Project - Prometheus Ch. 17


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Believing that it would likely happen and possibly often, she was pulling no punches with how it was coming together. Inari couldn't help but smirk as the catgirl fussed over the smallest detail, wanting everything perfect and trusting only her hands to do this work. Considering how often the old Darkstrider gave them issues and problems, Inari couldn't blame her.

Going over the design of the ship once again, Inari noted that there were a few design and maneuverability sacrifices made. She supposed that Alex had wanted to outfit the ship with every available upgrade he could squeeze in. Inari couldn't fault him for that, as everyone's safety was his top priority.

She wondered about some possible upgrades that she wanted installed to the Darkstrider and how to make them work. It was then that she remembered that they had an engineer onboard and put a call in to Natalya.

"Nats, you there? Nats, come in please," Inari called into the comms line.

"I'm here Inari. What's up?" Natalya asked lazily, her response being audio only.

"I have some design ideas that I will need your help with. Could you come up to the workshop and have a look over what I have in mind? Maybe see if it can fit into the Darkstrider?" Inari asked.

"Sure. Give me... twenty, twenty-five minutes? I'm just taking some time to relax my muscles in the hot tub. Worked them a little hard today," Natalya giggled.

"No hurry Nats. Just come on up when you can," she acknowledged before she killed the line.

"So, love, what ideas do you have for our beloved ship?" Priya asked, sidling up to her lover. Inari punched up the three-dimensional holos she'd made of wat she wanted done. Pree's eyes widened when she laid her eyes on them.



Korsa sat in Hospital wing, just having arrived back from her room. She had an idea of something she wanted done and went to fetch what she needed before coming back. She raised Jaesa, hoping the AI wasn't too busy and Korsa was answered almost immediately.

"Yes, doctor, you wanted something?" the AI chirped.

"Indeed. I am wondering if its possible for you to reverse engineer a piece of technology that I have with me," Korsa wondered.

"It is possible, provided that the technology isn't alien or beyond my means to replicate. What did you have in mind?" Jaesa replied. In answer, Korsa reached into her long black box and pulled out her toy, placing it on the medical scanner.

"Interesting. Scanning," Jaesa told her. It took the AI all of fifteen seconds to complete the scan, before replying. "It is technology that I can replicate. It's simple enough to build and the required materials are aboard the Perseus in numerous quantities."

"Can you make its maximum size smaller?" Korsa asked.

"By how much?"

"Thirty-three percent. The replicate is for someone much smaller than me," Korsa explained.

"Oh? A certain black-skinned lady I presume?" Jaesa snickered.

"No, but for someone else. Someone who needs something... more than she has to work with," Korsa explained.

"I can do it, but it will take an extra two hours to complete. Creating such fine components takes time to produce correctly," Jaesa stated.

"That's all right. I'm perfectly fine with waiting. It's actually a lot faster than I thought possible, so as long as the quality matches, then I have no issue with it," Korsa said.

"Speaking of which, I have already devised several improvements to the design and its programming. Have a look at what I've come up with as possibilities and ask em to apply them if you wish," Jaesa told the big woman.

Korsa was having a quick look through the suggestions Jaesa had listed, when a pinging noise caught her attention. It was the test results, finally coming back from their computer analysis and Korsa was eager to see them. She stepped away from the toy suggestions and brought up the results, which left her wide eyed in disbelief.

"This... this is... impossible," Korsa gaped as she viewed what could only be construed as a medical miracle.

"Doctor... I would be inclined to agree!" Jaesa stated, the AI truly surprised for the first time since her creation.


And that's where this chapter wraps up for now! What exactly did Korsa find? What has both her and Jaesa in such a state that cause them to think of the impossible becoming possible? What will happen between Shazza and Natalya, now that they're lovers? Those answers and more, will arrive with next few chapters!

Thank you everyone who has stuck around to read my stories and I thank you even more if you've enjoyed them! As more of the story comes to light from my mind, it will continue to become a deeper and more fantastic journey with each chapter I write!

Anyway, thank you for taking the time to read my work and I do hope that you've enjoyed it! I'm open to constructive criticism and will seriously consider any suggestions made about various story arcs. Please rate and comment on my work down below and ask me questions if you wish, as I love hearing from my fans! If you like what I write, don't be afraid to follow and share with your friends, though your views, ratings and comments are quite enough for me.

In the meantime, this is C.H. Darkstrider, signing off to grab a beer and some quality time with the wife! ;) You will attain whatever you most desire, as long as you believe in yourself. Cheers!

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Michael56SmithMichael56Smith8 months ago

"That's Impossible!" .... now how is that an answer to any one of the many questions we have? And you say that more answers are coming in the next few chapters, ... but how many more questions will be added? ... one step forward and two steps back? Oh well, good chapter anyway, .... lots of sex, and lots of tech, .... I liked it, .... ;-) ttfn

Michael56SmithMichael56Smithover 1 year ago

And I liked what I wrote last year so:

Michael56Smithover 1 year ago

The Perseus's various fabrication facilities are busy remaking the Darkstrider-Frigate, and whipping up a top-of-the-line Space-Dildo so Korsa can gift it to a worthy young lady, ,.. what can't that ship do? It makes sentry-bots and grows fruits and vegetables by the space truck load, ,.. powered by a miniature sun, ,.. designed by be run by around a thousand crewmen and crewwomen, plus all the computers and robots, ,.. and even after 6 centuries have passed, it is still largely state of the art, -- Commodore Alex Tomasic. has got himself a fantastic giant-sized hunk of primo technology there! And it can build a fleet of awesome warships, he just needs to find enough trustworthy people to crew them, ,.. lots of story threads, with more to develop as the story evolves, ,.. I can scarcely wait! ;-) TTFN

Michael56SmithMichael56Smithover 1 year ago

And I liked what I wrote last year so:

Michael56Smithover 1 year ago

The Perseus's various fabrication facilities, are busy remaking the Darkstrider-Frigate, and whipping up a top of the line Space-Dildo so Korsa can gift it to a worthy young lady,.. what can't that ship do? It makes sentry-bots and grows fruits and vegetables by the space truck load, ,.. powered by a miniature sun, ,.. designed by be run by around a thousand crewmen and crewwomen, plus all the computers and robots, ,.. and even after 6 centuries have passed, it is still largely state of the art, -- Commodore Alex Tomasic. has got himself a fantastic giant-sized hunk of primo technology there! And it can build a fleet of awesome warships, he just needs to find enough trustworthy people to crew them, ,.. lots of story threads, with more to develop as the story evolves, ,.. I can scarcely wait! ;-) TTFN

Michael56SmithMichael56Smithover 1 year ago

What new surprises are percolating up from that writers' devious mind? Alex and the girls' colorful powers, ,,, Nat and Shazza's blossoming affair? and will Alex and Kas get drawn in? The 'impossible' test results? More tricky ideas squeezed into the new, improved and lemony fresh Darkstrider? Finding and studying the Ark of the Artucians'? and any other little thing that crosses that crazy Canuk's creative mind, .... ;-) TTFN

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I'm not sure why I'm surprised, but something is getting on my nerves. I understand the ideal of poly or triads. What I don't understand is why the member (nats) is okay having sex with anyone? Shazza kisses her and its instant we going to have sex.

Why make this story into a harem story? I figured when there wasn't a guy on the darkstrider, maybe it was a pure lesbian story. Then introduce a male and now everyone wants to have sex with him. You had a good thing going here. You have a triad, a lesbian couple, a Xeno couple with korsa and shazza, and a straight couple possibly with talon and male (whose name I can't remember). Now you have shazza having sex with Nats, and leading to Her and Alex again. Where does Korsa fit into this? She finds someone she can let herself go with, and now that girl wants to be with the others. I'm guessing it will lead Korsa into this mess of a harem. I guess the authors on here can't help themself. its already getting to where some of the characters disappear.

just my opinion,


firehorseukfirehorseukover 1 year ago

"Preform your tests and take what samples you need," => "Perform your tests and take what samples you need,"

blkuserblkuserabout 2 years ago

When I initially started reading lit I thought the sexy stories were your stories I'm starting to almost skip over the sex to get to the story. Agreeing with Jedi Khan on catching the small words in editting fortunately it takes nothing away from your work on a whole.

Michael56SmithMichael56Smithover 2 years ago

The Perseus's various fabrication facilities, are busy remaking the Darkstrider-Frigate, and whipping up a top of the line Space-Dildo so Korsa can gift it to a worthy young lady,.. what can't that ship do? It makes sentry-bots and grows fruits and vegetables by the space truck load,.. powered by a miniature sun,.. designed by be run by around a thousand crewmen and crewwomen, plus all the computers and robots,.. and even after 6 centuries have passed, it is still largely state of the art,.. Commodore Alex T. has got himself a fantastic giant sized hunk of primo technology there! And it can build a fleet of awesome warships, he just needs to find enough trustworthy people to crew them,.. lot's of story threads, with more to develop as the story evolves,.. I can scarcely wait! ;-) TTFN

C.H. DarkstriderC.H. Darkstriderover 4 years agoAuthor
Thanks for the critiques!

I appreciate the feedback Jedi Khan! It's good to see someone who will find the flaws in my writing and inform me of it, so I can better my craft! Allow me to address your concerns and points.

Concerning an editor, I don't use one, as I have trouble trusting people with my work. Been stabbed in the back far too many times to just trust someone lightly and in the absence of proper friends, I have been doing all of the editing myself. I do have an editing program, which catches most of the mistakes I make, but in light of these issues, I will go over it again to eliminate them.

About that scene where you mentioned the flow being off, I'll have to revisit that chapter and rework it so that issue is handled. Thought I had fixed it, but I'll go over it again to iron out those wrinkles.

With Natalya, there is no major significance about how she wound up falling for everyone in cryo sleep... yet. I already have a story arc for that particular vein, done up and am just waiting for the correct moment to implement it.

Good catch on the colonists, as far as waking them is concerned. I already have a plan for them, which you have in some way already guessed, but it will be a few chapters before it is brought to light. About waking them, it's kind of pointless waking them, with wasting the resources and food on them when the Sentries, tasked and directed by Jaesa and Stanley, are managing to do what is needed without issue.

Thank you for the kind words of encouragement and for the critiques! Like some of the writers here, I do have a Patreon page where I post more of my work. If you feel a visit is in order, then please, by all means! Anyways, thank you again! Got some additional work to do this weekend! Cheers!

Jedi_KhanJedi_Khanover 4 years ago

Decided to check this series out a few days ago and plowed through it. Made good time, skipping the sex scenes as I wasn't much in the mood.

If you don't have an editor, I would suggest finding one, or maybe even three. I've spotted numerous instances during my read where words were missing. Small words mainly along with missing conjunctions that would change a sentence to what was probably intended when written, but noticeable to a discerning eye.

There were also a couple times where there seemed to be a mismatch in the scene, specifically the one where the ladies request to join the Alliance permanently. That scene started with them in the Officers Lounge/Mess just finishing dinner, then by the end they're somehow on the bridge with no indication that they've changed location. Another instance was after the ceremony but before the orgy, with the dialogue between Shakka and Lumina suggesting that it was late in the day or evening and they were expecting Alex to have gone to bed, despite the fact that the ceremony happened first thing in the morning and only a couple hours should have passed before that dialogue happened.

Oh, and another note, one that's more of a minor annoyance than anything. In traditional Navy parlance (as far as I know, at least), a ship is always referred to as a "she," even when bearing a male name. While minor, it did annoy me the few times the Perseus was referred to as a "he."

Anyways, enough with the constructive criticism. I'm looking forward to more.

I'm wondering if there is some sort of significance to the fact that all three people Nats has fallen for are those who were in cryo for 600 years. I'm also wondering why no one has thought of waking the colonists now, or a few of them at least, and having them fill the ranks of the Perseus crew, rather than waiting until a Gaia class planet is found. There's got to be some among the colonists with the appropriate skill sets to help the Perseus and the crew. Plus, if they're awakened in small batches now, it gives the crew a chance to better help them acclimate and get used to the idea that the galaxy is a very different place now, rather than having to deal with several thousand people all at once.

Again, I'm looking forward to more. Keep it up.

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