Public Humiliation Ch. 02

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Judy continues to be humiliated in public
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Part 2 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 03/02/2018
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Dana instructed the driver to go back to our hotel. She said to me, "We have to get you cleaned up and ready for the next scene tonight. We will be going out for dinner at a nice little sidewalk café. You'll love it."

I looked at her and didn't say anything at first, but in my mind, I was wondering what I would have to do at a café. Then I said, "Do you have clothes for me so I can get back to the room."

She laughed and said, "No my pet, no clothes. You will walk in like you are and I expect you to be proud of your naked body. Show the people there that you are the best."

"Is this part of a scene?" I questioned.

"No, this is just to humor me. I do this occasionally to all my models. No one has ever had a complaint, so it is no clothes to get back to the room." She explained to me.

I thought it was strange that she just wanted to be humored at my expense. After all, she has me outside in the streets, stripping me naked so others can see and use me. But, I guess if that is what the boss wants, that is what she gets.

We got to the hotel and she got out, holding the door for me. I didn't even have shoes on. The only thing I was wearing, was my panties which were still at my knees. But, she had told me not to lose them and they had to stay where she put them.

I scooted out the door and stood naked, ready to walk into another public area while naked. But, for some reason, it turned me on and I felt a little trickle of my pussy juice sliding down my leg. Besides, a little free show of my naked body would only help me later.

Dana began to walk to the front door of the hotel and I followed her. Behind me, Guy was watching my naked ass. I am sure I had his cock nice and hard and I wiggled it a little more for him.

We got to the door and walk into a very crowded lobby. Everyone stopped what they were doing to look at the naked lady with her panties at her knees. I held my head high and proudly walked through the crowd.

But Dana had other ideas for me. About half way to the elevator, she said, "Judy, how many times do I have to tell you about your panties. Since you don't know they should be up covering your pussy, why don't you just take them off."

I turned 50 shades of red when she said it loud enough that everyone in the lobby heard her and the ones who hadn't seen me yet, turn to look. But, she was my boss, so I reached down and pulled my panties from my knees, down my legs to my feet. Then I stepped out of them. Bending at the waist, showing off my puffy pussy lips, I picked them up and waited to see what else Dana wanted from me.

She waited for a while so everyone could look at my naked body and then said, "Judy, don't just stand there. Go give them to the clerk at the desk so we can get back to our room."

Well, being that I was naked and totally embarrassed now, I walked over to the front desk, showing everyone all of me. I handed the panties to the young man at the desk and watched as he took them from me and then smelled the crotch of them. He had a great big grin on his face as he said, "MMM, smells sweet."

I turned and walked back to where Dana was waiting. She giggled and said, "Now that was fun. Let's go to the room to clean up and get ready for dinner."

We rode the elevator to our floor and then I walked down the quiet hallway to my room. Dana and Guy followed me into the room and Dana said, "That was so much fun today and it made me so horny. How about you Guy. I know she sucked your cock, but you didn't cum. How about we just fuck before cleaning up and getting ready for dinner."

Guy said, "Good idea Dana."

I thought he was going to fuck me with that nice cock, but as they undressed, I realized they weren't talking about fucking me. They were going to fuck each other in my bed. And I was going to be left out of the fun.

They got in the bed and he just stuck his cock in her pussy and they fucked while I watched. Not the first time I had other seen people fuck, but it was the first time I saw it this close. It was amazing.

Once they had both cum, they got up and Dana said, "OK, let's clean up and get you dressed. I'm really hungry."

I went to the bathroom and took my shower. Then the two of them showered. When done, Dana went to my closet and pulled out a new outfit for me. It was a pretty black skirt, about knee length, a nice red button up blouse along with a black bra and panties set and some 4" black heels.

She said, "Judy, put all these on and I'll get ready to go to dinner. Remember, you will obey anything I say when we are out."

I wasn't sure what she was going to make me do for this scene, but I said, "Yes Ma'am, I will."

Once we were all dressed, we went down to the lobby where all the people from earlier saw me naked. Now they got to see me all dressed up and proper like a woman should be.

The Limo was waiting for us and after we were all seated, the driver asked, "To the same cafe Princess?"

She giggled and said, "Of course James, is there any other place to go to have some naked fun?"

He laughed and put the limo in gear and we were off. We drove for about 15 minutes and when he stopped, I saw a nice looking outdoor café. It was all set up on a huge sidewalk. It was almost like a plaza, but they called it a sidewalk café.

Dana said, "OK, it is show time. Remember, you have to obey all I say, no matter what it is."

I said, "Yes I know."

We got out and started walking toward the café and the main area. Guess she wanted the most people around to see me.

We got closer to the entrance and she pointed at a sign and said, "Well, guess we have to leave your shoes on."

I looked to where she pointed and it said, 'NO SHOES, NO SERVICE'.

I laughed and said, "Well guess that means I will not be naked this time."

We continued walking into the café and she spotted an empty table right in the middle of everyone. She guided us toward that table, and I knew she was going to humiliate me a lot while we were here. I just didn't know how or when.

We got to the table and sat. She made sure I was in the chair that would allow the most people to see me once her fun began. I looked at the menu, but couldn't read it. It was all in a foreign language.

Dana saw what was happening and said, "That is OK pet, I'll order for you. But in the meantime, why don't you unbutton two of those buttons on your blouse."

Well, it didn't take her long to start the scene with me. I wondered how long before I would be totally naked in front of all these people and if I was going to fuck or suck anyone tonight.

I reached to the top of my blouse and undid the 2 buttons, just as she had instructed. I wasn't showing a lot just yet, but I noticed the people there were watching me closer now. They had all seen me undo those 2 buttons.

We sat and chatted some and she ordered our food. I didn't know what she ordered and didn't ask. After all, I was on the clock and whatever she wanted is what happened. We each had a nice soothing drink and I knew it had alcohol in it because I could taste it. But that only helped me relax and would make it easier when I started showing off my body.

Just before the dinner came, Dana said, "Pet, undo the rest of the buttons on your blouse and let it fall open so these nice people can see your pretty bra."

I turned red, but undid all the rest of the buttons and let my blouse open. I'm glad it wasn't cold because I could feel the night air on my bra covered tits. I just sat there and let everyone see me like this. I knew before dinner was over, I would probably be naked.

We waited for our dinner to arrive as we all talked. Well mostly Guy and Dana talked about everything but what we were doing. Then just before we had our dinner served, Dana said, "Judy darling, you look very uncomfortable. I think you need to have your blouse off. What do you think?"

I said, "Yes, Princess I think so."

I started to remove my blouse but she stopped me. I didn't understand. I thought she wanted my blouse off. But I stopped and just let it hang open like it had been.

Then she said, "I think that gentleman over there at the third table would like to help you. Why don't you go see if he will assist taking it off?"

I looked to where she was directing me to and sure enough, there was a guy sitting there, but he had a girl with him. I wondered if she would cause a problem if I asked for his assistance. But I had to do as Dana had instructed, so I got up from the table and walked to where she wanted me to humiliate myself.

Once at his table, I asked, "Excuse me sir, but I am a little warm and was wondering if you would like to help me get my blouse off."

He looked at me, then his companion. She didn't say anything. She just smiled and nodded her head like she was saying, go ahead. When he looked back at me he said, "Yes, I would be glad to help you. Get on your knees so I don't have to stand up."

That started the real humiliation as I dropped to my knees and allowed this stranger to remove my blouse. He took his time doing it. As he was trying to get it off me, he felt my bare skin and brushed my bra covered tits. But, I just knelt there as my blouse was slowly removed and my little bra came into view along with more of my bare skin. The only thing covering me on top now was my little bra.

The guy had my blouse in his hand and said, "Here you go, you can go back to your chair now." As he handed me my red blouse. I think my face was as red as the blouse.

I got up and walked back to my chair and sat down. Dana said, "Now Judy, don't you feel better. Not as confining as you were with your blouse on."

I said, "Yes thank you. It is more comfortable." I had to say that even if it wasn't true. I would much rather have said, 'No, I am not comfortable.'

She took my blouse and put it in the bag she carries with her and we went back to talking until dinner was served.

The waiter brought our food and it looked quite good. I still wasn't sure what it was, but it looked and smelled delicious.

Once he had the three plates and drinks on our table, he asked, "Is there anything else I can get for you?"

Dana said, "Well, yes there is one thing I need."

He said, "Well, I'll be glad to get it for you. All you have to do is ask."

Then Dana said, "My friend here says she is very uncomfortable and she is somewhat of a klutz. Would you mind helping her take her bra off so she doesn't get food on it?"

The waiter said, "Why sure. I would be glad to help. Miss, please stand up."

So, I stood for him. He went behind me, unhooked my bra, but didn't let it come off my body. He held it until he got around in front of me and then reached up with both hands, taking a tit in each hand and then pulled my bra away. My tits were now naked in a public place. But he didn't stop there. He put the bra in his pocket and reached back with both hands, and took my tits in his hands once again, rubbing my nipples which were growing and sticking out like erasers.

I felt my nipples as they grew and felt my pussy tingle and it was getting wet. I was enjoying this, but I was also very embarrassed because I was letting others strip me in public. And then they got to play with me.

Dana said, "OK, Judy sit down so we can eat."

The waiter removed his hands from my tits and I sat down. My dinner looked very good and when I started eating, I found it was some type of fish, rice and green beans. Dana did good ordering for me and I did appreciate that. But I was eating my food while I was half naked.

We ate in silence, but Dana suddenly said, "I need to see something. Let's see. I want you to look around and find a nice young girl who you think might enjoy taking your skirt off you. Then once you find one, point her out to me."

I ate a few more bites and looked around. At first I didn't see any young girls, but sitting toward the street side of the café was a table with 3 girls at it. They looked like they were in college and were very engrossed in talking while they ate. But one of them kept looking toward me. So, I told Dana I thought she might like to strip me.

Dana looked at her for a moment while I ate some more and then she said, "OK, go to her and ask her if she would be kind enough to remove your skirt for you. If she does remove it ask her to walk back here with you and give it to me."

I said, "Yes Princess. I'll be right back."

I stood up and made my way around a few tables showing everyone my naked tits, ending up in front of this pretty girl. I stood in front of her waiting for her to stop talking to the others.

Once she was quiet, I said, "Excuse me miss, but may I ask a favor of you?"

She looked up at me and stared at my naked chest. She had a big grin on her face as she said, "Of course you can ask. I might help you too."

I had a feeling she might know what I was going to ask, but wasn't sure. The other 2 girls just stopped and stared as I said, "Would you be so kind as to help me remove my skirt. It is a little warm and I just need to have it removed from my body."

The young girl reached up and undid the button and then the zipper to my skirt. She let it fall to the ground at my feet. I stood while she reached down to pick it up and I stepped out of my skirt. I was now in a public place, with a large group of people in only my panties and heels.

Once she picked it up, she started to hand it to me. I said, "Would you be so kind to carry my skirt back to my table. My boss would like to talk to you."

She stood up and we walked back to my table where Dana and Guy sat watching. I walked first and she followed me until we got to my table.

I stood beside my chair in my panties and Dana said, "Very good pet. Hi, my name is Dana and this is Guy. I wanted to thank you for helping me humiliate my pet Judy and want to offer you something for your assistance."

The girl said, "Hi, my name is Sue and I loved helping you. But a reward is not needed."

Then Dana said, "Well, I believe I owe you something. Would you like her panties as a souvenir?"

Sue laughed and said, "That would be nice. Yes, I would, but only if I can take them off her."

Dana replied and said, "Of course, that is what I had in mind and once we all finish eating, I think Judy could use some dessert if you would like to give her something to eat and lick."

Sue said, "I would like that, but I won't expose myself to anyone. Maybe we could go to a private area."

Dana told her, "Sue, don't worry. No one will see any part of you except Judy. You have a nice skirt on and she will just put her head underneath it and have her dessert. Is that OK?"

"That might work." Sue said, "I would like that. I get off and she gets more humiliation. Would she be up to doing my friends too?"

"Yes of course," Dana told her. "If they want some too, Judy can do all of you. And of course, I will have her here for a while so some of the guys can give her some dessert too."

Then Sue turned to me, took my panties in her hand and pulled them down. She went slow and exposed my nakedness to the others around us. Once she reached my ankles, I stepped out of them and let her have them. She picked them up and sniffed the crotch and then licked them.

She said, "MMMM, you taste good Judy. Too bad I won't be eating you."

Dana said, "If you want to eat her you can, but it has to be done here in public."

Sue said, "As much as I would love to eat her cunt, I won't do it in public. I am not up for the humiliation like she is."

Dana and Guy both laughed at that. Guy said, "Slut, sit down and finish your meal. And I want your legs wide apart when you sit. Might as well show everyone that pretty hole you have between your legs."

I did as I was told. After all I was getting paid to do these humiliating acts, so I showed off my pussy hole to everyone. I figured eventually, I would be doing lots more for them.

I finished eating my dinner and it was very good. I like fish and this one was fixed just right. I wiped my mouth and waited for more instructions. I knew I was going to be eating at least three new pussies and probably sucking some new cocks too. Didn't know if I would be fucked, but wouldn't mind at all if they wanted some guys to do me.

I watched Dana take the last bite of her dinner and wipe her mouth. She said, "Wow, that was good. Guess it's time for some dessert. Judy, get down on your hands and knees and crawl over to your little friend and see if she has your dessert ready to eat. I'll have the waitress bring ours Guy."

He laughed and both watched as I got on my hands and knees and started crawling toward the other side of the café. I knew I was being laughed at, but if they knew how much money I would get for this, they would probably join me.

I made it around the tables that was between me and Sue. I felt hands on my naked ass as I crawled, but didn't stop me from doing as I was told. I crawled until I made it to her and when I looked up, she had her legs open and I could see right up her skirt to her bald pussy. It looked like it was winking at me. I sure hope she taste good.

Sue looked at me and said, "Come on Judy time to eat some pie."

I got up close to her and then my head went under her skirt and my mouth was on her pussy. Oh yes, she tasted so nice. I licked her pussy and then sucked on her clit. I must have been doing good because she started to squirm on my tongue and she was getting so juicy.

But here I was, naked in public so everyone could see me and I was eating another girl's pussy. I never would have dreamed I would be doing this, but for some reason, I was getting wetter myself.

Sue grabbed my head and pushed me into her crotch more and then she started cumming from my licks. She was also a squirter and I got a mouth full of hot sweet pussy juice. She was cumming hard and everyone in the café watched as I made her cum.

Once she calmed down, she pushed me away and out from under her skirt. My face was dripping with her pussy juice as she pushed me toward her friend. She had her legs spread and a skirt covering her pussy. But from my view, I saw she wasn't bald. Nope, her pussy was quite hairy. I guess it was called the natural look.

I went in under her skirt and took a good lick of her pussy. It was sweet, but way too much hair on it. I found out that I would rather eat a pussy that has been shaved. I don't like hair in my teeth, but I did what I was getting paid to do. That was to humiliate myself in public.

I licked and sucked on her pussy and made her cum quickly. I wanted out of there as fast as I could. Once she finished cumming I had one more pussy to eat. And she was ready, but this one was kind of huge. She was a big girl and I had problems getting between her legs and reaching her pussy, but I finally managed to do it.

The bad thing about this one was it had a bad odor and terrible taste. I am not sure what the taste was or the smell, but it was almost enough to gag me. But I knew I had to get her to cum, so I did what I had to do and ate her nasty pussy. I made her cum and got out from under her skirt quickly.

I was wanting to go back to the hotel to clean up, but Dana had other plans for me. She came to where I was and said, "Well pet, you did good with the girls, let's see how you do with the guys. Crawl around the café and ask if any of the men here want to give you some more dessert."

I started crawling with the hopes a nice cock would get the taste of bad pussy out of my mouth. But as I was crawling my ass felt a sharp sting on it. I jumped and looked back as I put my hands on my naked ass. Dana stood behind me with a whip of some type. It had lots of strands at the end and looked lethal.

She laughed and said, "Don't worry pet, it will only hurt for a while, but as you crawl and suck some cocks, I am going to wear your ass out. It will be a pretty red by the time we finish."