Return to Sessia Ch. 15


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"You'd say anything right now to make yourself sound innocent," Courtney said disapprovingly, "But I'm not going to listen to any of your attempts to whitewash your past. I just want to see you helpless, humbled and made to do penance."

"I've already done that," I insisted, "I've been stripped naked, I've been spanked, and I've been whipped and subjected to humiliating body-cavity searches! How much more penance could I possibly do?"

Courtney smiled at my words, but didn't give in. "I think it's wonderful, Diane, that they've done all of those horrible things to you. The problem isn't that your penance hasn't been cruel enough. The problem is that I wasn't personally here to witness it."

Courtney smiled blissfully and then added, "Do you think there's any way Gretchen Starke would let me punish you personally? I'm thinking of the whip, of course. I've got a serious desire to hear it splat across that cute bottom of yours."

Courtney's capacity for cruelty seemed to be greater than Gretchen's. I was hoping that Gretchen would see this woman as too intense to be allowed to do things to me, and would send her away before things got out of hand.

"I've already been punished once today," I explained to Courtney, "I don't usually get punished more than once unless I've been really bad."

Technically this was a lie, however Courtney had no way of knowing what sort of disciplinarian Gretchen was, and I was becoming very frightened of what she might do to me if she got the opportunity.

"I'll be in town for six more days," Courtney explained, "Maybe I'll get a chance to punish you tomorrow or the next day."

I groaned at this announcement, however I didn't say anything. Apparently I was in dangerous ground already. I wasn't about to say anything that would make things even worse for me.

Eventually Gretchen arrived to take me away from the Punishment Park, and Courtney and Gretchen had the opportunity to meet. Much to my disappointment, Gretchen didn't view Courtney with the same alarm that I did, and soon they were chatting like old friends.

"I absolutely adore the idea of Diane being punished by her friends or family," Gretchen gushed, "However Diane's sister doesn't have a sadistic bone in her body, and so far I haven't met any friends of Diane that had sadistic tendencies either."

"Really?" Courtney asked, "You've discussed it with them?"

"I've talked to Diane's younger sister, and two of her friends," Gretchen elaborated, "None of them have the desire to do anything that would hurt her. It's actually not surprising. Friends and family usually have a desire to protect their loved ones, not strip them naked and mark them up with a whip."

"If you'll let me, I'd be happy to mark Diane up," Courtney offered helpfully. When she said it, her voice and smile were so friendly, you'd think she was offering to clean out my basement or wash my car.

"I'd be really happy if you did," Gretchen said pleasantly, "The psychological effect on a girl is so much stronger when she's punished by a friend as opposed to being punished by a stranger. The feelings of powerlessness and vulnerability just seem that much stronger."

Gretchen insisted that Courtney couldn't punish me right then, however she did offer to let Courtney examine the marks on my bottom where I had been marked up by the riding crop.

"I like this," Courtney said as she fondled my stinging thighs and buttocks with her hands, "I wish I had known Diane was into corporal punishment back in high school. If I had, maybe things could have been different between us."

Courtney continued to move her questing hands all over my punished bottom. Despite the pain and the humiliation, my heart beat faster and a wave of feverish desire passed through me. Courtney's hands made me feel owned and helpless and those feelings of being owned and helpless caused my loins to throb with hungry spasms and my nipples to throb and harden.

"You little slut," Courtney admonished when my hips writhed and I was unable to stifle a moan, "You're actually enjoying this aren't you?"

My pussy was wet and throbbing and my entire body felt as if it was gripped in a fever. I couldn't deny the aching need in my loins without lying to Courtney, and slave-girls who lied were quite often punished for their dishonesty.

I confessed to Courtney that I had enjoyed the feel of her predatory hands on my poor, abused bottom and she laughed at me.

"Well, there's more of that to come, I assure you," Courtney announced. Gretchen and Courtney eventually exchanged phone numbers and hotel information and we parted company. Courtney promised me that when we met next, she would hurt me terribly and make me cry.

At that moment I truly hated her, but slaves aren't allowed to say negative things about free-women, so I kept quiet and bit my tongue as Courtney walked away.

Almost as if Gretchen was reading my mind, she said to me, "I expect you to behave when Courtney punishes you, Diane. I don't want to hear you complain or being disrespectful to her."

"She scares me, Mistress," I complained, "I'm afraid of what she might do to me."

"I promised that I'd be beautifully mean to you," Gretchen reminded me, "And allowing Courtney to hurt you terribly and make you cry is a part of that, so I expect you to be nice, polite and accommodating whenever she's around."

Tears welled up in my eyes at the thought of being polite and accommodating to the girl who wanted to hurt me terribly and make me cry, however I promised Gretchen that I would do exactly as she wanted.

* * * * * * * * * *

Rather than return to the Hotel Castello, Gretchen drove to Eastport, parked the car and had me walk into an abandoned factory, just next to the parking structure. The factory was dark, spooky and all of the shadows looked like some sort of predatory animal that was getting ready to pounce and maul me. All we needed was some ominous music playing in the background and this could be a scene from a horror movie.

Dark, creepy places like this are frightening even for normal people, but when you're trying to navigate through a dark, shadowy place like this when you're naked and barefoot, it makes you feel even more vulnerable and more likely to be a victim. My bare feet crept cautiously across the concrete and I accidentally walked into a spider web. I brushed it off, but heard disturbing noises in the distance. It was impossible to see anything more than twelve feet in front of me and even things that were in close proximity weren't fully illuminated. I watched the intimidating shadows, waiting to see what would come out of them and asked, "Mistress, why are we even here?"

"We're here to meet someone," Gretchen informed me. "I expect you to be nice, polite and accommodating to her too."

For a moment my heart beat too fast and I knew fear, a delicious fear like when Gretchen had told me to be accommodating and submit to Courtney, but before I could drown in the overwhelming feeling of dread and helplessness, I felt a hand on my bare shoulder and I screamed in alarm as I immediately assumed that anything that snuck up on you in this dark, eerie place must be a sinister and dangerous creature of some sort.

"Calm down," Gretchen ordered, "This is who we're supposed to meet."

I forced my breathing to slow down in an attempt to calm my nerves. The hand on my bare shoulder was attached to a skinny, nerdy-looking girl in glasses. That was calming somehow, I guess because young skinny girls in thick-framed glasses are almost never the antagonists in horror movies.

"I'm Robin," the skinny girl announced in a somewhat relaxed voice, and then she added, "We've met before."

I examined her facial features as best I could in the dimness of the room and slowly recognition dawned on me.

"Robin Milenkova," I said, "We met at that LSC Christmas party a couple years back."

"Very good," Robin replied, "I had thought that you were quite good-looking even back then, but now you look even better."

Of course Robin was leisurely enjoying the view of my naked breasts and my chronically erect nipples. Why should she be any different? Apparently even the nerdy girls enjoyed gawking at my bare breasts.

I resisted the urge to cover my naked breasts with my hands, like a good little slave, but the silence dragged on and on while Robin stared at them. Finally, I had to break the silence, but rather than judge Robin for ogling, I asked a question that shouldn't offend anyone.

"Why are we meeting here of all places? What even is this place?"

"We're meeting here of all places, because I can be certain that we'll have privacy here," Robin said, "I can't risk anybody from LSC ever finding out that I've met with Gretchen. Right now my boss thinks that I'm in Strasbourg at a workshop on corporate bonds. Nobody from LSC has even the slightest idea that I'm in Sessia."

"Stacy Martinet is plotting against me," Gretchen added, "We can't be certain who can be trusted over at LSC right now."

"If Victoria or anybody in the media saw me, it could ruin all the precautions I've taken."

"Nobody is likely to just walk in on us here," Gretchen offered, "This place used to be a factory for making tin cans and tin boxes. It shut down about fifteen months ago. That's why it's so dark in here, no electricity since they shut the place down."

I could see why this location would be ideal for privacy. Certainly tourists and the European media would have no interest in going inside a dark, creepy abandoned building with no electricity, and then more questions popped into my head.

"But Mistress, the doors weren't even locked! Wouldn't the homeless or street gangs attempt to take over an abandoned building with unlocked doors?"

In the dim light of the abandoned factory, Gretchen and Robin gazed at me with disinterested expressions.

"This really isn't a productive line of inquiry," Robin said, and then to Gretchen she added, "You're her mistress. Can't you order her not to ask questions?"

"Diane, no more questions," Gretchen said, firmly, "In fact you're not allowed to speak at all anymore for as long as long as we're here in this building."

Gretchen had told me my place, so I obediently stood there naked and silent and allowed the two clothed women to dominate the dark and creepy room.

"I've been talking to Robin for the past couple of days," Gretchen explained while I listened in silence, "Somebody at LSC has somehow altered the official records of my LSC expense account. It looks like I've abused my expense account privileges and spent tens of thousands of dollars on frivolous and unnecessary expenses."

"It was Stacy Martinet," Robin added.

I felt a sense of panic, and I think I gasped, but I had been ordered not to speak, so held my tongue and didn't voice my opinion of Stacy or ask any stupid questions.

"I don't know what proof Robin has that it was Stacy who falsified records, however if anyone could uncover the proof, it would be Robin. She's not only one of our best accountants-"

"The best," Robin corrected, "I practically run that entire department."

"She's also a very accomplished computer nerd," Gretchen continued, "If somebody hacked my account and tried to hide how they did it, Robin would almost certainly be able to go through thousands of line of computer code and discover their secrets."

"Which is pretty much what I did, although it was far more time-consuming than Gretchen makes it sound."

In the eerie half-light of the murky room, I saw Gretchen give Robin an annoyed look, I wasn't certain why she was annoyed at first. The two of them seemed to be in sync.

"As admirable as Robin is with her accounting and computer skills," Gretchen finally added, "She's not much of a friend. It turns out that she'll only help exonerate me if I pay a very high price."

Gretchen sighed heavily and finally added, "She wants me give up ownership of you, and she wants you to become her slave."

"But, that's impossible," I blurted out, "My relationship with you-"

"You're not allowed to speak," Gretchen said admonishingly, and I fell silent. I was alarmed by this unexpected turn of events, but I was a naked slave and had been duly chastised for speaking without permission. I immediately fell silent once again.

"As you can see, Diane is horrified at the prospect of becoming somebody else's slave," Gretchen said calmly. "I've spent two years learning what makes her tick and learning how to feed her submissive appetites and make her completely obedient. If I just turn ownership of Diane over to you, you'll destroy all the progress I've made with her. You're an amateur with no idea what a slave-girl needs."

I felt an urge to cheer, but I remained quiet. Gretchen really had learned what made me tick and understood me better than I understood myself. She was exactly what I needed.

"But, without me," Robin protested, "You'll lose your job! You'll lose everything! I'm the only one who can get you out of this mess! I hold all the cards!"

Even in the gloomy darkness of the room, I could see Gretchen raise a meaningful eyebrow and retort, "Do you?"

With a smirk, Gretchen turned to me and calmly said, "Diane, stand with your legs far apart and your hands clasped behind the back of your neck."

I didn't understand why Gretchen had given me this order, however a good slave follows orders even when she doesn't understand them. Feeling somewhat confused and vulnerable, I spread my legs wide and laced my fingers behind my neck. This pose forced my breasts to be lifted up as if I were offering them to Robin and Gretchen.

Gretchen then caused my breasts to be even more prominent and on display by ordering me to arch my spine and force my elbows back. And to add to my shame, my nipples were swollen and erect, thus making my sexual need all the more evident to this scary, intimidating woman who was trying to take me away from Gretchen.

Excitement lit up Robin's eyes and she seemed almost transfixed by my submissive pose and then Gretchen said, "Touch her, examine her as if she were a slave that you were thinking of buying at a public slave market."

Gretchen's words made me tremble and they apparently had an emotional effect on Robin as well. Her breathing became deeper and her lips parted as she raised a hand to my left breast and fondled it.

I moaned at the touch of her warm, feminine hands and Gretchen encouraged her to fondle both breasts, and feel free to pinch them if that would please her.

Robin needed very little encouragement and almost immediately the accountant gripped both of my nipples between her thumbs and index fingers and pinched the poor, sensitive things painfully, causing me to gasp.

"I love it when she makes that sound," Robin said softly, with almost religious reverence. I briefly caught a glimpse of Robin's eyes and she looked like she was in a trance.

"And if I lose my job," Gretchen responded, "You'll never hear her make that sound again."

Alarmed, Robin looked away from my breasts and made eye contact with Gretchen. Gretchen looked cool and composed.

"Diane will never be your slave," Gretchen said firmly, "However if you exonerate me and expose Stacy to the higher-ups at LSC, I will let you use Diane. I will tell you when and how you may use Diane, but that's more than most people ever even dream of. When I permit it, you will be allowed to fondle her, punish her and use her tongue to pleasure you, but if you refuse to exonerate me in the eyes of LSC, Diane and I will walk out of here and you'll never see her naked ass ever again."

Robin bared her teeth and looked like she wanted to argue, but then she looked back at my naked breasts and abused nipples and replied, "You're a tough negotiator, Gretchen."

"Diane is my property," Gretchen replied calmly, "It would damage her to belong to anybody else."

"Okay, okay," Robin said and then she sucked in air through clenched teeth and added, "Half a loaf is better than none. I'll expose Stacy Martinet's scheme and in return you'll periodically let me use your slave-girl."

"You've made the right decision," Gretchen assured the young accountant, and then they both shook on it.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Need more

You're killing us waiting to see what happens to Diane next. Hope the next chapter comes soon. Just love Diane's submissiveness!

Would love to spank her (your) lovely ass!


AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Diane and Gretchen's 'adventures' are the best story series on this site. Please continue...asap...

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Need more

Need more of Diane's adventures...soon!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Anxious for more

Anxiously awaiting the next chapter of Diane's slavery. Even though I'm a hetero male, I really enjoy reading about Diane's submission to Gretchen and willingly being her slave.

Agree with a couple of the other commenters. Would be exciting for Gretchen to temporarily have to forfeit ownership of Diane to someone else. Perhaps Victoria, or even the hotel manager on behalf of the hotel.


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

just love reading these. I hope more to come

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Excellent writing

This series (involving Mistress Gretchen and slave Diane) has quickly become my favorite on this site. I absolutely love all of the twists and turns, and this writing style is fantastic. Keep up the great work, and I look forward to the next installment.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Like the new twists - correction

In my previous comment, I meant to refer to Courtney rather than Alex - even though that can also present an interesting development.

But I'm particularly interested in what happens to Diane with Courtney and Robin.

Still hope Victoria eventually uses Diane as well - even perhaps actually owns her, at least temporarily.

Thanks for sharing your decadent fantasies!

One can only imagine what real life with Diane and Gretchen is like.

Would be super for you to base a story on those real-life experiences!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Like the new twists

I applaud both of the new developments with Alex and Robin. Each could lead in several different directions. Anxious to see which way you go.

Still think it would be interesting if Gretchen did have to yield 'ownership' of Diane to someone else for at least a temporary period of time.

fitntrimfitntrimover 8 years ago
sooo hot, and interesting plot

and I love the idea of her being enjoyed by someone she knows from her past... mmm

fitntrimfitntrimover 8 years ago
drooling helplessly was hot

Ohhh how hot just the part about drooling helplessly! I imagine Alexandra may have wiped her chin, or not? LOVE this and only just started reading, back for more soon!

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