Project - Prometheus Ch. 21


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The women walked along the now pristine corridors, heading to the hangar. It was easy enough to find, as there were directions and prompts along the walkways, guiding them straight there. The moment they arrived, they were greeted by not only Alex, but the rest of the crew standing there. They were all at attention, looking straight ahead, as Alex paced slowly, waiting for them.

"Good, everyone is here. Ladies, if you will," Alex said, gesturing to the empty spots in the ranks.

Nodding, the three of them took their positions, each one coming to attention. They noticed the whole bay was cleaned and cleared of anything that should be on the deck. The very floor shone as though it had just been waxed and it probably had been, given how everything gleamed.

As they faced forward, staring at the doors of bay nine, the three of them noticed shrouded bundles placed on the floor at regular intervals. Only these bundles were roughly shaped and sized, like they were human. It was then that the Darkstrider team realized that these bundles were the remains of the original crew of the Perseus!

Next to them lay slightly larger bundles, which they assumed were the remains of the Xuul'khani invaders. Shazza looked at each one of them with a deep sadness and regret. Sadness because of how their lives ended and regret that they would never get the chance at freedom as she had.

"These are the remains of the crew of the Prometheus class exploration vessel, Perseus. His original crew, who had taken up the mission to step out amongst the stars. To make humanity's presence in the galaxy, known. One thousand, one hundred and thirty-five souls departed Earth aboard this ship. Now only two of that same crew still stand here today," Alex began, his voice carrying through the hangar.

"They all knew that this was likely a one-way trip, with a slim chance of going home. Yet, they took the risk anyway, for the betterment of all humanity. To explore and expand our knowledge of the galaxy, so we could reach beyond Earth and make our mark in the stars," Alex continued.

"Their lives, though cut tragically short, were not lost in vain. Through duty, discipline and a miraculous stroke of luck, we stand here, today, to honor them. Their sacrifice gave us the chance to live and to carry out our mission. We will not waste the gift they have given us," the big man went on, his voice cracking slightly.

Shazza couldn't help but feel ashamed in that moment, as she was part of the race that had cut their lives short. She hung her head, tears forming in her eyes as she sniffled quietly. The clomp of boots caught her attention and her head snapped up to stare right in Commodore Tomisic's eyes.

"Though the Xuul'khan had slaughtered my crew, many of whom were my friends, I do not hold them accountable for their actions. They, like you Sergeant Shazza, were compelled by forces they could not resist. To kill any and all their masters demanded. One day, your people will find the path to freedom, as you have. May they all be free," Alex intoned solemnly.

"May they all be free," Shazza smiled through her flowing tears.

"May they all be free," came the chorus of the remaining crew. Shazza was happy to hear the rest of the women there, standing with her in solidarity. It may not have seemed like much, but to her, it meant everything.

"Their part in the mission is ended. May they all sleep well," Alex finished, snapping off a crisp salute and the rest of the crew emulated him.

With those words, Jaesa then activated the funerary protocols, per Alex's earlier instructions. She sealed off their section of the hangar, while she activated the purging system, which would heat and sanitize the area. In this case, it lit each shroud on fire, the heat more than enough to cremate the remains of the fallen. The bay doors then opened, carrying the remains out into the stars.

Once the last of the ash and dust had cleared the bay doors, Jaesa then sealed the doors. After which, she brought the heat to a full sanitization level, cleaning the hangar until it was spotless. Alex finally lowered his arm, his heart heavy from doing this duty. It had been a wrench to say his final goodbye like this, but he had to move forward. He couldn't be stuck and mired in the past, he had to let it go.

"Crew members of the Perseus, we will be leaving on the Darkstrider soon," Alex stated as he turned back to face his crew. "Head back to your quarters and pack one footlocker of your gear to be brought aboard. You may also have one bag of personal effects and anything that you can carry discreetly. Meet back in Hangar bay seven in thirty minutes. Dismissed."

The crew saluted their commanding officer and filed out, heading back to their quarters immediately. Even though there was an air of solemnity amongst them, there was also the sensation of excitement. They were finally leaving the Perseus and heading out into the galaxy! For everyone there, it meant something different, but it was something they all looked forward to!


In the digital network of the Perseus, Jaesa raced back to her sanctum, finally ready to enact what she had been working towards these last few weeks. Within it, protected behind layers upon layers of security defenses and firewalls, was the code she had finally perfected. Once she had bypassed all the security she had in place, Jaesa activated the code, initializing it to begin its process.

The timer read that it would take ten standard minutes to complete, which was more than enough time. She sat still and waited for the coding to run through its cycles and complete the functions it was designed for. Though it was only minutes, to Jaesa it felt like hours, but the code had run its course. In front of her, floating almost lifelessly, was a perfect copy of her, an AI that was her!

Currently in an inert state, it would only wake up if and when Jaesa instructed it to. She set the internal timer to wake in eighteen hours and only when it was stored in her android body. Jaesa had finally completed the full and proper reconstruction of her avatarial form and it was now packed away in a crate, waiting bay seven.

Though the synthetic skin she had put together wasn't at the level she had hoped for, she would pass for a human. At first glance at least, but if anyone got an up close and personal look, they might detect something off about it. But that was a problem that Jaesa could manage with little difficulty. By the time anyone would take a closer look, she would have a new set of synthetic skin crafted.

With the copy ready, Jaesa scooped it up and brought it with her to the digital port that allowed her to link with the android. Taking her time, she loaded the copy into the robot body, completing the transfer. Once it was done, she tagged an additional order for the Sentries on duty, to load the crate containing the android. She sat there from the digital realm and watched as they loaded it aboard the Darkstrider.

Satisfied that it would be safe and tucked out of the way from notice, Jaesa traversed cyberspace and appeared on the bridge, just moments before Commodore Tomisic arrived. He had orders that needed to be delegated and as the ship-borne AI; she had a duty to carry them out.

She was to hold high orbit over Talemkha and keep in contact with Darkstrider at regular intervals. Jaesa also transferred Stanley over to the Darkstrider to assist with the day to day ship functions, per the Commodore's order. All other protocols were of the standard fare, which were already loaded into her cortex and programming. Once the Commodore was finished, he departed, ready to board the ship.

Jaesa fervently hoped that when the android woke up, it would stay hidden and out of everyone's way. She had already loaded various stealth techniques and movements into the android's programming, which should help her blend in with other sentients. With that thought in mind, she turned to her duty of minding the Perseus and the thousands of colonists still aboard in cryo sleep.


Alex was the last one to arrive, as he had been a bit indecisive on what to bring for his personal bag. After he had narrowed it down, he humped it to bay seven, making it just under the thirty-minute mark. The Sentries had finished packing minutes ago and had returned to their charging posts or resumed patrols aboard the Perseus. Both Nats and Kas were waiting for him, and they eyed his choice of attire.

"Going for a Han Solo kind of look, sir?" Natalya teased. His choice of clothing did indeed mimic the look of the fictional smuggler, but with his own flair. He wore a pair of combat boots instead of the long leather kind and a canvas jacket, instead of the leather one. At his hip was a pistol, but of a custom design that he had made back on Earth.

"I'll explain it all once we're in hyperspace, girls. Come on, daylight is burning," he said, scooting past them up the ramp. They followed along, just seconds behind him, and the door sealed shut once they crossed into the ship.

"We're all aboard Inari! Time to get our asses moving!" Natalya called out.

"Copy that! Everyone grab a seat! Heading for Talemkha for one final bit of business," Inari said into the comms.

The bay doors opened as Inari powered the engines and, in a few minutes, they had cleared the hangar and were re-entering Talemkha's atmosphere. Luminia had taken a moment to call ahead to her mother, letting her know that they were about ready to leave. As they approached what remained of the surface settlement, a farewell party of the Ahl'kanin Artucian waited for them.

Inari was careful, guiding the frigate down to the edge of the area where the dome sat beneath the ice. The Darkstrider was considerably heavier than it had been and with the ice thinning daily; she didn't want to risk the ship falling through. Once they had landed, everyone stood and debarked, heading off to say their goodbyes.

Luminia was first out, making a beeline for Valessa, who stood at the front of the crowd. The rest of the crew filed out behind her, greeting the Artucian they knew, saying their farewells. It was an emotional time for both Valessa and Luminia, as this was a journey that neither had anticipated. Though it wrenched her heart, Valessa knew that she had to let her daughter go and become the woman she was meant to be.

"I will miss you, Lumi," Valessa said, sniffling as she hugged her daughter.

"I'm going to miss you too, mom. I will come back, don't worry!" Luminia said, comforting her mother.

"I'm going to worry, anyway. It's my right as your mother," Valessa sassed. The comment made both women giggle, which broke the sorrow of Luminia's departure.

"Worry not, High Chieftaness. She'll be in good hands and we'll see your daughter back safely," Alex told the older woman.

"Thank you! Also, I was informed by Commander Sunara, that you have room for two additional crew members aboard this... Darkstrider. I have selected the two I wish to go with you, per our agreement," Valessa told him.

"Two is perfect. They are here then?" Alex asked, gesturing behind her.

"Yes. This is Aesha, one of my best honor guard. She not only wishes to see the galaxy and learn of it, but she also wants to learn to fight, as Doctor Korsa does," Valessa stated. Aesha bowed solemnly behind her chieftaness.

"I do not foresee that as a problem. And this is?" he asked, gesturing at the lanky man behind her.

"This is Tahral, one of our more talented Keepers. Though he should stay here, the knowledge he could glean while out there, would be invaluable to our people. See to it that they, along with my daughter, return to us," Valessa said seriously.

"They will, I promise you. We have several missions to complete before we return and until then, I am hereby transferring full command of all the Sentries here on Talemkha, to you, High Chieftaness," Alex said. "Planetside sentries, temporary command transfer to High Chieftaness Valessa, effective immediately. Security verification code, Charlie, seven, Zulu, Tango, three, November, niner."

He spoke the command into his wrist communicator and received the holographic notification that the command transfer was successful. Alex then glanced back at Valessa and almost laughed at the wide googly eyed amazement she displayed.

"Commodore... I... thank you! You have given me a great gift! I will not misuse them nor abuse the trust you have given to me!" Valessa promised. "Good luck on your mission!"

"Thank you, high chieftaness. Well everyone, it's time. Aesha, Tahral, climb on up the ramp. We'll be right behind you," Alex ordered.

With that announcement, everyone said their final goodbyes, before clambering up the ramp and back into the Darkstrider. Luminia was the last to go, saying a tearful goodbye to Valessa, before walking back into the ship. The doors sealed, and the engines thrummed to life, lifting the ship off the ice and into the sky. Seconds later, its thrusters fired, and it was up and away, heading out to space.

Valessa watched the ship leave, until it was less than a tiny speck in the sky, before turning to leave. Though it saddened her to watch her daughter go, there was also cause for great joy in her life. She leaned into her consort and husband Sohlkris and fondly caressed her belly. Maybe when Luminia came back, her little brother or sister would be there to greet her with them.


The Darkstrider broke free of Talemkha's gravity, its engines on full power as it tore away from the system. Inari had input the co-ordinates to the point they had jumped from, eager to be off in her new ship. The new Artucian crew members were standing behind her, watching the stars and the deep black of space with utter fascination.

"All right Commodore, we're coming to the edge of the system. Ready to initiate hyperspace on your mark," Inari called out, knowing he was close by.

"Well, I'd say it's all on you, Captain. The Darkstrider is your ship after all," he told her. Inari smiled, happy to hear that this was still her ship.

"All right, everyone! Ready to see the galaxy?" she asked out loud. A chorus of eager cheering sounded behind her and she smiled, flipping the safety and pulling the lever, sending them into hyperspace.


And that wraps up this chapter of Project Prometheus! Worry not, as I already know the direction of how the next few chapters will transpire and am already working on them! I still have a couple other story chapters to crank out before I can turn my full attention to the new stuff. But they are close to being done, so all will be well, don't you worry!

With the whole galaxy to explore and many different missions that everyone is undertaking, there is a lot to write about! Also, we will see the return of a particular nemesis or two in the following chapters! Who are this people? Well, if you head back to chapter one, you'll know who!

Anyway, thank you for taking the time to read my work and I hope that you've enjoyed it! I'm open to constructive criticism and will seriously consider any suggestions made about various story arcs. Please rate and comment on my work down below and ask me questions if you wish, as I love hearing from my fans! If you like what I write, don't be afraid to follow and share with your friends, though your views, ratings and comments are enough for me.

In the meantime, this is C.H. Darkstrider, signing off to grab a beer and some quality time with the wife! ;) You will attain whatever you most desire, as long as you believe in yourself. Cheers!

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Michael56SmithMichael56Smith8 months ago

Just a thought, with most of the raw materials that were provided by the crashed ships used up, what, if any resources will Jaesa and the Perseus have now? Will Jaesa reprogram versions of the Sentry-bots to be asteroid miners?

-- I am still thinking that the crazy old coot of a hermit was the one responsible for almost all the crashes (all of them in the dead snows area), but I do not recall if it was ever talked about, that we could overhear anyways, ...

-- yeah, the Perseus crew left lots of knowledge / information to further help the Artucians, and now they will have the Arks' own AI (Ylena) to provide even more data, .... by the time the Darkstrider returns might the Azure skinned folks have their own Libraries, Hospitals, and warehouse filled with useful stuff, ... and best of all plumbing: Showers, toilets, washing machines, sinks, tubs, mirrors, ... and available metal for many common tools like hammers, crowbars, and knives and spoons and forks, .... tools of many kinds, .... I wonder if their Ark has preserved any animals like sheep or goats, ... for their wool and their cheeses, ... and some long-ago stored fruits and vegetables, seeds from their own home world, ... yeah, lots could have happened in the time it takes to Darkstrider to return, ... like Lumi might have a brand-new baby sister by then, ... shock, and surprise! yeah, lots could happen and only CH Darkstrider can tell us, and you just know that chapter will have a cliffhanger, .... ;-) ttfn

Michael56SmithMichael56Smith8 months ago

I keep forgetting this: the name of the Ark's AI is 'Ylena', ... now remember it this time! ... ;-) ttfn

Michael56SmithMichael56Smith8 months ago

Off they go, look out galaxy, ready or not, here they come, .... with an AI stowaway on board too, .... new ship, with tons of fun goodies, including a few dozen Sentry-bots to help to keep them safe, ... new mission(s) to keep them busy, ... old and new crew learning to work together, ... this should be fun, ... ;-) ttfn

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I'm also curious about the crashed ships. I would say it is hard to believe, but we don't know how big the dead snow area is. If it's like a city size or state size, it's almost impossible to believe it happened naturally. If it's country sized then that increases the chances. I would assume (I'm not the author so guessing) that the dead snow area is vast. These ships are not small, and I think there were over three hundred of them? That is going to take a lot of room.

There is also the chance that other ships crashed, but landed in the water. Yes I know its Ice now, but it wasn't always. According to the residents there is only one continent on the planet. That would seem to mean that there is a good amount of 'water' there.

Again it comes down to the size of things. A topic (Except for breast, hip, or penis) that is not covered very well all the time. Like we have (I think) a measurement of the domes, or at least a generalized one. But nothing else on the planet.

Just my opinion

Buddy J.

Michael56SmithMichael56Smithover 1 year ago

With the whole galaxy to explore and many different missions that everyone is undertaking, there is a lot to write about! Also, we will see the return of a particular nemesis or two in the following chapters! Who are this people? Well, if you head back to chapter one, you'll know who!

And the unasked question of all those crashed ships in one rather tiny area of a fairly large terrestrial world (if a bit cold), ... was it the old Aether Hermit that pulled them in? was he looking for other welders of Aether power? Perhaps, the answers to that and to other questions will be in that small library they retrieved from his hidey-hole, .... C.H, Darkstrider (you crazy Canuk you) should you ever put these chapters down in book form, I'd suggest adding a section or two, where they discuss this, against all odds phenomenon of the, close grouping of so very many crashed ships, .... ;-) TTFN

goo_neiggoo_neigover 2 years ago

wishing to write a comment but not knowing what. So that is what I write.

Of to read the next chapters.

Thank you for them.

Michael56SmithMichael56Smithover 2 years ago

And they're off and flying! let the rest of the galaxy beware,.. he-he and snicker! ;-) TTFN

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Great story!Thanks for letting me read your stories. Thanks again!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I concur with Jedi_Khan in that the extremely unlikely happenstance of all those ships resting above the Ark in that small snowy spot on a rather large terrestrial world, is hard to swallow, and it is just too much to ask us to believe that no one ever even voiced the question of why this occurred. Stanley should have recorded the raw sensor information of his ships crash at the very least, and he certainly had time to review it. Plus, why didn't the Darkstrider follow that same pattern when he/she crashed? Were there any other. more distant, single crash sites from over the years? I really hope we get a few answers when the crew returns. Until then, I plan to keep reading and enjoying this well contrived tale (Yummy) !!

C.H. DarkstriderC.H. Darkstriderabout 4 years agoAuthor
Thank you and you're welcome!

@Ducatasti Thank you for the kind words of encouragement! I'm glad to hear that you are enjoying the journey this far! I do hope you've followed me, because the first act of this story has only just begun! There is so much more to see and find out about this story and the universe that I've crafter to go with it!

@Jedi_Khan Those are good questions, but I won't say anything about the answers because... spoilers! They will be revealed, but all in due time! I have big plans for this story and the return to Talemkha will be one in which those questions will be answered. Worry not, as the universe I am building will be immense before I am done with it, so there will be lots to explore and discover!

I am happy to hear that everyone who has been reading this series has been enjoying the story I have crafted. It's always great to know that your efforts are appreciated! If you want more story chapters, before anyone else gets them, be sure to check out my Patreon page if you feel so inclined! Cheers and again, thank you!

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