Pussy Stupid

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Feminist mother confronts daughter.
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Please, if you are under the age of 18, don't read this material. Just wait a few years and you'll be all good and legal for this kind of stuff.

Now for the rest of you, Enjoy!


Mom I love him!

I don't want to hear it. Not like this you wont. NOT like this!

Please don't do this to me. I need him. So what if I'm willing to...

SHUT UP! JUST SHUT UP! You don't NEED a man. Haven't I taught you anything? Have you not learned?

Yes...yes I've learned it all, but its..its...


It doesn't work mother. All this feminist crap you've been preaching, its all crap!


I'm so sorry mommy. I didn't mean it like that. Its just, I cant get a man acting like you want me to.

All my life I've done so much to further the female cause. Gone on rallies, given speeches, protested inequality. I brought you with me to all of them for Christ's sake! I thought someday you would appreciate the sacrifices and triumphs I worked so hard to make. All those things were so that stupid twits like you need not kneel before some man, smiling like a monkey, cooking his meals, and sucking his thingy when he wasn't out fucking other women.

Mom, Billy isn't like that. Billy is so wonderful to me, so loving. He's like my soul mate...

What kind of a 'soul mate' would want you to give up your job to become his dumb little house wife?

There's nothing wrong with being a house wife...

BULLSHIT! Tell that to all the women throughout the ages who had to shut up and spread their legs because they were treated like baby making machines! Finally we live in a time where you don't have to be submissive to get a man. Where you can work and be your own person. Why would you want to throw that all away?

Because I love him!


Its true mom. Please try to understand. He doesn't think of me like you think. He respects me, and listens to what I have to say.

You went to Yale! You are such a smart girl. How can you be so pussy stupid?


My own girl, a pussy stupid twit!

Don't call me that, I can't stand it when you call me that.

Us feminists hated girls like you. Girls who had all the mental talents to show the men off, but thought with their cunts instead. I can't believe my little girl, after all I showed her in life, is just another pussy stupid!

Mom, I'm a Jr. Executive for crying out loud! I'm not a...

And you're throwing away all that success for a man. Your need for that wiggly rod in your hole has you giving it all up. In another few years you could have been in Sr managment! Please stop thinking with your cunt and see what you're risking!

I AM thinking with my mind. I look at you and don't want to be what you've become. I don't want to grow up hating men and despising women who marry them. I don't want to be a bitter old lesbian!


Mom enough, I don't want to fight you on this. Janice is a wonderful woman and I am happy for you. But Billy is the man I love and the man I want to marry. If he wants me to give up my job to take care of our kids, then I will honor that. There's no better job out there than that.

Don't make me sick! I can't believe my own flesh and blood would say such a pathetic thing. Do you know how many women cry inwardly every time they say that? Don't become his little homemaker. Resist, I know you have the strength. Don't become just another pussy stupid to a man. You are woman, now ROAR!

Mother that crap just doesn't make any sense. All women like you managed to do was alienate men, leaving you cold and all alone.

Don't say that honey, you just don't understand...

That's why dad slept with all those women behind your back. They didn't make him feel like garbage for having a pair of balls. They made him feel good to be a man. I make Billy feel good to be a man, and that's why I'm getting married. I WANT to be his loving house wife.

I'm getting dizzy. This must be a nightmare. Yes that's what it is, a complete and utter nightmare. Or are you trying to get back at me for something? Was I such a bad mother that you would want to hurt me like this?

You were a wonderful mommy and I love you very much. I don't want this to be about you and me. This should be about Billy and I. About me getting married and being happy!

And giving up your job, and getting on your knees and sucking his prick on demand like a good little wifey. Will you shut up when he's the one talking? Will you cook him the best meals your college educated brain can think of? Make sure you don't mix whites and colors in the wash baby, you wouldn't want to get the Master of the house angry with pink shirts!

MOM! Don't be stupid.

I'm not the one thinking with her pussy! Go ahead and just admit you don't care about being a pussy stupid wifey.

Fine, I WANT to be a pussy stupid wifey! Are you happy now mommy? I'd rather be any kind of wife than an angry old lesbian like you!


Billy makes me fool good. He makes me feel like a woman. When his dick slides into me, I am TOTALLY at peace. There's nothing wrong with enjoying a man's tool inside you. I'm not betraying some imaginary womanhood. I'm not setting the movement back an era.

More than you know. When other women have to make similar decisions, they'll look at you and see how 'happy' you are being a servant wife. They'll think its ok to quit their jobs, ok to drop out of school, ok to become the second class citizens to men. You have no idea the damage you will be doing. All our hard work!

I just don't buy any of that. You're telling me that you're happy? After all the hell you raised, all the men you pissed off, all the times you spent giving speaches on the road instead of being with daddy. What he said was true after all, that you left him LONG before he left you. And now you couldn't get a man if you paid!

<SLAP>Oh what have I done, Jessica I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do that...

Its ok mother, I shouldn't have said that. I know its not all your fault for daddy leaving. I know you loved him and wanted him around. But he's not here is he? He's with that bimbo secretary. Which would you rather be, the educated lonely old woman or the bimbo secretary who's sleeping with your ex-husband?


Don't cry mommy. You should be happy I'm not going to be making that same mistake with Billy. I'm going to keep him happy. I'm going to give him the attention he deserves. And he's going to love me, respect me, and cherish me! Don't you want that for your baby girl?

<Sniff sniff> Yes but...oh Jessica, not like this. Cant you at least keep your job until...

He doesn't like the idea of his wife working. He wants to be the bread winner. It makes him feel like a man, and I don't want to castrate his ego like daddy.

I didn't castrate him...

You might as well should have. How could he look his friends and coworkers in the face when they laughed at him? Some of those speeches you gave were in the newspaper and on TV. I remember how proud you were of that, but did you ever see daddy cringe, knowing how pathetic he'd feel when he would go into work the next day?

I wont apologies for being a strong woman and defending our rights. If you weren't the pussy stupid twit you've become, you would be crying to the words you are saying, to me of all people.

If you want to call me pussy stupid, then that's fine. I really don't care. I'm the one getting married. I'm not the one who sleeps with other bitter divorced feminists and plays 'dress up'!


Ya ya, I know about that to. I never said anything because I respected your decisions. But compared to what I'm doing, you really don't have much to say for yourself. I mean really mom, dressing up with those outfits?

You know nothing about that. We were, role playing against...um...male aggression. We were...

Knock it off, you were having sex games. Was it Janice who always played the man, or did you ever have a try?

Enough, we're not talking about me. This is about you and your pussy stupid decision to quit your job so Billy will marry you. This isn't about me and..

I don't think you ever played the man. I think it's the way you wanted it I bet, in some sick irony. I thought you hated men so much, so imagine my shock the first time I saw Janice dressed up like one. I couldn't understand why you would be acting all girly when she was dressed like that. So out of the norm for you. Why you would prance around in those ridicules high heels, wearing...

STOP! Say no more! I CANNOT believe you would spy on your own mother. I'm only going to say this once, but what you saw was only a role play to remind us how horrible it would be to lower ourselves to a man. The humiliation of it, reinforcing our will. That's all it was for.

Was the strap-on necessary then? Seems a little involved for a simple role-play reinforcement?

I said enough. I'm getting very nauseas. I'm only trying to prevent you from making a horrible mistake with Billy. Please try to understand.

Billy would never have me dress up like a silly little maid and prance around the house doing chores. Billy would never have me lick his office shoes clean. Billy would never pull me over his lap and spank me for being a bad wife. And especially, Billy would NEVER plunge his cock into my wet cunt while I yelled, "I'm a stupid pussy, I'm a stupid pussy"!

<SLAP><SLAP> This time I am NOT sorry!

And this time I'm not forgiving you.

You weren't supposed to be around the house when we did that. You were supposed to be visiting your father. What we did was private and between Janice and I.

I know that, but it doesn't change the fact that now you have to get your kinks with another woman. Another woman who has to 'pretend' to be a man so you can get a fake cock inside you. I want the real thing. I don't want to become like you, fucking other women because I don't want to appear weak in front of men. I want to be happy.

But...I'm happy!

Your happy walking around the house with a feather duster stuck up your butt?

<Gasp> You saw that to?

Are you happy cooking warm meals for her in the kitchen? Happy kneeling at her side on the floor, masturbating as she eats the food you made for her. Happy looking up at a woman dressed up like a man while she smiles down at you and pats her pussy stupid wife on the head?


YES? THAT makes you happy? Waiting until she makes a fake burp before you unbuckle her/his pants, fishing out her fake cock and going down on it?

Yes <sob> No <sob> Yes

Which one is it mommy? Either you're happy being a lesbian man hater who fucks dildos or you feel very very sad and pathetic?

I am NOT pathetic!

But you are still sad then aren't you, maybe even jealous that I'm getting the real thing. Are you jealous of your own daughter?

Of course not. I don't need a man like you...

You just need a fake one!

So what? So what if I want to play a perverted game or two with a friend. Women can do that you know. We don't have homo hang ups like guys do. We can satisfy each other mutually without officially becoming lesbians. I never said I hated men, I just mistrust them. They're rough, they're domineering, and they're sexist. You don't know what its like growing up in a world where there were no laws to protect you from their sexist behavior. Women like me had to fight for every right we have today, and if it meant losing my husband in the process then....

So you didn't care about losing daddy did you? He was right, you did push him away. I'm not saying you had to stop fighting for women's rights. I was so proud of what my mommy did when I was growing up. I felt like I had the bravest mommy around. But I loved daddy just as much as I did you, and having a family is just as important as spreading female freedoms. You could have done both, but you chose women instead of daddy. And now your alone and pathetic, sucking a fake cock when your not licking pussy!

You have no idea how hard I tried to juggle both. I wanted to keep your father around. I am still a woman you know, and I know just how wonderful it feels to have a man inside you. A warm hard man. But he wanted so much. He wanted me to go down on him, he wanted me to try anal, he wanted me to message his feet. I wasn't his fucking sex maid, I was his wife. I was...AM a feminist. I couldn't live with myself doing all those things that I preached shouldn't be done.

Then why do you do all those things for Jessica now? I ran when I heard you squealing like a pig pushing your rear back against her strap on...

Because...I wanted it...

And why? Do you enjoy pretending to be the exact thing you fear the most? A pussy stupid feminist?


You forget I am your daughter and know you well. Its not that you were too strong to submit to daddy, it was that you were too weak. You couldn't be the wife you wanted to be without betraying yourself. And now your making up for it with Janice aren't you? Submitting to her like you wish you could have to daddy!


I'm going to ask you one more time mommy, are you happy or are you sad?

I...I am....

Its ok mommy, let it go..


And why's that?

Because...because I'm a lonely old lesbian...who...misses her man.

Do you now wish you still had his cock around to make you feel like a woman?

<Sniff><sniff>Uh huh...

Does my mommy wish she hadn't been such a mean angry feminist, so she could dress up as a maid for a real man?


Doesn't she wish she could have cooked for him, and cleaned for him, and sucked on his cock, and squealed her ass back to him, and shined his shoes with her tongue, and pranced around the house with a feather duster up her bum after every silly boring feminist speech she made?


What do you wish you had been mommy?

I wish...I wish...I was a...

Say it mommy, it's the truth!

I wish I were a pussy stupid feminist!

You know that's not true. What do you wish you REALLY were?

I wish...I were a pussy stupid...wife!

Like me?

Yes like you. I wish I could be like you, marrying a man, having his cock near by, making me feel like a woman.

Does Janice make you feel like a woman?

No, she just makes me feel pathetic. But she's the closest thing I can get and she knows it. I play her good little pussy stupid house wife because she knows I'm too weak to be one for a real man.

That's right mommy, you ARE too weak. But not me. I am strong enough to admit I want Billy to be my husband and he wants me to be his wife. And not his pussy stupid wife, but his equal. I'm marrying a man who will respect me and love me. You had your chance, but you've settled for a plastic cock and a bitter lesbian. Speaking of which, isn't she due to come over soon?

<Sniff> Yes

Well then you better start getting ready. Your 'man' will be expecting food when 'he' arrives from a hard days work. I believe you still keep that silly maid outfit in your closet dont you? Hurry along mommy and dress up like the pussy stupid wife you are and get ready to serve your lover when 'he' arrives. Ok Pussy Stupid?


Hope you two have fun! I'm going home, I just hope Billy will be there!


All Comments are greatly appreciated, please send them to the address in my profile.

Your encouragements keep me going :)

This work is copyright (c) 2005 by Phoenix Arrow. You may download and keep copies for your personal use as long as the author's byline and e-mail address and this paragraph remain on the copies. Please do not post this story to any web site without permission from the author. All other rights reserved. No alteration of the contents is permitted.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Not to be rude

This story feels very insecure, haha.

lawyerwifelawyerwifeabout 4 years ago
this story is such a hot read

Ive been reading it for years, and it's so simple, that reading it again and again doesn't ruin anything - it's just a series of feelings and images that go straight to your lower brain.

it's genuis. really.

I love it each time.

is it okay if Im pretending a happy ending, though?

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

I wish you would write more

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Written so well from the female perspective, one would almost think you were a female. This should be required reading for all female Jr & Sr high school students. Maybe many of them wouldn't be falsely convinced they were lesbians by angry feminist lesbians and angry demented homos who fear sex with women.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Please continue. I loved it.

Iamcurious999Iamcurious999over 6 years ago
All's Well That Ends Well?

I think that everybody will get what they want...

The daughter will make Billy a fine wife, and be a great mother for their children, avoiding the mistakes that her feminist mother made with her.

Mother can continue to play lezzie games with her girlfriend Janice, until Janice get bored with her, and finds someone else, and where will feminist mom be where life, old age, and companionship are concerned?

Oh well, somewhere there are stray cats who need a home...!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Dang Phoenix that's some hurt expressed on a grand scale. I found the references to 'daddy' distracting, perhaps if it was 'steven' or 'your husband' it would work better for the narative.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
This story was horrible

Honestly this should be taken down, there was nothing hot about about this. I agree with the guy/girl below me, you know nothing about feminist or homosexuality. You sounds like one of those misogynist guys who decided to make a story to feel better about yourself. I know guys like you heck I even had some friends like that, that I have dropped. The people who had put this story as their favorite only did so because it had sex in it and of course most people read anything with sex in it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I have read a lot of crap on here, but this was the absolute worst story I've ever read in my entire life. To begin with, you have no grasp of simple grammar or spelling, let alone any idea as to how a story should flow. I started out turned on and ready to orgasm, but after reading this, I found myself turned off by the stupidity and idiocy you managed to compact into one submission. Your ideas on feminism are highly incorrect, and you should really do your research on the subject before you continue writing. You have NO idea what feminism is, and it's almost painful for your audience. Also, your ideas on homosexuality were just flat out stupid as well. I would suggest you do a lot of research before you write anything next time. I'm not sure you should be submitting anything to this website, either. Anyone under 18 shouldn't be engaging in this, and I'm sure your parents would be horrified to know their 14 year old was attempting to write erotica. This was painful to read. Please learn how to use basic grammar correctly, how to spell, research feminism and homosexuality, and finally, work on the flow of your stories. From the narrative voice, it's easy to see that you're very young. Hopefully as you get older, your writing will drastically improve.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Your story ia plausible and isn't badly written but please, please learn to spell.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

I loved the story. How true is that about feminest????

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

this was a stupid shitty story

racheldearestracheldearestalmost 13 years ago
They are only stereotypes

I liked this story. I am a feminist and was not offended by this story in any way. While the two different views that are protrayed in the story are extreme and black-and-white, I think Phoenix does a good job of showing just how extreme and stupid BOTH extremes are. I don't believe this story was intended to depict the views of real feminists, or the views of real housewives, just the stereotypes. Both characters are pathetic, if you ask me. This seems more like a satire story to me.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Somewhere else

It's not that this wasn't good, but it just doesn't belong here

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Makes me wonder exactly how many man-hating dikes go through this same scenario.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

should be called "pretty stupid." It's just another frustrated guy tale.

BadCraziness632BadCraziness632almost 15 years ago
Stuck in the Middle

I would like to know why this article was placed on a story website. My guess is that the content forced the author to post it here. Anyways, it is an interesting piece of satire regarding the promises of gender equality through political activism.

However, the premise is a little narrow. The idea that feminists would be man-hating lesbians is nothing new, and the daughter apparently approving of house work doesen't sound like a solution.

Bascially, what is missing here is a middle ground in which there is equality in marriage.

Baph1191Baph1191over 15 years ago
Could use some work

WAY to inaccurate. It was interesting, but I don't think everything is as cut and dry as you make it out to be. Not all feminists are man-haters, and not all straight women are "pussy stupid". Also, the dialogue could be a lot better. And other then that, the only other thing would be to actually add sex. This is a sex story sight, and people usually want to read about sex. So find a different topic.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Ha haaaa

Take that femensists! LOL...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
I have an issue with it

I think this story chooses to make a lot of assumptions, and I have a huge problem with that. First of all, feminists are NOT all man-haters. And not all "strong women" want to be little house wives. Not all feminists do either. And it's not just weak women who are housewives, so don't assume I'm coming at it from that angle.

Feminists aren't necessarily bitter, angry man-hating lesbians. Nor do they necessarily assume that housewives are stupid, weak-willed women. My Mother raised me with this single statement "I am not a housewife because I don't want to work that hard. So I go to work instead."

It creates a lot of horrid assumptions and perpetuates a HORRIBLE stereotype of feminist women. Say what you will about the feminist movement, but women wouldn't have ANY choices today were it not for them. Every woman today, from the willing housewife to the Fortune 500 CEO, owe the early feminists. They owe those women who suffered and struggled for the rights that we (yes, I am a woman) have today. And as women, we owe it to those women to at least attempt to understand them. Not necessarily agree with them, but certainly not to defame their character.

From a NON-MAN HATING, lesbian equalist activists of the 21st century. From a person who does not believe in making villains of heroes.

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