Regina, You Belong To Me


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"Are you still fertile, Gina?" Daniel asked.

"No, menopause came a little early for me," she answered.

"Good. I hate condoms and I want to fill you with my sperm every time I take you and that will be two or three times a day, every day. I have dreamed and fantasized about you for as long as I can remember. I intend to do my best to make up for all those times I wasted while I jerked off. My father was such a fool for giving you up for that silly little kid. Yes, to me, she is a silly little kid. If all he wants is missionary sex, he'll never keep that little slut. I wonder if she told him I popped her cherry when we were in high school and soon she was fucking and sucking almost any cock she could get. That's why I dumped her," Daniel said to her.

"Well, darling, I've got two virgins holes mouth and my ass. They both belong to you as does all the rest of me. I promise I will not be fucking any cock but yours so will never have that as a reason to dump me," Gina replied.

"Stand up and undress me, you beautiful little slut but you stay dressed. I'll buy you a new whore doll outfit but I want to rip that one to shreds when I claim your hot, horny body," Daniel commanded her.

"Umm, I am so happy we worked through the incest thing and, just so you know, I have fantasized about you fucking me for a very long time. There is one more thing I read in the book. Will you please eat my pussy? I have always wanted to know how that feels," Gina admitted.

"Are you kidding? Of course, I'll eat your pussy. I want you to drink your cum," Daniel replied to her.

Gina did not waste any time as she undressed Daniel. She literally tore his shirt from his body without bothering to unbutton it and she ripped his pants and boxers off in one swift motion. When his hard throbbing cock sprang free, she licked the oozing pre-cum from it without giving it a thought.

Daniel grabbed a handful of her thick auburn colored hair and pulled her head back. As she opened her mouth, he commanded her to suck his cock. He told her he would teach her how to take it all down her throat later but this time she was going to take his full load of hot cum into her mouth and swallow it.

Gina, did as she was told eagerly and energetically sucking Daniel hard, throbbing cock as hard as she could. She really did not know what she was doing but her natural enthusiasm and her desire to please Daniel more than compensated for her lack of technique. She was sure her son would teach her how to do it exactly the way he wanted her to do it.

"Damn, Gina, you're doing great for an oral virgin. You're a natural born cocksucker. I can hardly wait to drive this cock down your throat and up your tight virgin ass. Before this night is over I'll claim all of you," he said as she kept her lips locked firmly around his turgid shaft and bobbed her head furiously up and down on it.

"I have read that men always worry about how the size of their cock measures up to other men so I will tell you that your father was much smaller than you are," Gina said when she had to pause to catch her breath.

"Hell, Gina, I don't give a damn about the size of his or any other cock. I don't care for fake tits so I'm sure as hell not going to buy implants or get an artificially bigger cock," Daniel told her with laughter.

Gina started giggling and Daniel could not hold back the sudden eruption of his balls. The powerful suction and motion of her hungry mouth were simply too great for him to control. He didn't bother to warn her. He just filled her mouth with his hot spunk and watched as she tried in vain to swallow it all. There was just too much for her inexperienced mouth to handle and it leaked out of the corners of her mouth and down her chin before falling onto the silky green fabric of her teddy.

She didn't bother to wipe the excess cum from the teddy since Daniel had already told her he was going to rip it to shreds anyway. She did, however, scoop all she could from her exposed skin with her fingers and lick it off of them. She leaned her head back to show him what was in her mouth before swallowing again.

She was his woman and she would learn how to judge when he was about to come and adjust her tempo to take it all. He would teach her how to control her breathing and how to open her throat to avoid having her gag reflex kick in. All Gina or any woman had to do was be willing and her partner had to be patient. Both Daniel and Gina were eager to please each other.

Suddenly, Daniel had a thought which caught him totally by surprise. He remembered, at some time, hearing Gina say that he had been delivered by C-section and she had just told him his father was smaller than he was. Combining those things with the fact that she had only had a rather small vibrator in her pussy for at least the past three years meant she must have an extremely tight little pussy.

A virgin mouth and ass combined with a very tight pussy on a beautiful smoking hot forty-two-year-old woman was almost a dream come true for any man. Add that to her natural zeal to please him was enough to keep Daniel hard almost 24/7 for a long time into the future.

He felt as if he had won the trifecta at the Kentucky Derby. He had actually won a trifecta of sorts. He had just taken Gina's virgin mouth. Next, he would take her pussy which would be almost like taking a virgin since he was going to penetrate deeper inside her than a man had ever done. Finally, he was going to stretch her tight virgin ass to complete staking his claim and marking her as his woman.

To top everything else off was that the woman, his treasure, was his own mother, the woman for whom he had lusted and dreamed about for years. Now she belonged to him and they would be sharing the same bed every night. Daniel was not yet ready for children and Gina was now barren but he was sure when the time came for children she would not put up much in the way of an argument of him finding a suitable girl with whom to breed.

"How did I do, baby? I promise I'll learn to do it exactly how you want it. Just give me a little time. I'll never say no to whatever you want me to do. Just please don't make me fuck anyone else." Gina pleaded.

"First, you were excellent and we have lots of time for you to learn. Second, you belong to me and no one else is going to have you. I love you, darling," Daniel told her.

"Go fix us a drink, I need a little time to recover before we start again," Daniel instructed her.

"Again? You mean you're not going to roll over and go to sleep? What are we going to do next?" She asked in dismay.

Daniel laughed and said, "Honey, you've got a young lover. I'm going to fuck your tight little pussy, your hot virgin ass and after we take a shower I'm going to fuck your face again to complete your first trip 'around the world.' Now be a good little girl and go fix us a drink."

"Your wish is my command, Master. Please don't go anywhere. I'll be right back," Gina said with a schoolgirl giggle as she leaped up and dashed to the door.

'Damn, she is forty-two going on eighteen. I hope she knows what she is in for because she is going to be a well-fucked woman,' Daniel thought silently.

His mind drifted to his father wondering if the little cunt was still with him. If she was Daniel was sure she had three or four others whom she was secretly fucking. He wished his father knew he was about to complete the full deflowering of his mother which was something his foolish father should have done years ago. He had been angry with his father since the day he walked out on Regina.

"Here's is your drink, Sir," Gina said with a smirk interrupting his thoughts as she came into the bedroom.

"Thanks but what made you decide to make margaritas, slut," Daniel said teasingly.

"That's right, as of today I am a slut. I am your slut and as for the margaritas, I decided to be a naughty slut. I rubbed the rim of the glass with some of my pussy juice before I salted the rim. I hope you like it," she giggled.

"Spread your legs, you naughty slut," Daniel said to her.

When she obeyed him, Daniel leaned over and gave her three long slow licks on her pussy and clit.

"Oh my God! More, pleeeeeease," Gina moaned.

"That's just a sample of things to come, baby," Daniel said in response.

For the first time, I can honestly say I am happy your father left me for that little tramp," she said with a smile.

"So am I and I'd be willing to bet that if she is still with him, which I seriously doubt, she is fucking three of four our guys on the side. I really don't care. I have you and you are ten times the woman she will ever be," he told her.

"Thank you, baby, I am going to get even better for you. I do have a question, though," Gina said.

"Sure, honey, what is it?" Daniel asked in reply.

"Are we really going to do all those things tonight?" She wanted to know.

"Yes, we are. I'm not going to take a chance on you changing your mind tomorrow," he teased her.

"Don't even tease me about that. I finally have I love and one I know loves me. There is no way in hell I am going to change my mind. You opened the gate and set the slut free. Now all you have to worry about is me not smothering you with too much of it and pestering you to death for sex. You told me you would fuck me two or three times a day and I expect you to do exactly that every day. To make it easier for you I'll wear short robes most of the time and nothing else except slippers," Gina replied.

"That's my girl, I want you to be ready for whatever I want whenever I want you. I must tell you it may take you a few times for you to get accustomed to taking my cock up your ass but you will learn to love it," He said to her.

"I'll learn to love doing whatever you want to do to me. I'm your woman, Daniel. I'm no longer your mother except in the eyes of society and the law. Here at home, I'm whatever you want me to be and I really want you to see me as your devoted wife because as far as I am concerned you are my husband," she said with tiny tears forming in her eyes.

"This has been one hell of a day, honey. I've lost a mother, gained a wife, and it's barely two o'clock in the afternoon. Would you like for me to take you out for dinner," Daniel asked with a chuckle.

"Not tonight but thanks. I really want to stay naked with you all day and all night. We can call for pizza for dinner. I'll put on a robe when the pizza is delivered but if it is alright with you I want it short enough to show a little more skin than might be necessary. I feel like being a little naughty on my wedding night," Gina said with another giggle.

"Hell, I don't care if you go to the door naked if that is what you want to do," he replied.

"Don't tempt me, I'm a slut in the making," she said with a mischievous laugh.

"Sweetheart, this talk about dinner reminds me that I haven't had lunch. I got here around noon and was overwhelmed by a very sexy lady dressed like a whore doll and I completely forgot about lunch. I think I'll go downstairs and have a sandwich," Daniel told her.

"I'll make one for you and bring it to you," Gina replied.

"That's OK, I need to get up and stretch a little anyway," he told her.

"Alright but please let me make the sandwich for you. I love you and I love feeling like a newlywed bride again. Actually, I feel more like a newlywed bride than I actually was one. I already know you are going to be a much better husband in every way than your father was in any way. The only really good thing he ever did for me was to give me you," She said with a beaming smile.

"You shouldn't say things like that. You'll over-inflate my ego," he said teasingly then asking, on a more serious note, "How far do you want to take this, Gina?"

"Daniel, my darling, even though you are my son, I would go so far as to marry if there was a way for us to do it. As it is, I will be your wife here at home and your motherly companion in public if you will permit me to do that.

"Very well, Daniel replied, "but instead making me a sandwich, I want you to take a nap. I am going out for a little while. I should be back by four o'clock."

"Where are you going," Gina asked dismayed that he was leaving.

"That is not important. I will be back in less than two hours. I suggest you take a nap. This is going to be a long night for both of us," He said as he left to take a quick shower and change into fresh clothes.

"OK," she said weakly wondering why he was leaving so abruptly.

When Daniel came back to Gina's bedroom to kiss her goodbye before he left, she tried to get him to tell her where he was going but he remained silent simply telling her to take a nap while he was gone.

Gina was almost in agony over this strange turn of events and wondered what she had done wrong. She knew she would not be able to sleep not knowing what was going on or why Daniel had left so suddenly.

Just before four o'clock, she heard Daniel's car pull into the driveway. She wanted to run down to greet him but decided to wait for him to come to her which he did a few minutes later.

"Sit up on the side of the bed, sweetheart," he said softly to her as he smiled at her.

Gina returned his smile and sat up as he had told her to do.

As she sat on the side of her bed looking at him, Daniel lowered himself to one knee, looked straight into her eyes and said, "Gina, I love you as I have nor ever will love any other woman. Will you do me the honor of being my wife?"

Gina's mouth fell open and tears began to flow down her cheeks when Daniel opened a tiny box and held it out for her. Inside the box was a three-carat diamond solitaire engagement ring accompanied by a matching wedding band.

Needless to say, Gina was speechless yet somehow she managed to nod her head vigorously as she stammered, "Y...Y...YES! My darling, I will be your wife and whatever else you wish for me to be. I thought we were playing earlier but you have made it real. Thank you, baby."

Her hands were trembling as Daniel slipped the diamond ring on the third finger of her left hand. We will save the wedding ring until we return from the ceremony and our honeymoon. The ceremony may not be exactly legal and we may not be married in the eyes of the law but we will have a wedding ceremony and a honeymoon, nonetheless.

"I am so sorry, baby," she said as she slipped off the bed to kneel on the floor facing him, "I thought all the wrong things when you left earlier. I never dreamed this would happen. I have never been so happy in my life. I promise you will never regret doing this. I will do whatever you tell me to do any time or anyplace."

"Now, Gina, you are my woman. I am claiming you as mine," Daniel told her solemnly.

"Your woman, I love the sound of that," she replied as she leaned into the arms of her son who was now her husband in her heart, "Please claimed the rest of me, I want you to finish taking me 'around the world' as you said earlier you would do."

"Next week we shall go shopping for some sexy new clothes for you. Here at home, I want you to dress as my sexy little whore doll. In public, even when you are at work, I want you to start turning heads. I don't mean I want you to dress like a slut in public but I do want to dress like a very classy, sexy lady. You are a very beautiful woman, sweetheart. Show it off a little more. You will do that for me won't you?" Daniel told her.

"Darling, I will do whatever you tell me to do," Gina answered truthfully then she giggled, "I never thought I would say this but I can't wait to feel your hard, thick cock deep inside my tight virgin ass."

"You are going to be doing a lot of things you never dreamed of doing before, my hot, horny, sexy little wife," he said to her.

Suddenly, Regina burst into laughter.

"What's so funny?" Daniel asked her.

"I was just thinking how much I would like to see the look on the faces of your father and his little bimbo cunt if they ran into the new me in public. I'm going to keep my body in shape for you for as long as I can. I want you to be proud of me," She giggled.

"I'm already proud of you, my love. From now, you will always wear stockings and a garter belt unless I tell you otherwise and that includes here at home. The only exceptions will be when you are working out at the gym or when you are wearing something which will make it look silly," He said.

"Yes, sir, I understand exactly what you are saying and thank you, again, for everything," she replied obediently.

"Gina, we are going to be very good together. My law practice is doing well and it is growing. I hope to be able to bring in another attorney as a partner within the next year. If I am able to do that, I would you to stop working full time. If they will let you work part-time and you wish to do so that is fine with me but I want you to have time to do some of the things you enjoy doing the most," Daniel told her.

"I don't mind working, darling, I enjoy what I am doing," She replied.

"I understand that. What I am saying is it is not necessary for you to work if you do not want to. I can support us quite comfortably and it will improve. You are still a young woman and you have worked on the same job for over twenty years. I want you to slow down and enjoy yourself but I am not going to tell you to quit working if you do not wish to do so," he said.

"Thank you, sweetheart, I will think about it for a while. I really don't know what I would do all day here by myself. Your father had me go back to work as soon as I could after you were born and that was one time I wanted to stay home," Gina said with a smile.

"Gina, I am just giving you an opportunity to do some things you want to do for a change instead of always doing things you think you have to do. For all intents and purposes, you are my wife. Let me take care of you," Daniel told her.

"Alright, baby, please take care of me in bed first and then take me out for dinner. After all, if you are going to fuck, you have to feed me," she giggled as she scrambled onto the bed.

Daniel took off his clothes to join her. He smiled upon noticing she was wiggling her left hand around. "Do you like your engagement ring, sweetheart," he asked her.

"No," she said with a heart-stopping smile, "I love it but I love you far more. Thank you, my darling."

"We are going to replace all of your old bad memories with new good memories," he replied.

"You've certainly gotten off to very good start on doing that. I couldn't be happier with the way everything is going so far and I know each tomorrow will be better than every yesterday," Gina told him.

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AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

It was too bad that mom couldn't get pregnant. I met a woman online 20 years ago. I flew from San Diego to Kentucky and spent a week with her. She was married when we met and within 6 months of chatting online, she got divorce. I flew out to be with her once her divorce was final. I remember going down on her and eating her pussy out. When married her X didn't eat pussy. I was the first man to eat her out. She never performed oral sex with her X and I was the lucky guy to be her first. I also took her ass cherry as she called it.

She was 45 and had her tubes tied. I remember whispering in her mouth the first time I came in her: "That's my baby batter Marilyn. In another time and place my potent cum would have given you my beautiful babies." She smiled at me and said: "I would look good with my big tummy and our baby growing in it."

We hadn't talked in close to 20 years and I got an email from her. Her third husband has died, and she had been thinking of me a lot and just went for it and located me and sent me that email. She sounded the same, but I was afraid, and I didn't want to lead her on with thoughts of us may be getting together.

Wow, the sex was hot and wet. I'm Latino and she was Anglo. She never had been with any man other than her husband and he also was Anglo. For 7 days I kept her pussy and her ass filled with my hot cum. If there are folks who are from Kentucky and reading this, you might recognize who this woman might be. Her real name is Marilyn but you never met me so it might not be that easy to recognize her now that I think of it. The one co-worker who met me knows who this is, and she knows this woman.

Foxterot7aFoxterot7aover 2 years ago

Liked the story. I like characters who know what they want and get. I enjoy women who are self-aware and confident to the point that they can willing submit to their lover without question without harming their self-esteem. I would like this story to become a series so we can see how life develops for this couple.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Master? Slut???

I hate bullies and manipulators......

Respect and gratitude for what you are given....

ROCKY70ROCKY70over 4 years ago
OUTSTANDING !!!!!!!!!! BRAVO !!!!!! ^*!^*!^*!

This is a story to be proud of, a story like this is

hard find on most sites. But LITEROTICA has

the best around the web. We need more stories,

of this quality.Well done


AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
I laughed all the way through

an old slut and a boy whore trying to act moral LOL!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

better but things like, he would her. you missed a word. I think it may have

been , he would like her. you are getting better.

Ducky7Ducky7over 6 years ago
Story got off to a great start

but after the blowjob is slowed down to a stop.. At this rate around the world will take 80 days...

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Rewrite still needs work

A proofreader would be helpful to keep missing words or wrong words from breaking

the thought you are trying to get across to the reader.

me_ronme_ronover 6 years ago
In part 2

his mother was naughty and he is going to spank her ... LOL

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