Ramifications of Camping


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"Much better," Chet said after a couple of minutes, getting to his feet and feeding his cock into her pussy.

They had only been fucking for a few minutes when the loud sound of a motor intruded, followed almost immediately by a chopped Harley appearing out of the trees, a grizzled, grey long-haired man riding the bike, a red-headed woman sitting behind him.

"I guess we're not the only ones who appreciate this place, Pat," the man said as he brought the bike to a stop and stared at Chet and Beth, who was trying to stand up, her brother's cock still deep in her pussy, but his hand on her back preventing her.

"Don't mind us," Pat said as they dismounted the bike, her long red hair shot through with grey hanging in a braid down past her waist, her rake-thin body only covered by the shortest of shorts and a wife-beater T-shirt, her breasts merely her large thick ruby nipples jutting out against the material of her T-shirt. "We come here to fuck all the time. It's inspirational, don't you think?"

"Very much so," Chet replied, slowly resuming his cock sliding in and out of his sister's pussy.

"You don't mind if we join you, do you?" Pat asked, first her T-shirt, then her shorts disappearing, leaving her naked, her fingers finding and pinching and pulling on her thick ruby nipples.

Beth felt her face flush as she stared at the thin woman standing in front of her as her brother continued to fuck her, her long inner lips hanging down between her legs beneath a very prominent clit.

"I'm Dazz," the man said, extracting a long cock from his jeans and slowly jacking it in his hand.

Beth was beside herself with disbelief as Pat bent over, her hands flat on the ground in front of her, followed by Dazz's cock sliding into her pussy from behind.

"Chet," Chet said, smiling as he fucked Beth, watching Dazz fucking Pat.

"You two come here to fuck a lot?" Dazz asked.

"I've been here before, but this is Beth's first time," Chet replied, feeling his sister's pussy getting wetter and wetter as he continued fucking her.

"Me and Pat have been coming here to fuck for, oh, 10, 12 years now," Dazz said. "We like to find nice places in nature and fuck."

"I couldn't agree more," Chet said.

"Hey, would you be into, you know, trading?" Dazz asked. "You can fuck Pat and I'll fuck Beth? Pat's crazy for new cock."

"Sounds good to me," Chet replied, feeling Beth's pussy clamp down on his cock as she came, failing to totally suppress a moan. "I know that Beth's cock crazy. I met her on a beach in Hawaii with a friend of mine. We fucked her silly for a week."

"Hey, that sounds like my kind of a woman," Dazz said, withdrawing his glistening gooey cock from Pat's pussy as Chet did the same with Beth.

Beth was frozen in shock, hardly daring to believe what was happening, what her brother had said.

"I'm not used to so much meat on a woman," Dazz said, filling his hands with Beth's ass cheeks, "but her pussy sure is nice and wet," he said as he sank his cock into her, while in front of her, Pat had turned around on her knees and taken Chet's cock into her mouth, her nose pressed up against his stomach.

Chet happily filled Pat's pussy when she turned back around and bent over, her hands on the ground. There was a harshness to fucking Pat, almost the opposite of the lushness of fucking Beth, but the way Pat was able to use her pussy muscles to squeeze and milk him was fantastic.

"I think I'm going to cum," Chet announced after several minutes.

"Not in me," Pat said, standing up and dislodging him. "I don't need your jism leaking all over the seat.

Chet turned to face Beth as Dazz continued fucking her, his glistening gooey cock right in her face. When she gasped in surprise, he leaned forward and filled her mouth with his cock. For the first time in her life, Beth was tasting another woman's pussy on a cock, a tangy flavor, quickly erased by Chet exploding and cum filling her mouth at the same time she felt Dazz's cock pulsing deep in her pussy.

"I can't believe you did that, Dazz," Pat said, slapping him on the arm as she stood next to him watching as he drained his balls into Beth's pussy. "You know how much you hate it when I leak all over your bike's seat."

"Then do something about it," Dazz said as he slid his cock from Beth's gaping pussy, followed by a stream of cum.

Beth almost jumped out of her skin when she felt Pat's smaller hands on her ass cheeks prying them apart, followed by a tongue slithering into her and then lips fastening on her pussy. She couldn't move, her mouth still impaled by Chet's cock which was finally running dry as she gulped his cum down.

"Well, you sure do have one tasty pussy," Pat said when she finally stood up licking her lips.

"That sure is one hell of a set of tits," Dazz said as Beth stumblingly pushed herself up and stood on shaky legs.

"I'll bet they get in the way," Pat said, filling her hands with them. "Not like these," she said, releasing Beth's breasts and pinching and pulling on her own thick ruby nipples.

"Th-they do," Beth stammered, red-faced, "but I think that yours are cute."

"They sure are suckable," Dazz said with a laugh. "Hey, you live around here, right?"

"I do," Chet replied.

"Well, we have some like-minded friends who like to share, if you know what I mean," Dazz said. "Maybe you'd like to join us sometime. There's no such thing as too many cocks or pussies."

"Sounds like fun," Chet said, grinning. "I work at the observatory over there," he said, pointing. "You can always find me there."

"Well, we need to get going," Dazz said as he zipped up his jeans and Pat dressed. "We really just stopped for a quickie, but I'm glad we met. I hope that I get to fuck you again," he said, smiling at Beth.

"That would be...fun," Beth replied, still in shock about what had just occurred.

"That was fortuitous," Chet said with a laugh as they watched Dazz and Pat ride off.

"I cannot believe that that just happened," Beth said, shaking her head.

"Pretty cool, if you ask me," Chet said.

"But just like that, with total strangers," Beth said, stepping into her skirt.

"You sucked the cocks of perfect strangers at the book store yesterday," Chet said as he pulled his jeans on. "What's the difference?"

Beth didn't reply as she pulled her T-shirt down over her big breasts.

"If someone else suddenly showed up now, a total stranger, and he said that he wanted to fuck you, would you say no?" Chet asked. "I didn't think so," he said when he saw her mouth drop open, nothing coming out, but her big brown nipples screwed themselves into knots and pressing out against her T-shirt. "You're still worried about judgment. I'm past that."

Chet took a leisurely route back, cruising through the foothills. Approaching the Mall, he pulled into the parking lot, stopping near the book store.

"Hungry?" he asked as they got off the bike, Beth still showing lots of spread pussy in the process and blushing when her brother blatantly stared.

"You mean the book store?" Beth asked, her eyes shining.

"Or food," Chet replied, laughing. "Or both."

"God, I can't believe that we can just do it whenever we want," Beth said. "Yes, I'm hungry."

"Food first or the book store?" Chet asked.

"Well, we're closer to the book store," Beth replied, then laughed.

"Chet!" Phil greeted when they entered the book store. "And your beautiful friend."

"Hi," Beth said, flushing when he saw his eyes glued to her rapidly hardening nipples.

"How are you adjusting to being back in the real world, Chet?" Phil asked, grinning.

"I'm working on it, Phil," Chet replied with a smile as Beth looked over the bulletin board on the wall. "Coming in here helps."

"Don't I know it," Phil said with a laugh. "Have fun."

Knowing that they were both hungry, Chet limited himself to sucking two cocks before exiting the booth, not wanting to keep Beth waiting but also not seeing her when he looked around. He went up to the checkout area where Phil sat.

"Did Beth leave?" he asked Phil.

"That her name?" Phil asked. "No, she's in #2."

Chet perused the magazine display while he waited. A couple of minutes later the door to #2 opened and Beth exited, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand and blushing when she saw her brother waiting for her.

"Have fun?" Chet asked when she came up to him.

"Yeah," Beth replied, then laughed. "I feel so out of control."

"I think you're doing great," Chet said, putting an arm around her shoulders.

"It's nice to see ladies enjoying our little store," Phil said to Beth.

"It's very...interesting," Beth said, blushing. "I never knew that there were places like this."

"How long are you going to be staying?" Phil asked.

"I don't know," Beth replied. "I haven't figured that part out yet. It depends."

"Well, if you decide to stick around and you need a job, you just come talk to me," Phil said, leaning over and tapping one of the ads on the bulletin board with a finger, an add seeking a party hostess. "Pay's good and you'll meet some interesting people."

"Th-thank you," Beth said. "I'll think about it."

"You do that," Phil said, nodding. "I think you'd be perfect for the job."

"Ready for some dinner?" Chet asked.

"Yes! I'm starved," Beth replied.

They ordered pints of Guinness while waiting for their food.

"I can't believe that a place like that can just exist right here in the middle of everything," Beth said, indicating with a toss of her head the book store.

"It serves a community purpose," Chet said. "I don't remember the last time I heard about a rape. You'll see the occasional police or sheriff's cruiser there. I'm pretty sure that most guys go there to get their cocks sucked, not to suck them."

"Does Phil know that you..." Beth started to ask.

"We've never talked about it," Chet replied, shaking his head. "It doesn't matter. I'm the right age, single, so stopping by to get my cock sucked would be perfectly natural. I'm sure that's what most people assume."

"You like Phil?" she asked.

"Sure," Chet replied. "He's always been okay. Smart man, too. Doesn't seem at all judgmental. Understands life."

"Would you trust him?" Beth asked as their food appeared, a cheeseburger with everything for her, salmon fish and chips for Chet.

"Probably," Chet replied, nodding. "Why?"

"I was just thinking about that party hostess thing on the bulletin board," Beth replied. "What if I did stay for a while? I wouldn't want to be a parasite. And I can't just sit around the house all day while you work. I'd go crazy."

"I'd hardly call you a parasite," Chet laughed, "but I can understand not wanting to be bored."

"You want some dessert?" Beth asked as they walked towards the Harley after eating, holding onto his arm and gently tugging him towards the book store.

"Sure," Chet replied, laughing.

"Back again so soon?" Phil asked when they entered.

"She wants some dessert," Chet replied as Beth blushed.

They went to the back and the half dozen or so men loitering around the doors parted like a sea to let Beth through to take the first booth to be vacated. Chet smiled as they hurried to get to the booths on either side of hers, taking one that was further away when it opened up.

Chet sucked one cock which came fairly quickly, but then another cock stuck through the same hole, big and black. This one took more work to get the mouthful of cum that he craved, needing to swallow a few times to gulp down all of the thick cum that gushed into his mouth. Exiting the booth, Chet saw Beth talking to Phil and made his way to her.

"Have fun?" she asked, her eyes twinkling.

"As ever," Chet replied, the thick cloying taste of the black cock's cum still coating his mouth.

When they got to the house, Beth couldn't get her clothes off fast enough, dragging Chet onto her bed and mounting him, his cock disappearing into her mouth while she plastered her sopping pussy on his. Only when she felt him getting close to cumming did she stop sucking on him, instead mounting him, moaning when she felt his cock fill her pussy as she rolled her hips back and forth, fucking him. Just as he felt himself ready to lose it, Beth dismounted his cock and bent over to take it into her mouth just as he exploded, cum spewing into her mouth as she sucked him off.

"Wow, you needed that," she said when she had finished sucking him dry.

"I'll say," Chet replied with a sigh.

"Chet," Beth said the next morning when he crawled between her thighs after fucking her and dragged his tongue up through the cum cocktail, then deep into her, "I talked to Phil about the party hostess job last night when I was waiting for you."

"Oh yeah?" Chet said, lifting his face to look up past her big breasts to her face before lowering it again, capturing her big fat clit between his lips and teasing it with the tip of his tongue, causing her to moan and thrash beneath him on the bed as she came.

"God, you are terrible sometimes," Beth finally gasped, pushing his face away from her pussy and laughing.

"So, what did Phil say?" he asked, getting out of the bed and heading towards the shower, followed by his sister.

"He said that his last hostess moved away a month ago," Beth said as she lathered his cock and balls while he did the same to her breasts. "He said that if I was interested, I could try it, see if I liked it," she said, sighing when her brother's hand slid down between her legs and into her pussy.

"What are you going to do?" Chet asked as they rinsed off.

"I'm thinking of trying it," Beth replied as they stepped out of the shower. "Would you mind?"

"Why would I mind?" Chet replied, shrugging. "At the least, it will probably be an interesting experience. What exactly would you be doing?"

"I'm not sure," Beth replied. "He told me to come by this morning and that we'd discuss it."

"Use the car, then," Chet said as he dried himself. "I'll take the bike to work. It's a nice day."

Heading home from work at the end of the day, Chet couldn't resist stopping at the book store. It had been a couple of weeks since he had gone a whole day without some form of sex and he had had it on his mind the entire day. He didn't notice his car in the lot and knowing that Beth was waiting for him, he limited himself to only sucking one cock.

"Your friend is quite a lady," Phil said as he left. "Seems sort of innocent, though."

"She's going through some changes," Chet said, "but she's good people."

"She's certainly enthusiastic," Phil said with a laugh. "Hard to find at her age."

"I couldn't agree more," Chet said, smiling as he left.

"Come, I've got dinner for you," Beth said after getting up from her knees where she had been, extracting his cock from his pants almost before he got in the door and sucking him off.

"No appetizer for me?" Chet asked.

"Only if you tell me that you didn't stop at the book store and already have one," Beth said, smiling at him. "Otherwise, you'll have to wait for dessert."

"Hey, this looks great," Chet said when he sat at the table and saw the roast beef surrounded by baby red potatoes and assorted vegetables, tomatoes, broccoli, peas, carrots, onions, and big chunks of garlic.

"I even got some wine," Beth said, producing a bottle of chianti in a straw basket.

"This is delicious, Beth," Chet said after a few mouthfuls. "I can't imagine a better way to come home than this."

"Thanks," Beth said, pleasure at the compliment beaming from her face. "It's nice to be appreciated. It's been a while."

"Phil said you stopped by," Chet said.

"Yes," Beth replied, flushing. "He auditioned me."

"What was that like?" Chet asked, eyeing her, seeing her big brown nipples screwing into knots beneath her T-shirt.

"He-he had me go in one of the booths and he went into the one next to it," Beth replied. "I-I sucked his cock when he stuck it through the hole. Really thick cock, but not so long. Before he came, he had me turn around and put my pussy up against the hole and he fucked me. I actually laughed at the idea of some faceless man fucking me through a hole in the wall, even though I knew that it was Phil. Before he came, he stopped fucking me and had me turn around and suck him again. He cums a lot. I couldn't believe it."

"When I finished, he left the booth and came around and opened the door where I was," Beth continued. "Some of the people waiting could see me. He asked me if I enjoyed doing it and I told him that I did. Then he told me to do the same for the next three cocks and that we'd talk afterwards. I mean, I was stunned. It had to be the strangest job interview of all time."

"And did you do the next three?" Chet asked.

"Yes," Beth replied, blushing. "Oh, Chet, I've never felt so free in my entire life. I mean, I also felt like the most wanton slut in the world, but it was wonderful. Nobody to know. My own personal ignoring everything but what I wanted."

"Well, I'm impressed," Chet said, smiling.

"Really!?" Beth said.

"You've got all of this repressed rage in you," Chet said. "Gerard and I both saw and felt it in Hawaii. You've needed an outlet for it and now you've found it. And like you say, nobody but you knows. And me, since you told me."

"But you're my brother," Beth said automatically, then burst out laughing. "Who I'm fucking every chance I get."

"So, what are you going to do?" Chet asked with a smile.

"I'm going to try it, being Phil's party hostess," Beth said. "If I don't like it, I can always stop"

"What exactly does the job entail?" Chet asked.

"That I'm not really sure of," Beth replied, "though Phil did say something after I did those three guys about if I could handle that, then hostessing would be a breeze for me. He says he gets 2-3 calls a day for a party hostess."

"So, do you just wait for him to call you?" Chet asked.

"He said I'm welcome to help at the store," Beth said, flushing. "He said it would encourage people to call looking for a party hostess."

"Well, I just hope you know what you're getting yourself into," Chet said.

"Now it's dessert time," Beth said, getting up and moving around the table to stand next to her brother, reaching beneath her skirt and then extracting a glistening finger which she stuck into his mouth.

"God, I just love it when you do that," she sighed an hour later on the sofa as Chet knelt before her eating her cum-filled pussy.

Chet had a big smile on his face as he rode the Harley to work the next morning after Beth had fucked his brains out, then planted her cum-filled pussy on his mouth to wake him up. Stopping at the book store on his way home, he smiled when he saw his car parked there.

"Hi, Chet," Phil said when he entered.

"Hi, Phil," Chet said, looking around and not seeing his sister. "Where's Beth?"

"She should be back any minute now," Phil replied. "She's on her first party hostess gig over at the hotel," he said, indicating the service plaza hotel across the parking lot. "She's something else," he said, shaking his head, a smile on his face.

"Well, tell her that I'm here if I'm not finished before she gets back," Chet said, heading for the back of the store and the booths.

It was his lucky day, Chet realized as the first cock he sucked was good-sized, the next one even bigger. When he saw an even larger black one appear, he couldn't resist and treated himself, finally coaxing a huge load of cum from the cock which he gulped down. Exiting the booth, he saw Beth up front talking animatedly with Phil.

"Chet!" Beth said, her face lighting up when she saw him.

"Have a good day?" Chet asked as she hugged him fiercely.

"The best," Beth replied, laughing. "God, you have no idea. Totally crazy, but great, too."

"You want to get some dinner?" Chet asked.

"Yeah, I could use something to eat," Beth replied.
