Resort - Initial Setup


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"Believe us now?" Penny sipped her drink, her eyes glued to Tanya. A mixture of pride, smugness, and, unless Tanya was imagining things, a hint of flirtatiousness. It hit her: Penny knew. She knew her husband had just shown her not only a picture of another woman sucking his dick, but basically, a picture of his dick. And Tanya could tell she loved it.

"There's no proof that that was you." Tanya said without thinking.

Dan threw up his hands. "This girl. Unbelievable. I can show you more with me in them. If you want."

"No. That's ok."

"I don't think I have any with me holding my license and social security card, but I can check."

"It's fine."

"You sure?"


"But do you believe me?"

"I guess... I don't know."


"I told you, baby. She was never going to believe you. But that's Tanya for you, only believes something once she's done it herself." There was a pause that seemed to go on for ages. Long enough for Tanya to look from face to face to see if this was part of the joke. Long enough to question if she had heard her friend right. Long enough to wonder if Penny was serious. Long enough, even, to wonder what she would say if Dan and Penny were actually proposing what she thought they were proposing.

Penny was the one to break the silence. "But, I guess she doesn't want to find out that badly."

"Fred does though," Dan broke in. "Sick fuck." Fred put up hands, playing along. "Don't lie. You're curious. Penny, why don't you show him your picture."

"You have pictures too?" Tanya asked.

"Of course she does," Dan said. "You want to remember a night like that."

Fred started to protest, but Penny already had her phone in her hand, her thumb padding across the screen as she brought it over to him, that sly, effortlessly playful smile still on her face.

"I want to see too," Tanya said, sounding more eager than she had intended.

"No, no, no," Dan teased. "You got to see mine, now Fred sees Pen's, it's only fair."

Despite his protests, when Penny leaned over (just barely, requiring Fred to do the rest), Fred fell right in line, nearly standing up out of his chair to see. Tanya couldn't exactly read the look on her husband's face, but it was certainly something she had never seen before. He began blushing almost immediately and had to put his hand in front of his mouth to cover his grin.

"What," Tanya whined; again, a little too eager for her own liking. But Fred waved it away and mumbled, interesting before sitting back in his chair.

Tanya and Fred's Room

"What picture did she show you?"

"Nothing," Fred said. " It was probably a screenshot from a porn or something. You know how they can be."

"No, I know how Dan can be. I didn't think Pen would play along like that. Take it that far."

"It's vacation," Fred said, as if that were a legitimate excuse. "They're just having fun."

"That was more than fun. It was almost like they were showing off."

"You always accuse Dan of being arrogant. So, how is this any different?"

"It was just so much more, I don't know, extreme? Like, showing us pictures of, whatever that was."

"What was his picture of?" Fred tried to make it sound like an off-hand comment; as if he didn't really care. But Tanya knew her man well enough to know it was eating him up inside. It was a picture of your friend's giant dick down another woman's throat. She wanted to say, but she knew what that would do to him. The guys had an unspoken competition between them. It wasn't all about literal dick size, but to call it a dick measuring contest wouldn't be far from the truth. Who had the hottest wife, the biggest house, the highest paying job. Nothing seemed off limits. One of the problems with staying close to childhood friends is you never seem to grow out of the old rivalries that inevitably crop up. Except now instead of who had the best 3-pointer or who could bench the most it was who could show off their amazing dick to their friend's wife.

Jesus, amazing dick. Tanya shook her head. Was she really that easily manipulated into thinking about Dan's dick this much? She didn't even know for sure that it was his. Like Fred said, it could've been a screenshot from a porn.

"Same as yours," she said. "Probably just a screenshot or something."

"Right, but, a screenshot of what?"

Fuck. If she said a massive dick would he be able to think back to the look she had given when she saw the picture? How had she even looked? Shocked? Appalled? Hungry to have that same thick dick down her throat. No! No, no, no, no. Get it out of your head. Get it out!

"Probably the same as yours. And besides, you didn't even tell me what was in the picture Penny showed you so why should I tell you mine?"

Fred mumbled something. It sounded like he said they should just tell each other, but that seemed uncharacteristic of him. Not the suggestion, but the hesitant way in which he proposed it. The meekness of it surprised her. She would never describe her husband as arrogant-certainly not on the level of Dan. He talked a big game, bragged about little things, put people down here and there. In other words: he was a man. Confident like only men could be. Ignorant of the consequences that came with being overly full of yourself if you were anyone else. But within those parameters, he was no more or less confident than most every other man Tanya had ever known. Which is why the way he sounded now-almost ashamed, she thought-caught her so off guard and set off little alarms in her head. What was he getting at?

"Do you want me to tell you what was in the picture?"

"If you want. I don't really care. It just seemed like you wanted to know what Penny showed me so I figured why not just tell each other that way we could get over it." He fumbled with his clothes on the bed. He had already unpacked so whatever he was doing now was purely a way to distract himself. Something to make it seem like he didn't really care what she decided. Another man hiding what he really wanted, she thought. Just like Dan.

"Fine. You want to know, I'll tell you. Ready?"

"Sure. Whatever."

"It was a picture of a woman giving someone a blowjob."

"Fucking Dan." Fred shook his head at the revelation and tried laughing it off. But Tanya thought she noticed something else. She and Fred had been together for years. She knew how he reacted to almost everything. But this? He wasn't reacting to this the way she imagined he would. "Do you-do you think it was him?"

"I think the girl in the picture looked a lot like the girl he said he swung with."

Fred stopped futzing with his clothes. A pair of boxer briefs hung in his hands. A question was brewing. Tanya waited. Fred cleared his throat and refolded his underwear for the umpteenth time. "You think they really did it then?"

"I think you promised to tell me what Penny showed you."

Another shrug. "Same thing, basically. Except in reverse."

"What the fuck does that mean?"

Fred took his clothes off the bed and brought them over to the dresser, avoiding eye contact with his wife. "You know, same thing except instead of a guy standing up, it was a woman and... You know."

"Penny showed you a picture of a guy eating her out?"

"I don't know if it was her," he said defensively. "I mean, it looked like the guy from the picture-whatever his name was. And the girl... I guess it could've been her. I don't know."

"You guess? You been checking out Penny's crotch?"

A nervous laugh. "How could I even... No. It's just. She looked like she had the same skin tone as Penny. That's all."

Another pause. Fred put away his clothes. He still hadn't looked at his wife since they started the conversation. Tanya planned to change that.

"You want to know if I think it was really Dan's dick in that picture."

"Oh, you checking out Dan's dick now?" He asked. But there wasn't any malice in it. Or anger. Or much of anything, Tanya thought. His best friend had just shown his wife a picture of his dick and all Fred could do was shrug, laugh, and unpack his laundry.

"No. But your friend did just show me a picture that might have been his dick. You want to talk about that?"

"You know how Dan is. He loves fucking with people."

"Penny, too? No, this was something different. Do you think..." Tanya was afraid to ask it. Ever since she saw the picture she'd been wondering if there had been more behind Dan and Penny choosing to show them those pictures. Hell, maybe it went all the way back to inviting them-and only them-on the trip. This was the place where they swung last time. Were they suggesting they do it again, and with their friends? Tanya's head spun.

"Do I think what?"

Tanya whispered as if her friends were in the next room with their ears against the wall. "Do you think they were showing us those pictures because they wanted us to... you know."

"I mean, Dan has been talking about swinging and having threesomes with Penny for a while so I can never tell."

"I've always known Dan was this big macho, arrogant guy, but I always thought it was more of a show. I never thought he'd actually, you know, go through with stuff like this."

"I think he's more than capable of it."

"Obviously! Those pictures were real weren't they?"

"I guess. I mean, you tell me, do you think that was Dan's dick in that woman's mouth?"

"I do now."


Tanya thought she caught a hint of something in Fred's voice. Again, where she had expected anger there was something else. Curiosity, maybe?

"You said you think that was Penny's pussy. So, yeah, I think that was Dan's dick."

"How do you know though? Was it like..." He left the question hanging, but Tanya caught the intention. He wanted to know how big it was. Had he seen the look on her face? Had it been as obvious as she feared?

"Look, do you think they showed us those pictures because they want us to swing with them?"

"Well, yeah. Why else bring it up, right?"

"Right! Isn't that fucking crazy. I mean, we've been friends for years. And you and Dan go back how long?"

"Middle school."

"And now he wants to fuck your wife while you fuck his."

Fred tried laughing again, but that defense had long since worn out its welcome. If Tanya didn't know any better it seemed like Fred was actually warming to the idea. "Crazy. I mean, I knew he was attracted to you, but still."

Tanya's heart quickened. "Wait. What?"

"Well, you know how guys are, always talking about stuff like that."

"Talking about what?"

"Like, when I first brought you around. Remember? We went to that cookout at Felix's house. Dan just said at one point how hot he thought you looked. He made a big joke about how I landed someone so far outside my weight class."

"That's so fucked up." Though, in truth, Tanya hoped she had been able to hide how this revelation really made her feel. "I didn't know that."

"He's always saying stuff like that."

"That's bullshit. I can't believe he talks to you that way."

"Like I said, you know how he is."

"I just didn't know he actually believed all the stuff he said."

"Of course he does. He was always the big, tall, handsome guy in the group."

"Do you think we should go home?"

"What? No. That's ridiculous. We're on vacation."

"So, what? Should we just pretend like nothing happened?"

"You think they'll try again?"

Tanya felt another rush of excitement. Was it simply because she felt special that Dan and Penny had chosen them-out of all their friends-to swing with? Or was it because she was interested, and wanted to see how far this would actually go?

"And if they do?"

"I don't know, babe. What do you think?"

"Don't put this all on me. That's not fair."

"Yea, but this is a bigger deal for you."


"Because you and Dan have butted heads before."

"Oh, so you'd happily go and fuck Penny, no problem."

"I didn't say that."

"Then what are you saying?"

"I'm looking at this reasonably. Our friends basically asked us to swing with them. We both know how Dan and Pen are. They don't take no for an answer. Especially Dan. So we either confront them about this and possibly ruin our friendship, or..."

"Or we fuck them." Tanya's voice broke a bit. She hoped Fred took that as her simply being overwhelmed by the choice and not what it really was.

"All I'm saying is, Penny and I aren't as confrontational as you and Dan. So for us, it'd be less weird."

"She's your best friend's wife."

"I know, but you can't think of it that way."

"You don't think that's how Dan is thinking about it? You don't think he's talking to Penny right now about how he's going to fuck his friend's wife." A vision flashed through Tanya's head. The picture from earlier, the girl on her knees staring up at the camera with Dan's giant dick stretching out her lips. Except this time, it was her.

"Which is why it's more your decision. You think Penny is saying the same thing about me?"

Tanya thought about that. She hadn't seen the picture of Penny getting eaten out and when she tried to picture Fred between her legs it didn't elicit as much emotion as being on her knees before Dan. But Penny was competitive. Surely there would be something in it for her. "I don't know. But if this is some weird, fucked up trick to get me to say I want to fuck Dan I swear to god-"

"What? No. Look: Dan has talked about swinging before. And when he explains it, it always seems to make sense. People trade with each other for one night. Have fun. And the next morning they move on."

"Except in this scenario they're trading with their friends and not some strangers they just met."

"That's the beauty of doing it on vacation. It stays here."

"I don't know if I can do that, baby. Every time I'd look at..." She wanted to say Dan. From there on out every time she looked at him, every time she disagreed with and argued with him, they'd both know that he had fucked her. And worst of all, the question really nagging at the back of her head, was: what if he was good? Jessica, or whatever the fuck her name was, seemed satisfied. Tanya could never see herself texting another man that. Let alone Dan. But still... "Every time I'd look at Penny I'd know you two fucked."

"I don't know. I think with everyone agreeing to it being a one time thing. And everyone getting drunk. It wouldn't be as bad as you think."

"You want to do it, don't you?"

"I don't want this being a weird thing between us."

"You think it'd be weirder if we said no?"

"You know Dan. Whenever he doesn't get his way he pouts like a fucking baby."

"So we should just give him what he wants then? What sense does that make?"

"But that's my point. The only way to 'win' is to enjoy it, right? We either don't do it, and have to deal with him whining for the rest of our lives. Or we do it, give him what he wants, but get so stressed out about it that we end up miserable. So why not do it, enjoy it, and move on."

"He would constantly joke about how prudish we were if we turn it down."

"Exactly! But, if we do it and are even more into it than they are."

"It might actually shut them up."


Tanya let out a breath. "Oh my god, are we seriously considering doing this?"

"If you want."

"How do we let them know?"

Dan and Penny's Room

"Hey, baby." Penny was lying on the bed in her lingerie, getting ready for the night.

Dan was on the floor doing push ups. Also getting ready. "Yeah, babe."

"Take a look."

Without getting up, Penny held out her phone so her husband could see.

Tanya: Me and Fred want to talk.

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12356416514a12356416514aalmost 3 years ago

@Anon, not a big fan of Dan and Penny either, but this is just a fictional story. Don't overthink it, this is not real.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I don't like Dan and penny and sure hope things don't work out the way they intend them to. Anyone who gets off humiliating others are sick fucks and deserve the crap kicked out of them.

12356416514a12356416514aalmost 3 years ago

Love this so far. Tanya is a very cute girl, love her. Penny and Dan sound like assholes so far but I'm curious.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

That seems like a pretty shitty paid if friends to me. Why would anyone want to get involved with people with no positive qualities

maiseymaiseyalmost 3 years ago

interesting story line

I am just not sure that any couple would be bullied into swinging

Perhaps if they admit to having a deep down desire to try it as well


great start

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