QuaranTeam - Dave in Dallas Ch. 08

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Planning a Future.
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All characters involved in sexual activities are over the age of 18.

This story is an offshoot of Quaranteam by CorruptingPower. Certain story elements develop directly from his existing universe. DiD merely attempts to tell how the tale would develop for a man in the DFW metroplex. I offer my thanks to Corrupting Power for allowing this story, to the other writer working in the QT universe for their assistance, guidance, and support, and to you for continuing on this journey with me.

If you're just joining Dave in Dallas, you really oughta skip back to chapter one and get caught up, but hey, you do you right?

Returning readers, welcome back! Ready to dive in to another installment of Dave and his band of lovelies? Yeah, me too!


Ch 8 -- Planning a Future

October 19, 2020

Shawna's early shift meant she was home for dinner with enough time to change and sit with the family talking while Lupe and Reena prepared the meal.

"Mom was a pretty good painter. She actually sold a few at small auctions. The one she was proudest of, she gave to Dave though. He's a fan of seascapes, so she made this beautiful painting with a cliff in the upper left and a roiling, storm-tossed ocean filling most the canvas. Lots of white caps and ocean spray, dark stormy waters, the whole works. You could almost feel like you were on the deck of a ship struggling to stay afloat in the storm." Liv looked wistful as she spoke of her mom's talents.

"Oh! I've seen that one!" Jan exclaimed.

The others looked between Livy, Dave, and Jan.

With a neutral face that they had become accustomed to at certain times Dave said, "I put it away in a closet to keep it safe. I ... went through a dark time there for a while. I didn't want to damage it."

"And I found it when I was looking for the book boxes you mentioned. I'm sorry I brought it up, Dave." Olivia nodded her agreement with Jan.

"Don't be ladies. Janelle's gift is a bright point. Honestly, I'm at a place now that I would feel safe bringing it back out. And the photos."

A small relief settle over the gathering. There were a few spots that obviously held a picture or painting for some years, but had been bare when the ladies arrived. The general state of the world, and the events of Olivia and Melanie's arrival made each reluctant to broach the subject.

"It would be good to see pictures of Eddie, Janelle, and ... Carter?" Shawna said softly.

"I don't think I ever saw Livy's parents, but I met Eddie a few times." Becca chimed in. "He was a nice guy. Kinda handsome too. But, I know where he got that from." She blew an air kiss to Dave. The others grinned or chuckled, with a few nods.

"Well, she made the painting in Eddie's senior year, and he was between girlfriends when Mom finished. She had me bring it over on a weekend she knew Eddie was staying with Dave. Dave hadn't moved to this house yet."

Dave chuckled, in memory, as he realized where Olivia was going with this story.

"Keep in mind, Eddie is almost three years older than me. At the time, I was a few months past fifteen, and Eddie was shy of his eighteenth birthday by a few months. Mom drives me, but hangs back a bit, having me talk to Dave and Eddie. I get to Dave's front door, all flustered, 'cuz here's my crush, that I fantasize about spending my life with," Olivia is beaming a big smile at this point, with Dave replying with a shame-faced smile, "being all happy for this gift I'm giving him and showing me all this affection, but like I'm a well-loved daughter, not a woman he'd go out with. And all these little-girl-in-love feelings are just going haywire."

The older ladies all showed some level of sympathy for Olivia. For her part, Becca slipped off her spot, nestled in beside Dave and said, "I don't know what you're talking about." The play-act was good for a chuckle.

"That's when Eddie pipes up and offers to take me out that evening. He looked uncertain, but somewhat interested. We were friends, but there'd been no romance, no attraction. I was torn, because Eddie is a --" Olivia swallowed "--was a great guy, but he wasn't the guy I was after. I agreed, though. A week later he admitted that Dave put him up to it, and Mom was almost certainly involved. The three of them made multiple attempts at throwing us together. Hell, Eddie was the only boy Daddy didn't try to scare off."

"Wait, so you dated Eddie?"

"Not really. It was just two friends hanging out. It happened a few times as Mom, Dad, and Dave kept trying to get us together, but it never stuck. We both thought the other was an incredible person," she paused for a second again, "but there was no ... no spark of desire. I mean, yeah, he thought I was pretty, I thought he was handsome, but it just wasn't there."

"OK, 'cuz that would have been really weird. Especially if you two had --"

"Nope." Olivia said it awfully quick, with a bit of extra color rising in her face.

That caused everyone else to lean in.

"Girl," was all Shawna said.

Olivia rolled her eyes and exhaled hard. "They were trying so hard, and we really liked each other, and we thought maybe if we just tried ... but we couldn't kiss without giggling. Like we couldn't bring our lips together we'd bust out laughing first. On the cheek was fine, but lips touching was just too goofy." Olivia stared off into space for a moment. "Okay, there was one time we tried to go all the way. I was over eighteen by then. We each undressed ourselves, but by the time we were both naked, we both had the nervous giggles. On paper, we should have been a great match, but something big was missing."

"Oh, I've felt it," Becca said, waving her hand in the air, "I know what the big missing thing was."

The whole house cracked up laughing.

"Hey, we are talking about my friend here. And he's Dave son, so he was no slouch there. It just wasn't hard. That was a little demoralizing. I'm standing there, naked, tits out, not trying to hide anything, and I was already keeping it trimmed, so it's all out there where he can see it, and he's limp. Full length, but limp. That was a blow to my ego."

"Coulda been worse. If you had slept with Eddie ..." A collective shiver ran through the room.

"Yeah, yeah that would be weird. I may or may not have gone out the next weekend and found a guy to assuage my hurt ego, though." A few sympathy nods occurred in response. "About two months later, I found another boyfriend, but by then, I knew in my heart I was just biding time 'til I was old enough to pursue Dave. I was over eighteen, of course, but I knew I needed to be a bit older to really get his attention. That relationship eventually petered out, and every guy since has been a month or two fling about twice a year so I don't go crazy."

"And now you have your dream guy." Jan supplied.

Just then, Reena came out to the arch separating the dining room and living room. "We're starting to bring dishes out to the table. You can start taking seats." Looking at Becca, she added, somewhat resignedly, "Did you tell him yet?"

Becca squealed. "I almost forgot! Thank you for reminding me! We were watching MTV earlier, and they're going through a leadership change. Like all the bigwigs got fired, and now they have a new CEO."

Dave looked askance. "I haven't been interested in MTV for a few decades, back before they should have stopped using the 'M' if they were being honest."

"That's just it though! The new guy has announced they will refocus on music."

"But I liked The Real World!" Kareena grumped.

Becca stuck her tongue out at Reena, before turning back to Dave. "And you'll never guess who the new head of MTV is!"

"I don't follow music industry executives, so no, I really have no idea, who it could be."

"But you know this guy," she said with a wide grin. "He's a little white, a little nerdy. He likes polka --"

"No. Way." Dave said with a grin on his face. "Weird Al?"

Shawna started chuckling. "Seriously?"

"Yep! Weird Al Yankovich is the new head of MTV! They're having a grand re-opening Wednesday, noon, Pacific Time. They said there will be themed hours, so certain times will be 80's music, or 90's, or girl-pop, or hard rock, etc."

"Wonder if they'll borrow VH1's 'Pop-up Video' with the little factoids. That could be a good hour-block too."

That's when Lupe appeared to summon them all to the table for dinner. Firmly this time.

As dinner wound down, Lupe turned to Becca. "Have you asked him yet?"

The little blonde shrunk into herself. "No," she said softly.

"Ask me what?" Dave inquired.

Reena looked at Becca like she was waiting for her to take the lead, but wouldn't for much longer.

Rebecca swallowed hard, inhaled like she was steeling herself, and looked at Dave. "We didn't get a prom. Reena pointed that out last week. And, back then, it wasn't an issue for me. I mean, even without ... everything that's going on. But now, it'd be kinda cool. So, um, the others are putting a prom on for us -- me and Reena, I mean -- so, uh, Dave, would you take me to prom?"

Dave was surprised, and a little stunned. "I, uh," he sputtered, until Lupe, Jan, and Shawna fixed him with very determined looks. "Of course. Yes, Rebecca Sampson, I will escort you to prom."

The cheers around the table settled after a moment, and attention turned to Reena. She beamed.

"Dave, would you take me to prom also?"

With a big grin, Dave replied, "Well, I dunno, I already have one prom date ..." his tone was playfully enough to keep most of the panic flutters out of Reena's stomach.

"I would happily share a prom date with Reena." Becca interjected.

"Then yes, Kareena Agrawal, I will escort you to prom along with Becca." Another round of cheers as both girls laughed.

"So, you get a second prom Dave, this time with two hot dates!" Jan teased.

Dave looked at her side eyed. "First actually. I wasn't in any kind of social demand in high school."

"Wait, you didn't go to prom?" half the ladies exclaimed.

Dave scoffed. "It was a social thing. I was a nerd. Okay, I'm still a nerd, don't give me that look. Anyway, I didn't belong at social events. Dances, football games, I didn't go and nobody missed me."

"I'm a nerd, and I went to prom, David." Shawna replied.

"You're a pretty girl. Boys like to go to dances with pretty girls. Girl nerds still get asked out, especially when they're attractive."

No one wanted to ruin the mood by pursuing that line of discussion further, but they all noted an undertone in Dave's comments.


October 21, 2020

Dave planted soft kisses on Lupe's shoulder as he drove himself in and out of her hot, wet tunnel. He held her hip with one hand and traced lazy patterns on her abdomen with the other. Lupe's hands rested on the wall as she bent over, pushing her ass out so Dave could pump himself into her sex.

They were ten minutes into what was supposed to be a quickie, but both enjoyed the union so much they were subtly stretching out the encounter. Of course, the fact that Esme's room was right next to Dave's office added some need for quiet. And quiet fucks were generally slower.

Still, they couldn't take forever. With this many people in the house, no matter how quiet they were, if they kept going, someone would walk in on them. Dave slipped his hand from Lupe's belly up to her breast. He took a firm, possessive grip and rubbed her nipple with his palm and massaging the bulk of her breast with his fingers.

Lupe's right hand left the wall and flew to her mouth. Her shoulder braced against the wall, Lupe's eyes rolled back as her torso convulsed. Her low moan of ecstasy was largely stifled by her hand. The undulation of her inner muscles set Dave off, and he fired several ropes of hot cum into her waiting passage.

Both stood there for a minute, steadying themselves and luxuriating in the primal satisfaction of the completed act. As Dave softened and slipped out of her, Lupe reached to the side table and grabbed some tissues to catch any leakage. She turned, resting her back against the wall and staring into her lover's eyes.

"You know David, tomorrow is the day. Hopefully."

Dave looked at her quizzically.

"I ovulate tomorrow. I've been tracking it. This time could be the one that gets me pregnant."

Dave leaned into Lupe and took her in his arms. A shudder passed through him as he realized he might soon be a father again. A dark, demented voice rose up to remind him just how well that worked out the last time.

"Still," Lupe purred with a grin, "I wouldn't mind a second dose tomorrow, just to increase our chances."

Dave kissed her slowly on the lips, with no tongue. "Purely for reproductive purposes of course." He added a wink.

Lupe hugged him tightly after barking out a short laugh. Then they dressed and she headed back downstairs.

Dave opened the new microfridge and pulled out a bottle of water and a pouch of tuna in sunflower oil. Livy and Mel picked up the fridge last week, during the grocery run. The same trip they'd gotten the palmprint secured gunsafe for Livy's headboard. Mel and Reena put it in place while Dave and Liv installed the safe.

He guzzled about half the water bottle before setting it down. Then he took his time with the tuna and the other half the bottle. Time enough to mull over his problem.

His game might be dead in the water, for good this time. As with so many others, he hadn't heard back from the artists that made the images for him in too damn long. The background artist, Harrison Black, had been incommunicado for months. That may not be an insurmountable problem. There was only one background missing from the scenes he had planned out. Those scenes might be movable to one of the existing settings. Or maybe he could find an artist to make that last image and match Harri's style -- but that would be a dicey prospect. As long as he didn't add any new locations, he was good there.

But ... his character artist was also not responding. His last email two months ago mentioned he was sick. He had finished all of the characters through the last update, but the game had three more characters to complete the cast, and one played a pivotal role in the last two scenes of the pending update. He needed to find a new artist. And negotiate a new contract. For a game whose market may have shrunk drastically. Who the hell would pay money for a game about a guy surviving an apocalypse and fucking hot babes when they're in the middle of an actual apocalypse and every surviving guy had several women addicted to his cum?

It was still worth a shot though. After mulling over the wording, Dave opened Discord and navigated to UnVale, the site he'd used before. He found an appropriate thread and started typing.

budget: $800 plus 10% of revenue

work: headshot and 3d poly-rigged female character, character description (rough physical and detailed personality) provided in further communications. three characters needed. possibly three artists, one per character. Upfront and percentage applied per character.

timeline: 6-8weeks

Commercial use, erotic game

respond by DM please

With that done, Dave left the server. There were other things to do. He logged into the email server for Eastfield and checked for messages. His dean emailed with a list of classes for spring semester. Technically, she was offering the list for his approval. Yeah right. She's the dean. Yeah, He'd made full professor rank five years ago, but getting in a pissing match with the dean over class assignments was never a good idea. And she'd never given him reason to anyway. The 'check these to make sure they are right' note always elicited that rebel reaction in him.

Interesting. Math department must be shorthanded. Dave had one section of college algebra in addition to two sections of physics. One of those was calc-based, the other algebra & trig based. And then a section of gen ed physical science. That had been awhile, but something he'd done before. He emailed back the list looked fine, but he'd need a copy of the texts for the math and physical science classes, and quickly, so he could start planning. Hard copies if possible. At least a looseleaf version.

He tagged in a suggestion they offer an astronomy class or earth science or oceans class. Something more focused that could get the kids attention. Student interest tends to improve student scores, after all. He pointed out with a little review time, he could teach the astronomy or earth science class. If they went with an oceans class, he'd need one of the biology folks to cover the portions of the class on sea life.

Ugh. College algebra had some interesting and useful tools but teaching it to a class of mostly 'why do I have to take this'? whiners could make for a demoralizing semester. Well, maybe that would be the plus side of an apocalypse. The survivors might be all that much more desirous to grow and achieve. Okay, plan with positive thoughts. Expect hungry, eager young minds. Or even hungry, eager older minds. And a little bit scared. Some more than others. Lastly, he suggested that whichever of the three they offered should have a field trip component. Now more than ever, it was important to break students out of their doldrums and really see the stuff they talked about in class.

"Dave! Dave! Dave!" Becca burst through his office door. "It's on! It's coming on next! Come down!" She gave him a quick kiss on the lips and raced back out.

Dave was chuckling by the time she turned around, and rising as she passed the doorframe. He joined her in the living room in short order, without running. Lupe, Liv and Mel were waiting as well. Jan and Esme came out of the library just as Dave hit the bottom of the stairs.

"All of you are music video fans?" Dave asked. "Or Weird Al?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm a you fan, David," Lupe replied, "and a Becca fan. You two are so excited by this, I had to be here to watch."

"You exposed me to Weird Al when I was young and impressionable. My interest in him is all your fault." Olivia observed with a smirk.

"Hey, I'm just band wagoning here," Melanie chortled.

Then Jan chimed in. "This is a cultural event. It would be educational for Esme," she said with a sly grin.

The commercial cut away and an aural cascade of celebration sounds issued from the TV.

"Hello, all you beautiful people, I'm Martha Quinn, your Video Jockey for this inaugural segment of the renewed Music Television channel. Yes, we are concentrating on music again, and, in honor of the impending Halloween holiday, we have an oldie but a goldie -- Michael Jackson's 'Thriller'."

The screen cut to the iconic video by the king of pop. The full version. When it ended, Quinn was back.

"I get chills from that every time." Martha shook her head, smiling. "Now, with the Thanksgiving holiday not far away, our new CEO has whipped up something to make the meal ... just a little extra special."

Guitar chords from Eric Clapton's 'Cocaine' start playing.

When you eat leftovers,

And you're feeling averse,


Half the room cracked up laughing. Dave didn't hear most the rest of the lyrics, but hell, his family was laughing. And surely the song would play again. It was good to laugh. By the time they settled down, the video was over and Martha Quinn's face stared back at them.

"I hope you all enjoined that as much as I did. I'll be back to host 'The '80's Hump Day Show' this evening, but until then my younger colleagues will host shows featuring current, or at least more recent, styles. Our new formatting is geared to exemplify and introduce the unique and wonderful flavors of different eras and genres. We here at MTV would like to foster greater understanding and appreciation between peoples of different generations, so please, at some point during the week, take the time to sit in with us as we cover an era or style you are unfamiliar with and get to know some of the things that make other people in your life tick."