Revenge and Remorse


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"Yes, who is asking?"

"My name is Eddy Hanson and I used to be a friend of his until ten years ago. In fact we were even competitors for the same girl. I've been living with her for nine years and was expecting to marry her within three months. But I regret to tell you that Elliot was here today and changed my plans."

"I don't understand."

"It's why I rang you, Lottie. Elliot and my girlfriend, Linda, drugged me, tied me to my bed, and fucked before a camera so I could see them on a monitor in my room when I lay there tied to the bed. But I was lucky enough to get loose and regret to say that both Elliot and his car got a little damaged when I showed him away from my property."

I told her everything she wanted to know and asked her where Elliot had been during the days I was supposed to been cheating during the course.

Linda had come back to the house while I talked with Lottie. I told her, "Good news for you, Linda. That call was to Elliot's wife. She told me that he was at home, more than 600 kilometers from the course where you, silly slut, believe he saw me cheating. Fucking you wasn't his first cheating, so Lottie will divorce him now that she's got me as a witness. Elliot is all yours now, Linda."

She screamed, "Do you know what you did to Elliot? You must let him shower and clean the wounds from the roses."

"Get his cheating ass off my property before I get mad."

Then she remembered her errand and told me, "Elliot demands his camera and monitor."

I took my hammer, rushed up to the spare room, smashed his camera, broke the tripod and rushed to the bedroom where I smashed the monitor. Then I went out and threw them into the back seat in his car through the broken glass and told him to piss off while he still could do that.

When he began to threaten me with police and lawyers, I gave his car an extra hard hit with the hammer and off he went in a hurry.

Back in the house, Linda sobbed, "Oh, Holy Lord! What have I done?"

"Fucked up your old family and got a new boyfriend. He was your first choice ten years ago and now he is yours. Don't complain. You got what you wanted. He promised to use you as a fuck slut then if you had chosen him instead of me."

Then I took Linda's hand, took off her engagement ring and gave her mine and told her, "That's it. I'll call your dad and ask him to rent a van and get your belongings as soon as I get them out of the house. You can take almost everything in the house except the soiled beds, which will be destroyed."

"What are you going to tell my parents?"

"Not much. Only the truth."

She sobbed and said, "Please try to forgive me. We must talk when you have calmed down so we can talk."

"Yes, we have two children to talk about ... if they are mine. I'm sure your mom will take care of them a few days until the worst problems are solved."

Thereafter she left my house and our relationship with Elliot's cum still in her pussy.

I ran after her to the driveway and said, "Your key to the house, please." She gave it to me and left.

I rang Linda's parents, talked to my kids and told Linda's dad to hire a van to came here and get her belongings because we had split up. When he asked why we did it, I told him the same story I had told Lottie.

A few minutes later Linda's mother rang me and she was in shock about the cancelled wedding and begged us to calm down before we did any thing stupid. I could only tell her that I was very sorry but could see no way out of the mess Linda had created. I told her shocked mom that Linda expected her lover had to replace me at the wedding. A slight problem was that his divorce would take at least six months.

It was the worst day in my life but I had much work to do so I rang six of my friends. Four of them were in position to help me and one of them came by a supermarket where he bought a pile of cardboard boxes. Even two wives came with their men and began to pack the boxes.

When the beds from the spare room and master bedroom were out on the lawn, I took my electric chainsaw and cut them to pieces. I didn't care a shit that the bed in the master bedroom was almost new and very expensive. Since Linda had given Elliot coffee at the kitchen table before they began their show, I even cut the table and kitchen chairs to pieces.

I stored my clothes, a few personal belongings and everything from the children's room in the garage. The gang worked hard and about four o'clock the house was emptied. I rang Linda's father and told him that the house was emptied and Linda could take everything on the lawn and what was left on Monday evening would go to the city dump. He told me that he had hired a van and two friends to help him.

I left with my friends and invited them for a barbeque, which was held at my best friend's house where I stayed overnight.

On Monday morning, Marie, my secretary, noted at once that I had serious problems and asked me with a fearful look in her face what had happened to me during the weekend. I told her the truth. She got a shock and was silent for a minute before she asked where I was living for the time being. I told her the truth that my friends had offered me their spare bedroom but I intended to find some kind of place of my own during the day.

Marie had a suggestion; her newly divorced sister Anna had a nice guest room with a small kitchen above the garage, which I probably could rent until I found something more permanent. Marie knew that Anna, a nurse at the main hospital, had worked on Sunday and was at home. Marie called her and Anna was interested in her suggestion. Marie and I went there at once. The room was much better than I expected, the sister was easygoing and a very handsome woman, and we had a deal within a few minutes.

Soon afterwards, I went to a real estate broker and put the house up for sale. I took the broker to the house to take pictures. Linda's father had hauled away everything and the neighbor who was hired to take away what remained of the beds, table and the chairs had done his job and he got his payment.

Back at the office, Marie told me that Linda had rang several times. I promised to take her next call, which came only ten minutes later. First came all the expected bullshit about how sorry she was and it was the most stupid thing she had done in her whole life when she believed everything that Elliot told her.

"You wanted to believe him because you wanted to fuck him. You are not stupid and, by using a very small part of your common sense, you ought to have known that he lied about me. The truth is that he wanted to get even with me because he lost a lot of money when you choose me. He hated me. It doesn't matter that it was he himself who fucked up your contest. It's because he wanted to destroy our wedding plans and you had no doubts about helping him. Do you really believe that he for one single second thought that I would marry a damn slut who humiliated me in that cruel way? He knew me better that that, that's for sure."

"Oh, my God, can you ever forgive me for being such a fool?"

"Have you fucked him every time he's been back in town? His wife will dump him so feel free to marry that asshole and be sure that you will be cheated. I regret to say that I never did that to you. Today I really regret all those chances I skipped during the years."

Linda understood that it wasn't the right time to talk about our broken relationship and asked me about our economic matters. I told her that I had taken 50% from our joint account and that was all we had to share. She could keep her car, her own private account and everything she had collected on the lawn.

She asked me with a worried voice, "How about the house and the stocks?"

"My private property, and I'm giving nothing to you. You would have been a wealthy slut if you had done your whoring after the wedding. You paid a high price for Elliot's cock and I hope you think it was worth that."

She hang up and when her father rang me after a few minutes, I told him that according to the laws of this country she had gotten more than her legal share and given the present circumstances I felt it was impossible for me to give her anything further than her legal right because it would have felt like a reward for what she had done to me.

Monday evening Anna invited me in to her house for a cup of coffee and some small talk. In fact we talked the whole evening. Anna told me that her ex had cheated on her with a fellow worker. She had found a 12 pack of condoms in his suitcase when he was on his way to a five-day trade show and conference trip abroad. He had gotten totally mad, hit her hard, and bragged about his affair with a married fellow worker. Two divorces was the final price for the 12 pack of condoms in his suitcase. After some quarreling, they had come to an agreement for shared custody of their ten year old daughter, Jennifer, who was with her ex that week.

I told Anna my story and she could hardly believe how Linda could act in such a stupid way. Though it was a part of Anna's job to understand human behavior, after many questions she dismissed all thoughts about Elliot blackmailing Linda. Anna found it impossible to find a simple explanation for why a clever woman like Linda did what she did. Probably she felt that the big wedding had turned to her mother's show and didn't feel comfortable with it, perhaps because she had some doubts about whether it still was real love between us after so many years if she missed the hot passion from the first years.

After thinking about it, Anna could only guess that from time to time Linda had some "greener grass on the other side of the fence" thinking and sometimes even doubting if she really had chosen the right man ten years ago. Obviously Elliot had connected her at the right time for performing his nasty intentions, catching her in a doubting fram of mind, and as a clever con man, he had put a number of pure lies in her head about how much he had missed her in all those ten years.

Elliot must been very convincing when they met because she didn't make any attempts to check his stories though it would have been very easy for her to find out that most of his stories were pure fiction. Elliot's story about my cheating had given her, at least in her mind, a valid reason to get the sex with him she dreamt about in those ten years. Elliot had probably worked out a plan and succeeded in convincing her that I would never dump her because she would be within her rights to get even and we would be happy again after that. Of course, that was only the best answers we could imagine that evening. Anna understood me when I told her that I could never sleep in my house again.

Within a short time, Anna and I developed a good relationship and began to do small favors for each other. She took care of my laundry and I did the main jobs in her garden. Sometimes I even took Jennifer to her soccer training and soon the handsome female trainer had begun to use me as some kind of voluntary assistant, which caused some jokes from Anna. Could she be jealous?

To our great pleasure, Jennifer and I became friends and so did Anna, Jennifer and my kids. I felt that Anna was much more than a hostess when my kids visited and I think she felt the same, because I could note a trace of relief when she asked me if I had found a new house and I said no. No doubt I had to do something but I didn't dare take the first step.

One day Marie asked me to tell her what I really felt about Anna and I replied that her ex must have been the most stupid man in our town when he cheated on such a lovely wife. Marie started laughing and told me that Anna had said the same words about Linda. Then she looked me in my eyes and said, "For heavens sake, do something before it is too late!"

I did. Jennifer was at her dad's for a week, so it was perfect timing. I succeeded in booking a table at a popular restaurant I knew had a good band this evening.

On the way home I bought a large red rose, took it with me, and rang Linda's bell. When she opened the door, I gave her the rose and told her that it was my turn to treat her to a meal and asked if she would join me tonight. If so, I would pick her up at eight o'clock.

She said it was a happy surprise for her, but then she shook her head and said, "I'm so sorry, very sorry indeed, but a doctor has invited me out tonight."

What could I say? I said, "Maybe some other time?"

"Yes, of course. I rather hope many times. Cheer up, my friend, and see the matter from the bright side. The doctor is a 55 year old married woman who wants me to help her in a research project and I would love to have a date with you. Please wait for me here in the house and we can have a nightcap together when I'm back."

Anna was back by half past eleven. She made two delicious crab sandwiches and opened a bottle of her best white wine. It was very romantic meal in candle light with soft music. The evening could only end in one way; both of us understood that anything else was out of question.

Naked in her bed we got involved in tender lovemaking during the main part of the night. It was a really great night for both of us. By morning, Anna gave me a very good breakfast in bed before she joined me for an intensive morning fuck.

I noted by her behavior that she wanted to say something and when I came out from the shower she smiled and asked, "Yes or no?"

What could I say? What was right? I replied, "Your choice. What's best for you is best for me."

"Okay, you're moving in to the house today."

I had no objections and within a few minutes we were moving my clothes and a few other things into her house. Later on that day, we went to the shopping center together where I bought her 24 red roses.

When Jennifer came home Sunday evening, saw the roses in the living room and the smiles in our faces, she shouted, "You two are together now! Are you?"

When we agreed, she hugged us both and told us that she was very happy for that. That was the start of a new happy family.


In the beginning of our separation, Linda felt very humiliated and made it very difficult for me to see the children because I hadn't given her much more than her very small legal assets in the separation and had DNA tested the children. However, the tests showed that I was the father and after Linda had calmed down we began to co-operate on raising our children.

While waiting for our daughter at the hospital after a bicycle accident, Linda told me about having lunch with Elliot two years earlier but she denied any cheating then and stated that he had begun to call and e-mail her at her job two weeks before he came to town for conning her. I told her that Lottie and I had talked several times. She had filed for divorce and thrown Elliot out of their house, which always had been recorded as her private property. Linda said she had neither seen him nor heard from him after she helped him away from my rose bed and had not wanted to do that either. She had been seriously depressed when she found out what easy prey she had been when he soiled her to get even with me for something I never did him. Elliot never dared to demand any compensation from for the damaged car or TV equipment nor did he contact the police.

About a year after our separation Linda met Fred, a nice guy who worked as a librarian. Within a few months, she moved in with him in his three-room apartment. He had no kids of his own and took good care of Linda's and mine during Linda's weeks to keep them. It was Anna who rang him and suggested that Linda and Fred meet Anna and me at a restaurant to once and for all set the rules for the children. They would be simple rules that co-operate instead of compete with clothes, gifts and events.

Fred was an easygoing man so we had no problems finding solutions to the actual matters with him. Linda was chilly but reasonable so even we could solve the actual questions and from now on the children knew that they could not play one family against the other for getting advantages. Two weeks later we met Jennifer's dad and his new woman. Anna's ex couldn't hide how much he disliked Anna's and my relationship but thanks to his new spouse we solved the questions with them.

Anna and I are not married yet, but I'm sure that it is only a question of time.

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HighBrowHighBrow11 days ago

I am not always satisfied by the endings, but I love reading these stories. They pull me along like an amusement park ride.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Poor Fred. His days are numbered. Not only does she have a history of andeplorable revenge f$ck scheme, but she still pines for the MC.

DreamsOfHopeDreamsOfHope4 months ago

@Anony below me. This is obviously written by someone whose first language is not English. When you write a story in a foreign language open to the public, we’ll be sure to have a local criticize your grammar.

@Winterfrog: Nicely done. Have an issue with Linda being so clueless. It’s hard to believe that someone is really that stupid. But, you are not the only writer in LW that portrays the woman as that stupid.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Get a proof reader, the grammar is horrific. How do adults write soo poorly?

inka2222inka222210 months ago

4.5 stars. I'll round up to 5 but it was a close decision. 0.5 stars off was because Linda did NOT deserve Fred (and the story didn't even make it clear she - or MC - told him the truth about her cheating past). Fred deserved a good woman who would love him properly and give him his own kids, not to contribute to raising cheater Linda's.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

2 stars for a so-so story made worse by Linda believing this guy who said her husband to be is cheating. She didn't speak to hubby except to inform him she's evening the score, in spite of his denials & attempts to persuade her not to do anything stupid. But she had to. I know there're moronic women that act 1st then apologize. "Can't you forgive me?" Just like there's moronic men. But once you do something to fuck up a wedding or marriage, it's just too late. Bob

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I was depressed/ feeling old/ feeling unattractive & he made me feel better- the list goes on & on. All the fucking excuses to have an affair until the husband finds out & throws them out. Don't talk to the husband about the problem, just go screw another man.

In this story, she believes this man saying her husband cheated on her. So not talking to him, she then has sex with the guy. That's after the husband's drugged and tied to a bed. THEN she wants to talk?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

3 stars. Writing/ spelling needs improvement, but not as bad as a couple other stories I've read. That his wife believed his so-called former friend over her husband is really sad, & showed that he means not that much to her. But for him to be drugged & tied down so he'd be forced to watch her betrayal's unforgivable.

Just one side bar: understandable but foolish to demolish the bed his gf cheated on with the guy. To do the same thing to the kitchen set is just downright stupid. Granted, it's the author's story, but for me, make things somewhat believable.

Another side- constructive criticism (I hope): Written: " ought to have known that he lied about me." Changed: "you SHOULD have known that he lied about me." Nothing wrong with what's written, it's just the 2nd would make it more readable. Again, just a suggestion. There's a few others, tho nothing horrid. Bob

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Since all male librarians are cuckolds, we know what Linda was after all along. What a shameless slut.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

"We must talk when you have calmed down so we can talk"? What the f does that even mean?

HarleyRider1955HarleyRider1955over 1 year ago

I hate it when an author can’t keep the names of his characters straight. I’m sure he didn’t buy a rose and ask Linda for a date after she did the nasty with his enemy.

iameaseliameaselover 2 years ago

I will say Im glad you improved as a writer after this. This was really just a horribly dumb set up, the whole tied to a bed while she fucks her ex who happens to be the one who lied about him cheating. This exact story has been done so many times.

This was too cliched, she was really just written as an empty headed twat...the list goes on and on.

Rancher46Rancher46almost 3 years ago

Read the storyline and found it hollow and not that entertaining. She was just flat stupid to believe her ex-boyfriend about her current boyfriend cheating. Then as soon as she screws him she begs for forgiveness, please give me a break.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

He deserves her. If you accept the girl you're dating also dating another man, what do you expect?

JonDoe315JonDoe315about 3 years ago

story had no emotions in it and felt robotic. also, the narrative kept switching back n forth. im still wondering where the revenge and remorse play into this especially on the wife.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Why should Stupidity be rewarded.......

It looks like she got beautifully coned here...did she really want revenge...or just a good fuck...But this guy stood up to the bitch an...showed her just what he thought of her Bull Shit and kicked her ass out...He's a man among men and he's not a whimp... Elliot had totally con this woman thinking she could get away with this crap...and that Eddy would take her back no matter what she did...what a bad joke to turned out to be on her...and that's why Stupidity should not be rewarded...........

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