Reunion Ch. 04


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Worried now I went to my toolbox in the back of the truck and got out a screwdriver. After removing the screen on the laundry window, I popped the lock and slid it open. Hoisting myself up I began climbing over the laundry tubs when I was struck on the head by something very hard.

"Get out you fucking arsehole!" Sal screamed.

"It's me Sal, what are you doing?" I yelled, trying to fend off further blows and continue my progress inside.

Luckily for me it was only the handle of a broom but it still hurt like a bastard when she connected. Sal was swearing and cursing as she continued to rain blows at me. With a heave I flopped inside and landed on my side on the floor. On her next strike I grabbed the broom stick and got it off her before standing up. Sal made for the door but I grabbed her by the shoulders forcing her to look at me.

"What the fuck has got into you?" I gasped.

She was crying so much she couldn't get full sentences out. "She told fucking could you..."

"Sal calm down. Your not making any sense, who told you? What did they tell you?" I thought about slapping her to shock her back to herself but refrained as it might have made things worse. Anyway I was pretty sure I knew who had told her I just didn't know what.

"Melissa...she's pregnant for Christ's sake...and you still want her more than me."

"What did she say?" I asked again, keeping my voice even and calm. That wasn't easy when I was cursing that bitch Melissa in my head.

"She told me what you tried to do in the car. How you tried to grope her." She got it out but it prompted a fresh batch of hysterical tears.

"Sal...Sal!" I shook her gently so she looked up at me again. "I promise you on our children's lives, nothing happened in the car. What's more, I can prove it."


Letting go of one of her shoulders I pulled the bug I got from Giles out of my pocket. "I was recording everything in the car from the moment we left."

She looked from the bug to me then back to the bug again. "Well, play it then, prove it."

"Umm, I'm not sure how...I think I have to download it onto a computer."

"Don't bullshit me, just man up and say it. You would rather fuck Melissa than me. You've had a taste of luxury and you don't want budget anymore."

I couldn't help it, I exploded. "Do you ever listen to yourself? You are always telling the girls to stand up for themselves, to believe in themselves but you can't do it yourself. You let Melissa walk all over you. One night at a reunion and I lose my wife and I get a frumpy schoolgirl trying to appease her bitchy friend. I've never given you a reason to doubt my love for you. We had a rough start but we got through it together. For ten years I have devoted myself to you and our children but you still doubt me and choose to believe everything Melissa says."

Sal's face softened, she stepped closer and her hand came up to caress the side of my face. I let my guard down and was soon withering in agony on the floor after a savage knee to the groin.

"How is that for standing up for myself! Don't call me frumpy!" She stormed off, stomping up the hallway and slamming our bedroom door.

It took a while but I finally rolled up onto my knees. I still had my head down, breathing deeply waiting for the worst of the pain to subside when a little voice came from the doorway.

"Are you okay daddy?" My youngest, Sophie asked.

"Yes," I winced as I slowly pulled myself upright.

"What happened daddy?" She asked with the innocence of a child.

"I slipped on the floor. I'm alright, you go back to bed."

She nodded her sleepy head and wandered off dragging her teddy bear behind her by the arm. I gingerly took a couple of steps, I was getting worried Sal had ruptured something. Hobbling up the hallway I didn't bother checking my bedroom door, I knew it would be locked. I grabbed the laptop and a USB cable from the receipts cupboard in the kitchen and went into the lounge room.

After waiting for the laptop to load up, I plugged in the bug. A small box came up on the screen informing me I needed to download some software to retrieve the audio file. I clicked on the link and after agreeing to terms and conditions was informed it would take thirty minutes to download. Cursing the slow speed of my dial up modem I went to make a cup of tea.

With my cup of tea finished I checked the laptop and saw it was finished loading and an index was displayed with one audio file listed. I made sure the volume was turned up and selected the file. Melissa's voice saying goodbye to Sal bombed out clearly, gotcha. I kept listening and when it got to the bit where she called Sal the fat little wife who got pregnant to snare the football hero there was a groan from the doorway.

Sal was leaning on the door jam, clutching it to remain upright. I went to her, she dropped her head in shame. I peeled Sal off the wall and pulled her to me. She clung to me, burying her face in my chest, crying. I hushed her and stroked her hair, holding her tightly.

The recording was still running and Melissa's voice demanded I meet her tomorrow to service her needs.

"Oh god, I've been such a fool." Sal's muffled voice whispered.

"Shhh, it's okay."

She looked up, her red rimmed eyes still full of tears. "I'm so sorry, you tried to tell me but I wouldn't listen. You must hate me."

"I love you Sal, that's why we both went through this, for the love of each other and the children." At the mention of the girls there was a fresh bout of crying.

"Shit," she said finally, "I guess I'm going to have to eat humble pie with the public school principal." Sal growled with resentment.

"Don't worry about it, we have an ace in the hole to fix that." I replied with a smile.

Sal looked at me again quizzically, "let's sit down and I'll fill you in." I said leading her to the lounge.

Ten minutes later I had outlined my meetings with Giles and Helen and the ramifications of the recording I had.

"What do we do now?" Sal asked.

"Tomorrow I'll ring Giles and organize to get the recording to him. I'll probably have to drive to Sydney."

"What about Melissa and your meeting."

Now it was my turn to be puzzled. "Fuck Melissa, she has no hold over us now."

Sal smiled, I recognized the smile. It was the same one she had used on me before her knee had tried to flatten my balls. "No Tony, I think tomorrow mornings meeting is very important. So important I think we both should attend!"

Be afraid Melissa be very afraid. I looked at my watch. "That meeting isn't tomorrow morning, it's in five hours. Come on let's get some sleep."

The next morning I rang Giles, after he had conferred with Helen it was decided they would meet Sal and me halfway. We set a time and place, then I took the girls to school. At work I was greeted by the boss. As he walked towards me I let him know I already knew my destination for the morning. He was pleased, I'd think he expected an argument but his smile vanished when I told him I wouldn't be back in the afternoon.

I swung by home and picked up Sal then made my way to Melissa. We made a short stop and retrieved my SIM card, and the mangled piece of e waste that used to be my phone, from the side of the road. As I pulled into the gates of the Mason's driveway Sal ducked low under the dash so Melissa wouldn't see two people as we drove up. I pulled up outside the front door and got out. Looking up I could see Melissa looking out of her bedroom window through the curtains.

I gave her a filthy look, faking my anger at what she must have hoped would have been an uncomfortable night for me. When the curtain closed I signaled to Sal and she got out of the truck and went with me to the front door before moving off to the side a little. Melissa opened the door in her bathrobe with a malicious smile on her face.

"Sleep well did we?"

I didn't say anything, I didn't have to. Sal stepped around I front of Melissa and launched a right cross that caught her flush on the mouth. Melissa staggered backwards holding her face.

"Stay away from my husband you bandy legged whore!" She yelled as she advanced on Melissa.

I was thinking I would have to intervene as Sal grabbed a fistful of Melissa's hair. However she merely used it to lift her head so she could talk in the frightened girls ear.

"You're lucky you're pregnant or I'd knock you down and kick the shit out of you. That's what happens when you mess with common folk, we solve our problems with our fists not our tongues. Come near us again and you will find out."

Letting Melissa go Sal stormed out of the house past me. I could only follow meekly behind, astonished at the brutish behavior of my wife. Back in the truck I had to ask.

"Where did that come from?"

Sal smiled, "the punch was all me, the words? I watch too much American television."

Melissa had recovered somewhat by the time I'd started the truck. She was standing on the front step yelling abuse and threats. I didn't catch it all but it boiled down to us being low life scum and she was going to ruin us.

The trip to meet Helen was uneventful until just before we got to our destination. The school bursar called, he was concerned that the direct debit facility that paid our fees had been revoked. Sal confirmed that circumstances had changed but assured him that something would be done to replace it very soon. She looked at me hopefully after she hung up and I smiled back with as much confidence as I could muster.

Helen and Giles were waiting when we got to the roadside truck stop. After exchanging greetings I handed over the bug. Giles plugged it into a laptop he'd got out of the backseat and started playing the tape. After listening to it twice Giles unplugged it.

"Is that enough?" I asked hopefully.

"Can you get anymore?" Was Helen's reply.

"No, umm, I think we have burnt or bridges there."

"Why? It sounded like you were to meet this morning." Giles interjected.

Sal jumped in to explain. "We did meet this morning... and I punched her in the mouth. Ten minutes ago we found out she has cancelled the school fee payments for the children."

"Well, I guess it will have to be enough," Helen sighed. She moved to put her arm around Sal. "Don't worry dear, I'll have Giles sort that out. I'm sorry you got messed up in this."

"Unfortunately I went into this of my own free will, and against my husband's wishes. I should have listened to him." Sal said looking embarrassed.

"Nonsense Sal, if all women listened to their husband's the world would be a very sorry place." Helen comforted her.

"I am standing here." I reminded them both.

"Present company excepted of course." Helen added belatedly.

"We have to get back to pick up the girls from school so we had better go." I warned Sal, she said goodbye to Helen and went back to the truck.

Helen came over to me and gave me a polite air kiss on the cheek.

"On the plus side you don't have to worry about condition number three. Will the recording be enough? For you to deal with John I mean," I asked quietly.

"Maybe, if you want to know the truth Tony, I'm not sure it matters anymore. You'll be pleased to know I had some Australian sparkling with dinner the other night and it was quite good. Who needs French bubbly when you're unhappy?"

She gave me a sad smile then went around to the passenger side of her car where Giles was waiting with the door open.

Two days later the bursar rang Sal again to let her know the fee payments were back on track. Two months later I was sitting on the ride-on mower at the front of the house when a black Range Rover pulled up. Giles got out and came around to open the door for Helen then went to the back and got out a square box. I invited them in while Sal fussed and ordered the girls to tidy up there mess.

I was putting the kettle on when Helen stopped me. "No need for that we are celebrating! Giles, if you would be so kind." She gestured to the box.

He opened it and pulled out a bottle of Dom Perignon.

"So you won?" I asked.

"What is it they say, there are no winners in divorce? However I think this still can be classified as my lap of honor." Helen said beaming.

The four of us sat down at the kitchen table and sipped our French champagne while Helen bought us up to date. Helen confronted John with the tape but it hadn't worked. He'd threatened to sue if the tape got out because it had been obtained without permission.

Helen had privately begun to organise a divorce even though she would lose the company when Giles came to her with one last idea. Helen invited the wives of John's golfing partners around for an afternoon tea. She told them she was going to divorce John. They agreed it was about time after all the philandering but Helen then made a joke about his impotence. They were shocked and wouldn't believe Helen so she swore them to secrecy and played some juicy excerpts from the tape.

Now these ladies being sworn to secrecy, immediately told their husbands the salacious gossip. Two weeks later at a Saturday afternoon four ball at the golf club one of the husbands started calling John, "limpy." The others burst out laughing and John snapped. He collected the first guy with the nine iron he was holding and knocked him out cold then proceeded to try and catch the others. The police were called and he was arrested and charged with assault.

It was the classic catch 22, in order to prove provocation John would have to tell the court and therefore the world about his little problem. He didn't want to do that, so he plead guilty to an assault charge and took the community service order as a rap over the knuckles. Unfortunately for him the company didn't like the look of their CEO being a criminal so he was asked, forcefully, to consider his position. He resigned but the rumors got too much for him. Stories of his issue spread through the business community like wildfire, in the end he just wanted to leave.

He came to Helen with a proposal, he filed for divorce, she keeps the controlling share in the company and the house he gets seventy five percent of the rest. He moved overseas last week forever.

Inevitably the conversation turned to the touchy subject of Melissa. She still had three weeks to go before the birth of her child. John had disowned her after the tape and Dave, after hearing of John's problem, was over the moon believing that he must be the father of the baby. Helen sat Melissa down and had a heart-to-heart about the situation. In return for Helen's silence about her child's true father she signed a contract. If she was caught cheating then she would give up parental rights to her child and the only support forthcoming would be the minimum wage for the rest of her life. If she stayed faithful and adhered to acceptable levels of behaviour then she would be afforded the trappings that came with being a Beaufort. Nowhere near enough punishment for me but it wasn't my decision. At least Sal got the satisfaction of slugging her.

Epilogue. Eleven years later.

Sal and I sat in the front row, the headmistress of St Catherine's stood at the lectern in the centre of the stage.

"Thank you ladies and gentlemen for your attendance tonight at our end of year awards ceremony. We have only one award left to give out but it is the most prestigious of the night. The Lillian Parr Award, which is given to a year twelve student who has excelled in all areas of school and community life."

"Lillian Parr was the school captain at St Catherine's in nineteen thirty seven. She joined the Royal Australian Navy Nursing Service in nineteen forty and served with distinction for three years. In nineteen forty three she was on the hospital ship Centaur on its second voyage to New Guinea when it was sunk by a Japanese submarine. Two hundred and sixty eight lost their lives including Lillian and ten other nurses."

"This year we have an exceptional candidate. She has always been an outstanding student, being the inaugural Beaufort scholarship winner in year seven, six years ago. This continued throughout her senior school career culminating this year with her coming first in her class for English, Extension English, Biology and Chemistry. Second in Maths and third in Physics. On the sporting field she has competed with distinction representing the school at swimming and cross country and the district in netball. She has represented the school as vice captain at many community events and volunteers every second weekend at the aged care facility adjoining the local hospital. Rebecca Brown epitomizes what the Lillian Parr award stands for."

Applause thundered around the school hall, tears were running down Sal's face and I was doing my best to hold mine back. The headmistress held up her hands to quiet the crowd then continued.

"Normally we have a member of the Parr family here to present the prize but due to unforeseen circumstances that was not possible this year. Instead today we are privileged to have the head of the Beaufort Foundation, and major benefactor of this school, Mrs Helen Beaufort here today. Unfortunately she has recently had a foot operation but to deputize on the stage we have her daughter-in-law, Melissa Beaufort."

Both of us stiffened, we hadn't seen or heard from Melissa since the day Sal punched her in the face. She walked onto the stage, she was still beautiful, nothing would ever change that. However there was something different about her, the zip was gone, the dazzling smile. There was no strut, no look at me wave, no suggestive roll of the hips. It was like she was on a heavy dose of Prozac.

Rebecca came on stage from the other side. The headmistress handed Melissa the award then she presented it to Rebecca. They embraced, Melissa said something and they both laughed. Sal shifted in her seat, I thought I heard a growl. The headmistress wrapped up the night and the crowd began to disperse. Sophie came running towards us waving a fist full of awards. Rebecca was trying to get to us but there were many people wanting to congratulate her.

We were still waiting for her when a familiar voice called behind us.

"Tony? Sal?" We turned around and there was Helen in a wheelchair. Melissa was pushing her and walking beside the chair was a young girl.

Talk about being in two minds. It was great to see Helen again, we owed her so much. Melissa? That was an unknown. We both said hello politely and but remained on guard.

"Congratulations to the Brown's! Tonight was almost a benefit for your two children. They will sleep well tonight after walking up onto the stage all evening."

"Thanks Helen, it's good to see you. I hope the foot problem isn't to serious." I said looking straight at Helen and avoiding eye contact with Melissa.

"No, I should be up and around next week. Tony, Sal, Sophie, I'd like you to meet my granddaughter, Ashley."

Sophie shook her hand and commented on her pretty dress. I mumbled hello, I was looking at my third daughter but she would never know that. Looking at her nobody else would know either, she had inherited her mother's looks. Sal hadn't said anything, then she squatted down so she was at Ashley's level.

"Hello young lady," Sal said cheerily, "and how old are you?"

It has always been Sal's gift, to be able to talk to children. In no time Ashley was telling us all about her school and her friends. It was like Rebecca or Sophie's voice coming out of a little Melissa. Helen beamed with pride, even Melissa managed a tight smile. Rebecca arrived and there were more hugs and congratulations.

"Ashley, Melissa, we had best be going, it's a long drive back to Sydney." Helen suggested.

As Rebecca and Sophie were saying goodbye to Helen and Ashley, Melissa made an awkward move towards Sal. Sal got closer to me, putting her arm through mine.