Project - Prometheus Ch. 27


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Karl's balls ached with need as he hammered his wife, needing to empty them desperately. He then felt that little switch in the back of his head and seconds later, filled his wife's pussy with his essence. He would have screamed, but he clenched his teeth, keeping the roar to a minimum. The big man sat there, still joined to his wife as she shivered, her pussy gripping his dick like a silken vise.

He lost all sense of time in that moment and slowly leaned backward, eventually bomfing on the bed. Karl huffed as his body forced him to catch his breath as his mind tried to drag him off to sleep. He groaned as he eventually shifted and crawled up to where Bianca lay, splayed out on top of the bed. Slowly, he pulled at the covers beneath her, before settling them over them both.

Cooing in appreciation, Bianca shifted over to her husband and nuzzled into him. Though they were both sweaty and in need of a shower, Bianca enjoyed these moments she had with him. She could sense that he was now relaxed and carefree, even if just for that moment. Moving her head, she looked up at Karl and saw him smiling down at her.

"Bianca... I..." he started before she put a finger to his lips.

"Shh. No talking tonight, soldier. Rest and dream of our son, who we'll get to meet in a few months," Bianca told him. Smirking, Karl knew better than to argue with his wife, as she was generally right about a lot of things. Right now wasn't the time for talk, but the time for resting and enjoying the moment they were in. Shutting his eyes, Karl took a deep breath and drifted off moments later.

The big man lay on his back, sleeping and snoring like a saw through an oak knot. Bianca snuggled into his side, happy to have taken his mind off the events of the day. It was a bad one, as the security reserve had been put on standby, as had the families. She was glad when the situation de-escalated, and she got a call from Karl a few minutes after the standby order was lifted.

Living on Veldhern was much like a dream come true, but the dream also came with its hazards. Granted, they weren't overly frequent, but they happened enough where precautions had to be taken. She knew that today had been rough on Karl, as some of his men didn't come back. Bianca knew her husband well enough that he'd tell her about it, when he was ready to.

Risks aside, Bianca was happy with her life here. It was a pleasant place to raise her baby girls and the new life that was growing inside her. She pushed the negative thoughts out of her head and focused instead on the good. Bianca was still purring from the proper thrashing she'd received from her husband, and she sighed happily. It was good that she could still bring that side out of him and she drifted off in a state of bliss, letting sleep carry her off to dreamland.


And that's the end of that chapter! So much happening with the crew and their progress and much more to be coming along in the near future! Not only are there threats from without to Veldhern and the crew, but also from within. Who are these mysterious forces that are suspect to attacking the crew? Saubath? Dohbalan? Williams? Or an external force yet to reveal themselves?

Now that the crew has uncovered a helping hand, or wing, lol, expect to see their use and knowledge of the Aether expand! Just what will they all be capable of? How will they use their new power? What will they learn and from who will they learn it? Stay tuned to find out!

Anyway, thank you for taking the time to read my work and I hope that you've enjoyed it! I'm open to constructive criticism and will seriously consider any suggestions made about various story arcs. Please rate and comment on my work down below and ask me questions if you wish, as I love hearing from my fans! If you like what I write, don't be afraid to follow and share with your friends, though your views, ratings and comments are enough for me.

In the meantime, this is C.H. Darkstrider, signing off to grab a beer and some quality time with the wife! ;) You will attain whatever you most desire, as long as you believe in yourself. Cheers!

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Michael56SmithMichael56Smith8 months ago

Oh, and there has been lots of character and story development going on with a few of the 'minor' characters, ... therefore I surmise that we are not anywhere near done with Veldhern yet, ... so, more murals, more spies and turncoats, more bad guys turning good, ... a lot might still happen, ... personally I am hoping for a visit to a Veldhern strip club, with lots of very healthy and sexy alien girls, ... hubba-hubba, ... ;-) ttfn

Michael56SmithMichael56Smith8 months ago

Pirates crash land, .... Heroic Shazza saves the day, ... gen-mods and birth control, and cinnamon buns, .... Alex misses out on getting his BBQ, too bad, ... the bird people show Shazza and the others of the glowing group their Cave filled with murals of knowledge and prophecies, and the language key lets Jaesa also decipher the old Hermits library too, ... and Alex tells the Commadores a lot, ... So, a pretty good day on the broken world, ... ;-) ttfn

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Best chapter written, not many editing errors or glaring plot holes and the ooanthal history was intriguing. Fitch side story at the end wasn’t necessary to move the plot forward but it’s rotten well.

Michael56SmithMichael56Smithover 1 year ago

Re-reading this tale again, love the way some of the storylines tend to dovetail together, and I am glad to see that the Hermits library will now be deciphered, for whatever it may contain, ... We have a cave filled with prophetic writings and murals, ... our heroic crew is bandying the truth about, ... Shazza being hailed as the hero! yay! and Fitch's little girls got cinnamon buns for dessert, ... a fairly eventful day on the broken world, ... and that's not even counting Kas and Nat getting Mods, .... ;-) TTFN

firehorseukfirehorseukover 1 year ago

Seeing all of this was too much for Shazza.

Similar to Tefler's TSM Sakura in the Mech saving the little girl. You probably need about 4x (or more) the amount of text building up the emotional turmoil within Shazza leading up to the outburst. You need to detail the snippets of memory to build an emotional connection with the reader. Rather than yep, cruel thing happening, it triggers Shazza. There was no emotional conflict of staying hidden; no emotional buildup of seeing other people killed prior to the girl. It seems like another tick box, which is fine but not enough to raise the level of story telling to win awards. I remember now, Sakura saw the faces and emotions of the child and parents. Innocence about to be lost. Parents unable to protect their child. Memorable scene.

One way you could have done it is with emotional reactions to bad flashbacks since she was first freed. Two or three flashbacks spread over various chapters before then going onto this scene would then make complete sense as to why she acted the way she did. She didn't know she was going to be invulnerable. Super bad premise on the point of the character. No thoughts of 'Oh No, I'm going to die because I'm being shot at and I don't have armour'. Basically suicide. Dumb character actions. Unless, there was an inner force driving her (that would make sense), but then that also wasn't detailed.

You've put in an amazing amount of work to produce this story and I just notice that when I read TSM, I rarely have any questions because he has 99% of the questions answered as a part of the story. It just flowed.

The ladies took flight - I don't remember oohing and aahing about flight capability of the suits before. Would have worked a treat over the chasm in the cave and when Shazza got knocked into the chasm. I don't remember you describing why they can now fly. It should be a very memorable upgrade. Practicing flight controls etc.

Right after Korsa had freed her, and showed her respect, tenderness and love, Shazza made a vow to herself. The things she had endured as a child and an adult would not happen, not on her watch.

- Sorry, its not enough to bring a tear to the eye. It has the potential if described in enough detail.

Michael56SmithMichael56Smithover 2 years ago

The TRUTH, or at least a part of it,.. ahh, maybe that could work, heaven knows that with our representatives in Washington D.C. they would just give you a blank stare at the thought, but maybe,.. after all this IS a work of fiction, and it IS set in the far future,.. so maybe,.. ;-) TTFN

usmcdadusmcdadabout 3 years ago

Great story so far, just got here last week and have already blown through every chapter. Judging by past uploads, I'm only a couple weeks away from another installment. Thanks for the mental break, and hope to see more soon.

Maximillian_MaissoneuveMaximillian_Maissoneuveabout 3 years ago

I have read all your works in the last three days, and I have to admit, both Gaia's Champion and Project Prometheus are turning out great, albeit a bit slow paced and lengthy. I would implore you to consider writing in shorter story arcs, with each chapter being a bit more shorter than in the episodic format which has been going on.

I also agree with abiostudent3 here ( Hey, I'm a bio student too!) that the story should be juicy, not watery or syrupy. Frankly, everyone who is reading this was surely charmed with the sex initially, but you have got quite the meaningful plotline and assemble of characters here to make the stories stand on their own.

Don't take this the wrong way, but having gone through all the chapters with the speed that I have, the sex scenes have a certain kind of pattern and formulaic writing to them, (quite like a blow by blow style in some of them similar to the more popular smut here).

This was just my two cents, which I felt I had to give given the time I have spent and the charm of the story. I am sure you must be striving hard to make this work, as good as it is, and short of monetary support, I would love to take part in your beta reading program, if you have one. I am eager to see what you bring out next, just like the rest of us here.


Maximillian Maissoneuve.

abiostudent3abiostudent3over 3 years ago

Hey, I completely understand!

And to be clear, I wasn't saying you should go full SFW by any means - just that you shouldn't feel the need to put a sex scene in every single chapter. (Again, if the scene is in there, it should be fulfilling a purpose for the story.)

I absolutely appreciate that this is an erotic story, and in fact, I think it's pretty mandatory for it to be; a LOT of the plot and character development wouldn't make sense without it being sexual.

I just feel that about 50% of the sex scenes are jammed in there for the sake of it... But I also don't publish on this website, and don't have the knowledge about ratings and viewership that you do. For every one of us that is here because we really appreciate the writing, there's probably two like the anonymous "big titties" commenter on NovusAnimus' stories who would be very happy if the plot was nothing beyond the word "boobs" repeated a few dozen different ways.

C.H. DarkstriderC.H. Darkstriderover 3 years agoAuthor
Not enough time.

Hello everyone!! I would like to thank you for all the kind words of support! It is greatly appreciated and is one of the major things that keeps me going!!

I would like to address the critiques that have been brought up by Jedi_Khan and abiostudent3. I find it to be a great compliment when people tell me that the sex scenes aren't required in the story. It tells me that as a writer, I'm doing something right!! I There are people who are here for the story, but there are those who are here for the sex and those who are here for both.

I did go full SFW once, but when I did, I lost a lot of fans and just as many patrons. Once I decided to return to NSFW content, the fans and patrons came back. So, going SFW was more trouble than it was worth.

I could make SFW variants for those who would want them, but it would require more time to do. And time is a luxury I do not possess. Unlike some of the writing titans out here, I don't sit at home, writing all day.

I have a full time job that I go to every day (yes, I'm working in the middle of a pandemic), plus I have a family to look after and spend time with when I'm at home, on top of the myriad of other obligations that is required of me, as a husband, father and head of the house.

I write what I can, when I can, with whatever time I can manage to find. If I had nothing but time on my hands like the aforementioned titans, such as Tefler, Authorannabelle and Etaski, just to name a few, then I would look into creating those variants. As it stands, it's highly unlikely that I'll get around to that anytime soon.

It's been nearly 4 years since I started writing and I've made a lot of progress. As the rate my growth is at the moment, it will be years more before I can take up writing as my full time job. Unless some sort of miracle occurs and I get the support I need in a matter of months as opposed to years. Highly unlikely to happen, but hey, a man can dream, right?

I hope this helps folks understand where I stand on things and why I do things the way I do. I hope you are all staying safe in the midst of this pandemic and that we all come out of this all right! Cheers!!!

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