Revenge and Retribution


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I asked when she you expected you back? She looked at her computer and motioned for me to look at it. I saw you sitting at a table drinking from a coffee cup. I could faintly hear people talking. Selena explained that she had you on your web cam so she could make notes of the meeting so both of you didn't have to be away from the office at the same time. She said you had been doing that for years."

I felt like a damned fool and was scared of what I had done. I broke down and cried. I told Selena what I had done and she was furious with me."

Selena said, "You are damned right I was, I told Marianne that I didn't believe her. I told her I thought she did it because she wanted some strange cock, and that now she was afraid you would find out."

I looked at Marianne, she was looking at Selena and nodded and then looked at me, "That is what she said."

Selena smiled at her, "I told you to prove me what you were saying was true." Selena looked at me, "Marianne described the black man she had sex with. I thought I knew who she was talking about and asked her a few questions. You called the meeting at the plant to order and I turned the recorder on. Then I put Marianne in your office and made a few phone calls. I talked to Leon Walker, he did verify everything Marianne said. I know Leon very well and he is a very honest person. He said he told Marianne she was making a big mistake. He did not like Frank and was afraid to leave her alone with him. I thought about what to do. I told Marianne to go home and relax and forget it had ever happen and to pray you would never find out."

I looked at Marianne, "Have you had sex with this man since that one time?"

She stared at me. She shook her head, "No!"

I softly said, "Did you want to?"

She flared back, "Hell NO!"

"Have you betrayed me with any other man during our marriage?"

"Nooo, never!" She sobbed, "Never."

"How can I ever believe you or trust you again?"

"I don't know, but we have to try? I never stopped loving you for even one second. I will never stop loving you. I was conned by an expert. I didn't believe in you when I was fully aware of the kind of man you are. It is no excuse, but I had been hearing and reading of so many husbands who cheated on naive wives who thought their husbands loved them that it was easy to hoodwink me. You are such a handsome and sexy man, most women would love to grab you."

"How did that video end up on that porn site?"

"They bought it from someone. They had a receipt containing releases from what were purported to be the people in the video."

"Did Frank end up with the DVD?"

"He told me he would have to edit it and that I would get the only copy. He brought it over the next day, I burned it."

I looked at the two women, "I think Frank owes us something. Don't you?"

Both of them nodded.

Marianne smiled, it was a chilling smile, there was murder and mayhem in that smile. "Selena and I have made a little hobby of gathering information on Frank Polanski for the last couple of years. I talked to all the neighbor ladies. Frank had seduced or blackmailed over half of them. His wife Lucy had too much to drink at one of the neighborhood parties and I walked her home. We talked for a long time. She hates the swinging lifestyle they live. They have an agreement that they are not allowed to have sex with anyone unless the spouse is present and agrees. Lucy said she was sure he was cheating on her. She is a school teacher and he works from home selling insurance."

I had to think of something we could do to him that wouldn't get us in legal trouble or in jail, but would teach him a lesson. Selena smiled, "How about we do what we did to you. Then when he is knocked out and secure, we all come in and question him and build a case against him. Oh, his wife and his girlfriends should be there too."

Marianne smiled, "Where can we do it, it will have to be in a place that is very private so he won't bring someone running if he yells for help."

I had to put in my two cents worth, "If his wife won't go along with this it won't work."

"OH Terry, we know that, Lucy and three of his ex-girlfriends are waiting outside. Some of them want to hurt him bad."

"Bring them in."

Selena went out the door and returned with four lovely ladies. I knew Lucy, of course, and one of the other ladies who was also a neighbor. I was introduced to the other women. Marianne said, "Ladies I have told all of you my story, My Hubby knows everything. Please tell all of us your stories about Frank and what he did to you. Lucy, would you start it off please start off."

Lucy told her story of Frank's lying, cheating and breaking the rules they had agreed to live by. She said she had only agreed to join him in the swinging lifestyle under those rules. She said she wanted a divorce while she was still young enough to find a nice guy and have children.

Marge, the other neighbor told how he had convinced her that her husband was cheating on her. She had filed for the divorce and because our state has a 'no-fault divorce' law is she only had to plead irreconcilable differences. Her husband disappeared after the divorce. When she learned she had been lied to her husband was gone. She was unable to find him. She suspected he had gone to Australia or somewhere. This had happened four years ago.

One of the ex-girlfriends, Bobbi, told of how he had ruined her marriage when she would not give in to his advances, he told her husband that she had sex with Frank and many other guys. She wanted Frank dead. The other woman said Frank had ruined her marriage, Patsy told her husband that Frank was threatening her if she didn't have sex with him. Frank had already told her husband that she had engaged in group sex with he and several other guys and that she would try and blame it on him. She was also divorced.

We discussed what the punishment should be. Most of the girls favored castration. I said it was too easy on him. I wanted to retain the sex urge but remove his ability to ever have normal sex with anyone. I told the ladies, I want him to get as horny as an old tomcat, but I want him to suffer because he can't scratch that itch. Do you know what I mean?"

My wife said, "I think that is a wonderful idea, how can we do that."

I said, "Hell, I really don't know, we will have to research it."

Marge said, "Hey, I'm an RN. I have an idea about how we could work it. We could never reveal how it happened and do it so that he will never know who did it to him. If he ever found out we could all go to jail."

We put our heads together and worked on our plan. It was changed several times but we eventually came up with what we thought was a workable plan. Lucy provided the knowledge we needed about his habits and his daily routine and about how he would react to various things.
I went home with Marianne. I explained that I still had not forgiven her and that I would sleep in the spare bedroom. The kids were happy to see me and I was happy to be with them again. After dinner I went up to the spare room and got ready for bed. I turned out the light and lay awake listening to the noises as the kids talked and helped with the dishes. There was a long conversation between Marianne and the children but I couldn't make out what they were saying. I heard them come up stairs and get ready for bed, use the bathroom and then it was quiet for a while. Then the door opened. Marianne walked in wearing a little baby doll gown. I held up my hand and she stopped. I motioned for her to leave. Her shoulders drooped, she slowly turned, she looked back over her shoulder and I could see the anguish on her face and the tears running down her cheeks. She quietly shut the door.

I thought about Marianne, our life together, our kids, what this was doing to them, and what it was doing to me. In the morning I waited until the kids were off to school and Marianne tapped on the door and said my breakfast was ready.

She didn't appear to have gotten much sleep either. She was standing by the stove when I entered the kitchen. She smiled slightly and said, "Good Morning, Terry."

I said, "We have to establish Frank's daily pattern so we can devise a plan."

Marianne walked to the kitchen desk and got a yellow legal pad. "We have it pretty well worked out. Here is what he did every day of the week for six months. The summary is last with an average day for each day of the week.

We discovered that he walked on a path through the woods at the nearby park every other day. I scouted out the park one afternoon. The trails he walked were not used on week- days very much. Just one group of elderly folks used them every morning about seven in the morning. Frank started his walks at seven thirty. I scouted him for four mornings when he walked and he always took the same trail to a spot about a mile down the trail then turned around and returned the way he had come. It took him 18 minutes each way. It didn't vary more than a few seconds on any day.

I found a good ambush spot about a quarter of a mile from where he turned around. The path went through an area of thick under brush. There was a game trail that paralleled the main trail about twenty feet into the thick brush. I carefully cut a trail from the game trail to a thick clump of brush beside the trail. I was very careful to conceal the new trail by not removing too much foliage. I rubbed dirt into the fresh cuts to age them to the casual observer.

The next morning I crouched in the brush along the trail in dark clothing and wearing a ski mask. I heard Marianne in the radio earpiece, "He is heading back now, no one is behind him."

Patsy's voice said, "Everything is clear back to the trail head. Go for it Boss." I saw Frank coming down the trail and got everything ready. As he passed me I sprang on him from behind and slapped the chloroform saturated cloth over his nose and mouth. He only struggled for a few seconds before he passed out. I dragged him off the main trail and into the new trail. I covered his head with a black cloth hood.

I dashed back out to the main trail and as I was making sure all signs of the short struggle were erased. I heard Marianne in my ear, "Watch it Terry, there is a group of joggers headed your way. You only have a minute or two." I slipped back in the brush and dragged Frank well away from the main trail. I reached in my shirt pocket and removed a preloaded syringe. I removed the needle cover and carefully ejected the air from the dose of anesthetic. I rolled Frank on his side and injected the shot through his shorts into his ass. He would be asleep for nearly half an hour.

Selena and Marge walked up the new trail and Marge checked Frank's vital signs. She looked at me and gave a thumbs up signal. She started to say something and I put my finger to my lips and she was quiet. I could hear the joggers talking as they went down the trail. We heard their footsteps on the asphalt trail fade into the distance.

I told the girls we could talk but I was worried that Frank might be able to recall what we said under hypnosis. Marianne smiled and handed me two ear plugs. The ear plugs were a very snug fit. I replaced the hood and we were able to talk freely.

Selena ran back to her van that was parked on a park service road and came back with Frank's bike. Lucy had told us that Frank rode his bike on the same trail once a week but went much further. Frank's bike had a metal water bottle carrier attached in the center of the handlebars by the adjusting bolt for the handlebars.

I carried the bike to the main trail and went to a previously selected spot. There was a metal trail marker on a steel post giving the distance to the Trailhead. Just past the marker was a small oak tree. I carefully placed a broken tree branch on the trail before the sign. I kicked the marker, bending it down to the ground. I took Frank's bike and bashed it over the branch, the marker and into the tree as hard as I could. The handlebars twisted and the front wheel bent badly.

I hurried back to Frank, removed the ear plugs, took off the hood and helped the girls carry him out to the bike. We then carefully dragged him over the sign, the bike handle bars and the bottle holder making sure his shorts were ripped from the waistband to the crotch. One leg of the shorts was almost ripped off. We rammed good old Frank into the tree head first, scratching his head and tearing an ear. I looked over the scene and grabbed Selena's hand and left Marge with Frank while we checked how the area looked. We grinned at each other then saw Marge drop some things in a plastic bag and the give Frank another shot in his arm. She grabbed the bag and ran past us and down the new trail. Selena followed her. I checked that all evidence that the new trail had been used was covered or removed. I heard Marge's voice in my ear plug, "Making the call right now!"

I ran up the trail about fifty yards and took a side trail to the service road. They met me in the van and we went up the road a little farther and picked up Patsy. We took the road out the other side of the park and stopped and listened. We heard the wail of a siren in the distance. We grinned at each other. We saw Marianne's rented car approaching and I got out and got in the car with my wife. We headed home. The other girls left too headed away as planned. We all had good alibis for that morning. All the evidence was burned in the incinerator at the county dump. It was for destroying personal papers and bank statements etc..

When we got home Marianne slipped next door to see Lucy and told her it had gone very well as far as we could tell.

While Marianne was there the phone rang and Lucy answered. It was the police telling Lucy that her husband had been badly hurt in an accident. She did a great job of acting surprised and upset over the accident. She told them that her husband had left earlier for a bike ride and she was worried because he hadn't come home. She found out where he was being taken to the emergency room. She told the police she would be right there as soon as she could find someone to drive her, she said she was too upset to drive herself.

Marianne and I changed clothes. I put on a suit I would wear to work. Marianne was stunning in a brown leather pants suit I bought for her a year or so ago. She had brown booties with 3" high gold plated heels and she carried a large brown leather bag. The pants fit her like a second skin. She would snap some necks today.

I gave her a low wolf whistle and she smiled at me. She said, "Do I look OK?"

I smiled back, "As usual, you take my breath away." I shook my head and turned and headed for the door. I heard her heels behind me. Lucy met us at our car, she was more casually dressed, as if she had been interrupted at a household chore.

At the hospital the ER doctor told us that Frank was still in the operating room. He said that he had sustained a hard blow to the head and had a possible concussion. He had suffered many cuts, bruises and contusions, but the worse damage was to his genitalia. He informed us that his penis had been virtually amputated by some sort of bracket on the bike when he crashed. The doctor said the prognosis for salvaging much of the penis was very poor because the part that was cut off was badly crushed and shredded. He said that Frank was very lucky that some good Samaritan had called the police and reported the accident. He could have bled to death.

The police talked to all of us. Marianne and I informed them that we were on our way to go in town to a meeting when Lucy, our next door neighbor had asked us to bring her to the hospital.

I said that I thought I had seen Frank leaving on his bike earlier when I was getting my newspaper. Marianne said she had not seen Frank in several days. Marianne and I sat with Lucy until Frank was in the recovery room. The surgeon told us that they had only been able to salvage about an inch and a half of his penis. He said that they were not able to say if it would function sexually. Otherwise there were no other serious injuries except for a slight concussion.

Lucy decided to stay until he came out of the anesthesia. Marianne and I went home. We changed into more comfortable clothing. I sat at the kitchen table and waited for her to come down. I used our throwaway cell phone to call Selena, I told her how Frank was doing. She laughed and said it was perfect. Selena asked, "Have you and Marianne made up yet?"

I said, "I don't know if that is possible."

"What, I thought you had moved back home!"

"I have but I am still sleeping in the den. I think I am going to have to look at that whole video before I make up my mind."

"Are you sure you want to do that? What good will that do?"

"I don't know. I just feel I need to know what went on. I know she fucked him and gave him a bunch of blowjobs. He never used a rubber. I guess she was lucky and didn't get AIDS or something and give it to all of us."

"Oh Terry! Marianne made him bring a fresh doctor's report saying he was clean. I have talked to him. It took them six hours to make that DVD because she broke down and cried over you so much. Leon said he had never seen a woman who loved her husband as much as Marianne loves you. He said she hated what she was doing but she thought it was the only way to bring you to your senses."

"The clip I saw sure looked as if she was loving everything they did."

"Terry, they had to do every scene two or three times because she would break down and cry in the middle of what they were doing. Frank would erase the scene and they would do it over. Frank got pissed off with her because she wouldn't let Leon cum inside her. She did let him cum in her mouth but not her pussy."

"I still see her smiling at the camera, smiling at me really I guess, with her mouth full of his cum and with cum all over her face. I see that every time I try to sleep. I still love her, I just hate what she did and I wonder if she did it before or after that or will do it again. How can I ever trust her again."

Selena said, "I can't tell you anything but what I believe about that. I am positive she is telling you the truth about what happened. I have had everything she said verified by the other two people who were present. I KNOW she loves you with all her heart. I don't believe she would ever cheat on you again. She thought you had cheated on her or it never would have happened in the first place. She has never denied what she did or that she was totally wrong. I believe her."

I thought for a second. "Well, I have to admit that I agree with your assessment of the situation. I still can't sleep though. I still don't trust her. How do I fix that?"

I heard a voice from behind me say, "Sweetie, you don't have to fix that, I have to fix it for you." I turned and saw Marianne.

She stood in front of me. "I was the cause of everything, I didn't trust you and believed lies about you that if I had thought about the man I know you are I would have known you didn't do those things.

"I am the one who foolishly and deliberately committed adultery and broke our sacred wedding vows. God, how I have cried and cried over that. I cried while I was doing it because I knew that even if you were screwing Selena it would hurt you. I was praying that it would shock you into realizing you were hurting me too!

"Will you let me prove my love for you and let me prove I will never be unfaithful to you in any way?"

I looked into her eyes and saw the start of the tears. I asked, "Will you watch the DVD with me and explain how you were feeling and exactly what you were doing. Then, when it is over, will you tell me why I should believe you?"

She stared at me, "I think I would rather die than do that. If you insist, I guess I will have to do it, I can't stand the idea of dying and having you believe, for all eternity, that I stopped loving you. That never happened nor will it ever happen."