Prolific: Farm Life Multiplied


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This meant, a few nights later, I had a new bedmate.

Now, I made a point of showering right before bed, even if I had showered earlier in the day, just on general principles of being nice to the girls. I'd done it earlier that night because I'd just gotten a haircut.

Kelly had given it to me, something she'd learned from when her family went camping in Montana for a month and everyone's hair got long. At least, that was her public story.

She told just a few of us in private that the real story was her brother got lice somehow, and it was simpler to cut off everyone's hair, chemical-bomb their tented house, and go camping for a few weeks.

I couldn't imagine.

Anyway, I came out of the bathroom expecting it to be Jay, Ann, or Yee, like it had been for two weeks by that point. It 'd been a few nights since the ritual.

SURPRISE, there's Shelly! She was sitting propped up in bed, the sheet folded down to her waist and her boobs right there for looking at.

I stopped, not wearing a towel (why bother, before) and looked up, only managing to say, "Oh."

Now, the master bedroom is big, maybe 30 feet by 20, but it's not so big that I could get lost going from one side to the other, or have eyesight so bad I'd miss who I was going to be in bed with.

Shelly looked over from her book and said (conversational but almost formally), "Oh, good. You're out. I want to suck you tonight, but no funny business. This is like our first date, and my mother made me promise not to make love on the first date, no matter how good I feel."

"Oh," I repeated, cautiously coming around the bed and climbing under the covers, "Drat. I was hoping for a hookers-and-blow night, and I'm all out of cocaine."

She laughed, a pretty laugh I hadn't heard enough of yet. She said, "Well, then, fine. We'll have to just do the normal kinds of blowing." Putting her book on the side table and turning to me, she moved the pillow off the bed and said, "Fair warning. I haven't done this a lot, so if I'm doing it wrong, just tell me. Oh, and ... don't choke me."

I was confused. "I'm not that big."

"I mean, don't TRY to choke me."

"That seems Wrong."

"Exactly. We'll get along fine."

She started diving down but I pulled her up and said, "Kisses first."

== ==

My classes didn't start for another week beyond that for most of us, though two girls were in University Marching Band and started early. The rest of us dove into farm clean-up while we had some free time, as a fun activity. And, despite it being hard work, it was also fun to make this place with so much former glory into a shining living space again.

Windows got cleaned - we could suddenly see out everywhere. Magic!

Equally magical was the woodwork. We'd gotten a kind of furniture polish an antique shop owner had recommended (linseed oil?) and despite some odd smells that probably rotted some brain cells, the hand-rubbing we did getting the dust off just made a lot of the downstairs just freakishly rich-looking.

It had been dingy and somewhat soot-covered in places, but it Just POPPED with its hand-carved and inlaid-fancy beauty. Everyone ogled it and we couldn't believe we were in such a beautiful house.

With the lawn and horse trails mowed, the tree trimming led to a bunch of giant brush piles and bonfires, a celebratory idea suitable for both hot-dog and healthy-salad consumption.

Our produce rolled in and we all learned exactly how to get seeds from (over-ripe) carrots, beets, onions, all of it, with some expert tutelage by a botany prof, an older lady someone knew (who LOVED our gardens).

From our basement stash, sadly, the girls threw out most of the ancient-appearing jams and preserves, on general principles that no one wanted food from the 1940's, or whenever the undated jars were from.

Of course, we kept the canning jars!

The wine we kept locked up. We voted to add a verbal house rule, not posted to keep the stash secret, that no one was to try to get in there, and to not mention it existed. We didn't want it widely known we had any, someone might break in and steal it.

On a personal level, I was having a great time.


Each of the girls wanted a chance at getting into the rotation, and I got kisses wherever I went around the house and yard, everywhere. I felt loved by every one of them, and I quickly fell in love back. It wasn't like I was an oddball cult leader - I actually did love them. Religion had nothing to do with it, though a lot of the girls turned out to be normal Catholic or protestant (Yee was both Catholic and Buddhist and saw no conflict between them).

Rarely did I get to sleep with the same girl two nights in a row, and when it finally came around to Ann again, we fell into each other's arms like long-lost friends.

At first, the electricians had put new circuits in, conduits and all, as paid work, and we'd just stood back and watched. But, after seeing how it as done - one bedroom at a time - six of the girls decided they wanted to learn the trade as a backup to their studies and as a better-paying side job.

This translated to them going whole-hog reading the NEC electrical code, community-college textbooks, and trade books, practicing by moving one room ahead of the electricians we'd hired.

One by one, they went through the house, carefully opening walls, replacing outlets, running romex or conduit back to the new panels, replacing power to overhead light fixtures, and then calling in a few electricians to validate it was done right.

Not always were they correct. Sometimes they'd guessed badly about an ambiguous thing and had to redo their work, and sometimes they ran too many wires so we had more circuits than we needed, but heck, it was just slightly more expensive and not technically against code.

Where they actually messed up, the electricians pointed out errors and they learned fast.

Note that I said we called electricians to inspect, not actual inspectors. We didn't want any kind of building inspectors in the place, for reasons Mr. Tamberlin covered. If we did, and they saw the beauty and obvious historical significance, they'd put everything to a stop. Then, we'd have to call the county historical society and permits would be impossible.

I would have complied with the historical society anyway in spirit, but it's okay in my book to install a bathroom fan in a room that had been converted from bedroom to bathroom before there was such a thing as pre-sliced bread.

The hardest places to re-do were the chandeliers in the dining and library/living rooms. The plaster was fragile, we couldn't take wires out without breaking through and pulling it all down.

Instead they carefully pried up floorboards one floor up, got conduit and a new j-box in from above, ran the conduit or romex downstairs and we were set.

That took a solid month, early-August onwards, with those six working most of their non-class non-studying waking hours, and accepting help from anyone who walked by.

I happily bought electrical wire and parts by the shipping pallet, and joined them in being delighted at knowing that first the common rooms, then each of the bedrooms, had safe power.

They cut and yanked old wires as they went and we slowly returned the house to being a refuge from a storm, instead of an impending conflagration.

Parallel to this, mid-to-late August, Becky (not 'Shelly', but both technically were Rebeccas) arranged with a nearby horse farm to take some of their overflow horses so we could board them. The stables had to be cleaned and sorted, including paint for outside and inside, and then hay and feed grain purchased. The easy part was the farrier and vet since the nearby farms used the same few of those.

Any number of details, Becky undertook with relish.

The new 'business' of boarding horses, including doing riding lessons, meant we needed a way for horse-people to drive on the property, and we were nervous about that.

When we'd first toured, we'd found a second lane into the property with a crapton of deadwood and weeds, but it honestly was too ambitious for us to try to clear the wood ourselves. A bulldozer and tree removal service handled the heavy lifting and stump grinding so we could plant more trees beside that lane. It looked sweet in the end - many layers of trees, evergreens to shield the view of the house and gardens, etc. Privacy Achieved (especially after adding explicit 'Horse Training' and 'do not enter' signs).

I was amazed that part only took a few days, and then a few more to deliver umpteen gravel dump trucks and return our second-lane to its former glory as a wide white-rocked entranceway.

I was nervous about the expenditure, but Mr. Tamberlin handled it and I didn't see the check. He said it was easy to justify under the trust terms so I had nothing to worry about.

I still worried about everything, and everyone.

A few of our roommates already knew how to ride from 4H or other reasons, but we supplemented our offerings with lessons from other instructors at our paddocks and on our newly-mown trails. This led to us gaining both horses and students at the same time, and the money that came with it.

I asked that, as a fairness issue, the lesson fees and boarding fees be accounted for fairly and the house's trust be paid back since we'd had to put in the extra driveway.

Kathy, a business major, did the books and gave us a breakdown of income and expenses, and how we'd only need a few horses but with a show or two we could make actual income from the operation - Lots of college kids wanted lessons as well as neighbor kids.

We had enough income to pay for good feed and to add some high-class barriers for the jumps,as well as buying a skid-steer to do innumerable things around the farm, including a re-flatten job on the trails and arena..

October 3rd, a Tuesday, at noon, I had surprise number one: I accidentally asked everyone to get naked.

It was sincerely unintentional!

The day before, Suha, who was a Christian-Syrian refugee and exchange student, told us it was her birthday the following day. This she said at dinner the night before. She added that she wanted to invite us all to have some cake after dinner and a small party, maybe. Someone said something about showering her with gifts, and I chimed in with the 'dad-joke' that I always showered naked, which got a big laugh.

It was a nothing throwaway joke-comment, I thought.

The next night, we had dinner like normal and Yee said cake and presents would be at 7.

My task of the day (besides homework) was sorting a water-heater problem in the Iota side-house. When I got back, I turned the corner into the library room...

And found...

All 27 girls were there already, sitting around, having cake... COMPLETELY naked.

I was the only one wearing clothes!

(Almost. Two girls had on underwear, and I figured that was for the normal reason).

Ann looked over and deadpan asked me why I was dressed if I always did birthday showers naked. "After all, it is a birthday suit."

I thought she was joking, but she wasn't, and I realized it didn't matter and that I'd better drop my clothes fast.

Stepping over to a couch, I pulled off my clothes super-fast and the party then returned to normality. The topic was not being naked, the topic was the birthday, and lots of questions peppered Suha about what life was like in the faraway Biblical land of Syria (it wasn't a popular country for tourism at the time).

Yee handed me a slice of cake, then kissed me soundly on the lips, her breasts pressed into my chest like two pointed pointy-things pointing.

My interest 'expanded'. Soon I was getting more kisses as a joke, and everyone called for Suha to be "in rotation" because she was the birthday girl, right away.

Ann's practicality took the situation from mild to extreme. Before Suha could even open the presents, Ann suggested, "Suha, if you're on-deck for tonight, you could just blow him now and still have a treat later." She winked at Suha, who ... winked back? Smiling?

In retrospect, this whole situation might have been a setup from the start.

Suha crossed the room, threading her way to me between VERY NAKED BEAUTIFUL WOMEN who were just calmly chatting about whatever, sitting on towels on the formal-looking ornate antique furniture.

This was observed by everyone as a central activity, and despite everything, my confusion and preoccupation with being naked in a room full of Freakishly Beautiful Naked Women, well, yeah, that blanked my mind.

Maybe Suha would give me a kiss? I didn't know. Maybe the 'blowjob' would be an air-kiss, or a kiss while she blew soft air in my ear, since this was a running joke in the house. Or, some other joke? I didn't know. I was freakin' clueless.

Or, maybe, she would pull me off towards the bedroom? Would she...?

Honestly, I wasn't thinking that far ahead, as I said. I was just watching, around me, near, far, boobs, trim, more boobs, pretty smiles, nipples, wow, egads, I'm naked, hold on - boobs, yeah...I was distracted.

(2 * Boob + pubic-hair + clefts)^27th = FuzzyBrain.

Suha handed off her cake plate and reached out her hand... not to take mine, but to brace my hips, drop to her knees, and start sucking in my already well-risen cock!


She relished it, though, obviously and quite honestly making yummy sounds, looking up with an affection in her eyes that didn't let me do anything but watch her back.

What the hell? In public? Everybody was watching?!?

Jay said, regarding this and still eating cake and sounding like she was commenting on a backrub, "See, it IS a good birthday! Sounds like she likes it!"

Someone else said, "Better than cake!" But, someone corrected her and said, "Almost better than cake. This is Yee's cake we're talking about."

"Suck up."

"No, that's the suck up."

People turned back to have their own conversations, as if this wasn't really happening, and I was confused about that, too.

(Later, Ann, Jay, and I concluded that the instruction that most helped this to happen was the one that said, 'Everything about Kevin is normal and confidential'. By definition, even the wacknuts idea of me getting a blowjob while they were all naked, and in fact me saying I "showered naked", made the idea just so average and normal that life just rolled on.)

At the time, I was overcome with an initial embarrassment that went away quickly, and then it was just a _very_happy thing that was happening. But, where did that acceptance come from?

The acceptance, the 'being comfortable with each other', was either drug-mind-controlled into us, or the Farm's magic pushed it in there and kept it there. The Farm just took over our mental states in a lot of ways that we recognized from the first, being willing to work long hours to make it nice, to wanting to know more about it, everything.

It wasn't just the farm wanting to be known and cared for. The farm seemed to have an agenda, that anything related to love and sex were made into Absolutely Expected, celebratory, normal, and happy, in a way no different than toothbrushing or shoe-tying.

The entire idea of embarrassment was missing from our lives in a lot of ways.

So, there I was, getting a quiet, normal (?!???!!!?) blowjob in the middle of a crowded room of beautiful naked women.

Ann came up by my side and put an arm on my shoulder, then pressed herself in, rubbing her soft, deformable boobs into the back of my arm. "Kevin. I can take over if you want her to sit on your face."

I looked over, having trouble concentrating since the sensations were too strong, "You are enjoying this - watching it, aren't you?"

She nodded, "Definitely. I like watching the man I love getting pleasured. I'd love to have that dick in me, too, but tonight, I think it's Suha's turn."

As much as I wanted to come, I didn't want to come. I would make funny noises and faces, probably, with that many people listening and watching.

Suha was doing such an amazing job, though, and I'd been so, so horny, even the twice a day 'rotation' sometimes wasn't enough to keep my stick down.

(Working on my schoolwork took my mind off sex during the day, usually, or sometimes going to the shop to do something, but then someone would walk by with an incredible ass or a T-shirt full of Goodness, and I'd watch and lick my lips and feel the echoes of any number of nights before...)

Suha popped her mouth off and looked up at me. "You want to ... get in me?"

I was so into it, I couldn't believe it. All the girls around me, naked, boobs everywhere, just standing there... all the 'trim', just... Wow! In my visual memory, the echoes and the reality were ever and ever better. Some girls were sitting with legs slightly spread, not on purpose maybe and only just happenstantially.

Or, some were cross-legged, with the underneath showing... parts!

They weren't being sexy on purpose, but they were Super Beautiful and that sexiness came through knowing them and kissing them and rolling with a lot of them already at that point at night, all of that came up as sense memory as this funky thing happened, and as Suha asked, and my brain only contained truth.

To Suha, I blurted out, "Oh, fuck yeah."

She said, "Well then. Asked and received.... Receiving, that is." She stood up and led me over to a higher-backed chair, leaning over it with spread legs and sticking out her butt. "Make your Presence Known, sir."

There was nothing to do but move over slightly and put Mr. Pointy where he Really Wanted to Go. Pushing down on the top of me and making the veins pop out a little, I got it aimed downwards and positioned, then... Oh, yes! Pushed, in, wet, hot, soft, I slid nicely, perfectly...

Glancing up after maybe a minute of being obsessed with her form and the feeling, I realized our profiles were visible to the room. Though we weren't perfectly visible, I saw people look over and I was pretty sure they were watching with slight interest, or just talking about other things.

It was that kind of time: TOTALLY SURREAL.

I didn't last that many more minutes. I said, "Suha... I'm ... you sucked on me and I'm... ready to blow...Cum for me, too... oh, wow...."

She laughed and grunted at the same time, breathing kind of hard, "Blow? Then, ... fuckyeah... sir, you... need it, I ... need it... Do .... Yeah...please, right... oohhh yeah... the ... thing, and fill ... 'er up, ohhhh yessssssss."

Her body wasn't quite climaxing yet, but I got closer, and she did, and then there it was, and she was moaning away, crying away in desperate-wanting-orgasm-yes'ing, and that rhythmic clenching on me pushing me over the edge, too.

I came, clenching and writhing and grunting, I'm sure with a huge smiling-O-happy-face, pulling her hips to mine with a spasmodic slams and tighter-push thrust and repeat, even slapping her butt semi-loudly with the palm of my hand.

(Lara had asked for the slapping first, and from there, almost everyone wanted it.)

Catching our breath, we just waited, frozen where we were and breathing hard, until Dana came up to Suha from the chair side and said, "Happy Birthday, Suha. Love you," and kissed her on the forehead.

I was still behind and inside her, but that didn't matter, and Dana's kiss only gave Suha a chance to say a breathy, 'thank you'.

Dana stood and came over and gave me a kiss and a smile, too.

Soon, someone else did it, but after 3 of them, Suha had to stand up.

Trouble was, she was leaking, and squealed a little.

Yee was there quickly with a towel and said, "Stud-Horse has big hose."

She offered one of her towels to Suha, who took it and held things in. I saw Yee had another towel, and asked for it, "I... could use a clean up, too, Yee?"

The trouble was, as I asked, Yee was bending over to pick up the extra towel she dropped, and this put her right at eye height with my crotch at the same time.
