Psychology 1 - Virginity 0


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"Elena's told me all about you. Are you really getting married this summer?" Elena asked.

"Has she?" said Steven, in a slightly falsetto voice.

"Yes." Said Carl. "Gay marriages only became legal in the UK this year."

"Don't listen to them, Patricia." Said Andrew, drawing Elena to him with a half turn so he could hug her from behind and nuzzle her neck. "They only fake being gay so they can spend all day pawing my girlfriend without getting thumped."

"Actually," answered Steven. "We're only using Elena to get to Andrew. He's far too sensitive to be straight. He's just in denial about his own sexuality." He winked at Patricia. She recognised an opportunity to contribute to the humour of the situation.

"Well..." She looked at the ceiling thoughtfully. "He did pick out this dress for me tonight. Aren't gay men supposed to know a lot about women's clothes?" she looked innocently inquisitive.

"I am not gay!" expounded Andrew. "Tell them, Honey Bunny. Tell them I like girls, not boys."

Elena twisted the knife. She took his hands from where they rested on her stomach and, holding one in each of hers, moved them to her hips. "Snake hips." She said then moved his hands up to her breasts. "No tits. Darling, you've always said you liked my boyish figure." She kept his hands on her bosom. He deserved some reward for being the roast.

"Andrew. You choose this dress?" Carl was studying Patricia's outfit.

"The whole outfit. Yes."

"Shoes too?" Carl followed his train of thought.

"Yes..." Andrew answered, hesitantly. Knowing already he was damning himself.

"You have surprisingly good taste - for a straight man." Carl passed judgement.

"Thank you Carl. Thank you for acknowledging that I'm straight."

"That's not what he said, Darling." Elena laughed. "Enough, boys. Andrew's straight. "

"Thanks Honey." Andrew kissed her ear, still holding her in a hand bra. She twisted in his arms to kiss him properly.

"I'm gonna grab a shower and change. Then we can go home and explore your feminine side's lesbian tendencies." She glued her mouth to his again until the boys stopped jeering.

Andrew and Patricia mingled for a few minutes before meeting Bettina again, this time with her husband. Introductions out of the way, they made small talk until Elena found them all and made polite but urgent noises about going home. After apologies for leaving the first night party so early and kisses and handshakes all round, Andrew found himself pleasantly sandwiched between the sisters, in the back of another black cab.

* * * * *

Andrew just enjoyed the ride while girl-talk happened across him in Portuguese. Patricia was clearly the subject of an interrogation as she was blushing a lot and had difficulty meeting her sister's gaze. Elena reached across to hold her sister's hand and, by her soft tone and earnest expression, Andrew surmised she was telling Patricia personally what Andrew had already relayed about Elena's feelings and/or sleeping arrangements.

Andrew paid the cabbie while the girls went on ahead. By the time he made it inside, one was already in the bathroom. It turned out to be Patricia, which gave him his first, and perhaps last, opportunity of the evening to be alone with his girlfriend. She leapt for his arms, wrapping her legs around him.

"How's she holding up?" He whispered.

"She's doing fine. You've worked a little miracle with her. Thank you my Darling man. Thank you for everything." She smothered him with punctuation kisses.

"It was my pleasure."

"I'm sure it was." She stuck out her tongue. He tried to kiss it.

"You know it's going to get a whole lot weirder in a few minutes?"

"Not weird, just plane kinky. I know you want us both tonight. Patricia told me how you made her touch you while you watched me dance." They kissed some more until Elena spotted Patricia hovering in the doorway. "There she is! Come and join us. Come on!" She beckoned her sister to them, disentangled her legs and let go of Andrew to embrace Patricia, kissing her full on the mouth, but without her tongue. Next, Elena urged her sister into Andrew's arms, so that he could keep her attention elsewhere while Elena, never taking her eyes off them, stripped naked in double-time.

Patricia had seen her sister naked before: Frequently when they were little girls and occasionally around this flat, usually in proximity to the bathroom or while she was changing to go out. This time was different. It was a difference Patricia became acutely conscious of when she found herself in the embrace of a naked girl. She tensed up. She looked suddenly terrified.

Andrew put his arms around Patricia's waist from behind so he could face Elena and whisper to her sister. "Patricia." He used the calm, quiet tones of his professional voice. "Relax." He felt her sag a fraction against him. He let his bulging crotch press against the small of her back, just like last night. "Will you let Elena undress you?"

"I... I..." She tried to hide her face in her hands. Her shoulders heaved as sobs wracked her. Elena looked at Andrew in concern. Andrew just barely shook his head and smiled reassuringly at her. He hugged the distraught girl more firmly, reaching up to her wrists to draw her hands down. She let him.

"Patricia. You can feel me. Can't you?" He waited for her to nod. "You know I want to make love to you: have wanted to since you offered yourself to me this morning. Do you remember offering yourself?" Again he waited. "Do you remember?" A nod. He continued. "And do you want me to make love to you?" Again she nodded, wet eyes screwed shut, unable to look at Elena. "Then say it, Patricia. Tell us what you want. Say the words."

"I... want you... want you to make love... to me." She stammered.

"Thank you. Will you let Elena undress you - for me?"


At Andrew's nod, Elena knelt to take off Patricia's shoes. Patricia lifted first one foot then the other as she felt her sister's hands on her ankles. Standing, Elena took Patricia's hands and led her into the middle of the room. Andrew sat down and loosened his tie while he watched.

Patricia let her sister unzip the back of the dress and slip the light fabric off her shoulders. She stood impassive as it was drawn down to her waist and pushed gently past the flare of her hips to pool about her feet. She allowed herself to be manoeuvred out of the puddle of fabric and turned to face Andrew. He smiled at her reassuringly and started on his own shirt buttons.

Elena hugged her sister's back, pressing her cheek against Patricia's shoulder blade and whispered. "I love you, sister." In Portuguese. Then she unclipped the girl's bra letting it fall away from Patricia's full firm bosom and drop to the floor. She was envious of those breasts because she knew Andrew's bias. She'd watched how many male eyes had flicked - repeatedly - in their direction this evening. On an impulse, she cupped them from behind, whispering in Portuguese. "See how excited he is now? Men! They love to see girls touch each other. Kiss me, Sister. Kiss me like you kiss him." And she nuzzled Patricia's ear.

Lost somewhere between the path of righteousness and the road to perdition, Patricia was grateful for any directions that meant she didn't have to decide. She turned as she was bidden and kissed Elena. This time Elena did use a bit of tongue. She also ground her tiny tits against Patricia's perfect bosom, succeeding in rubbing their nipples across each other. Both girls could feel their bodies reacting. Both pairs of nipples woke up. Elena's tiny breasts were now crowned with puffy areolae so swollen they looked like miniature breasts all by themselves. Patricia's smaller nips could have cut glass.

As he watched his two lovers - He liked that idea. Two lovers. - As he watched his two lovers snogging, Andrew threw off his shirt and unfastened his trousers. Christ! But he was hard. He didn't even dare to blink.

Elena kept kissing until Patricia was kissing her back just as hard, then she pulled free and dropped to her knees, smoothing her hands down Patricia's back and onto her buttocks. Looking up, past the twin hills of her sister's breasts, she caught her eye and winked at her then leant close and gently kissed the front of the embroidered thong.

Andrew's cock leapt. His trousers were around his ankles now and he struggled to kick them off. His boxer shorts were like colonel Gaddafi's tent as he watched Elena prolong the striptease by slowly rolling down first one stocking then the other. Patricia's body looked great with its newly acquired all over tan and those legs looked very smooth. He knew he was going to enjoy finding out just how smooth, very shortly. The scene was only improved by Elena's tight bottom - always a stimulating sight - her dark little anus on show as always. She'd allowed him to fuck it a few times: Elena didn't much like anal sex but it was an occasional treat for him and she did like to please her man.

Not tonight though. He tore his eyes and thoughts away from Elena's ass and watched as she drew the pretty thong down over her sister's thighs, revealing the newly trimmed pussy to his gaze. There was still a full triangle of pubes but they were trimmed short and - yes - they stopped just above her clit. From the sofa, he could just make out the gleam of moisture on pink bits. He stood up. Now it was time to be the man.

Swept, literally, off her feet, Patricia put her arms around his neck and her mouth opened against his. She did not let release his neck or his mouth as he deposited her on the bed and clambered on top of her. Her legs opened wide to make room for him as the weight of his body settled upon hers.

Elena stretched out on the bed, next to them, one knee cocked and her fingers idly teasing he own pussy. Amused to see Andrew struggling to find the hole with his bobbing cock, Elena reached between him and Patricia, gently gripped his erection and steered it in. No foreplay - She'd seen at close quarters just how wet her sister was, when she peeled off that thong. Patricia had been almost dripping. Elena remembered the first time she's had her pussy waxed - she'd been that wet for days and couldn't keep her hands off it. Her fingers fluttered over her clitoris as she watched Patricia's hips start to buck under Andrew's. The two people she loved most in all the world - How could it be wrong? Sharing someone she loved with someone she loved.

Andrew felt the sap rising. How close was Patricia? Very close, he hoped. It was getting difficult to hold on longer. He pounded into her, cutting loose with a long low moan as his balls tightened and he sprayed her insides. It tipped Patricia over the edge, her second ever orgasm coursed through her. She cried out loud and long, slumping back down on the pillows as the ecstatic sensations ebbed and Andrew, panting hard from his own exertions, slipped out of her and rolled over onto the bed, almost dislodging Elena.

Elena kissed him then sprawled across his glistening chest to reach Patricia and kiss her too. Patricia hugged her, or at least that bit of her she could reach without moving, and they both started to cry. Crying happy, this time. As he caught his breath, no easy thing with a girl draped across his chest, Andrew smiled to himself: Patricia couldn't possibly feel guilty about any of this now. 'Cept maybe the 'sin' aspect, he amended. They'd have to keep her away from priests for a while. Not a problem - just hide all her clothes and keep her on her back as much as possible. He was up for it if she was.

"Want to see the fastest way to get a guy hard again?" Elena asked, nuzzling Patricia's ear.

"Mmm." Patricia nodded.

Elena sprang to her feet with the agility of her profession, twirled through 540 degrees with one foot planted between Patricia and Andrew then, with her back to him, stood astride his torso and lowered her bottom towards his face. She rocked her hips a few times, grinding her crotch against his mouth, then leant horizontal and took his flaccid, sticky penis between her lips. Patricia watched, shocked as her sister licked and sucked life back into Andrew's cock. It wasn't lost on her that the slickness on it was from her. Her own sister was licking her secretions off it. She glanced across to Andrew.

He was preoccupied with the view. Elena was too much shorter than him for him to be able to lick her at the same time but he always enjoyed seeing her presented like this and there were always his hands. Right now his fingers were peeling open her pussy like the sticky sweet calyx of a ripe fig. Elena's bikini zone was, and as far as he was concerned, always had been completely hairless. He wouldn't have it any other way. The view of her lovely holes was slightly different tonight: Normally she did the splits for him and her pussy opened about halfway all by itself. He caught Patricia's eye and winked then pulled Elena's hips back against his face, smothering himself with her musky, moist pussy. His cock sprang from her mouth, hard as ever and ready for action. Elena, showing off in front of her sister, pushed her bottom up until her legs were straight again and did a handstand on Andrew's pelvis, arching her back until she looked like a giant question mark. It wasn't a stable position and she fell sideways, landing, against all odds, on her feet beside the bed.

Laughing, she sprung back onto Andrew, straddling him and, with deft fingers, guiding his cock into her. She sank onto it with a sigh and leaned back so that Patricia could see the slick, soft lips stretched around the base of Andrew's penis.

Patricia watched, unblinking, as Elena's hips gyrated, rocking backward and forward, her vagina gleaming like the polished pink seashells they used to get at the seaside as children. She wanted to reach out and touch it but didn't dare. Instead she clasped Andrew's hand as they both watched Elena.

Elena closed her eyes and ground her hips. The throbbing flesh buried in her pussy was the best pole for dancing around. She rode it hard, feeling her already close climax racing upon her. She could still taste Patricia's juices on her tongue. God! How sexy was that? She'd had a brief fling with another girl, another dancer, when she first came to London so it wasn't that unfamiliar but... tasting her own sister's pussy on her boyfriend's cock. Kinky. Sexy. She'd been so turned on watching them fuck... she started to orgasm, crashing down onto Andrew's cock harder and faster, screaming as wave upon wave of heat and lust washed through her body. As she came down, Elena felt Andrew, still rock hard inside her. He always lasted well, second time around. She relaxed, catching her breath and gently rocking on his penis. She finally opened her eyes. They twinkled.

Patricia's mouth hung open. She'd heard them at it through the walls but never realized just what all the noise was about. It had been amazing to see such complete abandon. Did she look - sound - anything like that when he fucked her? God! She hoped so.

As Patricia watched, Elena started to pick up the pace again, leaning back on one hand and flicking at her clitoris with the other. Faster and faster she posted on Andrew's hard-on, rubbing furiously at her clitoris, helping herself to a second orgasm. As Andrew's hips tensed, thrusting upward, his come drenching her cervix, Elena let herself go, wailing in ecstatic release before collapsing, all passion spent, on top of him.

Their laboured breathing was the only sound as Patricia let go of Andrew's hand and rolled closer to fling her arms around them both. It had been an incredible 24 hours.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
I know a little secret...

but it's no fun if I can't tell anyone else.

djaxdjaxover 14 years ago
well done

Great characters, nice portrayal of circumstances but you need to proofread for grammatical errors. Much better than 98% of all I have read here so far and I have read about 450 stories so far. I saw one mispelling, very well done!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

this story made me the wettest out of all the erotica i have read so far. i hope u r able to write a chapter 3.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
One of the best

One of the best stories i have ever read....

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

A story with *people*! I thoroughly enjoyed reading this. It's warm and human, your grammar is perfect without giving up the music of the prose, and you actually used "piqued" in the right context, without misspelling it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Good Grief

Half credit for even considering that 37 is remotely ancient. You treated a 37 year old character like he was practically at death's door. He looked good for his age? Geez. I will take a 37-50 year old man over a kid of 25 any day.

Rad'lRad'lover 17 years ago

Excellent story, well written, no typos!

Thank you for a good read.

asiaprofasiaprofalmost 18 years ago

blend of hot sex, TLC and psychotherapy

adam applebiteradam applebiteralmost 18 years agoAuthor
A word from the author

Thanks for the feedback. It's always more welcome than mere votes.

To clarify one point, the sisters are Portuguese, not Brazilian, so there is no interracial element to the story. Brazilian in this story, only refers to a completely waxed genital area. Perhaps this is not a term commonly used stateside.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago

You've certainly taken your loving time on these characters. I was about to comment on the incongruity of having two Brazilian sisters share the name Albuquerque when I decided it might be best to double-check my etymology. Not only a Portugese name, but quite a historic one! On a more basic level, the fact that you bothered to select race and nationality for these characters in a story not explicitly conceived and written as "interracial" shows you are thinking beyond your characters' genitalia. While not the most arousing erotic story I've read, you've certainly made yours one of the most engaging. This is one of the few pieces of so-called "erotica" that I wouldn't mind having to admit I'd read.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
More, MORE!!!

I loved it, keep such stories comming!

beccckyboobeccckybooalmost 18 years ago
Great story

Great idea for a story, though im not particularly fond of incest, i didnt have a problem with it in this story. I felt it was really well written with alot of attention to detail.

Alot of the English/Uk references were also nice to read!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
oo er missus

Very enticing, and gripping. Full of volcanic passion and incipient good things like lesbian incest. (Though I suspect I would have preferred the pre-makeover Patricia: it doesn't sound an improvement, except as a psychological liberation.)

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