Reformation Ch. 17


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Rebecca hung her head and cried; the shame of what she had done finally caught up with her. She cried into her hands and for a moment Veronica said and did nothing, still angry with Rebecca. As the woman cried, she did look a pitiful sight. Veronica started to feel sorry for her and went to her side to comfort her. When Veronica was close enough she pulled Rebecca to her and the sobbing woman clutched to the younger one tightly and cried for a few minutes more.

"I panicked. It was all too much too soon, so I ran. By the time I realized what I had done, I knew it was too late to go back and undo it . . . I'm so ashamed," Rebecca said at long last, looking down once she was finished.

"No matter what you think of Master and my family, you have no right to deny him a relationship with his son!" Veronica said with a firm tone of voice as she looked into Rebecca's eyes.

"I know that," Rebecca replied with a sad look in her eye.

"Then why did you?" Veronica politely insisted.

"As I said, I panicked! I needed some time and space to think things through and figure out what I wanted. We both know what would have happened if I had stayed at Sir's house any longer," Rebecca explained plainly and sighed when she was finished.

"You would have become part of the family, how horrible," Veronica said with a hurt and sarcastic tone of voice as she got up and walked away from Rebecca.

"It sounds pretty good about now," Rebecca said as she got up out of the chair, and took a few steps towards the bedroom. "Do you want to see him?" she asked as she glanced over her shoulder to Veronica.

"Sure," Veronica said with a smile.

Veronica followed Rebecca into the small bedroom and looked in wonder at baby Chris sleeping in the crib. To Veronica he was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen and she wanted a child of her own.

"Can I hold him?" Veronica asked quietly.

"When he wakes up," Rebecca replied softly.

The two women watched Chris sleep for who knows how long before Rebecca offered Veronica a cup of tea. Not long after that the two women were sitting at the kitchen table sipping on their herbal teas. The feeling was warm and friendly and Rebecca felt a connection to Veronica unlike anything she felt for anyone in her new life. In truth she felt closer to Sir and his family than she did with anyone else. It was a reminder of the warm and loving embrace that Sir's family had given her, and it was never so sorely missed then at that moment. Rebecca sighed and looked down, truly feeling the loss at that very moment.

"Are you happy here?" Veronica asked poignantly.

"It's a nice part of town, a good place to raise a child," Rebecca replied while looking into her tea.

"But are you happy?" Veronica asked again.

"There's a good church here and it is a good, moral and supportive environment," Rebecca replied after sipping on her tea, still not looking at Veronica.

"Sounds like your kind of place," Veronica replied as she kept her eye on Rebecca.

"Yeah," Rebecca replied meekly.

"But are you happy?" Veronica asked once again and this time she reached up and grasped Rebecca's hand.

"No," Rebecca said as she looked up into Veronica's eyes. "I just don't know if I should go back to, Sir," she added with a touch of fear in her eyes.

"Go back? Who said anything about you going back?" Veronica retorted with a puzzled look on her face.

"Isn't that why you're here? To get me to come back?" Rebecca replied with a confused expression.

"No, I came here to arrange visitation with you. Master has a right to see his son. You made your choice when you left," Veronica sternly said and leaned back in her chair.

"But . . . but what if I changed my mind?" Rebecca said in stunned blinking reply.

"Changed your mind? That's all you do is change your mind!" Veronica laughed and shook her head.

"But, what if I wanted to go back, to Sir but was too ashamed to call?" Rebecca replied with in increasingly sad and upset look growing across her face.

"Then you don't deserve him! Why should he take you back when you had never fully committed yourself to him in the first place?" Veronica spat with borderline disgust as she stood up. "I'll be in touch about the visitation. Don't bother running again because I will find you!" Veronica said as she walked briskly to the main door.

"PLEASE!" Rebecca cried out as the tears started to flow down her face yet Veronica kept walking towards the door. "Please don't go!" Rebecca said as she fell to her knees and scurried after Veronica. "Mistress, please!" Rebecca added in panicked fright as she continued to run on her knees towards Veronica.

Veronica had her hand on the doorknob and was about to open it when the last phrase hit her. "Mistress," she, Veronica had been called "Mistress," and the word was an incredible aphrodisiac to her. Veronica turned to look at Rebecca, who was kneeling in the middle of the living room floor with a terrified and pitiful look on her face. Veronica's dominant side was starting to come out and she could feel the power coursing through her as she looked at the older woman looking oh so submissive at the moment.

Rebecca didn't know why she had called Veronica "Mistress," they had never had any sort of sexual or D/S relationship. It seems that in times of panic she reverted to her old ways, as even still she was kneeling in her own living room, waiting to be addressed by Veronica. A strange but interesting development to say the least, but Rebecca knew that she could not loose this connection to her Sir. The talk with Veronica had reminded her how much she missed not only Sir but the others in his family as well, even Veronica. That loving and caring environment, while not "Normal," was something she wanted back, and would fight to get it. Perhaps it was too late bit if finally clicked within her and Rebecca knew what she wanted and where she belonged, and she knew she would do anything to get it.

"Why?" Veronica asked with slits for eyes as she bored into Rebecca's eyes with her intense gaze.

"Because I want to come back to Sir, to all of you," Rebecca said with a hopeful expression on her face.

"So you can tell us how 'Immoral' we are before you run away again, no thanks!" Veronica huffed with a displeased tone of voice as she stared at Rebecca who sat back down so she was kneeling like a good little submissive should.

"But I won't run again. I want to come back," Rebecca said with a needy whine as she looked up at Veronica with a pleading expression.

"You can't 'go back' to Master because you never stuck around long enough to really start anything with him in the first place! You walked away from him twice and cut him out of your life both times! I won't let you hurt him again!" Veronica sternly said as she turned to face Rebecca and folded her arms in front of her, striking a defiant pose.

"It's not like that anymore! I know what I want now!" Rebecca pleaded urgently.

"Who's to say that you won't change your mind again? How do I know that you will remain committed?" Veronica said in a demanding tone of voice as she took a step towards Rebecca and shook her finger at her.

"Then let me prove it to you! Let me show you that I am serious about committing to Sir! What can I do to show you how serious I am?" Rebecca asked in an urging and serious tone of voice and looked up at Veronica with big, hopeful eyes.

Veronica paused to ponder the developments of the last few minutes which left her mind swimming. It had been so long since she had dominated anyone and she had learned so much from Master and Mistress Red. Perhaps she could toy with Rebecca and dominate the woman who deserved to be put though the wringer Veronica knew it was wrong to get involved with a stranger but in this case, if it was to prepare Rebecca for coming back to the family, perhaps she could get away with it.

"So you want to prove your commitment, do you?" Veronica asked with a superior tone of voice and a mischievous smirk on her face.

"Yes," Rebecca replied with hopeful eyes.

"You can start by proving your commitment to me! If you gain my approval, then I will bring you before Master and vouch for you. If I say that you are serious and that you have proven yourself, then I am sure that he will take you back, as he still loves you. But if you go around my back or contact Master if I don't approve, then you I will put up such a fuss that Master will never take you back! Do you understand?" Veronica said in a commanding tone of voice as she started to pace the living room.

"I . . . I think so. But how will I prove my commitment to you?" Rebecca asked in a puzzled manner.

Veronica strode over to Rebecca with swift and powerful strides before she grasped Rebecca's hair and pulled back. Rebecca was now looking straight up into Veronica's face, which hovered above hers and filled her vision.

"How do you think?" Veronica sneered, her face just an inch from Rebecca's

"You mean?" Rebecca's eyes went wide and she stammered until she fell silent.

"How badly do you want to come back to, Master? Are you willing to show me how good a Slave you can be?" Veronica asked in a demanding tone of voice as she looked directly into Rebecca's eyes.

"I understand . . . I will show you how good I can serve . . . I submit to you, Mistress Dee-Dee," Rebecca said with a nod and a serious expression.

"I Veronica Basilone, with the power vested in me by the laws of nature, do hereby claim you Rebecca and make you my Slave, to be owned by me and serve me in anyway I see fit, until I release you or death claims you. Do you submit?" Veronica said in a stern and commanding tone of voice as she glared at Rebecca.

"Yes, Mistress Dee-Dee, I submit," Rebecca replied with a sincere tone of voice and a smile on her face.

Veronica was incredibly excited to be in a position of power once again and the power within her surged to the surface and she had to have her new Slave at that moment. Veronica pulled Rebecca to her and kissed the kneeling woman with power and ferocity, making sure to demonstrate who was in charge. Both women loved the kiss and the heat of the moment increased with each passing second. Without warning Veronica broke the kiss and walked away from Rebecca.

"You're overdressed, Slave . . . . strip!" Veronica commanded as she sat down in Rebecca's favourite chair.

"Yes, Mistress Dee-Dee," Rebecca replied submissively before she stood up and began to remove her clothes.

Veronica watched with great interest as Rebecca grasped the sides of the plain dress she was wearing and lifted it up and off of her body. Rebecca's massive breasts were held in by an equally large nursing bra and the unflattering yet functional "Granny-Panties" covered her pelvic section. Rebecca reached behind her and unfastened the bra and her large breasts sagged as the cups of the bra were lowered down. Veronica's eyes lit up as she visually traced the curves of the large breasts that had just been revealed. Slipping her fingers into the sides of her panties she slid them down until her panties were at her ankles. Stepping out of them she placed her panties on the pile of clothes that she had made before kneeling down at Veronica's feet.

"Reformation Day is coming up next month so you have exactly one month to prove to me that you are worthy to enter Master's service. If you prove yourself to me then I will present you to Master upon Reformation Day. If he deems you worthy, then he will take control of you, and you will then be his Slave. Do you understand?" Veronica said with a confident tone of voice.

"Yes, Mistress Dee-Dee, but what is 'Reformation Day'?" Rebecca asked with a curious tone of voice.

"It is Master's birthday, the one day of the year where we all celebrate the new order, or re-forming of the family," Veronica replied in a confident tone of voice as she saw a droplet of breast-milk form at Rebecca's right nipple.

"I see," Rebecca replied while still looking down.

"Right now, I want some milk," Veronica said as she continued to look at Rebecca's lactating breast.

"Yes, Mistress Dee-Dee," Rebecca got up and turned towards the kitchen.

"No! I want yours! Feed it to me!" Veronica said with a smirk on her face as she looked at Rebecca's breasts.

"Yes, Mistress Dee-Dee," Rebecca replied with an embarrassed expression.

Rebecca was self-conscious about breastfeeding another woman, that is until she looked into Veronica's eyes and saw the desire and wonder which lived there. Rebecca walked over to Veronica, picked up her own left breast and lifted it to Veronica's mouth. Veronica watched as the large nipple drew ever closer and for the first time since she was a baby, she wrapped her lips around a woman's nipple and dew milk out of it. Rebecca moaned as Veronica and her locked eyes as the younger woman nursed on her breast.

"Why don't you join me?" Veronica asked, breaking contact with the nipple only briefly.

Rebecca's eyes widened as she comprehended what she had never considered, even though it was possible. Rebecca lifted up her right breast to her lips and began to nurse on her own breast. Time seemed to stand still as both women nursed on a breast each, and Rebecca felt wicked and naughty, as she sucked on her own breast.

"Time to worship your Mistress!" Veronica said as she released the nipple from her mouth.

Veronica quickly removed her skirt and panties and put one leg over each arm of the chair. Rebecca dropped to her knees out of a mixture of shock and eagerness, her mind was swimming. Rebecca leaned forward and dove into her muff-diving, literally making love to her new Mistress's pussy. Rebecca knew that she should not want to eat pussy but yet she did want to eat this pussy. Rebecca licked her way from the bottom of the slit up to the clitoris and back down again. The taste was sweet, sweeter than any pussy she had tasted before, and for the first time she was getting turned on by licking slit.

What caused Rebecca's mind to wander from her task at tongue was the fact that she was not bothered by what she was doing. For some inexplicable reason, Rebecca was not worried, bothered, troubled or disturbed by being intimate with or submitting to another woman. All Rebecca knew was that she wanted to be doing what she was doing and had no troubles doing it. Perhaps it was her loneliness, perhaps it was the fact that Veronica was her way back to Sir, or perhaps that she had been dragged down so far and lost so much, that she was willing to look at new ways to find happiness. Whatever the reason, Rebecca had a pussy to eat and a Mistress to please, so she shoved two fingers into her Mistress's pussy while she sucked on her clitoris.

"Oh Fuck!" Veronica shouted as her pleasure started to peak, her hips gyrated and thrust as Rebecca continued to munch-rug. "Oh Gawwwwwwwwwwd!!" Veronica shouted as her orgasm overtook her and she came.

Veronica thrashed about as her orgasm washed over her and she grabbed Rebecca's head with her hands and shoved her pussy into her new Slave's face. Not that she needed to hold her face there, for Rebecca was not going anywhere, she was now obsessed with drinking her Mistress's pussy-juice.

What Rebecca wanted more than anything in the world was to bring Veronica pleasure. Rebecca wanted to prove that she was a good and faithful Slave, and willingly and eagerly placed herself in her Mistress's service. She wanted to demonstrate that she knew how to fulfil the basic function of a Slave, which was to bring pleasure to the one she serves.

"I think it's time to see what else you can do with that tongue," Veronica said as she smiled down to Rebecca who was still lapping up the abundant pussy-juices.

Rebecca smiled warmly up to her Mistress but before anything more could be said, Chris started crying from his crib. Rebecca's instinct was to run to her child's side, but as a Slave she knew to never leave her Mistress's side until she was dismissed. With a nod of her head Veronica gave her permission for Rebecca to leave and tend to the child. Rebecca got up and walked swiftly to the bedroom and as she walked Veronica watched the woman go.

Veronica smiled to herself, knowing that the day was not over yet, she had much more time to play with her new toy, and play she would. She swore to herself that she would put Rebecca through her paces, and make sure that if she was going to run she would run from her, not Master. To that end, for the next month, Veronica would put the little "Mouse" through quite a maze and do her utmost to break her. Veronica laughed to herself, knowing that if Rebecca survived the hellish month she had in store for her, she would earn her place at Master's feet.

* * *

The next morning someone in the house stirred earlier than usual, especially on a Sunday. Rosina looked at the alarm clock and then over at Veronica who was asleep in the bed across the room. Rosina got up, and looked at Veronica to ensure she was still asleep before she opened up the bottom compartment of her nightstand. She retrieved a single box and closed the compartment before swiftly exiting the room. With a quick glance around and an intense listen Rosina concluded that nobody else was up, just what she wanted.

With a quick dart, Rosina made her way to the bathroom and closed the door behind her, making sure to lock it. Opening up the box Rosina pulled the test stick out and placed the box down on the counter. Peeing on the stick was not the hard part, waiting for the results was. After what felt like an excruciating eternity Rosina picked up the pregnancy test and stared almost in disbelief at the test results: positive.

Rosina had done it, for better or worse she was pregnant with her Master's child. The trouble was what to do about it now? If she told the family now, would Master make her take the "day after pill," or abort? Should she wait until she was showing and tell them only when the pregnancy was too far along to do anything but have it? Rosina told herself she would wait until she knew for certain until she decided what to do. For now she had a pregnancy test to discretely discard.

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Aussie1951Aussie1951almost 3 years ago

Finally, I was hoping Rosina would get pregnant chapters ago. Rosina is my favourite character in this story and she absolutely Idolise and loves Owen. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

polymanpolymanabout 15 years agoAuthor
Rosina and Veronica

While I agree with the person who stated that Rosina would never hide anything from Owen, and that Veronica would talk to Owen first, there are significant reasons for this straying from their usual behaviour. For Rosina, she is terrified that Owen, who has always said that she could never bear his child, will make her abort it. To bear Owen's child is a longstanding dream, and she is torn between her devotion to Owen and protecting her unborn child. Veroncia knows she is screwing up but can't help heself, she has convinced herself that she is doing this for Owen and to protect him from the skitish Rebecca, but in truth she needs to explore dominating a woman, and the temptation with Rebecca was too great. She is also torn

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

interesting...i could see how taking a break from the story could refresh your writing.. somehow i knew that the story had taken a turning point where one needed to rethink the direction of the plot. it was enjoyable to see that it did not take you that long to get back into writing the story. I am looking forward to seeing the next chapter and following along.. keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Beginning To Wonder

IF you had quit. Interesting Chapter hope to see them more often. Really enjoy the story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

What happened? Are you getting input from someone else as to this stories direction. Why are these two slaves doing things behind Owen's back? We all know from the story up to this point even Veronica would not have the nerve to enslave Rebecca without talking to Owen. And there is no way that Rosina would hide the fact that she may be pregnant from Owen. Are you taking too long between chapters? Please get back on track.

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