Project - Prometheus Ch. 20


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"Shh. We should listen," Alex whispered to them. Both women then clammed up as they watched and listened to Analisa go through the cards. She pulled a spread of seven and looked them over, tapping her lips with a finger. She studied them, pulling together a reading from them before she spoke.

"From what I've seen so far, this suggests a long and turbulent journey ahead of you," her melodic voice stated. "You will face many hardships, but you will also find your life's purpose while you are on it. From this purpose, a promising future awaits, but beyond that, I cannot see anything more."

"What about that card?" memory Alex asked.

"This one, is what we would call a 'jumper'. A card that jumps out because it wants to be known and has to be seen. Kind of like, something that has to happen, before, during or after the rest of the spread," she told him.

"Well then, let's see it," he said impatiently.

Analisa smiled again and humored the man, turning the card over. The card pulled was The Lovers, which was suggestive in many ways. This surprised Alex, but Analisa was almost... apprehensive about it. She studied the card but looked back at the big man sitting across from her and nearly started. On Alex's hand danced a mote of violet light, which he was oblivious to, but Analisa smiled at him, her eyes lighting up.

"Well, those are the results of your reading, so that's it," she told him while chuckling to herself.

"What about that card? What does it mean?" he asked, pointing at The Lovers card.

"Well, that ties into what you owe. I told you I was flexible with what you were to pay me when asking for a reading. The meaning of the card is what my price is," she said, tapping the card.

"Really? You want that?" he chuckled, thinking this was some big joke. His laughter died in his throat the moment she walked over and sat on his lap, straddling the man. She then ground and wiggled her ass on his lap, making her point clear.

"Analisa..." he stuttered, while trying to find the correct words. "Are you... sure that you want this?"

"I have wanted this, for a very long time. So, I suggest that you give me what I've been wanting," she told him, as her hands snaked down to the bulge in his pants.

"Why didn't you tell me you wanted this?" he asked her.

"You had your life to live and get into order. Once you came back to town, with your career in hand, was when I wished to see you. It's one of the reasons I wanted to reconnect with you," she told him honestly.

Hearing this, Alex leaned in and kissed her, surprising Analisa, but pleasantly so. She kissed him back and moaned into it, showing Alex what it was he was missing. Their hands danced on each other's bodies, finding the soft and tender points that lay upon them. They both wanted this and more, but Analisa popped up off Alex's lap and dashed to the door.

"What is it?" he asked, a little miffed that she interrupted their fun.

"Just need to do this!" she said, switching the open sign in the window to closed. She then darted over to Alex, taking him by the hand and leading him upstairs. The trio who were watching the memory playback sat there in stunned silence at what they had just witnessed.

"Did you see that?" Alex wondered.

"The mote of light? Yeah, I saw it!" Kasumi said, still coming to grips with it.

"So did she. Do you think this is the memory that we're looking for?" she asked, a little hesitant to follow the pair upstairs.

"I think so. Did either of you see anything that was so obvious?" Alex asked. Both women shook their heads, knowing that this could be it.

"Then let's head upstairs and see what's going on," Alex said.

"I'm not sure that we should go up there," Kasumi said, looking a little abashed.

"Aside from what's obviously going on, there might be something else happening," Alex told her.

"Well, it is your memory, but I'm not sure," Kasumi huffed.

"It's not like Alex is cheating on us, girl. Remember, this is a memory, something that already happened," Natalya stated.

"This is true. OK, let's go on up, before I change my mind," Kasumi said.

With that, they climbed the staircase and arrived at a locked door. Alex pushed on it and fell right through the door, like he was a ghost. Natalya and Kasumi snickered at him as they walked through the door and helped the man to his feet.

"It's a memory and here, we're like ghosts. We can pass through any boundary, as long as it was there in your mind," Natalya reminded him.

"Yeah. I remembered that as I fell on my face. So where are..." the sentence died in Alex's throat as they saw what Analisa and his younger self were up to.

They were both naked and having at each other like animals in heat. Natalya and Kasumi blushed at this display, but kept their eyes glued to the couple on the bed. Their eyebrows climbed as they witnessed this, Natalya getting some ideas for things she'd like to try with Alex later. She leaned over and whispered to Kasumi, who flushed a deeper shade of crimson and nodded slowly.

Alex was getting ridiculously turned on from watching this. Especially as both women were there with him in the memory were pressing up against him suggestively. He was left scratching his head about how this had happened, with him having no recollection of it. He continued to watch it play out, but towards the end was where things got interesting.

As the couple neared their final climax, he could see them both emitting a violet light. Memory Alex looked around, as though panicked, but Analisa soothed him by keeping on with the sex. He quickly calmed down as he saw that the light wasn't hurting them and just rolled with it. The light kept building in its intensity, eventually erupting from them both as they came.

Analisa looked starry-eyed as she was riding her high, with memory Alex beneath her looking just as star struck. He looked up at her and they all noticed that tears were flowing from her eyes, like she had seen something horrifying. Her expression changed quickly, and she smiled down at Alex, locking him into another kiss. They finally came apart from the kiss, and confusion was written all over his face.

"What was that purple light about?" he asked her.

"Don't worry about it, Alex," she said, while her tears still flowed. She then bopped him on the head, a flash of violet light pulsing at the contact. Alex then flopped down, out like a light and oblivious to the world around him. Natalya and Kasumi cried out in horror, but calmed once they saw that his chest still rose and fell.

Analisa then collapsed to her knees and wailed in despair, crying out in grief. She sobbed hard, letting everything she felt pour out of her. The woman continued to cry, her sadness etched into her face, before it petered out. Her cried eventually became sniffles before she started calming herself, pushing everything back. Alex, Natalya and Kasumi looked at her in confusion before she spoke.

"Alex, I'm sorry that I have to do this, but I'm afraid that I have little choice left to me. I was finally happy when you came to see me and even happier that we consummated what's been there between us. Since I was a young girl, I have been in love with you and I would be more than ecstatic to continue what we've started here. Sadly, I cannot, because you and I, we share a similar gift," Analisa started, speaking to Alex's sleeping form.

"You and I, we can connect to the life force of the universe, the energy field that flows through everything. It has had many names through the ages, the most common of which was magic. It's true name, is the Aether and you, like me, have the ability to channel it as I can. It flows through and connects everything, much like a river does," she went on.

"When we came together as we did, our energies combined and in our moment of pure bliss, it surged through both of us, as you saw. Because I have had practice in it, I could touch the flow of the Aether and in its currents, I saw the future. What I have seen, was a dark fate, that damns not only us, but all life in this galaxy. Possibly beyond even that!" she said, weeping slightly.

"But I was also granted a vision of what could be and how I could affect it and it broke my heart to see it," Analisa said, crying once again. She bowed her head, sobbing for a little more, before she brought her head back up. She collected herself before climbing up to sit on the bed next to the man.

"The only way for there to be a chance at changing this dark future, is to send you away from here. Away from me. Before the dark future came to my eyes, I saw us living our life here together, as husband and wife, happy and with our children. Sadly, that can never be, not when the future of humanity, of all life, is at stake. I could have chosen a happy life with you, or the salvation of our people, so I chose," she blubbered.

"The only way the tide will turn is for you to leave, on the great ships of Project; Prometheus. What I saw was a bright future, where all of humankind finally finds peace and balance. Where all life is celebrated and cherished, where there is no need for war, weapons or even conflict. In order for that to happen, you have to leave on one of those ships," she continued.

"I know not what role you will play in the fight against the coming darkness, but it will be a vital one. As much as I want to go with you, I must stay here, to safeguard what I can. Also, to bring our child into this world, because they, along with their children and grandchildren, will also have a part to play," she said, while holding her hands protectively over her belly.

"I'm sorry that you won't get to meet them, be there to watch them take their first steps and see them grow. I hope that you can forgive me for what I've done and what I'm about to do. Your power cannot blossom while you are on the mission. I will hamper it for now, until you find a way to release the locks I will put on you," she said, saddened by what she had to do.

"I know not when or where you will be when your power blooms, but I hope that it will happen when it's time. I hope that you listen with an open heart and an open mind when the time comes. When you finally see this memory, I hope that you have finally come into your full power and know how to wield it. If you do not, then find our children's descendants, they will help you learn how."


And this is where the story ends for now! Worry not, as Chapter 21 is on its way and will have more answers to fill in the gaps! I'm sure you all have questions as to what will happen next, and I'd love to answer them but, spoilers! With everything happening as it has, the crew will get out in the galaxy soon! Once that happens, then the real story begins!

Anyway, thank you for taking the time to read my work and I hope that you've enjoyed it! I'm open to constructive criticism and will seriously consider any suggestions made about various story arcs. Please rate and comment on my work down below and ask me questions if you wish, as I love hearing from my fans! If you like what I write, don't be afraid to follow and share with your friends, though your views, ratings and comments are enough for me.

In the meantime, this is C.H. Darkstrider, signing off to grab a beer and some quality time with the wife! ;) You will attain whatever you most desire, as long as you believe in yourself. Cheers!

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Michael56SmithMichael56Smith8 months ago

Hey there Brother Eagle, I think I read the chapter a bit differently than you did, rather than Alex being knocked out, I understood it to be more like a deep hypnosis, where he could still hear and record the words from Analisa (Violet Lady) and the future mother of his child (children), .... anyway, that was how I read it, ... okay?

-- a little over 6 centuries, that's around 18 to 20 generations, .... a long line of decedents, many great grandchildren for Alex, ... any with the purple / violet power? so they can teach him? ... oh wow! Is he even a vague memory to the latest generation? ... ;-) ttfn

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Why hasn’t anyone mentioned that Alex is knocked out. He would have no memory of anything from that point on? So the sobbing and confession couldn’t be a part of his memory. For this to work the confession has to be first then the knockout and locking his memory til he comes into power.

—- Brother Eagle

Michael56SmithMichael56Smithover 1 year ago

Alex discovers locked away memories, and he finds out that he was a dad, ... also, that along with his purple/violet powers, he has an important part to play in the way the galaxy develops, ... wow, that's a lot for him to absorb, ... We find that the Ark's computer core has survived the years and the ice, ... and the Artucians will now get all their answers and all of their old/lost knowledge back, ... so, it is time to take the restored/upgraded Darkstrider out into the galaxy once more, ... I am really liking this tale, more please, ... ;-) TTFN

Michael56SmithMichael56Smithover 2 years ago

This is my first big REREAD of this amazing tale,.. and I remember how invested I was at this point in the Artucian's, their people and their rediscovered Ark,.. and I was a bit torn when your story had to progress away from this icy little world and out into the greater galaxy,.. this is right on the edge of being a Spoiler so I'll close now,.. The reread is going well, your story is still worth the time to read again,.. loving it! Thank you much! ;-) TTFN

realusmctazmanrealusmctazmanabout 4 years ago

Glad you followed the Great advice about writing this tale. I have really enjoyed being dragged into this universe. Keep doing you! JT

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Knitting together a good story from a really good plot. Awaiting the continuation, of an Intriguing Adventure. So much bad stuff has happened in the world since the last post, I need the distraction. Appreciate your efforts.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Thank you

I thank you. I have really enjoyed your tale. Can’t wait for more

SlangTang69SlangTang69about 4 years ago
Wow! Great story!

Can't wait to read the next chapter. Hope you are weathering the disruption well. Cheers and good health!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

I really like this story. It is building nicely. I look forward to the next chapter.

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