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Rhiana decided that she should ignore Mistress’s immediate wishes and continue with her slow licks, teasing Mistress until she began to whimper, gripping the pillow between clenched fists. Slowly pushing her tongue inside Mistress, Rhiana was rewarded with a wave of tasty fluid, more than she could take in one stroke. She withdrew her tongue and licked her lips before entering again, continuing with long, slow strokes that gradually drew Mistress’s ass into a rhythmic bobbing.

Moisture began to trickle down Rhiana’s leg as her pussy burned more fiercely than it had done for a long time; teasing Mistress with her tongue proved to be far more erotic than merely obeying Mistress’s every desire like she had been doing since she had first pleased her. For the first time in what felt like an age Rhiana longed to touch herself, and found her right hand pressed flat against her crotch, moving rhythmically with her hips.

Rhiana brought her hand up to Mistress’s clit, circling it gently while her tongue played slowly inside her lover’s yearning pussy, driving Mistress to short screams: “Faster, faster you stupid girl!” This only made Rhiana slow down until Mistress’s screams were barks, angry yelps that frightened Rhiana as much as they aroused her.

Pushing her shoulders hard into Mistress’s thighs, Rhiana forced her lover’s head down into the pillow, hunger overcoming patience as her tongue found Mistress’s clit and guided it between her lips, ready to pleasure it to climax. Rhiana sucked hard on the nub, dancing her tongue over it like a feather, feeling every judder of Mistress’s hips transmitted into her shoulders.

She kept up this sucking and lapping until she felt Mistress was seconds away from climax, then opened her mouth, letting the throbbing clit escape to hang under the gasping pussy. Rhiana stayed still, pushing into Mistress, nose buried deep but still in her pussy, tongue flicking across Mistress’s dangling clit once every second. Mistress began to groan in a deep, angry voice, reaching behind herself with one hand to catch a handful of Rhiana’s hair and pull it hard up her back.

Mistress’s tug hurt like hell but felt like heaven to Rhiana, for it was the first time Mistress had touched her during the whole session. She felt Mistress take a deep, laboured breath and prepared herself for an order.

“Make me come, you bad, bad little girl!” Mistress growled, tugging harder on the slave’s hair as Rhiana extended her tongue, touched Mistress’s clit and began to lap at it, flicking it rapidly back and forth and side to side.

Mistress began to moan again, her hips rocking back into Rhiana’s face as she licked Mistress to an crashing orgasm marked by a sudden long choked scream, followed by a series of long moans as she slowly floated down on a cushion of ecstasy. Rhiana licked gently at Mistress’s pussy, cleaning up all her moisture, ignoring the blissful pain in her scalp where Mistress had tugged at her. She had given Mistress an orgasm like never before, without instruction or compromise, how she wanted to do it. It was a gift only Rhiana could give, and the only gift Rhiana could give.

She smiled as Mistress pulled away and knelt upwards, stretching her neck and back while Rhiana massaged her buttocks, hoping Mistress would lie down to be pleasured again. Suddenly Mistress stood and stepped off the bed, stalking quickly out of the door and down the hall to the bathroom, leaving Rhiana sat confused and rejected on the bed.

Rhiana spent the rest of the day working quietly, her insides tight as she tried to understand why Mistress was still angry with her. There had been few words spoken all day, those that were said were brief and to the point, snapped out with a fierce bark that made Rhiana jump on several occasions. As the day grew to an end Rhiana began to wonder whether Mistress felt shunned by her quietness after her dream, and was now trying to make her hurt in retaliation.

The last of the late night sun disappeared over the horizon just as Rhiana finished tidying away the glassware from the evening meal, which she had not been invited to attend, Mistress entered the kitchen in her satin dressing gown and softly ordered Rhiana to the bathroom. She quickly complied, stepping up the stairs with a feeling of dread in her stomach as she realised another beating could be in store for her if Mistress still wanted her to hurt.

The shower was already running when Rhiana stepped into the bathroom. She jumped as Mistress touched her shoulder gently, but relaxed when her hand moved swiftly and gently to unbutton her thin shirt. Mistress gradually peeled the light clothes off of Rhiana’s body as she stood still, lips pursed in anxiety and arms shaking with fear.

Eventually Rhiana was naked except for her fixed undergarments, which began to soak up warm water as she stepped into the shower. Mistress dropped her gown to the floor and moved in close behind her, letting her fingertips lightly roam over Rhiana’s shivering skin, seemingly tracing points of anxiety across her body and making her twitch in frightened anticipation.

Mistress took hold of Rhiana’s wrists and raised them to the locks on the wall where they clipped solid, locking her into the position she had become so familiar with. Slowly Mistress stripped Rhiana of her shields and watched the slave let out a deep sigh as warm water gushed over her naked form. She took hold of Rhiana’s body, pulling herself close against the slave, breasts against her back, sex against her buttocks, until the whole front of her body was pressing against the rear of the quaking girl’s.

Moving in slow rhythmic twists Mistress rocked Rhiana under the shower stream, running her hands up and down Rhiana’s sides, over her breasts and down her stomach, across her thighs and back up her hips in an ever changing circuit. Rhiana’s breath began to deepen as the stream of water hypnotised her, washing away her fear and anxiety and replacing it with the glorious ache that she had been missing for the past two days.

Rhiana began to tense, as two of Mistress’s fingers became rigid and started slowly down her belly, heading directly through her neat triangle to her sex. The fingers separated as they were about to pass her hooded nub, running along the sensitive skin between her lips and her thighs, holding her sex closed.

The pressure on Rhiana’s lips seemed to trigger a pressure build up inside her and she felt herself moistening to her lover’s touch, her body preparing for it’s delicious torture that she so longed for. Mistress kept an up-and-down motion beside Rhiana’s lips, working the slave’s hips into a rocking rhythm with her thighs against Rhiana’s ass. Rhiana kept up the rhythm automatically, urging Mistress to close her fingers and play with her lips or beyond them into her pussy.

Gradually Mistress’s fingers left Rhiana’s sex and travelled back up her belly, leaving Rhiana’s hips rocking against nothing. They began to draw circles around Rhiana’s nipples, closing to tweak them, roll them or pinch them in intervals that she could not predict. Rhiana stared up into the shower spray, enjoying the sensations at her breasts while she mentally urged Mistress’s fingers towards her sex again.

Rhiana felt her breath becoming one deep inward stroke as Mistress’s hands descended gently between her closed legs, the backs of her fingers gently pushing inwards and urging Rhiana’s legs apart. Rhiana silently obeyed, placing her feet apart and bending her knees to give Mistress as much room as she desired.

Mistress raised her fingers from Rhiana’s legs as she gazed at the slave, legs wide, back arched, eyes closed and head raised to the shower head. She angled her mouth towards Rhiana’s ear and whispered “Do you love me, Slave?”

Rhiana did not need to think before replying, in a light, hoarse whisper “Yes, Mistress.” She felt her heart begin to bubble and swell like it would overflow. She prepared for Mistress’s touch against her splayed sex, longing for the tortured, extended pleasure that Mistress could bring and the exhausted blackness that was its only climax.

A sharp yelp left Rhiana’s mouth as Mistress’s hand slapped hard onto her wet sex, harmonising the Snap! sound that still reverberating around the shower. Before tears could leave Rhiana’s eyes the shower had been switched off and Mistress was boisterously drying her with a towel, shouting angry snaps at her between taking deep tearful breaths.

“You don’t love me!” Mistress shouted as the tugged the towel over Rhiana’s hair, “You can’t love me!” as she scraped it harshly across her reddened back, “You’ve never loved me!” as she pushed it firmly across her chest and over her sore pussy. “How can you love me? How can you ever love me like I love you!”

Within what felt like both seconds and hours of crying and drying, Rhiana was dressed in her Flexilon garments again and was being marched out of the door by Mistress, thrust tearfully into her room and locked in to spend another night alone.

Rhiana stood staring at the door for more minutes than she could count, tears pouring from eyes and down her red face, wetting her hair and making it cling to her cheeks. A curly lock found itself across her mouth and she reached out with her lips, instinctively taking it into her mouth and sucking on it.

Eventually she felt her legs grow tired and she began to feel weary. Slowly, with her head to the ground and her shoulders sagging on her slender frame like a wind-damaged scaffold hanging on by habit alone, she climbed onto her bed and lay down, staring at the ceiling.

That night, Rhiana realised that she would never truly love Mistress again, because Mistress would not let her. That night, Rhiana made up her mind that she must escape; later she fell asleep halfway through creating a plan.

The following night followed a day of emotionless orders from Mistress, who remained distant even while Rhiana pleasured her before breakfast. Rhiana felt disappointed when Mistress showered her without removing her Flexilon underwear, allowing no contact at all with her sex. The evening shower session was another constant that Rhiana clung to for stability as well as what little pleasure she was allowed, and it regularly turned into an extended torture session that left her unconscious with mixed delight and frustration.

Mistress washed Rhiana boisterously, then dried her in a similar manner, knocking her about like a rag-doll as she buffeted the dry towel against her. Eventually Mistress pulled Rhiana’s arms behind her back until her cuffs touched, where they instantly locked together so that her briefs and bra could be changed. Rhiana found this degrading after her usual routine of being locked against the wall for her change, yet another deliberate sign of Mistress’s rejection.

Rhiana was thrust into her room without a word and left alone in the dark with her thoughts, which were immediately sad and angry at the same time. Her head had barely touched the pillow when she felt the harsh touch of a buzzer against her clit, as acidic and grating against her skin as it was against her mood. It was not like Mistress’s delicate touch, delicious and soothing, sensual and arousing; this was mechanical, almost painful in its violation of her sex through its vague electrical medium.

Rhiana cursed the remote dummy that she imagined was laying on Mistress’s bed, still and helpless to her abuse. A groan of combined anger and arousal escaped Rhiana’s lips as she felt her hips jump when Mistress found a nerve that was responding to the buzzer’s frequency. Her hips rocked uncontrollably as the buzzer moved back and forth over that spot, drawing moans of unwanted pleasure from Rhiana as she gripped the bedclothes and fought the attentions of the vibrator.

Helpless to the continuously changing frequency of the buzzer and Mistress’s skilful directions over her sex, Rhiana felt her body racing up the familiar hill to orgasm, faster than she ever remembered Mistress taking her. This in itself must be some form of punishment, she assumed, in taking the shortest path through inevitable pleasure to the ultimate torture at the top of the hill, where she would be held short of the summit by a thread so small she could barely contemplate it.

It had been so long since Rhiana had been allowed to come that she could scarcely remember what it felt like. It was the holy grail that would forever elude her until she escaped the clutches of this evil woman, this woman that she had grown to love for her total control over all the pleasures that she experienced. As her arousal grew from the buzzer on her clit and her breath became shallower, faster, harsher, she could think only of the release that her body desired, that summit of the hill that kept running away from her as she ran faster and faster up the track.

Suddenly Rhiana’s breath caught in her throat as she saw in her mind the horizon cut short and race towards her, faster and faster as she dashed towards it, bodily convinced that she was about to come. Her breath raced inwards abruptly as she gripped her fingers together, but suddenly the horizon began to hover in front of her eyes, inches away and yet always just a little further than one stride could cover, as if something was holding her back. For minutes she gasped for breath, struggling onwards with all her might until her energy seemed all but spent and she faltered, falling to the floor in a sudden cloud of darkness.

Rhiana opened her eyes and blinked away the tears, realising from her aching jaw and the soreness of her throat that she must have been screaming out loud for some time. Her fingers hurt as she shakily unclenched them and slowly lowered her right hand to her sex, rubbing gently up and down her rigidly encased lips in a slow, soothing motion. Her thighs were soaked with mixed sweat and honey, oozing from the rigid waistbands with each instinctive slow rock of her hips. She could feel herself clenching and unclenching inside, unable to stop, unable even to slow herself.

She lifted her head and gazed around the darkness of the room, suddenly uncertain if she was really awake or lost in someone else’s hell. Sobs welled in her throat and choked her until she lay her head back on the pillow, and dozed off to sleep, crying with the combined pain of rejection and frustration.


Rhiana prepared breakfast as normal, humming cheerfully to herself for the first time in nearly two weeks. Her skin tingled with anticipation and her inner thighs were damp with moisture as she padded gently about the kitchen, spreading jam onto perfectly prepared toast as she ground her legs together, totally unaware of her body’s betrayal of her desires. Two weeks of nightly torture with the painful buzzer had made her constantly horny, unable to stop the grinding or rocking of her hips even when she really tried, but now she was being aroused by more than just her recent tortuous frustration. Her mind was filled with thoughts of Mistress, joyful thoughts now as she remembered Mistress’s angry response when she had been sexually teased those two weeks previously.

When Rhiana was done she gazed at the tray, devouring each of the foods with her eyes. Fresh strawberries dusted with icing sugar sat in a small crystal bowl next to a plate of toast spread with raspberry jam, her personal favourite. Freshly squeezed orange juice filled a glass jug, clinking with floating ice-cubes as Rhiana shifted the tray across the worktop. She took a pair of scissors from an opened drawer and danced across the room, swirling her hips so that her plain maid’s skirt flared outwards and conditioned air washed over her thighs, making her gasp in silent pleasure where it chilled the moist patches between her legs.

Rhiana opened another drawer and removed a ball of thick soft cord that Rhiana had tidied away in her first week with Mistress and never used since. She counted out four two-metre lengths, slicing them and tidying them skilfully around her fingers before tucking them into separate pockets. Then she tidied away the string and skipped quietly back to the cutlery drawer, replacing the scissors and taking one last look around the kitchen before she lifted the tray and tiptoed up the stairs to Mistress’s chamber.

Mistress stirred quietly as Rhiana set the tray down on the small bedside table and stood to gaze over the woman, lying on her side under the purple silk blanket, a peaceful smile upon her lips. Already Rhiana’s palms had begun to sweat from fear and she took a deep breath, trying to calm her now racing heart. She reached out and gingerly took hold of Mistress’s right hand which rested atop the blanket across her ribs. Very gently she began to gently massage her fingers, slowly so as not to wake the snoozing woman.

Rhiana let her left hand wander gently up and down Mistress’s wrist while her right hand gently squeezed her slender fingers, paying special attention to the tip of the middle digit. Eventually she concentrated all her attentions here, rolling it between her own fingers, licking it and sucking it gently, pinching it and finally compressing it hard between her knuckles.

Still firmly squeezing Mistress’s finger, Rhiana quickly reached down to her pocket and took a length of chord, not daring to take her wide eyes off of Mistress’s sleeping face. She looped the chord over Mistress’s wrist and fastened it tight so that only a single loop of chord and one free end extended from the knot. Rhiana then tucked Mistress’s wrist under her blanket and crossed the bed, repeating the same procedure on her other wrist, all the while feeling a stifling claustrophobic urgency; Mistress could wake at any moment.

Quietly Rhiana worked her way down Mistress’s legs to kiss and suck on her toes while her hand worked under the blanket, pacifying Mistress’s legs with massages as she tied big loops of chord around her ankles and around the foot-rails. When she was satisfied she had completed her knots she sat back, smoothing the blanket and stepping towards Mistress’s wardrobe to fetch a black silk handkerchief that she remembered tidying with the laundry. She already began to feel more comfortable that what she thought would be the hardest part of her plan was complete. Rhiana folded the kerchief into a wide blindfold and turned back to Mistress, climbing carefully onto her bed and straddling her while she fastened the blindfold around Mistress’s head.

Mistress began to wake as Rhiana laid her head back on onto the pillow and turned her onto her back, bending down to kiss her neck and press her hard bra onto Mistress’s breasts, her ass pointing into the air as she arched her back. Mistress’s hands quickly darted towards her head as she realised she was blindfolded but Rhiana caught them firmly yet gently in mid-air, whispering soothing ‘Ssh’ noises into Mistress’s ear. A loop of dangling chord tickled Rhiana’s arm and she tensed suddenly, hoping that Mistress wouldn’t feel the unchained bonds through her numbed wrists.

“What are you doing, Slave?” Mistress hissed into Rhiana’s ear, her voice a chilling mix of anger and fear.

“Ssh…” Rhiana whispered, laying Mistress’s hands down on the pillow and kissing her sensually on the lips. Mistress’s arms relaxed as she opened up to Rhiana’s kiss, their fingers entwining as they writhed against one another, their bodies separated only the thin silk blanket and Rhiana’s hard underwear.

Rhiana kissed Mistress until they both gasped for breath then began to slide down her body, peeling back the blanket to expose Mistress’s proud white orbs, already displaying arousal at their summit. Rhiana teased each erect nipple with her tongue while her hands massaged Mistress’s sides and her knees gripped Mistress’s thighs together, holding her legs closed.

Slowly Rhiana leant back until she was sat on Mistress’s thighs, still holding her closed as she gazed down at the blindfolded woman. Mistress lay still, her breath deep but quiet and her mouth shut tightly in what may have been anger or fear coupled with arousal.
