Queendom 09: A Night Still Young


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"I thought you appreciated the research-minded.."

"Oh, I do. Only, annals of history safe-guards just what had been deemed worthy. It has no place, for what had been removed by design."

Tarquin said, pointing towards a portrait, hung on the wall. The three boys looked familiar, especially the eyes of the younger one in the middle. Is that a young King Barthomius?! As Bella wondered, the General said.

"He's my little brother, the late King Bard of yours. Half-brother, maternal.!"

"I was conceived in a youthful spur, may be at a sinful age. Clearly out of wedlock. Queen Matilda, then Princess.. She was told I didn't survive, or so I heard.. A decision her father justified, for sake of her future. Shortly after, the great King got enticed by her apparent innocence, while she was in a repressive state, repenting for sins. And when it comes to Bard the Senior, not even love could blind him to the truth. Like he had too many demons, to risk the blinding comfort. The great and troubled King hated the sin, but revered the blood. His clergy track me down.. He had a vassal adopt me at three. He kept me out of the picture, and away from his Queen, for the most part. Yet he was kind enough, to encourage the bond between us brothers. His blood son, and her first born."

Bella looked at the complex soul before, clearly astonished. Growing up an orphan, she had met far less unfortunate ones blame their makers with utmost abhorrence. Yet, this man, being the Head of the Order, with not only an actual reason, but a whole incentive structure to hate the unqueenly conduct of the royal feminine.. Still this man, refuses to blame his parentage.?! Does he.. Bellatrix asked.

"You mean, unlike what they all believe... You don't hate the Queen?!"

"Don't..?! It's a lot more complex, you simple lass. I can't. She's my little Bard's girl, his one true love. I know, because I remember to this very day, that uncharacteristic elation of his, telling all about this special girl he kissed, back in Vankenbraum. And this is Bard, mind you. There isn't a girl he couldn't get."

That was true. Bella nodded unconsciously. She had heard enough tales from the palace maids, about the various licentious exploits of Prince Bard, before meeting Her Highness. Again, why is he telling me this? Tarquin continued.

"But I have a duty here. I believe in the cause of the Order deeply. And as much it pains me, going against the Queendom, someone has to keep check, of the feminine corruption. It has happened before, and you don't know how long it took to re-establish order.."

"Queen Drusilla..? The Black-Rose..??"

"Everyone knows the name dear... None have the slightest clue, how deeply she corrupted each soul. Bedding across generations.. Uncles, nephews, fathers and sons. Even some Princesses, blinded by seduction. A sexton Duchess, and her grand-son of age, at the same.. I shouldn't."

Tarquin exhaled deeply.

"Pitting blood against blood, for the power, and the sport of it. With no sense of shame and sanctity. Can you believe that people were traumatized for years, after her disappearance. Knowing full well, the evil she had done. The guilt, even her mere absence.. That deep disturbing vacuum, the guilt of it, consuming the ones involved. The fury of which tortured and broke the men, the best men, who acted out to preserve the Kingship they revered, to free it off of the clutches of that witch.."

What's it with you and misreading the history, Bella? Lady Agrafena scratched her head. She was about to present the man before with, her Queen's services, yet turns out it could have been an unspeakable taboo for him. Much like her forcing the Leash Master into the Queen's task months prior, not realizing the history between the both. Oh Bella, you over-complicating clumsy clown..

"I'm a bit confused here, sire. Was I wrong to include the new maiden, the stand-in for the Great Chaste?"

Tarquin replied without a thought.

"Oh Dear, no! That was crucial. And what a striking find, at that! I thought for a moment, I couldn't go through. It felt like the Queen herself, even with the scant robes. It's not just the resemblance.. It's.. hmm, never mind.."

Bella was relieved. May be I wasn't far off.. Another try, perhaps??

"Her name is Demura, sire. She's new to this, and rather shy. Would you like to, explore, her in some privacy?"

Bella couldn't digest the repulsive taboo of what she just said, nor did she understand why it elated her, the mere suggestion itself, considering what the General had just disclosed.

"That's a very inappropriate offer, Deminica. You aren't wrong to judge her beauty, no man worth his salt would pass up the chance. Fortunately, I'm more than just a man."

Deminica didn't understand what's it with this man, that drew all her attention to the depth of his voice. Nor, why she began referring to her as his Deminica, in her own mind. Where had she disappeared, Bella, the Horse whisperer.? And why can't she take her focus off of this man.?

Tarquin continued.

"Besides the likes that can be bought never shined enough to me. I let myself have, only what I deem worthwhile, even for the immediate pleasure."

With her eyes still fascinated in his, Bella just felt something creep along the curvature of her ass. She didn't look but knew, as she heard the smirk in his breath, the General was openly cupping her rear left cheek. Well, it wasn't exactly her cheek. His hand expertly stayed in that zone, an inch from her hip, an inch from her cheek. Like he was ready to dance whichever way she led.

Didn't see that coming, did you Bella? Now, what are your options.?? Considering it was her first time being touched by a man, so intensely, intimately since turning age.. Her first ever proposal as indecent as it was, considering the inexperience with men in general, she held together surprisingly well.

Yet, from the way sweat soaked her scalp in seconds, the way a single line of perspiration dripped through her nape, and continued along her spine, waking every hair along its path, she knew. She couldn't stay non-responsive for long. At the same time, her response can't be such that it sabotaged her plans for the night. It's the first proper task with Her Majesty, after the whole hiatus, and their riskiest one yet. Nothing could go wrong tonight, there will be no saving Elanor else. It never crossed her mind what it meant to her either.

He is toying with me.

His hand rests just by the deep split along my gown.

Had he wanted to act obscene, he could have slipped it under the fabric, and cupped my rear in flesh. This is his dominion. Why would he lend me the respect, enough to just toy, than take for himself. I shouldn't have put myself alone with him anyhow.

Then again, I can't give in to him. For one, its still disrespectful of him, to expect my consent. And more importantly, what if it complicates, not just tonight, but ongoing proceedings as well. He can't know I work for Her Majesty.

As she juggled the thoughts, she noticed that his hand didn't advance an inch further.

But I can't offend him either. Noblemen are notoriously unpredictable, particularly such misogynistic fiends. Then again, he was such a gentlemen about Her Highness, just a moment ago.

Was it all an act?

Then it happened, what not only surprised the General, but Bellatrix herself. The girl shifted her weight to her right foot, her hip moving away from his grasp by few inches. A clear sign of disinterest. And he let her, for he didn't mind rejection. But her left hand extended gracefully, and rested on his chest, feeling his heart beat, as she felt the very tip of his right index finger on her naked thigh, right by the slit in her gown. As the wild awoke in her, Bellatrix turned leftwards and back in, quiet balletically. And then stepped back up to him, her gaze now locked to his, and said.

"I wouldn't be a proficient facilitator, if I looked down terribly upon the girls, willing to put a price to their shame. But do not mistake me for a commodity."

That wasn't all that she did. Shifting back, Bella stepped her left leg sideways, letting his fingertip slide along her skin, past the split, and deep into the gap between her inner thighs. As the General felt the true warmth of a woman's loins an inch above, she continued.

"And having me..?! If curious about my consent, be a gentleman. Just ask."

In retrospect Bellatrix understood well, that it was an embodied response. Much like how her body, her approach, would complement the beast, in her usual taming routines. This was the Horse Whisperer after all. But at the moment, she felt as vigilant, as if confronting the wild itself. Although he managed to hide it, the General was baffled, in the best way. He expected her to stay frozen in fear, silent in subservience, as any low born would do upon touched by a prurient elite.

Or worst, to slap his hand right away, surely emboldened by some benefactor. Meaning, someone powerful had her on roll, already. But never in all his time, had a woman flipped it back on him, questioning what he wanted from this. He didn't want to be obscene, nor direct. But frankly he didn't know how to react. If it was any consolation, all of this were new to Bella as well.

What are you telling me, Deminica? That even a real name?! Tarquin said, his voice calm still.

"Don't mistake my restraint for courtesy, Love. I'm a creature of want. When the mood hits, when desires converge, I don't deliberate. I take! Consent's just an afterthought, if at all.."

"I understand, my Lord. It overwhelms, the urge to take. It's in your nature."

Tarquin felt so alive. You are so right, you lithe one. If I were to give in to my nature, you'd have no choice, but to welcome. He didn't have to spell it out. His grin spoke volumes. Bella continued.

"I, for one, understand nature... For mine's not as gentle as taking. I relish in taming.. Be warned of what you take, for there's not a bone in me so docile.."

What.. are you saying.?!

There was a moment, when the tip of his fingers caressed past her inner left thigh, and simply hovered a hair below her bare pussy. She cursed herself for giving away her good panties. But now, she could feel it, right on her bare flesh, the irresistible presence of the battle-hardened beast before. His manliness oozing not from his gaze, not just. But from his fingertips even. She could feel the goosebumps where her thighs joined the pelvis. She didn't know the hair there could stand on its own.

This isn't just a man. There is a beast in him, that simply drew on my loins, to tame. To try, at least. She didn't realize then, the way her hips subtly rocked back and forth, warming the electric vacuum between her legs. As if straddling a wild mustang. Not knowing what came over, a part of her stated in immense confidence.

"If it intrigues you still, know this. I'm quite adept at riding."

Their eyes searching in the other, in hunger or curiosity, neither were sure. She continued.

"I'm not saying yes, yet. But between us, the first to tire, wouldn't be me..!"

Is that a yes?

He couldn't tell. What's with this girl?!

She didn't smile, nor flinch. But Bella had never before spoken in a tone so sated with lust. It wasn't seduction, but every bit an invitation. To test one's luck.

"Sir Tarquin!"

The sudden call at the door didn't make either break their gaze. The heat was absolutely palpable, even to the guard announcing.

"Yes.." Replied the General, his finger in command and unwavering, feeling the pulse, the warmth from the virgin folds, under an inch shy of kissing it lightly.

"Excuse me a moment, Lady." He slowly retreated, noting the girl staying commendably calm, even with the shudder running up her spine, transfixed by the first man to ever elicit in her, an actual arousal. Just as he turned his back, Bellatrix exhaled deeply, her right hand gripping the shelf to stabilize.

What the hell, Bella.?! What in the devil came over you?

"Lady Deminica.."

Bella swiftly turned to the General's call.

"There's been a slight issue with one of the girls, the Queens, that requires my attention. Make yourself comfortable to a drink. I'll be right back, and let's start over then."

After bowing to each other, Tarquin walked out swiftly, followed closely by the guard. Bella collapsed on to the chair. That escalated so quick, so weirdly, in so many unforeseen tangents.. May be I should take up that drink. Rubbing her throat, clearly parched, suddenly it occurred to her.

An issue with the Queens?! No, that couldn't be..

She dashed out the room, to catch up with the general. Thankfully the other agent was waiting just around the corner, so it took barely a blink to slip her the ledger. Hopefully she'd have made a copy by the time the General resolved it all. Bella was to return the book safely, before he noticed.

It didn't take long to reach the main hall. It wasn't nearly as crowded as before, the bulk of them busy fornicating in the inner chambers, no doubt. But quiet a few were still sitting around, servants standing by, with women in various states of undress in each lap, pleasuring each other. Clearly pushing the limits of what's considered penetrative sex, the kind that was forbidden within the Great Hall. Tabitha had just walked in hearing the shout, from the other side, with a frustrated young man walking in circles, calling expletives, waving his tankard, complaining to the General. And in the middle was a terrified young woman, her sleeves torn in part, her left bosom dangerously close to falling out, visibly shaking. She was made up to look like the Great Queen Chaste.

No one had a clue, that she was the actual Great Chaste.

Tarquin forcibly pulled the young Lord to the side.

"Hold your liquor, you nincompoop! What's with this ruckus, every time you get a little tipsy.?"

The young man, Liam, was furious, but he managed to control his temper. Obviously, the alpha of them all had just stepped up.

"It's not me, uncle.. I swe..ar. Not thiz time.."

"That may be. But your conduct in unbecoming of a true nobleman. State your complaints legibly at least."

"Oh! I'll make it lejj..ble, I'll make it plenty legible. Where's that whore??"

Bellatrix felt a lump in her throat. She had never seen Her Highness so terrified, especially the way her lips kept quivering. Getting out of hand, this early.? How shall I interfere now? Should I..?

The arrogant nobleman continued.

"See, I'm not saying she's no proper slut, nor that she's giving a hard time. If anything she's too willing. Without me even asking, she's down to her knees. Never spat, nor swallowed. Kept it right in her mouth the whole time, happily. Her sucking could use some work, but still.."

As Liam held her by the hair, right before the disgraced General, the Queen recognized his gaze fixate on her lips. Especially the fresh semen dripping out from the corner. And Bella saw her Queen flush, a deeper shade of shame, in a long while. Wait.. Is she enjoying this?

Tarquin looked away, not wanting to commit to memory, the likeness of his Bard's girl in such a state. The Queen felt embarrased as well. He asked.

"If she's so good, then what's all this fuss about??"

The nobleman threw her down to the carpeted floor, with whole room watching in anticipation. As he did, his right hand ripped apart the long royal skirt she was wearing, the one with the beautiful golden daffodils embroidered all over. The thick carpet helped couch her impact, but there was no escaping the extremely lewd display her position resulted in. All eyes were on the delicate derriere on display, and it was hard to look away, when a maiden in the prime of her life is panting in humiliation. On all fours with her knees spread apart, and her loins glistening in the golden light from the fire place. One could argue that it's a testament, to either her bewitching beauty, or the men's character, that none of them jumped in and started humping her right away. It was very unlikely that the reason being the latter.

With all whole room leering at her exposed flesh, Elanor tilted her head and glanced back at the astonished General. And through the gap of weirdly positioned limbs, through her disheveled hair strands, Bellatrix noticed the clear glimmer in the Queen's eyes.

For the love of God! You are enjoying this, ain't you?!

The whole shivering and quivering, it was all an act. A role she thoroughly enjoyed playing, of a wayward girl being forced to be a mere plaything for the deviant elites. You don't just tolerate it. You love it, don't you?

A performatory part of you does, at the very least. The way it let's that inner slut slip up. Or is it the reversal in power dynamics that intrigued the Queen?

Bella didn't know, but either way, she had no doubt. It was clearly working. Those forbidden lips weren't glistening with sweat.

When Bellatrix was wondering about the Queen's response, General Tarquin saw what bothered his young nephew. And it bothered him as well. What should seem to be some exotic belt, adorning her pelvis, seemed to be going between the girl's ass cheeks, like a traditional loin-cloth. Tarquin recognized it out-right, for he had previously used the same to keep leashed one of his earlier wives, who was notorious for her wayward tendencies. It was the last line of defense Bellatrix had designed for her Queen, the sure-fire way to protect Her Majesty's virgin petals.

It was a custom-made chastity belt.

The craftsmanship was exquisite. The thin metal tubes wrapped around her hip bones like garden vines on a church mural. So thin, yet so strong. It closely resembled the high-fashion erotic-ware worn by premium exotic dancers, especially the center string that passed right between not just the bouncy rear cheeks, but snuggled its way through the pussy petals as well. Only, in this case it was no string, but a very thin, light, yet sturdy metallic tube, the cold of which only added to the Queen's pleasure-triggers.

What's most beautiful about it was, unlike the traditional chastity cage, with it's thick stripes of metals, this one clearly framed all the feminine attributes, the wearer's nether had to offer. Even letting the pussy lips breathe free, in case it gets puffy. At the same time, the metal-alloy used was so durable, and the measurements done so perfectly, that other than letting the Queen pee, even in a spraying mess, nothing was getting up her nether hole.

What made the sight torturously teasing, was the way it let her engorged petals peak out through the cage. The crotch-piece had an outer thicker tube which framed her pelvis well, giving enough wiggle-room to slip a finger, to adjust in case it gets too rigid. There was a slicker, thinner tube running right in the middle, wedging itself into the vaginal canal. It had a strategic hole, placed way above the urethral opening, so it was clearly not for peeing.

Neither the Queen, nor the General understood its purpose at the moment. There were two more sturdy, thin tubes completing the crotch-piece, designed to ensure nothing thicker than half-an-inch, could wiggle its way through. As the same time, it framed her pussy such that, her engorged lips pushed out, and hung tantalizingly squished, adding to the allure of the visibly forbidden.

"You see that!" Liam screamed. "You told me, have the Queen yourself. To claim her for the night. How am I supposed to claim the whore, with an iron-clad cunt..??"

"Tabitha..!" General called out, his voice calm yet stern. He was a man after all, he could sympathize with the young-blood who had essentially been cock-blocked. "Care to explain this..?"
