Pull a Pig

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They go clubbing and pull the ugliest person there.
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"You up for a bit of a laugh, tonight?" Mark called to Jenny as she finished doing her hair.

"How'd you mean?" she asked, her concentration on the mirror not faltering. Being female, multi-tasking was easy for her. Mark smiled to himself, hoping she would be agreeable.

"When we go to this club, tonight......." he began, "......how about a having a game?"

"What sort of game?" Jenny replied, changing her focus from her hair to her make up.

"A game of pull a pig" Mark continued, his grin not visible from her position in front of the dresser.

She winced. She hated that game. Grab a grand-dad or pull a pig was not really her cup of tea. Sure, it was a real laugh but sometimes the guys came on a bit too strong for her.

"Must we?" She whined. Mark looked at her with one of his sad puppy faces.

"Please..." he almost begged, "....for me?" Jenny winced some more. She hated it when Mark did that. She hated it even more now as the wincing had created an unwanted line in her make up.

"Can't we play a drinking game instead?" she said, standing up and walking over to him, placing her arms around his waist and pulling him close to her. He kissed her tenderly and Jenny thought she knew how to get around him.

"No" he said, pulling away from the embrace and messing around with his hair in the mirror, faking a bit of image consciousness. "Besides, you always end up get really turned on and we make love for hours afterwards."

Jenny had to agree. Every time they'd done this sort of thing, the act of making another guy aroused and turning him on made her feel great. She knew she had the looks, and this gave her power, power over men. They wanted her and she loved teasing them, getting their blood boiling over, leaving them wanting more. God, she was feeling horny already. It pissed her off a bit to see Mark with some grotesque tart but she knew he was only doing it for a laugh.

"OK" she agreed, reluctantly, "but let's leave by one o'clock. I don't want you being too tired to perform tonight, you understand?" she said, giving him one her sideways looks that she often did. Mark knew that look.

"Agreed" he said, his smirk widening as he thought of the evening to come. Jenny saw his grin and batted her hair-brush against his bum, making his smirk falter a little. Mark could be quite cunning at times, she thought to herself. What she didn't know was how cunning.

They arrived at the club with the usual ground rules. She'd pull some unlikely stranger and lead him on a bit, Mark would find himself some ugly tart and tease her a bit. Around one o'clock, they'd make their excuses to go to the lavatory and, from there, disappear together leaving their dates in the club on their own, waiting patiently for their would-be partner for the night.

Mark would then take Jenny home and they'd fuck all night, like rabbits on a mission!

They bought their own drinks and sat at opposite ends of the bar. Mark was hoping it would happen and, as planned, Andy walked by. Andy was an acquaintance of one of Mark's friends and they'd met briefly at some stag party a while back. Andy was in his mid forties, had a receding hair line and a bald patch, but an increasing waist line, and had been divorced for about 3 years. He'd been in and out of relationships (mostly out) because he could be a little aggressive at times, rarely a turn on with the ladies. Andy had received an anonymous call from "A friend" who had told him to be at a certain club at a certain time. The caller had described Jenny perfectly and that she preferred the more mature man. Andy had taken the bait, hook, line and sinker. Mark watched from a safe distance as Andy walked in and looked around. His eyes met Jenny's and he smiled.

Andy opened the conversation and immediately bought her a drink, a large vodka. Jenny looked suspiciously down the bar at Mark, who sat there, nursing his drink all alone. He was going to have to go some to beat someone this ugly, she thought to herself. The looser had to make breakfast next morning and she thought ahead of what she would make him prepare, pancakes, maybe. Something that would require some work, not just some cereal poured into a bowl. Yep, breakfast was pretty safe, she thought.

Andy continued the conversation, his eyes having trouble looking into hers as her cleavage was on open display and required a great deal of will power to avoid.

Mark's thoughts were rudely interrupted by a voice next to him. Mark spun round and saw a short plump woman stood in front of him, with a face that he vaguely knew. After a few moments, it dawned on him it was the mother of one his chums. She was here with a load of other girls from work on a hen night but, being middle aged and not particularly attractive, she felt rather awkward. Mark's face was the only face she recognised and struck up conversation with him.

Jenny had noticed this woman and her blood began to boil. Breakfast tomorrow could be a close thing. This woman was so fat, she was taller when she sat down, she mused to her self. And Jenny's date had less facial hair than Mark's. She was even more devastated when Mark's date pulled out her purse and bought Mark a drink!

"Fancy a dance?" Jenny said to Andy, grabbing him by the hand. Andy almost fell off his bar stool as she pulled him, barely managing to place his glass on the counter before she led the way to the floor. The strobes flickered and the music thumped as Jenny hit the floor, her movements wild and raucous, flamboyant and oozing confidence, her ample bosom not restricted by the confines of a bra. Tonight, Jenny was bra-less and in full party mode. And man, could she party?

Andy struggled to keep up with her, his eyes watching her bosoms as she grooved to the music, his head rocking from side to side in an almost hypnotic trance. She called to him, saying something but he couldn't understand her, the music was too loud for him. Jenny was determined she was going to win this contest. This was no time for prisoners she thought to herself as she honed in for the kill.

Mark was still engrossed in conversation but he had a shrewd idea where Jenny was and he scanned the dance floor periodically and caught glimpses of her. Obliged to sit and make polite conversation, he was eager to watch his own woman flirt with some stranger, some ugly stranger at that. Mark had visions of his lovely Jenny going all the way with some fat, old ugly bloke whilst he sat and watched. God, the thought of that made him feel so horny. Jenny, however, was happy just to flirt for a bit of fun, to give her prey an erection and then for her prey to have to deal with his erection on his own. Jenny enjoyed the power she had over men and she executed her skills with speed and precision like a cheetah, the result inevitable.

Mark made an excuse to visit the toilet and made his way through the crowd overlooking the dance floor. From this view, he could see her ample cleavage and could see the definite outline of her nipples through the material of her clothing and so firm, you could taste them from a distance. Mark leaned against the barrier, hoping to disguise his own firmness that had developed within his own underwear.

Andy had changed his dancing technique, also in an endeavour to hide his own erection. Andy tried so hard to be chic and cool, snapping his fingers in rhythm to the music like some 1970's dance icon, painfully unaware that he was so out of date it was embarrassing for those around him. Jenny continued, overcoming her embarrassment by accepting the smiles and nods of appreciation from the other guys up dancing. Some were so mesmerised by her charms, they ended up being slapped or chastised by their own girlfriends or partners.

Jenny could see Andy's face reddening and guessed his stamina was beginning to give way to exhaustion, so she whispered in his ear they should go and repossess their drinks for a bit. Andy feigned disappointment but almost raced back to their seats like a greyhound, his stamina re-establishing itself.

Jenny noticed Mark had moved but guessed he wouldn't be too far away. She noticed the fat woman had also disappeared. Now you couldn't hide someone that fat too easily, she thought to herself. Jenny's mind began to race. What if he'd decided to take her out the back for a bit of ......... her mind stopped in it's tracks.

"He wouldn't" she whispered to herself. "Would he?" she questioned.

"Hmm?" Andy asked, assuming she'd said something to him. Jenny snapped out of her daydream.

"Oh, nothing" she lied, sipping her drink. He mind was still in turmoil, He wouldn't, he couldn't, especially with something that big she pondered to herself. Sure, Mark was big enough to penetrate the flaps and folds of fat but would he actually stoop to those depths, she wondered. It was only a game, they always went back home and fucked like rabbits afterwards. Then it dawned on her.

Mark had always wanted her to screw someone else, preferably whilst he watched. Maybe he'd got fed up of asking and had gone to another woman to try his luck, but why someone so fat and ugly? She thought back at the times he'd asked her. It was all falling into place now. Tonight, it had been his idea to play "pull a pig." A hidden agenda, she surmised.

Andy had noticed her looking around and although he hadn't recognised her own guy, he guessed she was looking for someone else. He had to move now.

"He's gone" Andy stated, hoping to bluff his way through the conversation. Jenny looked at Andy, quizzically.


"That guy you kept looking at. He's gone off with that woman." Jenny took the bait.

"You saw them?"

"Uh huh" Andy nodded, trying to feel confident about his lies.

"Oh!" Jenny said, disappointed. Her mind spun. Why would Mark do that to her? She felt really pissed off decided another drink might help.

"Be a love and get me another one" she said to Andy, waving her glass in his general direction. He got up but she held his wrist briefly.

"If you make it a large one, I might thank you later" she smiled, winking at him, noticing the bulge in his groin. Andy's energy immediately reappeared and he managed to find himself at the front of the queue for the bar, having subtly barged in a few times. Jenny looked around the venue, unable to see Mark. Mark, however, could see her perfectly, the angled mirrors over the top of the bar area enabling him to see her reflection as her fingers ran up and down the stem of her glass like she was masturbating her man, her finger movements slow and subtle, gentle and deliberate. Mark felt his own erection stir again and he had to think of the stations on the London Underground map to take his mind off his erotic thoughts. At this stage, if he started at Edgware, he doubted if he'd reach Hampstead before an accident!

Andy returned with two bottles of her favourite white wine and a pair of fresh wine glasses. His hands trembled as he poured her a glass and Jenny thought she'd need more than two bottles to get through tonight. She took an almighty swig from her glass, draining half of the glass with one gulp. She looked around, still looking for Mark but there was no sign at all.

Andy was slowly sipping his wine, aware he might be onto a good thing here. He wasn't going to get pissed, he wanted to milk this situation for all he could. God, she looked so horny, her nipples in severe danger of poking someone's eye out, he thought to himself. He wondered how far she would go, if she had a shaved pussy, if she would take it up the arse, if she swallows. He should ask her if she would like to spend the night with him. He took a long swig of his own drink, building up a bit of Dutch courage. He tried to clear his throat when Jenny spoke.

"Fill me up, will you?" she said. Andy nearly fainted before he realised she was holding her glass in his general direction. He refilled her wine glass, using both hands to keep steady. Another gulp and the glass was again, half empty. Or was it half full?

Andy was itching to ask her if she would spend the night with him. What should he say? He had been divorced for a while and was out of practice in chatting up the ladies. Should he be subtle and ask her back for a coffee. Should he be more gentlemanly and ask her if he could walk her home? Maybe he should be assumptive and ask her if they should go to his place or hers. Ask her, you dim-wit, he said inwardly to himself. For an experienced man, he was being a bit of a big girls blouse tonight. Heavens above, he'd been in riots at Anfield in Liverpool some years ago, now he was intimidated by a woman, albeit a very attractive horny woman.

He looked at Jenny's pretty face and his resolve melted. She was so horny, what would she want with an old fart like him? There was no way on this earth she would so much as even let him get near her, let alone be intimate with her. But, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

"When was the last time you had a fuck?" he blurted out. Jenny, who was still in her own little world hadn't heard him properly.

"Pardon?" she clarified.

"When was the last time you had a fuck?" he asked again, slowly and louder. The couple on the next table overheard and hid their giggles. Andy went beetroot red.

"When did you?" Jenny replied, turning the tables. She might have been tipsy but she was still very much in control.

"Oh, you know?" he said, shyly, embarrassed. Jenny smiled and licked her lips in a sensuous manner, her ruby red lipstick now glistening with her own saliva, the ultra violet lighting adding to the atmosphere.

"Do you think I'm attractive?" she asked. Andy nodded his head, his mind was spinning. Was this for real or was it a dream, he wondered.

"Would you like to fuck me?" Jenny said, very matter of fact. Just because Mark wasn't around, didn't mean she wasn't going to try & win the pull a pig competition.

"Yeah" he said, like a child being offered an ice cream. "But why me?" he asked. Jenny looked at him quizzically.

"I mean, there's dozens of younger, better looking guys here, why me?" he said, kicking himself for giving her a get-out-of-jail-free card. Jenny smiled and licked her lips again.

"Because I like a man with experience" she lied. "My boyfriend has deserted me and run off with another woman...." Jenny kept the details brief, ".....and I thought to myself that maybe I should, too. And maybe, I should avoid the younger guys who think they know it all and find a man that does know it all" she said, draining her glass and pointing to it. Andy refilled her glass.

"Anyway, if you were going to have open heart surgery, would you go to a novice doctor or an experienced one?" she said, winking again. The winking was getting to Andy, his groin was on fire now. He noticed the glint in her eyes and he knew she was ripe for the picking. Andy was just too easy to tease and she felt a bit wicked. But right now, her mind was all over the place.

"Your place or mine, babe?" he said, trying to be cool and assertive, but sounding only like some "Dude" out of Starsky and Hutch (the original 70's series). Jenny almost choked on her wine at the humour of the situation but she held her cool.

"How about out back?" she said, her fingers working the stem of her glass again, an action that did not go unnoticed by Andy. It was his turn to catch his breath.

"What? In the alley?" Jenny nodded. Andy gulped. He was in his mid forties and had never done anything as lewd or wild as this before. And here he was with a fit 22 year old blonde stunner who was prepared to go all the way with him in the alley.

"OK" he said, meekly, his face looking blue as the paleness was lit up by the ultra violet lamps. Jenny drained her recently refilled glass.

"Shall we go?" she said, standing up. Andy looked up at her pretty face and almost came again in his pants. Even if he did take her outside, how long would he last for? He stood and she reached for his hand. The warmth of her soft hand sent his mind into another spin as he imagined the feel of her soft hand on is erection.

She led the way, heading towards the service corridor and the emergency exit which was not alarmed. They stepped outside, the gentle breeze from the Pennines offering a cooler sensation than the regulated temperature from inside the venue. The warm August evening could almost be romantic if it wasn't for the aroma of Indian cooking coming from the restaurant next door mixed with the smell of diesel fumes from the bus garage nearby.

She left the emergency exit door ajar as they stepped into the alley.

"Why don't you get ready over there....." she suggested, pointing to an area where some rubbish bins on wheels were parked, "......Whilst I just go and freshen up my make up." Jenny turned to go inside, intending to repossess the bottles of wine, sink them, then get a cab home. Andy, however, had other ideas.

"You look just fine" he said, grabbing her arm brusquely. Jenny tried to pull her arm away but Andy held on to her.

"You ain't going nowhere yet" he said, his manner becoming sinister. Jenny saw the darkness in his eyes and knew this man could be violent. Andy saw the fear in her eyes.

"I don't take too kindly to prick teasers" he said, taking control of the situation. "Your bloke has left you on your own and you've led me on. You said upstairs that you were up for it, show me how far you're prepared to go." Jenny looked at him, looking for the compassion in his eyes, a smirk to show it was just a façade, a sign that this was just him teasing her in reply, anything. All she saw was violence, greed and hatred. His divorce had obviously been unpleasant, leading to a general distrust of women in general and, more specifically, Jenny. She swallowed the saliva that had built up in her mouth and gulped, which did not go unnoticed by Andy.

"You shouldn't be scared..." he said, calmly, stroking her hair, his attitude almost schizophrenic, "...you did say you preferred the more experienced man, didn't you?" Jenny was about to reply when his manner changed again, grabbing a big handful of her blonde hair. "Or were you just teasing me?"

"No, No. Please let me go" she babbled.

"I'll let you go alright, missy, once you've pleased me" he said, grinning, his face assuming an evil look you might otherwise see in horror movies, the glow from distant amber street lighting making the rear yard even more eerie.

"Don't hurt me" Jenny squealed, Andy still having a handful of her hair. His smile became more of a grimace.

"Like I said, you've got to please me first" and he forced her down to her knees in front of him.

"Do you like chicken?" he asked her. She looked up at his eyes, confused. His smile continued.

"Well, suck this, it's foul!" he said, laughing at his own joke and unzipping himself and removing his erection. Ten minutes earlier, back in the club, he was out of his depth, it was her territory and she was in control. But here and now, in the alley, it was just him and her and, like all bullies, this was how he liked it. This was his territory and the control was his, too. Still with a fistful of her hair in his hand, he forced her head towards his throbbing erection.

"Suck it" he ordered, moving his hips so the moistness of his pre-cum ran over her sweet lips. "You see! Better than lipstick, isn't it?" he laughed, forcing his cock into her rebellious lips. His hand on her hair tightened.

"And don't even think about biting, sweetheart" he said and she knew he meant business. Reluctantly, Jenny opened her mouth and took the length of his cock into her mouth, the taste of pre-cum on her tongue. He forced himself deep into her mouth to the very back of her throat, causing her body to wretch. Andy enjoyed her discomfort and rammed his erection deep into her throat with a pumping action, face fucking this horny blonde bitch that had been prick teasing him. Jenny was having trouble drawing breath and the pain in her mouth and at the roots of her hair was becoming unbearable. She tried to scream but was prevented from doing so by the contents of her mouth. Andy withdrew his dick from her mouth. Back in the club a few minutes earlier, he was almost ready to come but out here in the fresh Manchester air, he could go on for hours.