Red Squad Ch. 03


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Assemblywoman Scott snarled "This, from a man who carries a crowbar around so he can beat up black people like a typically racist white cop." The entire audience went silent.

"Cite one example where I've used my crowbar to physically harm a black person." I thundered back. "Cite one example where I've been legitimately accused of Police brutality against a black person. You can't. And I'll put my record of stopping Race-Hatred groups, both black and white, and my record of Justice for All, against your racism and hatred any day of the week, Ms. Scott. YOU are a liar. YOU are the Hater, here, and we all know it!"

The audience exploded in a tremendous round of applause. I yielded the microphone and waved to those who were standing and applauding. I got a few high-fives as I strode back up the aisle, as others broke into a chant of "Iron Crow-bar! Iron Crow-bar!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Wowwwww!" Teresa Croyle said, her voice full of awe, as I got back up to her in the theater lobby. "I had no idea you were that popular!"

"Neither did I." I said simply. I felt grateful for the response... but I knew how little it would take for those cheers to turn into jeers and attacks. All glory is fleeting...

Chief Moynahan and Sheriff Griswold were standing a few feet away, also watching from the back. "Can you do that, Sheriff, and get that kind of response?" the stunned Chief asked.

"No." replied the Sheriff, his mustaches quivering. "I'm not a living legend like that young man is..."

Part 16 - Birthdays and Honors

Friday, November 1st. It was not just any day in the Iron Crowbar household. It was Laura's birthday.

Her fiftieth birthday. The big 5-0.

At 4:30am I got up and rode the stationary bike, which helped loosen up my back, then did my workout on the Bowflex machine. Then I showered and shaved and went downstairs. To my surprise (not really), Carole was already in the kitchen, getting out cooking utensils. Bowser was supervising with curiosity, while Buddy guarded the back door with his eyes closed (smart dog).

"Hi Daddy." Carole said as I came up. "Can I help you make breakfast in bed for Mommy?"

"Looks like you already are." I said. We got started, and soon had made Eggo waffles with strawberries and whip cream on top, and coffee. Carole led the way as I carried the tray upstairs, with Buddy and Bowser following... and hoping I would stumble and drop something.

"Aw, this so nice!" Laura said as we awakened her. Instead of actually eating in bed, always an adventure with just one hand fully functional, Laura got up and sat in the nearby chair, and I put the tray on the small table in front of the chair.

After Laura ate, Carole went and woke up Jim by tickling his ribs, causing him to come out of his bed swinging; he was not a fan of being tickled. Fortunately, they had another mission to perform, that being giving their mother birthday gifts.

Carole gave Laura a proof coin set in the year of Laura's birth, which had been Carole's idea and me getting it procured for her. Laura liked it very much. Jim gave her a model Mercedes of the year of her birth, and Laura like that a lot, too.

"You'll get your book at the party to-night, Mommy." Carole promised.

"I'm looking forward to it." Laura said. So were we all; Carole and Marie's booklet gifts were becoming sought-after items...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"This is Bettina Wurtzburg, KXTC Channel Two News!" shouted the MILF redheaded reporterette at 7:00am, Friday, November 1st, from the roof of the building at Riverside and College, with City Hall in the background. "Chaos reigns at the Town & County Assembly meeting!"

Bettina began: "In a raucous and chaotic Assembly hearing at the Civic Center Theater last night, a large crowd of mostly white Citizens showed up to protest Assemblywoman Coretta K. Scott's efforts to defund the Police! The speakers used the white Republicans's talking points of scaremongering, saying that if the Police are defunded, blacks will commit more crimes! Our trusted political reporter Lester Holder interviewed Assemblywoman Scott last night. Roll tape.

Tape rolled, showing Lester 'Penis' Holder interviewing Assemblywoman Scott after the meeting the night before, and it was obvious to Crowbar People that she was barely concealing her fury. Holder asked "Ms. Scott, from tonight's meeting it's pretty clear that white voters in the County don't want the Police defunded. How do you respond to them?"

Scott: "Lester, the Police and white racists like Deputy Chief Cindy Ross have completely mischaracterized what we're trying to do. The purpose here is to encourage dialogue and begin a process of Police reforms, which are badly needed. I am disappointed that our true message has been shouted down like it has been by white people with hatred in their hearts."

Holder: "What about Commander Donald Troy? Should the Police be defunded until he is forced out of the Police Force?"

Scott: "That's never going to happen, so we must find other ways to make the Police understand that black lives matter. Groups like 'Black Voices Raised' must be even more vocal in the face of the hostility to Police reforms and badly needed Social Change that we saw tonight."

Back to Bettina live: "And today the Police will be patting themselves on the back as they have their Promotions and Medals Day. After major incidents at Point Hollow and University Hospital, the Police and Fire Departments will be giving out medals like candy in their quarterly exercise of self-congratulation..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Wowwwwww." said Lt. Commander Teresa Croyle. "Talk about turning the truth on it's head!"

"I gotta admit, that was verrrrry good political posturinnnnng on Ms. Scott's part." drawled Chief Moynahan.

Cindy said "That taking of my name in vain notwithstanding, I noted last night that at least a third of the people in the crowd were black, and every black that addressed the Assembly did not want the Police defunded. Why no mention of that?"

I said "That flies in the face of the deeply corrupt Mainstream Media's agenda of using Identity Politics to create racial hatred and splitting groups against groups."

Teresa said "I noticed Penis Holder was trying to get Assemblywoman Scott to say something bad about you, Commander Troy, but she wouldn't take the bait. She scared of you?"

"She should be." Cindy muttered.

"I'm not her priority, I guess." I said. "Her agenda and Penis Holder's differed, there."

"So, Crowbar," growled Sheriff Griswold, "what is the Assembly going to do?"

"They'll keep the ten million dollars in the Budget." I said.

"Why do you think that?" asked Captain Tanya Perlman.

"Just the tenor of the whole report." I said. "Bettina was setting the table to create angry reaction to keeping the Police funded. If Assemblywoman Scott was going to win, they wouldn't be interviewing her nor mentioning her name at all..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

As always, there was an air of excitement in Police Headquarters as everyone came in wearing their semi-formal uniforms with ribbons. Police Auxiliary Officers were getting in some active duty time patrolling the streets and manning the various Duty Desks.

"Well, some rare bling today." Cindy said, coming into my office. "I don't agree with the decision, but the medal is beautiful." She showed me the Lifesaving Medal, and its blue drape and blue, silver, and red heart-shaped medal underneath made it indeed a great looking medal. The cloud was that it wasn't a Star of Gallantry. Father Romano's actions at the Hospital were 'deemed' to not be in the line of Police duty. And his actions at Point Hollow and other places, where he protected Dr. Mickelson and resisted the violent efforts to force him to break the sanctity of the Confessional, were deemed worthy of only a Commendation Medal.

"Chaplain Romano won't complain a bit." I said. "But I'll complain for both of us." Cindy nodded vigorously in agreement.

"Plenty of Certificates of Achievement for the Point Hollow and Hospital incidents." she said. "Corporal Hicks is getting an Achievement Medal for helping evacuate babies in the early going. A lot of Firefighters are getting Commendation Medals and higher, but the Council seemed to take delight in suppressing our awards."

"It's not as bad as it seems." I said. "Our guys did a great job with their duties, but there weren't too many standout heroic actions. But I agree that Hicks should've gotten a higher award."

"There was definitely a standout heroic action at Point Hollow." Cindy said, meaning my efforts. "But I don't know what they're going to reward you with."

I replied "I know the Sheriff is being sneaky about something----" Cindy was unable to hide the gleam in her eye in time. "Okay, what is it?"

"What he's being sneaky about has nothing to do with you." Cindy said. "And I'll leave it at that, for now. Oh! You'll like this one." She showed me a Certificate of Appreciation, and I couldn't help but grin at it.

"Y'all better be letting me award that once personally." I said.


We looked up to see Captain Damien Thompson at the door, along with his lovely wife LaTasha.

"Hi, Captain." I said. "Come on in. Good to see you again, LaTasha."

"You too, sir, ma'am." said LaTasha.

"No need for such formality." I said.

"Yes sir, there is." said Damien "LaTasha's been hired to work in the Intel Division. She's starting today."

"Ahhhhh, so desu ka?" I said. "That's great!"

"She's going through the Police Academy Auxiliary course, too, sir." said Damien. "So she'll be a gun-totin', card-carrying backup for us if we need her."

"Works for me." I said. "Though I have to admit: I hope things never get bad enough where you'd have to do that, LaTasha. But welcome to the Team. And of course I don't even need to say not to share your work or talk 'shop' with your husband at the dinner table?" Both Damien and LaTasha nodded...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Just before 9:00am, everyone made their way towards the bleachers behind Headquarters. There were a surprisingly large number of Firemen at our ceremonies; the TCFD ceremonies were at 11:00am, and many Police Officers were going to go to it. Relations between the two Departments were much better since the Hospital attack... and clearing out the deadwood (pun fully intended) from the TCFD.

The Press had only sent a couple of videocameras, whose feeds would be shared by the various networks, and a few 'cub' reporters to cover the event. There were no schoolchildren present, either. What we did have was just about every candidate for political office for the next Tuesday's election present... except the deeply despised Finneran.

"Thank you for coming, everyone." the Chief said into the podium's microphone to get everyone settled down and the ceremonies started. I was standing next to him as he said "As I've said before and will say again many times, this Police Force's work in a hazardous situation at Point Hollow and a tragic one at the Hospital was exemplary, and I am honored to be the Chief of Police of such an amazing, brave, dedicated, and professional group of men and women." There was polite applause.

"One thing we learned from the Hospital attack," continued the Chief, "is to remember how valuable the contributions of many people are to the proper functionnnnningggg of our Police Force. We almost lost a very valuable member of that team: for several years, Dr. Laura Fredricson has been a part of our Police Auxiliary, and has volunteered countless hours of her time as our Police Psychologist. And so we would like to honor Dr. Fredricson with this Certificate of Appreeeece-i-a-tionnnnnnn."

Everyone applauded as Laura came up, wearing a very nice Police-blue dress and matching medium-blue heels. As she came up, the Chief read the proclamation then said "I think we all know who is going to hand her this award." There was some laughter as the Chief handed me the framed Certificate, which I handed to Laura, allowing Connie the Police Photographer to snap a couple of photographs.

"We have something extra for Dr. Fredricson!" I heard a voice call out. It was Deputy Chief Cindy Ross, and with her was my son Jim. "Today is Dr. Fredricson's birthday, and I'm not supposed to tell this, but she's----"

"---- THIRTY years old today!" I called out loudly. Everyone laughed, and clapped at that, realizing that their Police Commander had just acted most very wisely. Then Jim handed his mother a cupcake with a candle on it. Cindy lit it, and it began sparkling like a small firecracker. As Jim helped Laura blow out the candle, the singing began:

"Hap-py birrth-day to youuuuuu; hap-pay birth-day to youuuuuu,
Happy birthday dear Laurrraaaaa,
hap-py birth-day to youuuuuu!"

After that good start, we had the promotions. There were some, and that was because of position changes. Patrolman Goodwright was promoted to Sr. Patrolman, and would be assigned to the Intelligence team. Patrolman Meir was being promoted to Sr. Patrolman, and would find himself wearing Sergeant stripes in February. Joan Laurer was also made Sr. Patrol Officer, so that she could move into Vice.

Then came the awards. We went through the Certificates of Achievement first, and there were a good number of those. Corporal Hicks and a few other Officers received Achievement Medals, and Father Romano received his Commendation Medal.

"Hold here a moment, Chaplain." said the Chief after I'd pinned his medal onto his jacket. "We have another award for our Chaplain." He read the proclamation as Teresa Croyle came up and pinned the Lifesaving Medal on his jacket. The families of the babies he'd saved were present, and the moms had tears streaming down their faces, I noted.

There were no Purple Orders; Cindy's concussion and rib injuries at Point Hollow were not deemed to be sufficient to award one, nor were the rope burns on my neck for my escape from Westbrook's insidious trap. So onward and upward we went. And I knew something was up when Captain Tanya Perlman and Lieutenant Micah Rudistan came up.

"For his actions at Point Hollow," said the Chief, "which resulted in directly saving the life of a young woman, rescuing our Chaplain and a University professor, and defeating an insidious Cult, Commander Donald Troy is awarded the Public Safety Legion of Excellence!"

The Police Force stood and applauded as I went forward to become only the third recipient of this award, which was higher than the Sheriff's Medal and Police Medal, but lower than the Distinguished Service medal. The two previous recipients were Tanya and Rudistan, so Rudistan held the box with a jovial grin as I bowed to allow Tanya to reach up and pin the medal on my uniform jacket flap with her cherubic grin and twinkle in her eye.

"And for our last award of the dayyyyy," drawled the Chief, "it is my honor to present Our Sheriff, Antonio Griswold." The Police Force applauded strongly as the Sheriff came up.

Griswold motioned me over, and I observed his mustaches quivering most merrily as he handed me an award box and whispered "You're presenting this." I took the box, and could not help but smile brightly as I recognized what it was. Yes, Our Sheriff had gotten one over on me.

"As your Sheriff," Griswold said into the microphone, "I have had the pleasure of watching all of you perform your duties with distinction. I have also noticed the leadership and unswerving devotion to duty by one of the greatest Police Officers I have ever had the privilege to work with."

Griswold: "This award is a culmination of Commander Teresa Croyle's months and years of efforts to provide you with what you need to get your jobs done, and to lead you through the tough times we've had. This was particularly obvious during the Hospital crisis, when Commander Croyle led the Police response. Therefore, Lt. Commander Teresa Croyle is awarded the Police Distinguished Service Medal!"

The Force rose to their feet in thunderous applause. I thought Cindy was going to have to prod a very stunned Teresa to get up and receive her award, but Teresa finally came up, seemingly dazed. The applause continued as I pinned the TCPD's third highest award on her jacket flap, then retreated a step and allowed Teresa to take the full measure of the honor being done to her.

"You got us good, Sheriff." I whispered to the Sheriff as we joined the applause. "I thought you were going to hold off on this."

"It is a Sheriff's privilege to change his mind, Crowbar." Griswold replied. And I, for one, was most very glad he did...

Part 17 - Intelligence, and Lack Of It

"I had no idea this was coming." Teresa gasped as we walked into my office, with Cindy and Tanya following.

"Neither did I." I said as we sat down.

"Here." Cindy said, handing a silver-bordered blue ribbon to Teresa. "Don't want you being out of uniform in front of the Police Commander."

"You've collected the whole set." I said to Teresa. "Joe Smedley is the only other person ever to do that." Teresa nodded as she slid the purple ribbon off the bar of three, replaced it with the blue ribbon, then allowed Tanya to pin them back on; a row of red, white, and blue ribbons and a purple ribbon on top of them.

"I can order you a row of all four, that are smaller then the regular sized ones, if you like." said Cindy. "Easier to pin on."

"Sure." said Teresa. "And congratulations to you, Commander, for earning 'Tanya's Medal'." That was the colloquial name for the Legion of Excellence, as Tanya had been its first recipient.

"I'm honored to be in the room with her." I replied. Tanya's eyes were sparkling a bit more brightly than normal at that.

"O-kayyy." I said, "we have work to do." I typed out an email and sent it, which required the recipients to be in Classroom 'J' at 1:00pm. Teresa 'reply-all'd with an email saying "Do not embarrass me in front of the Police Commander by being late."

"By the wayyyy..." Cindy said, "why didn't you put Corporal Inga Gunddottar on the Detective track and assign her to Vice?" I nodded at Tanya and Teresa.

"She turned it down." Tanya said.

"And it wasn't for lack of trying on our part." Teresa added. "We talked to her a couple of times, and she ended up saying she wanted to stay on the Uniformed track, though she'd be glad to go on raids with the Vice people as part of the 'Takedown Team', if she was needed. We will avail ourselves of her services..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

1:00pm, Friday, November 1st. "Ladies and Gentlemen, the Police Commander!" Lt. Commander Teresa Croyle announced as I walked into Classroom 'J'. Everyone stood and came to attention.

"Carry on." I said as I got to the raised flooring at the end and stepped behind the podium. "The purpose of this meeting is to give you your new assignments regarding the new Intelligence Division. If you are in here now, you are affected by this."

Your Iron Crowbar: "First, it should come as absolutely no surprise that Sonali and Lainie are transferred to the Intelligence Division, and are officially the first members of the Team." Everyone applauded mildly, as if this were a BigAgraFoods Board Meeting.

Your Iron Crowbar: "Next up, leadership. You are fortunate to have Lieutenant Mary Mahoney Milton as the commander of the Intel Division." More applause, and I continued: "Detective Sergeant Roy McGhillie is transferring back to Vice, and will be in tactical command of it. Sergeant McGhillie, you will be working closely with Commander Croyle on getting your people up to speed on what will need to be done."

Your Iron Crowbar: "Joining Lainie and Sonali as civilian techs is LaTasha Thompson. She is taking the Auxiliary Police course now. Your jobs, Lainie and Sonali, will essentially be the same as they've always been, but you now have help and better resources."