Quaranteam - 808 State Ch. 14-15

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Island life during DH. Caught!
17.8k words

Part 7 of the 7 part series

Updated 05/20/2024
Created 02/05/2024
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Author's note: Mahalo nui loa to Devin McTaggert (CorruptingPower) for letting me write into his creation. And a heartfelt mahalo to my fellow spinoff writers and readers in the writer's room. If you haven't already, please go read the spinoffs (once you're pau reading this chapter of 808!), and kindly rate and comment on them. The spinoff authors are a very diverse group, as you can probably tell by the differences between the tales in the Quaranteam setting, and they've all put a lot of effort into their stories!

Chapter 14
July 13, 2020

Mal and Evelyn were curled up together in bed — the master bedroom king-size bed to be specific. Evelyn was clutching Mal's hand between her breasts as they slept, their nude bodies pressed comfortably together under the blanket.

The quiet tableau was shattered by a staccato knocking and Kat's slightly-muffled voice saying, "Daddy? Why aren't you up yet!" The knob jiggled a bit and then the voice became clearer as the door opened. "Daddy! I'm hungry!"

Mal went from asleep to awake in an instant. "KAT! OUT!" he roared. "Close the door!"

Beside him, Evelyn had instinctively pulled the blanket over her head at the start of the knocking. Once she heard the door shut, she pulled it down and gave Mal a wry smile. "I know you locked that door before we went to bed — did you forget to lock it after you got up at 4?"

Mal pulled himself to a sitting position, his back against the headboard. "I didn't wake up this morning. That door should have still been locked," he grumbled. "Gwen's gonna be PISSED."

Evelyn blanched. "But. No- She... She told me she wants me to..."

"Nah, as hard as it is for me to believe, I think Gwen truly doesn't care about us having sex — no, she's gonna be pissed that Kat almost walked in on us. I'm pissed that Kat almost walked in on us. And she won't believe the door was locked." Mal looked at the clock. "Damn. It's over half-past 6! I never sleep this late. Callie must be losing her mind. Come on, beautiful, we gotta get up. Dog's gotta poo, chickens gotta be let out and fed, eggs collected, I gotta stretch the new fence fabric — oh, wait, did you need to do something with the herd today?" He slipped out of the bed and pulled on his boxers.

Evelyn shook her head. "No, they'll be good for a bit longer. But I've been thinking I may have to change the pasture management plan." The young Hawaiian woman also slid out of bed, causing Mal to freeze and involuntarily drop the shirt he was picking up as he drank in the sight of her nude form. "If we gotta — oh, you like?" Evelyn put her hands on her hips and arched her back.

Mal trembled. "Evvy..." he groaned.

The young woman giggled and stopped posing. "I'm sorry, Mal, but I had to see if it was true — Gwen told me how much you like looking at her, and I wondered if that was just her or women in general, or YOUR woman. Women. Clearly more testing is required."

Mal flushed and lowered his gaze, bending over with some difficulty and retrieving his shirt while attempting to adjust the sudden tent in his shorts.

"Hey, Mal. It's okay. I want you to look at me. I like it. It's sexy — makes me feel sexy to know that you like looking at me — that you appreciate how I look, even when my hair is a mess and I need a shower." Evelyn recovered the shirt she'd been wearing last night and inhaled — she thought Mal's scent still lingered in the fabric, even though she knew Gwen wouldn't have given her an unwashed shirt to wear. Smiling at her thoughts, she pulled it over her head and spotted her panties, cast aside next to the door. *Good thing Kat didn't actually come in!*

Mal blinked — clearly he hadn't noticed last night exactly what shirt Evelyn had been wearing, probably assuming it was one of hers. "Um. Is that... Uh. Evelyn, are you wearing my shirt?"

"Yup! Gwen lent it to me," she responded as she slipped her panties on. "Gave me a choice between Yoda's 'No try,' or this one. She said it would help me understand you better, and I just couldn't pass that up." She pointed to the large pie slice and grinned at her partner. "So if I ring that bell, my understanding is that I'll get your undivided attention."

"It's 'Do, or do not. There is no try,' you can't just say, 'No try,' that totally changes the meaning! Wait. What — no. I mean, yeah, I guess. I dunno — Gwen said that I'm really like that?" Mal winced and his shoulders slumped. "I gotta finish getting dressed and get started on the chores," he said with a flat tone. "You probably have stuff you have to do as well — I better not bother you. Sorry."

He pulled on his jeans and started toward the door, only to be intercepted by Evelyn putting her hand on his chest.

"Mal," the young woman said. "You. Are. NEVER going to be a bother to me. You're my partner now — my man. And I'm here for you, whatever you need, whenever you need it. And I'm sorry if I said anything that upset you or made you feel shame — I would never do anything like that intentionally, Mal." Evelyn stepped into Mal's space, her arms going around him, hugging him firmly.

After a moment, Mal returned her hug. "No, it wasn't you, Evvy. It was- I just recalled something upsetting I recently learned. Something I have to figure out how to come to terms with. It really isn't you."

Evelyn leaned back so she could study his face. This Mal, this hurting, dejected Mal wasn't one she wanted to see much more of, but he was HER Mal now, and she knew that she was going to have to learn his moods even as he'd have to learn hers. "Ohh-kay," she said, drawing the word out to show that it wasn't really. "I'm here for you — really, Mal, I am. Hele mai, kuʻu ipo, let's go face the music — think Kat's told Gwen yet?"

Mal nodded, then shrugged, and, dropping his arms from around Evelyn, pulled back slightly until she released him as well. "If she hasn't, we will. Come on." He took her hand in his own and started toward the door.

"Oh! Wait, I need pants!" Evelyn pulled her hand away, noticing the slight resigned wince that crossed Mal's face as she did so. *Holy shit, Mal, what the fuck has Gwen done to you?* She quickly pulled her shorts on, shoving her phone awkwardly into the too-small pocket. Then, smiling and looking deliberately at Mal, who was watching her without looking directly at her, interlaced her fingers with his and brought the back of his hand to her lips for a kiss. "Okay, NOW we're ready."

The couple exited the master bedroom and looked down the hall. Kat's door was open, and they could see the little girl sitting just inside, facing them.

"Daddy, I'm sorry I didn't wait!" Kat wailed as soon as she saw Mal. "I was so hungry, and you weren't up yet, and I don't want to wake Mommy and make her grouchy and I'm so sorry Daddy and Callie had to go potty and I let her out and I tried to give her food and I spilled some and please don't be mad at me and I'm sorry I opened your door! Waaah!"

Evelyn's free hand went to her heart at the distraught little girl's cry. Mal let go of her other hand as he hurried to his daughter and, sitting on the hallway floor, gathered her to him.

"Hey, hey, hey. Come on, kitty-Kat, It's okay, I'm not mad at you. I wasn't happy you opened the door — I know I locked it last night — and that's why I yelled, but I'm not mad at you, honey. There, there, it's okay." He began rocking the little girl in his lap.

Kat clutched at him, "I'm sorry Daddy! I shouldn't have opened your door! But the knob wouldn't turn, so I fixed it so it worked! I'm sorry!"

"You know how to unlock the bedroom doors?" Mal continued rocking his daughter.

"Uh-huh. But I'll never never never do it again!"

Evelyn knelt down next to the pair, her hand on Mal's shoulder.

Kat blinked tears away. "Daddy? Why was Auntie Evvy asleeping in your and Mommy's room with you?"

"Remember how we told you that you have to listen to Auntie Evvy just like you do Mommy and Daddy? Well, Auntie Evvy is part of our ʻohana now, Kat, and since she's a grown-up, she gets to sleep in whichever grown-up bed she wants to."

Evelyn smiled reassuringly at Katherine. "But sometimes I might still sleep in the room you said was mine, and even if I sleep in your Daddy's bed, I can still read you a story before bed whenever you want me to!"

"Mommy and Daddy's bed." Kat said firmly. "Even if Mommy doesn't sleep there, it's still hers and Daddy's bed; it's not just Daddy's bed."

"Well, Mommy and Daddy and Auntie Evvy will discuss that, kiddo. But, let's talk about you unlocking the door. How'd you know how to do that?"

"Dadd-dy! It's easy! You just need something flat! Here, I'll show you!" The little girl, tears gone, popped up from her father's lap and rummaged through some of the toys in her room, pulling out a curious orange shape.

"See, look! You just take this, and put the flat end here," Kat demonstrated on her bedroom door knob. "You gotta get it right in the line, otherwise nothing happens, the knob-line doesn't turn. But here, see," Kat rotated the tool and Mal and Evelyn heard a slight click as the knob lock was set.

"But now the knob is broken, yeah?" Kat jiggled it as she demonstrated it wouldn't turn. "So we have to fix it by turning the line back the other way like this. Ta-da!" She concluded her demonstration with a triumphant turn of the knob, then faced Mal and Evelyn and dipped into a curtsy.

Mal clapped solemnly. "Very impressive honey. How did you figure that out? What's that piece you used — and where'd you get it?"

Kat handed the tool to her father, who, upon seeing it up close, began to laugh. "Oh. My. God. Freaking Lego. Evvy, she used a Lego separator to unlock the door! Kat, you clever little girl, how'd you figure it out?"

"Really, Daddy?" Kat tilted her head and looked at him from under her eyebrows. "I have lots and lots of time. All we do is stay home, we never go anywhere anymore. Except for the tractor ride and the cow move. That was fun!

"I know you use a key to unlock the front door, and it goes into the puka on the knob and then you turn it to fix it. And on the other side there's the thing you turn to break it. Or fix it. And my door and your door and the bathroom doors and — and all the inside doors have a line and a breaky-fixy thing. So I thought maybe the line was like the puka in the front door, so I found a key and it worked!

"I was gonna tell you, but you said you needed to finish a test for work and you'd ask me to show you later. But you didn't ever ask me, Daddy!" The little girl folded her arms and gave her father a cross glare.

"Uh, wait, that was... Two weeks ago? Shoot, I'm sorry, honey, Daddy forgot to ask you about it. But I'm super impressed that you figured that out all by yourself! Is there anything else that you tried to tell me that I forgot to ask you about?"

Kat dropped her arms and shrugged. "Don't remember. If I'm not in trouble, can I still fix the knobs when they don't work?"

Evelyn started to laugh, then stifled it and brought her hand up to cover her smile as Mal glanced her way.

"We'll...see. For now, maybe not yet. And, kiddo, if you know someone is in a room and the door is closed — especially if it's locked! — you knock and then you..."

Kat rolled her eyes. "Wait for them to say, 'Come in.' But Da-a-a-ad. What if they don't say anything — like you and Auntie Evvy this morning?"

"Katherine, you hardly gave us any time to respond! I heard bang-bang-bang, and the next thing I knew you were swinging the door open! You. Gotta. Wait. You, keiki kolohe!" Mal ended by tickling Kat's ribs, making the little girl squirm and giggle.

"If someone really isn't responding, Kat-honey, even after you knock, and wait, and then knock again, you can always come and find another adult to check on the person in the room," Evelyn suggested. "It's always a good idea to get help. Like when I asked you and your Daddy to help me feed and move my cows." Evelyn leaned in and kissed Mal's cheek.

Kat made a face. "Yes, Daddy. Yes, Auntie Evvy. I'm hungry."

Mal turned Kat loose and stood back up. "Yes, we remember, kiddo. You said Mommy is still sleeping? Okay, come on, let's get you fed." In a lower voice, as Kat scurried off toward the kitchen, Mal muttered to Evelyn, "Good, hopefully she's able to get some rest and not be in too much discomfort before tonight." Mal winced again, his eyes briefly closing, a slight tightening at the corners betraying some inner turmoil he seemed to be feeling. "This is really hard on her, in particular — I wish there were some other way."

Evelyn leaned into Mal, slipping an arm around him. "Gwen went into this deliberately, Mal, to protect you and Kat. And I'm hoping that with time, she'll appreciate it as much as I do — and I DO!"

Mal sighed and squeezed the young woman briefly before following his daughter. "I hope so, Evvy, but some people are really different."

Evelyn watched him walk away from her for a second before following him down the hall, not noticing that her phone had slipped from her pocket when she'd previously knelt down. *Shit. I think she told him! I thought she wasn't going to do that. And why didn't she tell me she'd told him? Gwen, you can't go keeping things from me — especially not things that hurt Mal!*


Breakfast was...actually really nice in Evelyn's opinion. Listening to Kat's happy chatter, Callie nosing her leg, looking for pats and ear-scritches, Mal bustling around the kitchen intent on getting together breakfast for the three of them — all of it was a near-overwhelming happiness for the young woman, who until a couple of days ago, had become inured to miserably eating solitary breakfasts and sending unanswered texts to her unresponsive boyfriend.

This life that she'd stumbled into — with a man over a decade and a half her senior, with a daughter and wife, was not something she had ever envisioned. But as she watched Mal pouring milk into his cup of coffee, while she sipped her own cup of strong, black coffee, she felt tears spring to her eyes.

"Auntie Evvy? Why are you crying?" Kat — who was extremely excited to have another person at the table with her while her father prepared breakfast, and hence, was paying VERY close attention asked, "Is your coffee too hot? Daddy! I think Auntie Evvy needs some ice for her coffee!"

"No, Kat, I'm okay — I don't need anything Mal! I'm good, Kat, really. I'm just super happy to be here with you and your dad, and your mom, and Callie. And sometimes, when people are so happy, they end up crying. I don't know why, it seems so silly, yeah?" Evelyn beamed at Kat to show the little girl how happy she was — even as her eyes continued to spill over.

Kat looked unconvinced, but smiled back hesitantly. "You need a tissue. When I cry, I get all the hanakuso coming outta my nose and I gotta blow." The little girl slipped down from her chair and started toward the living room before spinning back to deliver an admonishment. "But don't blow until I get you a tissue, Auntie Evvy, or you'll get scoldings!'

Evelyn smiled back at Kat, then looked at Mal, who was standing there watching with a small grin on his face. "I want one, Mal. Just like Kat. Sweet, and kind, choke akamai, a little bossy, and cute as can be."

Mal blushed then hurried to place the cereal, bowls, milk and toast on the table. "Uh. I can't guarantee anything, Evelyn, but I know Kat would love to have a sibling." He looked a little wistful. "I always wanted to be a dad. Got... Well, a little too close — to be honest — once in high school..." Mal trailed off, his eyes tightening in remembered sorrow. "As much as I still get torn up inside, I know that... Well, it was the best and right decision for us lōlō kids at the time. I just wish-" Mal suddenly cut off what he was going to say as Kat bounced back over and climbed into her chair with a tissue. The little girl leaned over the table to hand it to Evelyn. Mal's face softened and he smiled at his daughter fondly.

Mal sat across from the young kanaka woman and continued, "Anyway, Evvy, I can't promise anything. When- When Gwen and I were trying to conceive, we both got tested — turns out in addition to some other issues that made it difficult, I have some really fu- er, messed up — uh, stuff."

Evelyn looked at Kat, who was pouring cereal into her bowl, then at Mal. "Gwen told me about her condition, and how Kat was a surprise. I guess you'd ... uh, given up on-, " she jerked her head toward Kat, not sure how much adult conversation was acceptable around the little girl.

Mal tilted his head quizzically, not immediately understanding. "Given up on? Oh! Uh, yeah, I guess. Kinda. Maybe something to talk about later, Evvy. I promise I'll be an open book for you, as best I can — since you decided to go and get yourself stuck with me for some crazy reason, the least I can do is be totally honest with you."

"You always need to tell the truth, Daddy! Cause if you don't, you're in bigger trouble when Mommy and Daddy find out! Like 'go to your room with no toys,' trouble!"

Mal poured milk for Kat's cereal, then ruffled his daughter's hair. "Hey, stop stealing my best Dad lines, you little munchkin."

Evelyn dabbed her eyes and reached for the box of cereal. Mal cocked his head, "Is that a phone ringing?"

"I hear it too, Daddy! It's coming from the hall! I'll get it!"

Evelyn looked around the table, checked her shorts and realized that she was missing her phone. "I think it's mine, Kat, can you bring it to me, honey?"

Kat brought the phone to Evelyn, but as she was hurrying over, it stopped ringing. "Oh no! I wasn't fast enough! I'm sorry Auntie Evvy! I didn't want to run and drop it. Here you go."

"It's okay, Kat, I can call them back." The phone started ringing again. "Or they'll call me again. Shoot, it's Kirsten! Oh no. I forgot we had plans today!" Evelyn looked at Mal and Katherine, putting her finger to her lips, then answered the phone.

"Where the fuck are you, E, you bitch," came the loud, cheerful voice over the phone. "I went by your apartment, but your truck wasn't there! So I thought maybe I'd fucked up on where we were supposed to meet and went to your folks place, but you aren't there either! Unless you went off-road with your truck — but I thought we were gonna take the UTV? Where you at, girl?"

"Ah, Kirs, I'm so sorry, something came up and I totally spaced on our plans! Give me, uh, maybe 30 minutes, and I'll be right there."

"Shit, girlfriend, I'm already driving, I'll come to you. Coffee's getting cold. Where you stay?"

"No, no, just wait for-"

Evelyn was interrupted, as Callie, who nobody had noticed going to the door, began to bark to be let out. In response, Kat loudly shushed her, "Callie! We have to be quiet! Auntie Evvy is on the phone! Daddy, I'm going to let Callie out so she won't make noise, okay?!"

Evelyn froze and went pale. Mal covered his face.

"... Was that... Evelyn, was that KAT? Mal's Kat?! Are you at Malcolm's house?! What the fu-" Kirsten's voice cut out as the spotty cell network cut off service.

Evelyn groaned. "Well, that's it. I'm done for. Okay Mal, real quick — I'm thinking about asking Kirsten and Heaven to join our Team. I wanna get your okay before I tell Shannon to go, and I'd hoped to wait a couple of days so we could have a sensible discussion — you, me, and Gwen, when the vaccine isn't messing with us.