi finished her shaving.

As Ray stepped to the sink to brush his teeth and shave his face he saw Jessi's birth control pill packet on the bathroom vanity where she always kept it. Jessi religiously took her pill every morning. And even though she never missed a dose, sometimes Ray would remind her about it anyway. That morning Ray thought about how taking that pill was now more important than ever. "Don't forget to take your pill, Jessi!" Ray said loudly.

Jessi had stepped into their bedroom to get dressed, and she hollered back, "Don't worry, Honey, I already took it."

When Ray entered the bedroom, he saw what his wife had chosen to wear. It was her skimpiest little yellow bikini, the one that barely covered her ass and presented her voluptuous tits in all their glory. Ray expressed his disapproval.

"That's what you're wearing to the condo party?! No Jessi, I don't think so!"

"It's a pool party so everyone wears a bathing suit. Rodney says they set up a big screen TV on the covered patio to see the game and people watch and swim and eat and drink and just hang out. I'm going to wear a cover-up over my bikini when I'm not in the pool."

Jessi trotted off to the kitchen for coffee and Ray got dressed in his team jersey before joining her. He was not pleased to see that her cover-up was so sheer that it really did nothing to shield her bikini from view. Ray couldn't resist the urge to exhibit some attitude.

"You're leaving pretty early this morning for a party that starts this afternoon. I guess you want to have time to fuck your boyfriend before the kick-off!"

Jessi sarcastically retorted, "I like the sound of that, Honey. 'My boyfriend'. And now that you mention it, I should have time to fuck him beforehand, and I suppose I could fuck him afterward too!"

Ray stomped off to the garage to get his beer cooler and his tailgating table and chairs. He popped back inside the house just long enough to exchange a quick kiss and a "love you" with his wife, then he loaded his car and drove away. As soon as Ray left, Jessi texted Rodney, saying she was ready to spend the next seven hours as his date. Rodney had volunteered to drive her to and from the party, and he replied that he was on his way.

Fifteen minutes later the doorbell rang. Jessi greeted Rodney at the door, wearing her bikini, and she kissed him on the threshold. As she opened the door wide and invited Rodney inside, Jessi noticed that her neighbor across the street was walking her dog and looking her way. Jessi gave the woman a wave of her hand and pulled the door closed.

Jessi and Rodney embraced and kissed passionately, then she asked him if he would like to see the bed that she shares with her husband. Rodney smiled and said, "lead the way."

Jessi had her bikini off before they even got to the bedroom, and they both fell onto the bed. Jessi pulled Rodney's shorts off and in no time at all she was sucking his big black cock. After being in a big rush to get started, their sex was slow and relaxed, since they had plenty of time. Jessi came four times before Rodney shot his load into her pussy. Knowing that Jessi was on birth control, the suggestion that Rodney pull out and spill his seed outside her body was never brought up again.

Afterward, Jessi said she'd need a shower and Rodney joined her. They took turns rubbing soap all over each other. Jessi lathered up her hands ran them up and down Rodney's penis, telling him again how much she loved his big black cock and how she was going to make it "squeaky clean". She gave it such a thorough cleansing that it was rock hard in no time. Jessi smiled, shut off the water, dropped to her knees, and gave Rodney a quicky blow job right there in the shower stall. After cumming in her mouth, Rodney told Jessi to "show it to him". She opened her mouth wide and let Rodney see the creamy white load ladled on her tongue. Jessi swallowed the cum in one gulp, gave Rodney a lingering French kiss, and turned the water back on to finish the shower. After, they dried each other with towels.

"I'm going to have the hottest girlfriend at the pool party," Rodney told Jessi as she fastened her bikini top around her boobs.

"And I'm going to have the handsomest boyfriend!"

"I don't know about that," Rodney said with a grin. "But you'll definitely have the darkest boyfriend there. My condo was pure white before I moved in six months ago!"

When Rodney and Jessi arrived at the condominium, they could hear that the party was getting underway. They went to Rodney's apartment to grab some towels before heading down to the patio. Before leaving the apartment, Rodney suggested that Jessi take off her rings. "Good idea" Jessi said as she twisted the wedding band and diamond engagement ring off her finger, leaving them on the kitchen counter. She felt a naughty thrill at the thought that no one needed to know that she was a married woman.

Jessi and Rodney made a grand entrance as they strolled, hand-in-hand, onto the pool and patio area. Every eye was on them and Jessi could feel it. It was almost the opposite of the Apollo Club, where Jessi was a white woman with a black man in a place filled with black men. Now she was a white woman with a black man again, but in a place full of white men and white women.

Rodney got drinks for them both and they mingled with the other condo-dwellers, finding that everyone was as friendly as could be. The women were especially cordial and seemed very curious about Rodney and Jessi's relationship, asking them how they met, how long they'd been dating, and so on.

After socializing for about an hour, Jessi noticed that Rodney was speaking quietly to a couple of other guys. Rodney took Jessi's hand and led her through a gate, toward a grassy area around the corner and out of view of the patio. Jessi could immediately smell marijuana in the air and was not at all surprised when she saw one of the guys hand a lit joint to Rodney. As soon as Rodney took a hit, Jessi reached out to him for the weed, then brought the joint straight to her lips and inhaled deeply. She exhaled a huge cloud of smoke in Rodney's face, causing them both to chuckle. The weed made the rounds again, and soon after they returned to the pool area, Jessi and Rodney were both very pleasantly buzzed.

Jessi slipped off her flimsy coverup, showing off her barely covered boobs, and Rodney removed his shirt, showing off his ripped muscular physique. A large bulge was also evident in the front of his tight bathing trunks.

The weed and the rum punch they'd been sipping lessened what inhibitions they had, and their behavior became more risqué as they touched and occasionally kissed each other in full view of everyone else.

Most of the condo crowd was young, but there were a few older people. Two ladies, both in their 40s, struck up a conversation with Jessi. One woman was obviously intoxicated and she smiled and asked Jessi "whether it was true what people say about black men". Jessi giggled and said, "it's all true, and once you go black there really is no going back!", adding that "Rodney has a big black cock and he really knows how to use it!"

Other people at the party turned to stare at Jessi and the older ladies because they were all laughing so loud.

Jessi and Rodney had a great time at the party. They went in the pool and were very touchy-feely as they splashed around with each other. Jessi reveled in seeing that several of the other women were clearly jealous of her. During a water volleyball game, Rodney and Jessi were on the same team and they rewarded each other with kisses every time that they scored. One of the ladies on the other team yelled, "Okay, enough of that! You two need to get a room!"

"Don't worry, we will as soon as this party is over!" Rodney replied with a laugh. Just for fun, Jessi threw herself into Rodney's arms and the crowd erupted with hoots and whistles when they locked lips for a solid ten seconds.

The eating, drinking and general revelry continued until the football game ended. Everyone then began to gather their stuff and head toward their apartments. Jessi and Rodney did likewise. The moment they were back inside Rodney's place they began kissing and groping each other. Rodney offered Jessi a drink and said he had weed if she wanted to smoke some more. Jessi smiled and said she was feeling pretty high already and didn't need anything "except a good fucking"! Heading to the bedroom, they fucked until both were totally spent.

Rodney tried his best to convince Jessi to spend the night, but Jessi managed to resist, saying she wanted to get home before her husband, and reminding him that they both had to work the next day. Reluctantly, they both got dressed and Rodney drove her home. They sat in his car, parked in her driveway, and kissed for ten minutes before they said goodbye.

Jessi took another shower, washing away the smell of Rodney and their sex, and was sitting on the couch, wearing shorts and a tee shirt, when Ray got home, slightly inebriated from all the beer he'd drank. Ray plopped down beside Jessi, gave her a kiss, and began to recount the highlights of the football game. As Ray droned on, Jessi tuned him out and, in her mind, recounted the highlights of her day. Neither one was hungry for dinner. When Ray fell asleep, sitting on the couch, Jessi quietly left him and went to bed. Sometime during the night, he joined her in their bed, managing to not wake her.

The next morning after

Jessi and Ray were both awakened by their Monday morning alarm and began their usual get-ready-for-work routine. After both were dressed and ready, they took a few minutes to sip coffee at their breakfast table. Ray and Jessi had deliberately avoided the subject of her activities with Rodney, then Ray noticed something that caught him by surprise.

"Jessi, why aren't you wearing your wedding ring? What the hell is going on?! Do you have something to tell me?!"

Ray's concerns were understandable, and Jessi did her best to console and reassure him.

"There's nothing going on, Honey. Nothing that you don't already know about. You're my husband and I love you. I love you just as much today as I did a week ago, a month ago, a year ago. Before I got my pass."

Jessi then sheepishly added, "I was hoping you wouldn't notice that my rings are missing, but it's okay. I know where they are."

"Where are they?"

"On the kitchen counter."

Ray stood up and scanned the kitchen countertops, looking for his wife's jewelry, but he didn't see any.

"On Rodney's kitchen counter."

"Oh, that's just fucking great!" Ray shouted as he slammed his hand down on the granite. "That makes perfect fucking sense! You took them off because you didn't want Rodney's friends and neighbors to think that you're a married woman, just because you are! Tell me, Jessi, does it ever bother you to fuck him with your wedding ring on?!"

"Ray, Honey, calm down. I'll get my rings back today, and it won't happen again."

"It won't happen again?" Ray repeated, calmer but still angry. "Does that mean no more parties at Rodney's? No more going to his place to get yourself fucked?"

"No, it means I'm going to leave my rings at home from now on."

Later at work, Jessi went by Rodney's desk and quietly told him that she had a wonderful time at the condo party, but that she had "fucked up royally".

"I left my wedding band and engagement ring in your kitchen and Ray had a shit-fit this morning when he noticed they were missing. I need to get them back today."

"Oh shit," Rodney whispered sympathetically. "Well, I'll try to get off a little early and you can come by after work to get them. Any time after four."

Jessi smiled and gave Rodney a wink of her eye, knowing that Rodney was suggesting that she allow herself a little extra time to fuck while retrieving her rings.

Jessi left work at 3:45, telling her coworkers that she had to go to the jeweler's where her rings were being cleaned, in case any of them had noticed her bare left hand. She arrived at Rodney's apartment and knocked on the door. Rodney swung the door wide open and the first thing that greeted Jessi was his big black cock. Rodney was naked as the day he was born!

As Jessi stepped inside, she chuckled and immediately wrapped her hand around Rodney's prominent penis. She mimicked a handshake while grasping the big black cock and said, "Hello my dear! So nice to see you again!"

After they kissed, and as Rodney was helping her undress, Jessi told him that time was short and that she wanted to get home on time to avoid another scene with her husband. Flopping onto Rodney's bed, they did a first-time-ever 69, to get each other aroused ASAP, then Rodney swung around and plunged his cock into Jessi's pussy and started pumping hard and fast. The rush inspired both of them to have quick but powerful orgasms, first Jessi and then Rodney. By five o'clock Jessi was back in her clothes. It took a few minutes to kiss goodbye. Jessi almost forgot her rings again. She slipped them back on her finger after Rodney reminded her and she left, arriving home just a few minutes past her usual time.

The next few weeks were fairly uneventful. Jessi went on a date with Rodney about once a week and she invariably spent the night with him. Ray did not like it, but any time that he complained Jessi reminded him that "stepping out" was his idea in the first place.

Ray continually asked himself why he was remaining in a relationship with a woman who clearly favored another man. It always came back to the love that he felt for her, in spite of everything else. The thought of leaving her crossed his mind often, but Ray clung to the hope that Rodney would eventually tire of her, and that she would return to her previous role as his sole soulmate.

Jessi felt no need to tell her husband that she was actually "seeing" Rodney a lot more than once a week. They would frequently go out to lunch together, but they never ate. They went to Rodney's nearby condo to fuck. A couple of times both called in sick, then spent the day in bed together. People around the office began to talk, but that didn't bother Rodney or Jessi. In fact, Jessi got a kick out of knowing that her secret affair was becoming common knowledge.

Despite himself, Ray gradually came to accept that his wife had a boyfriend and his initial trepidation gave way to curiosity. He wondered about Rodney and about the sex that his wife was having. It all came into focus on one fateful Saturday.

Nice to meet you?

A few times a year, the supermarket chain that employed Ray held training sessions for store managers on Saturdays. Before leaving for the all-day seminar, Ray asked Jessi whether she had any plans. Jessi lied and said no, adding that she planned to hang around the house and that her friend Vanessa might drop by. That was basically true, because it was always a possibility that Vanessa might drop by. But the fact that Rodney was definitely going to drop by went unmentioned.

Rodney arrived at about noon. Following their usual passionate greeting, Jessi told Rodney to take a seat in the living room while she fixed a rum and coke for each of them. Jessi was stirring the cocktails when she was shocked to see her husband entering the kitchen through the garage.

"Oh, hey Honey," Jessi stammered. "I didn't expect you home until dinner time."

"Yeah, well the Coca Cola people were supposed to take up the whole afternoon, but they didn't show. Did Vanessa get a new car?"

Ray had noticed Rodney's car in the driveway and didn't recognize it.

"No," Jessi said, contemplating what she should do or say with Rodney sitting in the living room. She decided to take a straight forward approach.

"It's Rodney's car," Jessi said as she looked Ray in the face. "I invited him over since you were going to be gone all day. He just got here."

"You invited him over to fuck you, right?"

"Oh Ray, whatever!" Jessi spouted in exasperation. Then she sweetened her tone. "Listen, Honey, why don't you go to the sports bar and have a beer and some wings, then go hit some golf balls or something. Come back at four o'clock. We'll be done by then."

Ray was perturbed. "No, I'm not going anywhere! This is my house and I'm staying! I've been kind of curious about this guy anyway, so I guess this is as good a time as any to meet him."

Before Jessi could stop him, Ray strolled into the living room. At the first sight of each other, Rodney and Ray both froze and the shock on their faces was obvious. Jessi floundered.

"Rodney, this is my husband, Ray."

"Hello Ray," Rodney said in his deep voice while staying seated on the couch.

"Uhh, excuse us, Rodney" Ray said as he abruptly led Jessi straight back to the kitchen.

"Jessi, what the fuck?!" Ray blared. "You've been fucking a nigger this whole time?!"

"Shhhh," Jessi cautioned with one finger to her lips. "Keep your voice down! He's going to hear you!"

"I don't give a shit! I can't fucking believe it!"

Jessi and Ray glared at each other for several seconds, then she took a deep breath and said, "Well, I'm going back to the living room, and I guess you're bound and determined to join us. At least try to be civil. Rodney is a really nice guy when you get to know him."

Jessi put her chin up and walked back into the living room, carrying the drinks she'd fixed, with Ray following her. She sat down on the couch, at the opposite end as Rodney. Ray took a seat in an arm chair opposite them. It was tense, but everyone awkwardly attempted some small talk, touching on the weather and the traffic and so forth. Rodney decided to narrow the conversation a bit.

"So Ray," Rodney casually began, "Jessi was telling me how you gave her a free pass - a 'total access pass' she calls it - and that you're okay with me seeing her."

"Well, not exactly" Ray tersely responded, "But, without that fucking pass, you wouldn't be here. It's her choice. We let each other choose."

Jessi and Rodney both turned toward each other, with a full couch cushion separating them, and they smiled at one another.

Rising to his feet, Ray said, "Well, you've both got drinks. I think I'll get myself a beer."

With that, Ray went to the kitchen to get a beer from the fridge. When he returned, he saw that Jessi had changed position and had scooted much closer to Rodney, their thighs making contact as they huddled close on the sofa.

Ray's eyebrows arched involuntarily when Jessi slid her hand over to Rodney's and interlaced her dainty pale fingers with his. Jessi's wedding and engagement rings seemed to glitter, poking out between Rodney's black digits. Becoming increasingly irked, seeing his wife and her lover becoming so comfortable with the situation, Ray felt moved to make them uncomfortable.