Resolving My Marriage Pt. 02


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Amanda and Carol then spoke for awhile. I went to get a drink while they chatted. They appeared to discuss the detail of what happened between Amanda and me in some detail. They seemed to giggle a lot.

Amanda pounced on me and I soon forgot all my troubles. We spend the weekend like we were on honeymoon. It was one of the most idyllic times of my life.

I went back to our apartment to do some laundry and wait for Carols' return.

She came in through the door crying. She said how sorry she was. She held me like I was her long lost relative who she hadn't seen for 20 years. She followed me around the apartment not letting me do any of my chores. She knew if I was upset I would do my own laundry and cook for myself. She knew I was upset. Weird stuff isn't it? If I sat down she sat on my lap. It was to a ridiculous degree. I began to laugh as she followed me into the bathroom and I said she might like to hold my cock which she did quite seriously particularly when she blotted me gently at the end.

She insisted we make gentle love with her on top doing all the work. I was concerned that Daniel Montgomery would not be able to rise to the occasion after his full workout only ended 15 minutes before Carol's arrival. He was resurrected and rose to do his duty.

I felt she truly loved me. She said she adored me and held me close. She could not have been any closer to me on the bed and she possessively kept her leg on me. I had only seen a little of this behaviour during out first crisis when we nearly did not get together at all. I found it all very confusing. The more it went on the more I wanted out. I was becoming more determined not to be seduced.

The next morning she left for work as usual but not before an early morning wakeup blowjob for me. She proudly said she would look after her man.

Before I made any further move I needed to know my options. I needed to find out my financial position and the nature of the contracts. I feared how I would be tied up by these obscure documents. I bitterly regretted not having Zelda read the contracts before I signed them. I was too trusting. I knew Carol's father could be cruel and ruthless and I had no doubt I would be screwed in any divorce. I felt trapped and claustrophobic. I was disgusted with myself getting so quickly seduced by Carol again. I sat there blankly feeling my heart beating so quickly in my chest and I was full of anxiety.

I was late at work.

Chapter 8

Rob's eviction

Amanda phoned while I was in the car and tearfully told me she loved me and missed me. I missed her too. Things got back to normal during the week. Carol became less clingy and Amanda became more tearful on the phone. I popped in to see her a couple of times during the week. She was so pleased to see me. She was careful around the children.

The bombshell was to come on Friday. Amanda called me at work to arrange to come to see me and Amanda that evening. Carol seemed quite cheerful and said Amanda could come for dinner. Carol told me that Rob had just told her that Amanda had thrown him out. She seemed quite unconcerned. It all seemed decidedly odd.

I called Claude who was really excited to hear from me. I had spoken to him and Hester nearly every time some new event occurred and when I was unsure about what was happening

Claude seemed to know Amanda well. He said he would tell me later about where. He told me she was a fine woman and would be good for me.

Claude said that this was now the next major step and I was to observe and listen very closely what happened this evening. He said he thought he knew what it was about but couldn't say.

Some things would come clear this evening but I was not to worry. He thought he could see the game. I was to enjoy it knowing it would work out. It would not be to my expectations but the end result would be positive.

"Thank you Yoda, its as clear as mud," I said.

I got home at 5:30 to help Carol to find it was all organized. She had taken half a day off and was cooking at her super gourmet level with presentation that I had never seen before. She was worried about how her cooking would be received. No matter how often I said it was just Amanda it made no impact. She was behaving as if my boss was coming to dinner and my work future would depend on the meal. I had to taste test all five courses and check the table ten times.

This has to be weird. My wife, probably soon to be my ex, entertaining my girlfriend to the best of her ability.

She relaxed just a little as I declared the food the best she had ever made and the table magnificent. She tidied the kitchen and send me off the open the red wines. She also had brought out a magnificent bottle of Louis Roderer Champagne. We had been saving it for a special occasion.

"What is the occasion?" I asked meddling in woman's business.

"Shush" she said, 'what do you know?"

Amanda rang the doorbell and Carol rushed to the door to open it and hug her. Amanda was magnificently dressed in a long black number slit to the waist. She and Carol looked magnificent together. They were spectacular women. Amanda had fuck me pumps with very high heels. She looked scrumptious.

I moved to hug Amanda. She was as tense as anyone could be. She looked as if she would burst into tears at any moment. She pushed me away gently looking preoccupied.

Carol said, "Tell us before you explode!"

Amanda burst into tears. Carol moved to hold her. Amanda stiffened even more if it is possible.

Through her sobs she gasped "I am pregnant, its very early but I am sure"

Carol said, "I know darling, Dan will be a wonderful father to your baby. I will always also be there for you. Can you drink some champers I have a some chilling for the occasion." Carol hugged her.

"Don't just stand there with your mouth open catching flies come and hug the mother of your child".

My preliminary thought was why wasn't it Rob's child? Then if it was mine why hadn't I thought of contraception?

My next thought was Claude could never have known this. But then how could Carol. Well perhaps Rob told her.

I hugged Amanda and softly said in her ear that I loved her and would support her and the child to the best of my ability. I did not say if it was mine. Shit how could I know if it was mine?

I then began to worry. I had this huge debt to Carol's Trust for my education. She had told me I was paying it off since I had worked but I did not know how much. I knew that I was not entitled to much when Carol now divorced me. The prenuptial was a killer I was sure. Her father would have stitched me up. She was also a great actor and I knew she was just being polite. I knew that the forces of doom were circling. Rob would fight tooth and nail in a divorce and would probably sue me for maintenance and not pay enough to support Amanda in the apartment. I knew she largely was at home and did a bit of part time work. I knew the rental on their apartment would be horrific. Amanda dressed well. How would I keep her in clothing, rent, or anything much? My salary was modest as I was not yet finished my specialty training. Then I realised it was worse than I thought. Carol had full control of my salary and all my money. She paid everything for me and now I would have to try and extract some money to pay my way with Amanda and my baby. My beloved wife had full control of my destiny. Carol's father had given me a gift at our wedding which he told me was to help me get started and showed me the cheque before he gave it to Claude to invest it for me. Claude said it was very generous. I remember not wanting to be too interested in the amount but it looked like about $10 000 which I thought was exceedingly generous and I told him that I appreciated it very much. He had settled $25000 on me as a dowry prior to the prenuptial agreement. Carol had invested all my money.

I thought back to our wedding. It was lavish and extravagant and all my living relatives and friends were invited and flown with all the other guests to our wedding at a resort in Turkey. We travelled around Australia for our honeymoon ending with a week at the Luxurious resort Cable Beach in Broome. I knew we got some money at the wedding. I would be entitled to half.

I thought Claude was clever and probably would have increased my investment to double in this time. I would phone Claude as soon as I could to release some money for me. My parents had left me some money too but I had given it to Carol for furniture for the apartment and told her to invest the rest. My parents did not have much. If Carol claimed the money for my education and I had to find a place for myself I would struggle desperately. I thought no matter what I would make sure Amanda and the baby would be looked after. I was so worried. Carol had me by the balls. She had her hands on all my assets. I was in debt to her and my salary was small. I now had a major mess on my hands. My palms began to sweat. I felt like I had a tight band around my head. I felt nausea rising.

As I walked into the dining room Carol was opening the champagne. Amanda said just a glass for me due to the baby. She and Carol looked so cheerful.

Carol's father was known to be ruthless in business. He told me that Carol had inherited all her fathers traits. He said to more than once be careful not to cross her. She looks all sweetness and light but can be a ball cruncher. I had seen Carol in negotiation over a variety of work issues with tradespeople and builders. I knew I was in for a nightmare. It was coming. Rob was also known as a vindictive bastard. I hated fights and nastiness. I knew it was coming.

Carol handed me the first glass and said "for you daddy!"

She handed one to Amanda and said 'a toast for the lovely parents of our first baby."

Now I knew it was even worse. Our first baby was what she said. I knew something was happening. She went away at the peak of her fertile time with Rob. She was also pregnant and that was 'our second child.' Why our first child? What was the about?

"Why so worried?" she said to me.

If only she knew. I would have to be very careful. I needed to investigate my true situation.

"Don't you want the baby?" said a suddenly panicky Amanda.

"Nonsense he loves babies and has always wanted children. I am not quite ready for his child. No he is an industrial grade worrier, its something else. Tell us darling".

I felt very embarrassed and on the spot. How was I to know that the child was mine. I felt that I was in a trapped situation with debts that exceeded my assets and future obligations that exceeded my capacity to meet them. Then I heard what Carol had said about our first child. What the hell was that about? I knew I needed to support Amanda now and speak to Claude as soon as I could to see if he could release some money and advise me on what I could do financially. I realised that it was almost the time I would hear from Zelda about the prenuptial agreement and my loan document. I bitterly regretted not seeking Zelda's advice before I signed. After dad died I just wasn't thinking. Carol's behaviour was very suspicious this evening. Was she preparing to shaft me while appearing so friendly and supportive? Yet she had set it all up.

Suddenly it seemed all clear. None of what she said about Rob was true. He was her ideal man and this was her opportunity to get me out and Rob in. I would be left with nothing or virtually nothing but debts. She did love him and she was provoking me to run to Amanda and she herself was already pregnant. She and Rob would move in together. Our first child reference meant she was already pregnant. She hadn't had a child with me as she never wanted to. She would strike soon. I couldn't easily divorce her but she wanted to have the satisfaction of divorcing me. The baby was the proof of my infidelity. On the other hand she doesn't lie. Others corroborated how Rob was.

Claude phoned and asked if I was a daddy? He said I should come and see him to discuss my situation with him. I was so relieved he suggested it. I asked him how he knew. He laughed and said he was a prophet and had referred to his oracle. He said I needed to find out what the contracts said before I met with him. He said things were not as they seemed and I should restrain myself from saying anything but should continue to observe. He spoke to Carol and congratulated Amanda.

The meal was amazing. Amanda and Carol had a great time and I worried incessantly. I felt like a fly seeing a spray of insecticide heading his way. Death was heading my way. Well I decided "eat drink and be merry for tomorrow you die." So I cheered myself up ate and drank too much and when Amanda left I hugged and held her feeling desolate and burst into tears.

Fortunately she saw me as sensitive and supportive not the pathetic weak turkey I saw myself to be. I was in the clutches of my wife and she could finish me off. I just did not trust this support of Amanda and was just waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Carol took me to bed and said that the whole evening had made her love me even more and she felt very tender to me and was very horny. I understood nothing but went with the flow. I was so full of my worries that she had 4 orgasms on Daniel Montgomery before I finally got aroused enough to orgasm. She called me daddy at every opportunity, seemed delighted and proud like she was a grandparent or sister. I was very suspicious.

I could not sleep. I ruminated all night on Carol being the smiling death. I dreamed of her smiling while she hacked young Daniel Montgomery from my body and sliced my prick into pieces and put them into a mincer. I saw myself working two jobs to support two women and a baby with Bob not living with Carol to avoid taking financial responsibility and suing me for whatever he could.

Carol woke and asked me why I was awake. I told her I was excited about being a father. She quickly fell asleep holding me close.

Chapter 9

My legal situation

After Zelda's visit with Harry her husband and partner I went to see Claude. I told him what happened.

"The contract from the lawyer arrived a week after I had arrived in Carols house. She had moved me in quickly and soon the contract arrived as expected. Carol presented it to me for signing just before I was sitting an exam. She suggested that I carefully read it and I needed to be aware of the obligations to pay her and her father back via the trust and I should let my lawyer see it. I said I trusted her. She showed me the table of costs and obligations and I signed it. She said did I want the copy or should she file it. I grunted and she filed it. I went back to my studying and forgot all about it.

"Zelda phoned on Saturday morning after Amanda and Carol went out shopping. I felt like death warmed up. They were disgustingly cheerful and talking about babies constantly. They made me breakfast both kissed me and then laughing left.

Zelda said that the document analysis was complete. She said that they were the strangest documents she had ever encountered. She said that Carol's father's lawyer was a legal genius and they were documents that she would love to put into a journal as the best examples of their type. Well as you know when Zelda says something is funny often its not and it means you are deeply screwed. I got instantly worried and asked her if Carol had screwed me with the documents. Was I in deep and profound excrement? I said I was very worried about what was happening and told her about Amanda. She was very excited and congratulated me. My sense of foreboding and impending gloom grew.

"Zelda, said she would come over with the documents. She knew Carol was shopping and would come to see me downstairs. She had brought Stan with her and he was sniggering and asked if he could stay for the entertainment. I was nonplussed. What entertainment I asked. Zelda said you will hear soon." Stan was widely regarded as a litigation genius and was supposed to be very aggressive. If he regarded the documents as entertainment I was screwed and would need him on my side as Zelda could not.

Zelda my lawyer also lives in our complex. Like most of my mother and father's eastern European mafia she is a formidable woman with brain that grasps complex issues. She is the managing partner of a major national firm. She acts like my personal lawyer despite all that. I never wait for anything and despite at times I am sure consuming considerable amounts of her firms resources she apologises and says that the amount of work is too small to raise an invoice. However she has to be invited to all family do's. She has known me from before I was born. She had one son who was born with Down's syndrome who died of pneumonia in his teens. I was like her prodigal son, not too bright I think but worth helping because of her relationship with my mother. As you may gather I was brought up by and with formidable women with exceptional careers and who loved helping us hapless males. Why they treated these incapable males so well I have never known. I have always suspected some misplaced but welcome compassion. Stan never got over the death of Tony. He tended towards a continual gloom but that evening he was full of merriment. This did not bode well.

Zelda removed the contract from her ancient leather briefcase. She always consulted me with that case after I said I loved its old worn leather. She used another at the office. I never needed to consult her in the office but went to the office as she insisted I take her for lunch once a month. I had only once managed to pay when I knew ahead of time which restaurant it was and prepaid two weeks ahead. I never managed it again. I was sure that she and her PA, delicious Delia, plotted for weeks each month how to outwit me and find a way for me to be surprised at the meal. Zelda never ordered from the menu. She and Delia would discuss what we ate with the chef for ages before the meal and we would simply be served. Delia often came with us and flirted with me outrageously in front of Zelda who would try and pretend she was not jealous. Delia wore tight skirts for our lunches with stockings and garters and very tight tops which opened to show her large boobs. She would sit and put her foot in my crutch while looking innocent and tease me mercilessly. She sometimes would not wear underwear and would flash me during the meal. Zelda always threatened that she would never bring Delia again as she distracted me too much. I often wondered if they also had a relationship. They seemed awfully close. Zelda could charm a bird from a tree or freeze her prey if needed at 500yards. Zelda was not someone to be trifled with. Delia was often at their home and flirted with Harry constantly. At work Delia was prim and proper and dressed conservatively except for our lunch dates.

Zelda opened her notes about the contract extracting it from a manila folder with a pink bow around it. I recognised Delia's touch. I recognised Delia's handwriting. She had written the analysis. So much for playing the dumb bimbo with me.

Stan leaned forward expectantly. "Tell it to the man!" he said.

Stan did tend to the dramatic.

Zelda said, "I will just read it out-The document is called contract of obligation for you Daniel in relation to payments to Carol and her father.

"Essentially it says you are a nice guy and they love you very much. It says 10 times you owe them nothing. They know you have suffered in relation to your fathers long illness and you are trying your best to be a decent person and do good for humanity. This document is one hundred and fifty pages long but it says that most of it is the same phrases and paragraphs which it says any lawyer who can interpret legalise should ignore between page 2 and page 147. The last two pages are a spreadsheet to reflect vaguely costs of the household to provide you with some substance but they never expect you to ever pay them anything they have plenty of money and if anything would be happy to give you more. Then they have put in a song which essentially is a Latin poem which says something like for you are jolly good fellow and they encourage you and appreciate your sense of honour. The lawyer says in the document in Latin how much he enjoyed doing the document and looked forward to the prenuptial agreement which they assured him would be later and they were already busy on it."