Return To Point Hollow Ch. 03


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"Ah, so desu ka?" I said in a falsetto voice. "So they've been keeping tabs on me and what I'm doing. I put three people in the pokey, and 'Hey, presto!', they come out of the woodwork. How 'bout that?"

"I get the sense you're being sarcastic with me." Jack said, and correctly. "I did come here in good faith, you know."

"I know." I said. "And I think the higher ups in the FBI are treating you like a mushroom again." Cindy nodded vigorously in agreement.

"I don't disagree." Muscone said. "I do know this: Assistant Director Owen Grange is coming back in, and he's going to have company with him: his boss, the Executive Assistant Director of the Criminal, Cyber, Response, and Services Branch, Dr. Robin Isley."

"For a dog-and-pony show?" I asked acerbically. "You know I don't play those games."

"She does want to meet you." Muscone said. "But there's a lot going on within the FBI, and it's becoming a real internecine battle."

"Like Assistant Director Owen Lange offering me another BAU team instead of the Rovers team." I said. "Very nice of him to offer, but we cannot let him think we're Agencies of the Weak-Minded, here. He did it to have competition against the Rovers team."

"So why didn't you accept his offer?" Muscone said. "We need all the help we can get against the Swamp Frogs."

"The main reason is because I don't want any FBI BAU teams taking over this case." I replied. "It's my case, and I'm not giving it up. But there's another reason, too... I don't think you, plural, know what you're dealing with on this case."

Muscone gave me a withering look, then said "Then tell me what's going on."

"How about I show you?" I said...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

We arrived at University Hospital. We went to the fourth floor, where the twelve survivors had been moved to.

"I'm sorry, Commander," said the pretty Nurse at the station, there. "All of them have been released, either last night or early this morning. They insisted, and there wasn't much we could do to stop them."

"What about Lawrence Evans?" I asked.

"He walked out of there in the middle of the night last night." said the Nurse. "Apparently his lawyer brought some clothes for him and left them hidden under the mattress. He just got up, got dressed, and got out."

"He had a lawyer?" I asked.

"They all did." said the Nurse. "Some guy came in yesterday and said he was representing them. They may have thought he wanted to sue the County on their behalf or something. He told them if the Police tried to question them again, to refuse to answer and to call him."

"What did the lawyer look like?" I asked.

"Short, white, dark brown hair combed over a little too perfectly." said the Nurse. I showed her a photo from my Police iPhone. "Yes sir, that's him." she said.

"Did this man come to visit any of them?" I asked. I showed a photo of Charles Westbrook, that the button-camera on my shirt had taken of him at his empty office complex with the pentagram.

"He was here yesterday morning." said the Nurse. "A lot of the survivors were still out of it, but Lawrence Evans was one of the few he talked to. He talked to that other guy... King was his name. He said he'd come by the next day, but with them all released, he may not show up."

"Thank you." I said. I turned and showed Muscone and Cindy the photo of the lawyer.

"Nathan Masterson." I said. I then speed-dialed a number. "Captain Perlman," I said when Tanya answered, "put out a State-wide APB for Lawrence Evans... Yes, that's right, State-wide, priority, whatever. Make it glow like a neon sign... no, just him, nobody else... okay, thanks. Bye."

"He's important?" Muscone asked.

"For the purposes of my demonstration to you, yes." I said. "Also, did you note which law firm sent representation to the survivors here, and the guy I had put in City Jail yesterday?"

"Yeah." said Jack. "Gresham & Mason, P.C."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The meeting in Classroom 'E' began, with most of the Usual Suspects present, as well as Jack Muscone. The Chief handed off the meeting to Captain Perlman, who handed it off to Lt. Jerome Davis.

"All of the survivors have been released from the Hospital." said Jerome. "The doctors tried not to release most of them, but a lawyer came in and threatened to sue the doctors as well as the Hospital, and basically took them all out of there. The lawyer that did that was Nathan Masterson of Gresham & Mason, P.C."

Jerome: "We did execute the sealed warrant to place tracking devices on everyone's clothing, and we were tracking their cell phones as well. Unfortunately, all of them were taken to an apartment in the Downtown district above a bakery, and all the tracking devices are still sitting there."

Jerome: "Our 'pizza delivery' guy didn't get an answer to the knock on the door, and when he... hypothetically... tried the door, it was unlocked, so he hypothetically stepped inside and looked around. The apartment was completely empty... except for their clothing and cellphones, which were left behind in one big pile. The back way is an enclosed yard, so we're not sure how they got out."

I nodded, then said: "Either they went to another apartment in the same building, or there's a storm drain they had access to that let them get out underground, like the tunnel at Al Sharpton Elementary School. And either way, that shows knowledge and planning."

Tanya said "Sir, we got a warrant to enter the other apartments in the building. We were polite and knocked on doors, but we still saw inside every place. They were either empty, or had innocent families inside."

"Okay." I said. "But the bottom line is that they're all in the wind now, and as a result of careful planning and execution."

"Who's behind it?" Jack Muscone asked. "And what is going on?"

"Anyone here care to venture an educated guess?" I asked everyone, which I don't think is what Muscone wanted to hear.

"I think this Dr. Charles Westbrook needs to be interviewed again." said Joanne Warner.

"If we can catch him... again." replied Chief Moynahan, who was still more than miffed at me for not bringing Westbrook back to our jurisdiction.

"I think we ultimately will." I said. "I think these guys will try to come back to Point Hollow. And when they do... we will arrest them. And Westbrook will not be getting out on his own recognizance, fer sure."

"I also want to tell you that I went through Guru Stevens's notes." I said. "He's been searching for this 'abbadon', but it looks to me like it's more justification of what he's been doing than any real proof of its existence..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I emailed Myron and told him to show my Angels and Lt. Jerome Davis the website and what he'd found, which I cc'd to them with the admonishment to not say anything to anyone else, not even the Detectives just yet, and especially not to any Federal Agents...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Father forgive me, for I have sinned." said Dr. Mickelson as he sat with Father Romano in his (Dr. Mickelson's) office. "It's been four months since my last confession."

"I... I've been seeing the demon again." confessed Dr. Mickelson. "He comes to me in my dreams, and tells me that I must pay penance to him. Lately... he's been demanding that I join him at the Sacrifice."

"What is this Sacrifice?" asked Father Romano.

"I'm not sure, but it's not money nor objects." said Dr. Mickelson. "He's demanding the sacrifice of a person. I... I don't know who..."

"I try to push these thoughts out of my head." said Dr. Mickelson. "But he keeps coming back..."

After a few more minutes of confession, Father Romano said "My son, let me intercede with thee on behalf of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I absolve you from your sins in the name of the Father, the son, and the Holy Spirit..."

As he made the Sign of the Cross over Dr. Mickelson, the room seemed to turn cold, and it felt like a breeze was blowing through. Father Romano thought it must be the air conditioning coming on... but then realized that that had not been the case...

Part 15 - Feds vs. Feds

3:00pm, Saturday, October 5th. Cindy and I were in my office, talking about the case, when we heard a commotion down the hall. A moment later a small contingent arrived at my door, consisting of the Chief, the Sheriff, Assistant Director Owen Lange, SAC Jack Muscone, and a woman I'd not met before.

"Commander Troy," Owen Lange said as he ushered the woman into my office (without knocking), "this is Dr. Robin Isley, Executive Assistant Director of the FBI's Criminal, Cyber, Response, and Services Branch. Dr. Isley, this is the Iron Crowbar, Commander Donald Troy, and this is Commander Cindy Ross."

I had risen to my feet at their entrance, and I shook Dr. Robin Isley's hand across my desk. "Nice to meet you, ma'am." I said. "What do you go by?"

"Oh, 'Dr. Isley' is fine." said Dr. Isley. Robin Isley was relatively tall, though nowhere near Laura's height. Her body was lean and her legs toned; she was in shape. She looked to be in her upper 30s, possibly a very good looking 40s; and she looked Italian, with a fairly angular chin and high cheekbones, blue eyes, and maybe just a bit too full lips. Her hair was almost as raven-black as my wife's and Carole's, and she wore it very long down her back. She was wearing a professional looking jacket, skirt, and blouse, and medium-heel pumps.

She shook Cindy's hand with the barest minimum of courtesy as she looked around my office with something of a disdainful look. "Considering what I've heard of your accomplishments, Commander," she said, "I was expecting a wall full of citations, but I see very few."

"I've never felt the need to advertise them." I said. "Like Midas Mulligan in 'Atlas Shrugged', I prefer the wealth of selection over the wealth of accumulation."

Cindy added: "Just because he's not displaying that citation for the Secretary Defense Medal of Valor and the FBI Medal for Meritorious Achievement, doesn't mean he didn't earn them." The Green Crowbar had a look of irritation on her ruggedly pretty face... irritation at Isley.

"And who is 'Bowser'?" Isley asked as she looked at the citations on the wall to my right, totally ignoring what Cindy had said.

"My dog." I said. "Part of the Police K-9 Corps. He earned the Lifesaving Medal for leading us to a small child with hypothermia in a ditch."

"Oh." was all Isley said, and disdainfully, making Cindy's eyes widen with something between shock and anger. Then Isley half-turned to Owen Lange and said "So, is there some place we can all meet?..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Assembled in the Main Conference Room were Sheriff Griswold, Chief Moynahan, Me, Deputy Chief Ross, Public Health Officer Beth Paige, Captain Tanya Perlman, FBI Executive Assistant Director Dr. Robin Isley, Assistant Director Owen Lange, Special Agent In Charge Jack Muscone, and Supervisory Special Agent Melina Troy Allgood.

"Okay, let's beginnnn." said Chief Moynahan. "To what do we owe the pleasure of your company, Dr. Isley?"

"I'm here to meet all of you." said Robin Isley, continuing on. "I've heard many reports of this Police Department, especially Commander Troy. Commander, do you always carry that crowbar with you? Even indoors and to meetings like this?" Yes, I was holding my red crowbar.

"It's his Palladium." Cindy Ross said with a bit of alacrity. Robin Isley looked confused. Cindy did not deign to explain, nor her reasons for carrying her green crowbar.

"I'm also here about this case." said Isley, continuing on. "The FBI has had several BAU units working similar cases, and they've all discovered that Dr. Charles Westbrook is involved somehow. Two women were murdered in Missouri, and we believe he had something to do with it. I'm here to get some mutual cooperation on this with you. Owen, why don't you start off the briefing."

"Yes ma'am." said Lange, who then turned towards me and said: "After those bozos in the Rovers BAU talked to your arrested suspects, we monitored everything they did: their phone calls, their texts, their movements. They're the ones that called Chip Blake to get Dr. Westbrook out of jail. It looks like they were going to try to have Westbrook go with them, but the wily doctor managed to get out of there without anyone seeing him leave."

"The man is the first cousin of the Consultant of Crime." I said levelly. "And while not nearly as brilliant, he's definitely the same amount of evil, and of cunning. He wanted out, he got out."

"More like he needed to get out." said Melina. "Tonight is the night." Robin Isley looked skeptically at Melina out of the side of her eye, as if Melina were speaking out of turn.

"Of the Release?" I asked.

Owen Lange nodded to Melina, who said: "We think so." She opened up her laptop, and a PowerPoint slide appeared on the projector screen. "When Guru Stevens was arrested some days ago, he mentioned the words 'Abbadon' and 'Abatu'. 'Abatu', or 'the abatu', is a term used by the Order of the Nine Angels, a.k.a. the ONA or O9A. The ONA sect refers to the abatu as a form of negative energy, and often use it in connection with rites of sacrifice."

Melina: "The word 'Abbadon' is the name of one of the chief demons in Hebrew lore. But the term often is used for a place, as opposed to a person or a demon in human form. A place of destruction, an abyss, such as that."

Melina clicked something on her computer, and a website came up on the screen. "This is a site on the Dark Web. You have to have a jump drive in your computer or laptop to access it, then a name and password. We know that we only have to put in a jump drive with a text file with the word 'one' in it, but we haven't figured out the name and password yet."

"Allow me?" I asked. Melina slid the laptop over, and I typed in 'HallT' and 'password'. The menu appeared.

"How did you know that?" asked EAD Isley, anger in her voice.

"Four hundred years ago..." Jack Muscone said. Then he realized what he'd said and continued: "Four hundred years ago, he would've been burned at the stake in Salem, USA. He does things like that all the time. We've become used to it." Melina nodded her lovely head vigorously in agreement.

"That's a load of crap." snarled Isley. "Commander, how did you know that, and for how long have you known it?"

"It was figured out last night." I said, protecting Myron by not admitting that he was the one that found and decoded it.

"And you've said nothing?" asked Isley.

"Yes he did. I was briefed on it this morning." Cindy said. "But since you seem to be claiming that we withheld information from you, I'll ask how long you have known about this website. Obviously long enough to figure out the jump drive part of it."

Her point was that the FBI had obtained and withheld something from us. Robin Isley was looking daggers at Cindy, and Cindy was staring right back at the EAD. Chief Moynahan was also looking at Cindy and me very unhappily. The Sheriff's mustaches were twitching with merriment.

"Looks to me like both of you found this independently." barked the Sheriff, almost happily. "And neither side told the other. So, Ms. Allgood... what did you and the FBI learn from this website?"

"Go ahead, Melina." said Jack Muscone. "And don't hold back that you broke through and got into the site."

"Okay." said Melina. "Yes, we broke through, with Guru Stevens's name and password. This website's sect has a fixation on abbadons as sites of destruction, but in a special form. They believe the Abatu, the demon energy trapped in the earth, can be released by special rituals. Most unfortunately for us, these rituals involve sacrifice, the most common one being the ritual murder of a virgin girl on an alter built on a pentagram, or alternatively, the symbol of the Order of the Nine Angels, which looks similar but has more points."

"I thought the Mayans died out centuries ago." Cindy said acerbically.

"Apparently not." I said. "So this website... the party is on for tonight? And here at Point Hollow?"

"Yes." said Melina. "According to this site, there are twelve places in the U.S. and Canada that are considered 'release points', where the demon can be successfully released. Point Hollow is one of them. And tonight appears to be the time, according to the website chatter."

"Elberton, Georgia, another one?" I asked whimsically.

"No." said Melina, not skipping a beat. "But Stone Mountain, Georgia, just east of Atlanta, is considered one of the sites. It's also close to the University of Georgia in Athens, where Dr. Westbrook sought employment. Any ritual there would be done by throwing the victim off the cliff side of the mountain."

"What will they do at Point Hollowwww?" asked the Chief.

"According to this web site," Melina replied, "it's a stabbing with a sacred knife on an altar on a pentagram at the Ritual Tree. The sacred knife is allegedly somewhere in the Point Hollow house."

I said: "Except we've searched every inch of that house, from attic to basement, many times over in the past few years, and we've never found a knife of any kind."

"You never found that painting over the mantle, either." said Robin Isley. My eyes narrowed as I peered at her. She'd just slipped up. They always do, I thought to myself. They always do.

"And the Rovers team is not playing ball with us." said Owen Lange. "We're having to try to help you solve this from both ends."

"We didn't ask for help solving this!" Cindy said harshly. "This is our case!"

"And it's part of our larger case." said Dr. Isley. "The FBI has had BAU teams working on this for a considerable time. Assistant Director Lange offered you another BAU team to assist you, and you turned him down."

I said "I'm going to be blunt, Dr. Isley. Very blunt. Everyone in this room knows very well that the FBI does not come in and 'assist' local LEOs on cases." I made air quotes with that word 'assist'. "The FBI comes in and takes over the case, pushes the locals around and demands obeisance, then takes all the credit for themselves, not even thanking the locals as they go put up another citation on their own wall, which seems to be very important to you, Dr. Isley."

"Now me," I continued, "I don't care about that crap. I want to catch the people that committed murder in the first degree in my County. It offends me when people commit murder in my County, and murder is a State crime, not a Federal one. Once I've solved those crimes, and prevent another murder from happening, we can talk about the Rovers BAU and how those neurotoxins that killed those six people as well as Louella Hopper keep being found in my County. And you, Dr. Isley, can tell me who authorized the Rovers BAU team to come in like bulls in a china shop and tried to take over the case. But saving at least one life is my priority right now."

It was remarkably quiet in that room full of people, and the tension in the air could be cut with a katana.

"He has a better handle on it than we do, Dr. Isley." said Owen Lange. He turned to me and said "What do you need, Commander?"

"Here's what I need." I said. "Captain Perlman, get with Detective Rodriguez and set up protection for Mary Gabriel. It'd be great if Mary would us take her into protective custody. Go, do that now." Tanya put her wheelchair in motion and exited the room at a high rate of speed.

"Is there a danger to public health, here, Commander?" asked Beth Paige.

"No ma'am." I said. "At least not in terms of a mass casualty event. But there is definitely danger at Point Hollow for anyone there tonight."

I got out my Police iPhone and speed-dialed Teresa's number. "Commander Croyle," I said when she answered, "I need a full contingent of Officers to guard Point Hollow for the next 24 hours. Absolutely no one but Town & County Police and Sheriff Deputies are to be allowed to set foot on the grounds of Point Hollow. Overtime is authorized, SWAT deployment for the full 24 hours is authorized. Put some people at the weather station on the cliffs above Point Hollow. Coordinate with the Police and State Patrols of the States north and west of us to maintain checkpoints of any roads that could possibly be used to get to Point Hollow."