Rachel's Game: The Party


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As the cool night air gently wafted around the congregation, Rachel held up her hand and called for silence. The crowd's murmurings slowly subsided, and at expectant silence settled over them.

Rachel smiled. Next to her, a woman in a heavy cloak and hood stood quietly by, head dipped and slightly hunched, as if hoping that the crowd that was now staring directly at her would somehow completely miss the strange sight in front of them.

A full moon shone overhead, and the short grass of the garden rippled slightly in the light breeze. With her audience now attentive and curious, Rachel raised her voice.

"Ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for coming here tonight. I hope you're having a good time?"

A loud cheer arose in response.

"Great!" Rachel continued, smoothly, "We are here today not just to have a great party, but also to witness a union between two people who love me... ahhh...each other... very much."

A murmur of surprise spread across the crowd, but it was soon hushed. Rachel made a small hand signal towards the back, and the opening bars of "here come's the bride" suddenly blared out through two speakers stationed on either side of Rachel.

Instinctively, the crowd twisted their heads as one to look behind them, and they were not disappointed. Someone, clad entirely in white and with a veil covering their face, stood at the back, their demeanor and stance the same as the submissive cloak-covered person already at the front.

Shuffling forward, the bride slowly made their way down an aisle that organically formed in the middle of the crowd, and the figure seemed to shrink further back into their shell as all eyes were on them. It was a short distance to the front where Rachel waited, but they seemed reluctant with every step they took.

As the song signaled the impending happy event, Rachel beamed magnanimously, and continued to speak even as the bride approach.

"Tanya and Mitchell recently announced their engagement and tonight, in this very garden, they have asked us all to bare witness to their special evening." There was a slight emphasis on the word "bare" that not many people picked up on, but caused the two covered figures to involuntarily recoil from.

Holding out a hand to indicate the bride who'd now taken a place by her side, Rachel cast her gaze over the half-drunken crowd, and then triumphantly said "I present to you, Mitchell and Tanya!"

At that signal, the bride flipped her veil over, and revealed Mitchell's embarrassed face. He shuffled uncomfortably in the heavy bride gown, and avoided eye contact with the audience as a few whistles of surprise and bursts of laughter erupted.

The cloaked figure then fumbled with a clasp on their cloak, and as it audibly snapped open, the cloak fell back on to the ground. The gasps and sniggers that had been directed at Mitchell and his bridal outfit suddenly pivoted, and there was a shocked silence for a few seconds. It was broken only when someone shouted out "holy shit!", which brought the flicker of a smirk to Rachel's face.

Tanya blushed a deep red, and stood stock still in her bright red, figure-hugging latex outfit. Makeup was plastered all over her face, but worse than the latex and the makeup were the three large plastic tubes that had been strategically placed on her body. As Tanya looked around, the figure-hugging nature of the latex wasn't the most embarrassing feature of her outfit. For as tight as it was, at least where there was latex, her skin was covered. However, the outfit had been... strategically modified...

Her breasts were poking out of slits in the chest of the outfit, and her nipples were covered only by two comically large red spheres, which were clamped on and already causing some discomfort. Continuing the theme, there were holes cut out over the crotch and her butt, and two tubes protruded out of her body for everyone to see. One had been pushed into her pussy, causing her to stand with her feet apart, and the other had been stuck into her ass. The third tube completed the look, and was wider than the others. This tube was stuck in her mouth, forcing her to make an "O" look with her face, and as she looked out red-faced on the audience, she knew exactly what they would be thinking. Tanya had - in their minds - decided to get married dressed as a sex doll.

Rachel waited for half a minute for the full effect of Sex Doll Tanya and Bride Mitchell to settle over the crowd.

As the embarrassed couple stood meekly waiting, Mitchell looked into Tanya's eyes. He saw competing emotions battling away behind those eyes - humiliation of course, but also something else. As he cast his eyes down again, he happened to grab a glimpse of her naked pussy through the tubing of her outfit. Glistening against the plastic, unseen by anyone else but her future husband, Tanya's juices were beginning to trickle down as the intensity of the moment placed her well over the edge of arousal.

"Friends," Rachel started, "we are here today to witness their union, and to hear their vows. They have specially chosen outfits that they feel represent who they really are, and I understand they have even written their own vows."

There were still outbursts of laughter coming from the audience, which was clearly now getting into the mood for this unexpected form of entertainment.

Mitchell and Tanya stood facing each other, not daring look at the crowd that was beginning to heckle. Rachel hushed them with a wave of her hand, but the wicked smile on her face suggested she wasn't too upset with the reaction the bride and sex doll were receiving.

"Tanya, I believe you wanted to go first."

Tanya looked at Rachel for a moment, and then looked back at Mitchell. The wide plastic tube in her mouth made speaking very hard, and her words were difficult to make out. As much as she could though, Tanya slowly recited the lines that Rachel had given her to memorize.

The crowd leaned forward, craning their heads to try and make out what this bizarrely dressed woman was trying to say.

"I, Slut Bitch," she mumbled, "take you Mitchell, to be by partner in servitude. I promise to betray you, to be disloyal, and to cuck you, as my mistress demands. I am a Slut Bitch and my holes are hers to use."

Mitchell blushed furiously, and Tanya paused for a moment. Rachel coughed meaningfully though, and Tanya continued, slowly and occasionally repeating herself as the mouthpiece fought against her.

"I promise to mock you for your micro-penis, and to point out how much of a sissy girl you really are. I promise to give blow jobs to random men, and let them see my flabby ass and flat chest whenever they ask to, no matter what you think. I will be my Mistress's Slut Bitch until death do us part..."

Tanya finished up, and dropped her eyes to the ground.

Rachel pretended to clear a tear from her eye, as the crowd roared with laughter at this bizarre act.

"Well, that was beautiful!" Rachel said, before turning to Mitchell. "And Mitchell, I believe you've prepared a few words for Tanya too."

Mitchell gave a small nod, and this face was still the same bright red that it had been for the past few minutes.

"I, Mitchell," he said quietly.

"Louder Mitchell, the people at the back can't hear you!" Rachel said, with a gentle but firm admonishment

"I, Mitchell," he said again, almost at a shout this time, before settling back into a more normal tone of voice, "take you, Slut Bitch, to be my partner in servitude. I promise to betray you, to be disloyal, and to be a soft little sissy girl, as my mistress demands."

Mitchell looked down at Tanya again, and noticed her pussy was getting wetter and wetter. Tanya herself seemed to be aware of this, but the beetroot red blush on her cheeks indicated she knew there was nothing she could do about it.

"I promise to mock you for your flat chest and fat backside, and wear women's lingerie while masturbating with my micro-penis, no matter what you think. I will be my Mistress's Sissy Girl until death do us part..."

Rachel wiped another tear from her eyes, and broke out into applause, only slightly drowned out by the raucous laughter and jeering that was coming from the assembled witnesses.

As Mitchell and Tanya stood, humiliated and degraded, Rachel called for silence again, before saying "Now, if anyone here should see reason why these two people shouldn't be joined together in union, speak now or forever hold your peace!"

"How about the fact that she's dressed like a sex doll, and he's dressed up likely a fucking bride?!" one man called out, much to the merriment of those around him.

"Well," Rachel conceded, "that's what they chose to wear. It's not a reason for objecting to their union, it's just one more reason to acknowledge them as the Slut Bitch and Sissy Girl that they both are!" she ruled.

The man laughed, "Fair enough!" he said, before taking another swig from his beer.

"Shouldn't he have given her a wedding ring?!" one woman called out.

Rachel nodded as a murmur of agreement rippled around the crowd.

"Unfortunately, Mitchell can't afford to buy her a wedding ring, as he's not man enough. Still," she added thoughtfully, "he should give hersomething."

"He should give her the wedding dress!" the woman shouted, before breaking out into drunken laughter. Several others in the crowd quickly latched on to this idea as well.

"Yeah, give her the wedding dress!"

"Give it to her!"

"Be a man for once!"

Rachel waved her hands to restore some semblance of order, as Mitchell looked on worriedly. Then, after giving the impression of a few moments consideration, Rachel turned to face Mitchell.

"Well, the crowd has spoken, and youshould give her something... so..." Rachel teased out her proclamation for a few more minutes, "off with the dress!"

The mob roared its approval, and Mitchell hesitated for a few moments before realizing the futility of resistance. Slowly, he turned to face the audience, and Rachel took one step down, and undid the dress zip at the back. Then, with some wriggling and grunting, Mitchell began to pull the wedding dress down his chest and to his waist.

As he did so, the crowd broke out into laughter again as a lacy white bra - part of a frilly wedding lingerie set - hovered into view.

"He's wearing a bra too!" one drunken partygoer called out, stating the obvious but getting a reaction from his friends anyway.

Mitchell clenched his jaw, as a new wave of humiliation swept over him. He continued to roughly shove the dress down his waist and hips though, and once he managed to get it past his hips, a pair of matching panties now peeked over and were displayed to the jeering masses.

Another roar of mocking approval greeted that revelation.

As the dress finally dropped to the floor, the full state of Mitchell's lingerie was revealed to the crowd. Matching bra and panties were complemented by white fishnet stockings, and Mitchell stood with his hands clasped over this crotch as he stepped out of the dress and let Rachel pick it up. He had good reason for covering his crotch. What he had been hiding from the crowd while he'd been wearing the relative protection of the dress was that Rachel had "thoughtfully" made sure Mitchell wouldn't overheat in the outfit. She'd achieved this by shoving ice-cubes into the panties, which had partly melted and left a distinctly damp look to the front of the panties.

Rachel tossed the dress at him though, and he was forced to move his hands to catch it. Now holding the dress in both arms, the front row of the crowd peered forward as if not quite believing what they were seeing, even given the bizarreness of what had already happened.

"Has... has he... has hewet himself?!" somebody exclaimed.

"Holy shit, I think he might have!" another replied.

Mitchell grimaced, and step forward to hand the dress to Tanya. His partner took it, but before she could do anything useful with it, Rachel quickly ordered to her put it down. "Don't get any ideas about putting it on," Rachel said quietly in a hard tone, "you're not getting off lightly either!"

Tanya nodded meekly in understanding, and dropped the dress to the ground beside her, giving it a wistful look as she considered the exposure forced upon her by her current attire.

Mitchell looked shyly on, as he stood knees together and slightly bent, as he tried to summon some elemental spirit to pull him into the ground.

Clad now only in his wedding night lingerie, and with an unmistakable damp patch on his panties, Rachel moved on to the final act of his humiliation.

"And with that act, and by the power invested in me by the fine people in our audience, I declare you to be Sissy Girl and Slut Bitch." She looked at Mitchell with a smile. "You may now fuck the sex doll."

Mitchell winced, and then looked at Tanya. Neither one of them had been expecting this, although now they could see it was the natural "climax" of Rachel's plans.

Mitchell stepped forward, and so did Tanya, and they looked awkwardly at each other.

Rachel coughed, and pointed meaningfully at Mitchell's panties. With a sigh, he knew what she meant and what would inevitably happen next.

Grabbing the sides of his lacy feminine panties, he pulled the panties down over his cock. The small ice cubes that Rachel had planted were entirely melted, leaving only two things behind as evidence of their presence. The damp patch on the panties, and a penis that had well and truly shrunk in an effort to protect itself from the cold.

Three women in the front row immediately pointed and shrieked in laughter.

"Oh my God, that's tiny!" one of the exclaimed.

"That's like the smallest cock I've ever seen!" another one added.

Mitchell looked down in embarrassment, but didn't say anything.

"How's he going to fuck her with that?!" a man asked, voicing what seemed to be the shared opinion of the entire crowd.

Rachel looked at it, before responding. "To be fair to Mitchell, I've seen him naked before and that's the largest he's ever been. I mean... that's fully erect for him!"

The crowd collapsed into laughter at that, and Mitchell simply stood there, his shrunken flaccid cock wiggling slightly in the breeze. Tanya looked at it as well, and Mitchell felt even more embarrassed seeing the arousal in her body and the unmistakable disappointment in her face.

"Still, to be fair to our sex doll here," Rachel continued, "she does deserve a good fucking. I'd hoped Mitchell would be up for the task, but it looks like a real man is going to have to step up to do it for him..."

Mitchell and Tanya both looked at Rachel, eyes wide.

"Now, is there anyone in the audience who would like to step up and be Mitchell's Best Man?"

Rachel looked at Mitchell again and meaningfully stared at his exposed junk.

"And by 'Best Man' I really mean 'Better Man'... or indeed just 'A Man'..." she clarified.

A forest of hands shot up, and Rachel made a show of looking over each of the volunteers, before she spied a tall obese man wearing a stained Superman t-shirt, and with a scraggly beard that did nothing to hide his splotchy face. It was the comic book store owner.

"Ah yes, you look like a better candidate than Mitchell!" Rachel cried triumphantly, and the man licked his lips and began to make his way forward, stopping only to receive some high fives from his friends.

He arrived at front and stood in front of Tanya, salivating and with the stench of sweat wafting on his body. Even Rachel had to take a small step back, but recovered her poise enough to then turn and ask the audience a question.

"I like you more in this than that pony-girl outfit!" he said, in what he possibly meant to be a compliment, but instead felt like a slap across her face.

"Of course, like any good doll, she has three holes to choose from!" Rachel called out.

The crowd cheered.

"Mitchell, please choose the hole this man will fuck your sex doll in." Rachel then said, matter-of-factly.

Mitchell opened his mouth to reply, but no words came out. Rachel waited a moment, and then visibly grew impatient.

"Am I to take it you want to stand here and watch him fuck your sex doll inall three holes?" Rachel asked, sharply.

Mitchell shook his head, and then mumbled something.

Rachel raised an eyebrow, and barked "I can't hear you, speak up!"

"I want to stand here and watch him fuck her in the ass!" Mitchell shouted.

"Why?" Rachel asked.

Mitchell didn't know quite how to answer initially, but as Rachel stared at him, he realized what she expected him to say. "Because... Because his cock is a lot bigger than mine and will satisfy her, while I cannot because I'm a sissy boy with a micro-penis!" he said, his voice faltering.

The crowd was now quiet, the shock of this series of events creating an eerily silent sense of expectation.

The obese superman fan looked up and down Tanya's body, unable to contain the look of desire and desperation that he felt. Tanya took a few stumbling steps forward, and at Rachel's signal, the man moved behind her. Tanya then heard the unmistakable sound of a zip being pulled down, and as the crowd broke out into applause, Tanya grunted in shock as the store owner entered the tube that had been shoved up her ass.

He began to thrust his fat sweaty body up against her, and even though most of her skin was covered by the red latex of the outfit, Tanya could feel his body shimmy up and down. The tube meant she didn't feel his cock directly, but the vigor with which he was thrusting meant that the tube moved in and out. She groaned. She'd already been turned on involuntarily by the exhibitionism that Rachel had forced them into, and now even though the man repulsed her, she struggled to hold back the orgasm that was building up.

Then, the man reached around with his hands, and grasped the red bulbs that had been attached to her nipples as part of the outfit. Whether accidentally or on purpose, his pudgy hands squeezed the balls, and she could tell he was delighted when they emitted a loud comical "honking" noise. Even worse though, the act of squeezing them tightened the clamp that attached them to her sensitive nipples. Tanya winced as she felt the pinch of the clamps, and as he honked her again, the crowd clapped along delightedly.

Mitchell stood by helplessly, watching the overweight neck-beard thrust in and out of her ass, honk her breasts, and generally go to town on his living sex doll.

Mitchell closed his eyes and hoped for Tanya's sake that she could resist the urges that he could see build up in her eyes.

Tanya groaned again. The juices that had trickled out of her moist pussy were now even more visible, and a few people in that privileged front row were now aware of her struggles. They wasted no time in alerting their friends of this, and as Tanya rode the edge of the orgasm, the jeering catcalls she received from the crowd finally tipped her over.

As the man inside her suddenly tensed and jerked, Tanya felt her own climax as well. She felt the tube all of a sudden fill with semen, and she felt the hot sticky cum shoot up her ass in a way she'd never felt before. Then, as her quivering body also succumbed, she began to leak her own juices in a torrent out of the tube protruding out of her crotch.

To the roaring approval of the assembled witnesses, the neck-beard consummated Tanya and Mitchell's union on Mitchell's behalf, and he pulled out of Tanya's backside with a wide, elated and stunned look on his face. He gave every impression of man who had just broken free of the stigma of being a virgin, and Mitchell blushed knowing that Tanya would forever be the woman he'd done it with.

Rachel spread her hands wide and took in the crowd with a broad smile, as they cheered with every twitch that Tanya's orgasmic body made. Tanya's eyes rolled back in her head momentarily, and then she started panting and trying to catch her breath after the exertions of the past few minutes.