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Tess finds out exactly how small her boyfriend's cock is.
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"What have you been measuring?" She asked me innocently.

I felt my heart sink down into my stomach, my skin already prickling with embarrassment. Of course, I already knew what she was talking about. I could already clearly picture what I would see if I were to turn around. Tess lying sprawled on the bed where she had thrown herself, tired from a days work, with her bag dumped unceremoniously on the floor. Her long, pale fingers would be tracing along the edge of the cheap plastic ruler which I had hidden half-heartedly beneath my pillow.

As I turned around, I found that I was exactly on the mark, her lips turned into an almost invisible small, knowing smile. The ruler was a cheap, six-inch ruler, plastic and transparent, the find you could find in any stationary kit. I think it had even been Tess herself who had bought it for me, part of a small series of joke presents to see me off to university a year before she would join me. I'd been rummaging through some old boxes hidden underneath my bed when I had stumbled across it and, as every man does at some point, decided to measure my cock.

I'd always known I had nothing to be especially proud of, however, once I had coaxed an excited erection and finally seen my actual number, my reaction had been one I couldn't have predicted.

It had turned me on. It had turned me on so much that I had only been masturbating for less than a minute before I experienced an orgasm so powerful that I was almost paralysed with the rush of it. Over the last few weeks, I had quickly discovered a widely known fetish of small penis humiliation and cuckolding on the internet and lost myself in fantasies which left me shaking. I would regularly measure myself as I watched porn, comparing myself to the hung men and examining the women's reactions as they were taken by a stallion, knowing I couldn't provide the same experience.

In truth, I had always been a bit defensive about my cock size. I avoided going swimming or doing sports where I might have to shower there. Even at the gym I would always return home to shower alone, which I knew gave the game away but at least I wasn't there to experience the embarrassment. Tess knew to avoid the subject, although I did occasionally catch a veiled joke and wonder whether she was referencing my size. Such comments would play on me and we would row about it once it had taken hold in my head.

All of which made my recent reactions all the more puzzling. I didn't want Tess to find out I had been looking at these fetish websites though, I wasn't ready to share with her and didn't want her to think I was some kind of sexual delinquent.

Tess was my long-term girlfriend. In many ways we were the perfect romance, nervously holding hands in the schoolyard and eventually becoming partners so long ago neither of us could really remember when. She was tall and slim, with small pert breasts and a perfectly round ass which never failed to turn me on. Tess always died her hair a very dark shade of red which matched perfectly with her light blue eyes and definitely got her some attention from men. Something I usually detested, but recently had even found a turn on.

I realised that I was taking too long to answer her. I tried to force my mind to come up with a reason I would have a ruler hidden in my bed which didn't lead to the eventual question: "Why were you measuring yourself."

"Oh, I was looking through some old boxes and it must have fallen out." I eventually stammered, already knowing the lie was too weak and too late to even be partway convincing. Tess, to her credit, managed to avoid rolling her eyes.

In fact, she didn't say anything. However, I didn't miss the way that her eyes lingered on the ruler for several more seconds and with a rush I realised what she was doing.

She was measuring me up! My arousal was immediate and inescapable, filling my skin with electricity. I felt my arousal taking over my body, forcing me towards something which I had been fantasising about for weeks and yet filled me with dread every time I even considered bringing it up with her.

Still making my mind up, I went over and plonked myself on the bed next to her and poked her playfully.

"Hey, I know what you're doing!" I said with mock-anger.

Tess' eyes were wide as they looked around, probably expecting me to fly off the handle but I smiled and she grinned back at me.

"Nothing!" She answered, then very obviously returning her eyes to the ruler.

I felt another surge of arousal, my cock hardening and I knew I was about to do it. I wouldn't be able to help myself, I realised and in that moment I wanted nothing more than the female-led relationships which I had become obsessed with.

"You were measuring me up!" I said, poking her again playfully, making her jerk away with a laugh.

"I was not." She said, a little breathless as she sat back up against the headboard. Her flush gave her away though, as though she had thought she had over stepped the mark. I noticed however, that she was still holding the ruler.

"What do you rate me? Be honest."

Tess shrugged and looked back at the ruler. She was still a little flushed and I noticed that she was no longer trying to hide the fact that she was mentally comparing my cock to the ruler.

"I don't know", she said slowly.

"Do you know what the average is?" I asked, part of my mind still fighting against the impulse to say the words.

Tess smiled. "Umm...isn't it like...between six or seven inches?"

I felt a twinge of horror go through me at that. Not only was she a little over what the actual average was, I felt like I was about to make a very definite step towards a lifestyle which I still didn't know a lot about. The ruler itself was only six inches long and I hadn't gone the entire length of even that! I knew the magnitude of what I was pushing her towards and I knew that I wouldn't be able to take it back once I had confessed.

Eventually, I made my mind up and committed to it, I wasn't really able to stop myself. "Something like that, yeah."

Tess laughed out loud suddenly. "I can't believe we're even having this conversation."

I joined in and we both chuckled nervously. I listened out for any sounds downstairs, any movement from the other students I shared the house with. I knew they had all gone out to watch the match, I wasn't a fan of football so I hadn't gone despite their half-hearted invitation. Even though there was excitement rushing through me, I felt another stab of horror at the idea that they would be out in the hallway, listening to this conversation.

"So, go on. What do you think I am?" I pushed again. "Be honest, I won't get mad I promise."

She examined the ruler once again, thinking before she answered. "I don't know...six inches?"

My heart skipped a beat hearing it and I was truly lost on my arousal now. My cock was rock hard and tenting my trousers, if she happened to look down then she would see how turned I was. Her response confirmed two things: first, that she thought I was the lower end of average; and, second, that I definitely wanted to take this all the way.

"Why don't you find out?" I said, my words sounding very breathless. Tess' mouth dropped open in shock, at the same moment she spotted my hard on and grabbed it with a disbelieving laugh.

"Are you turned on by this?" She exclaimed. "You really want me to measure your dick?"

"You don't have to", I said, suddenly very self-conscious about having suggested it so quickly. "I just thought it might be fun."

Tess laughed again. "You really are a dark horse! You're really turned on by me measuring you? Why?"

I shrugged. "I don't really know, but I am."

Tess smiled widely. "OK then, but I kind of feel like I'm being set up for a practical joke. Is anything going to jump out at me?"

It was my turn to laugh loudly. "Well, something might but nothing you haven't seen before."

She smiled down at me as she straddled across my legs. Putting down the ruler next to her, Tess tugged down my trousers until my cock sprang free. It was rock hard and I was painfully aware about how thin it looked underneath her direct gaze. I never felt so small, or so turned on, as she regarded it freely.

"You know, I don't think I've ever seen your dick out in the open like that. You usually keep it hidden away under the covers. Are you absolutely sure you want to do this?"

I nodded again, barely able to catch the breath to answer her.

Tess tilted her head playfully, catching my off guard with her beauty. "Well, I want to get an accurate measurement so I'd better make sure it's really hard."

With that, she bent forward and I was enveloped in exquisite heat and moisture as she took me into her mouth. Tess never had any trouble taking the full length of my into her mouth, something which I found even more arousing now, and I fought hard to keep my orgasm at bay.

Her head bobbed up and down, pleasuring me in a way I hadn't let her before. Her tongue flicked over the end of my cock, teasing me and I wondered briefly where she had learnt her technique.

Finally, she reared back and stroked my wet cock absently as she smiled up at me, reaching out for the ruler. It really was the final point of no return but I was so horny I didn't care, I couldn't have stopped her even if I had really tried.

"Wow that was amazing." I gasped. "You seem really up for this?"

"Well, I had a little time to prepare myself. I've got to admit, it's a little exciting doing something different."

I was confused. "What do you mean?"

She pulled up my cock so it was pointing upwards. Tantalisingly slowly, she placed a corner of the ruler against the base of my cock and I felt like I nearly exploded being so close to achieving my fantasy. The pressure between my legs felt like it couldn't possibly be pulsing through something so tiny.

Tess smiled widely. "You should be more careful with your search history, baby. I saw about a week ago what you've been watching and I've been getting up to date on it all."

It was hard to imagine that I would flush so hot with embarrassment, especially with the fact I was completely naked from the waist down and about to have my penis revealed for what it was. I had no idea that she knew and I cursed myself for slipping up on something so basic.

"You knew?" I asked, shocked.

"I didn't know", Tess laughed. "But I saw it on the autocomplete then had a look. I wouldn't have normally but it was pretty weird. In fact, I didn't know for certain until I found the ruler in your bed. You've been very naughty not telling me until now."

"You sure you want to do this?" I asked, suddenly very self-conscious. It felt like a dream which I was losing control over.

"Sure, it sounds fun!" Tess said, stroking me slowly and making me groan out with pleasure. "Anyway, I'd do anything to make you happy. Plus I get lots of benefits too!"

"Are you still sure?" She asked again, teasing my with small strokes and ever so slowly bringing the ruler up towards my cock. "No going back? No hiding your size from me any more? I'll know exactly what you're packing."

My cock felt like it was getting even harder, for a brief moment I allowed myself to wonder if I was so turned on it would be bigger than ever before. Somehow, I would look down and it would be pushing past the length of the ruler and Tess' admiring expression would be shining up at me.

I did look down, and I will never forget the excitement at seeing Tess smile to herself as she finally lined the ruler up against the length of me. She adjusted it for a few seconds and then leant forward, trying to make out the small black numbers along the edge of the ruler. She frowned and readjusted the ruler, obviously thinking there had been some mistake. The excitement was so strong that it seemed about to strangle me.

"Oh", she said finally, her eyes raising to meet mine. "Four inches? It's only four inches?"

My cock twitched with excitement as she let out another disbelieving laugh. I could barely believe this was actually happening. The terror of being revealed along with my arousal that Tess had been playing along with me, preparing for when I asked her to humiliate me was making my orgasm difficult to control.

"Well, it's a little over four", I panted.

Tess stifled a laugh, a titter which had a trace of cruelty and one I had heard many times before on the many porn films I had watched. "Yeah, sorry. Four-and-almost-a-quarter inches." She grabbed my cock which twitched again at her touch, her fingers easily wrapping around the girth of my cock and then some. "It's smaller than I thought it was."

I felt myself losing control over my orgasm now, I was breathing in heavily and groaning out loud with every slow stroke. I could feel my cum desperate to burst out of me. I was riding ion waves of tantalising humiliation. I leant my head back and closed my eyes.

"Do you like it when I tell you how small you are?" Her voice washed down on me from far away. She was quiet now and I could tell she was gauging my reaction, seeing whether she had got the formula right for me. "Does it make you really horny?"

I nodded.

"I knew it wasn't big", she said, stroking me a little faster now. "I knew you were really defensive about it and must be really ashamed but it's even worse that I thought it was."

She stopped stroking me suddenly, forcing me to look up at her. Tess never looked more gorgeous than when she was humiliating me, taking control of me and teasing me. She smiled. "Do you like me teasing you about your little tiny dick?"

"Yes", I replied, knowing I was sealing my fate forever.

Tess frowned. "Yes, what?"

"Yes, I like being teased."

"About what?" Tess said, wide-eyed in fake innnocence.

"I like being teased about my little dick."

"I knew it", Tess said, rewarding my honestly with another slow stroke. "As soon as I saw what you'd been watching I knew it explained everything. I watched loads of the porn that you had been watching, I knew I could do that to you if it was what you really wanted. I even kind of like doing it."

She examined my cock from every angle. Every time I felt like I was getting close to coming, she would let go and simply stare at it as it twitched pathetically.

"No wonder I never cum during sex. I really have to concentrate to feel your little thingy inside me."

"I'm going to cum", I gasped as she squeezed my cock hard and pumped it hard.

"Oh, I know you are sweetie." She said soothingly to me as she tightened her grip on me and wanked my cock faster. "I hope you enjoy it too because it is going to be the last time your little four inch cock is going to cum for a long, long time. Only men get to cum when they want and I bought you a little something which is going to make sure that you only cum when I want you to."

"Aren't you ashamed of having a tiny cock? I bet you got teased about it all the time didn't you? That's why you were always getting angry when I mentioned anything to do with it."

She was getting faster and faster and I felt myself sail past the point of no return, my cock already starting to pump as her words stabbed erotically at me.

"You know, there is a good thing about you having a little cock and finally letting me control it. My pussy is super tight, like a virgin because I've never been fucked by a real man, with a real long and thick cock. I'm going to give a real man so much pleasure with my tight little pussy and you are never going to feel it again with your tiny little willy."

I thrust upwards, cum exploding out of my cock in thick streams. Tess made comforting noises, cooing my softly and slowly stroking out more and more of my sperm, coaxing it out of my with a smile. Cum splattered up my stomach and Tess reached up and rubbed it into my skin.

"Enjoy it sweetie," she whispered as I panted loudly. "You're not going to have another one again for a very long time."

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Pat66GearyPat66Geary8 months ago

I enjoyed this story very much and would certainly welcome more along the same lines. Thanks.

InfiniteXaosInfiniteXaos9 months ago

Bahaha I enjoyed this alot because she was obviously doing it for him and to make him happy. Also, empowering herself. I hope she meets a genuinely kind and sweet guy who is at least twice the size of her boyfriend and he teaches her what good sex is :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I love it when my wife tells me how pathetic my 5 inch cock is. I've been denied sex for many years now and I'm locked in chastity while my wife loves getting fucked by black guys with big cocks. Sph and cuckolding is the best.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Great story. Would have thought there would be more chapters. I thought he would be locked in chastity.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

SPH and cuckolding has made our marriage work and we both get incredible enjoyment from it. Our tenet who rents our basement apartment has a big cock that my wife loves and I get to enjoy watching a lot of the time.

Everyone wins.

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