Rhythm and the Blue Line Ch. 11


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Brody checked the lasagna while he waited for Ryan. He hoped she hadn't gotten stuck in traffic, although he figured she'd call if something like that happened. It seemed strange that the six weeks were over. The only thing wrong was that he wasn't still playing hockey. Not that he would be even if the team was still in the playoffs. He was improving and would try skating again the next week. Still, he chafed at the restrictions.

The knock at the door jerked him out of his thoughts and he hurried over to open it.


"Hi." He stood there and grinned down at Ryan until she laughed.

"So are you going to let me in?"

"Just making sure it's really you." He leaned down to kiss her and reached for her guitar. "Come on in."


After her things had been stowed in the bedroom, he reached for her and pulled her into a thorough kiss. She made a pleading sound and he tightened his arms around her, trying to make up for all the lost time. Her fingers toyed with his hair before she wrapped her arms around him and held on.

"God, I missed you," she said.

"Missed you, too." Brody held her for a minute, rubbing his cheek against her hair and stroking her back.

"You still have your beard." Ryan pulled back just enough to look at him and smile.

"I didn't think it was fair to shave it off until you had a chance to see it for yourself. I thought you might like it." To prove his point, he leaned in and rubbed his chin against her neck. She yelped and laughed but he wouldn't let her go.

"Okay, enough!" Ryan couldn't stifle a few residual giggles even after Brody stopped.

"I knew you'd like it." Brody grinned.

"So, what smells so good?"

"Lasagna. I figured you probably haven't eaten."

She laughed. "It's been a while, and certainly not anything as good as what you make." She wiggled her hips against him. "But I could wait a little on the food."

Brody made some quick mental calculations. "Hold on." He held her hand and led her into the kitchen, unwilling to let go now that she was here. She laughed as he got out a hot pad, set the lasagna on it and turned off the oven all with one hand.

"There." He nodded and turned back to her, pulling her close. "Now we'll have some food for after."

"Are you sure we should?" Serious, Ryan brushed his hair back. "How are you feeling? As much as I missed you, I don't want to do anything that makes your head worse."

"I'm fine." He caught her hand and brushed his lips over palm. "Really, I'm fine. They've cleared me for light work outs and I'll be skating against next week and if I don't get you into bed, I think I'll explode."

"Can't have that." Ryan smiled and reached up to kiss him.

"Come on." He nudged her out of the kitchen.

She sighed. "I guess you shouldn't carry me."

"Probably not. I'm only cleared for light exercise." He gave her a rueful smile and she was stunned into silence for a minute.

"Oh, you think you're so funny." Ryan moved scowled, fighting not to laugh after Brody started. "I think I'll skip the surprise I had planned for you." She crossed her arms in front of her.

"No, no, don't do that." Brody stopped laughing and pulled her back to him. "Come on," he coaxed as she resisted. "I was kidding, you know that. I think you look terrific." He kissed her neck and she broke out in giggles as his beard tickled her skin. "What's the surprise? Tell me."

"I can't; you have to wait a minute." Ryan stepped back and he gaped at her.

"Wait? I haven't seen you for over a month and you want me to wait? I don't think so." He reached for her but she shook her head.

"I just need a minute."

"All right, fine." He leaned against the wall and crossed his arms. "This better be worth it!" he called after her as she went into the bedroom, but she just laughed. He strained to hear what she was doing, but nothing gave him a clue.

"Okay, you can come in now."

Brody stopped in the doorway, speechless.

"Don't like it?" Ryan raised an eyebrow.

He tried to speak, cleared his throat, and tried again. "Oh, I like it." It was a fantasy come true.

Ryan sat on the bed, naked with her guitar. She grinned at him as she slid one hand over the neck of the guitar and lightly strummed the strings with the other. "You sure? I can always get dressed again."

"No, you're fine." He stripped off his shirt, stretched out on the bed facing her and tugged on her arm. She stopped playing and leaned over for his kiss. He kept a hand on her shoulder and teased her lips with his tongue; she parted her lips and he delved deeper. Ryan shivered as his fingers trailed up and down her arm.

"I figured after the playoffs and all, I'd try to cheer you up," she said after the kiss ended.

"I'm feeling better all the time." He toyed with the ends of her hair. "I know I keep saying it, but I missed you a lot."

"I missed you, too, and it's nice to hear." Ryan traced a finger along his jaw. "I'm really sorry how everything went for you: the concussion, the playoffs. I wished I was closer when those things happened."

"I wished you were, too, but you're here now, so it's all good."

"Yeah, it is." This time she kissed him.

Brody tangled his fingers in her hair and deepened the kiss. He wanted to reacquaint himself with everything about her: the way she felt, the way she tasted, the way she reacted to all the things he was about to do to her. There was only one thing stopping him.

"You don't need this," he told her and tapped the guitar. "Although I have to say—nice G string."

Ryan rolled her eyes but couldn't hide a smile. "I'll get rid of this if you get rid of those." She tugged at his jeans.


Ryan put the guitar down and laughed as Brody fought with his shoes before shoving his jeans off and tossing them on the floor. She sighed happily and rocked her hips as he brought her body against his.

He groaned. "Hey, watch that. I wanted to enjoy this."

Her eyes glinted as she pressed herself against him. "I'm enjoying it."

"I'll just bet you are." He smiled but didn't move to do anything.

"Something wrong? Does your head hurt?" Ryan looked concerned.

"No, I'm fine." He brushed her lips with his own. "Just making sure you're really here."

"I was wondering the same thing about you." She nipped at his bottom lip. "Let's prove it to each other."

"Good idea."

Brody captured her mouth once more as though he'd never let her go. He groaned as she shifted against him, rubbing against his erection. She hooked one leg over his and drew him closer. She was warm and soft, and he most definitely was not.

Ryan shivered against him as he kissed her neck and shoulder. He intensified his efforts and she sighed and rolled her hips against him.

He took his time exploring her body, leading with his hands and following with his mouth. When he took a nipple in his mouth, she let out a soft cry and grabbed at his shoulders. He let his hand drift down along her side and over her hip, teasing her with light caresses on her leg. He laughed low in his throat when she tried to move his hand.

"What's your hurry?" he teased.

"It's been six weeks," she tossed back.

"Well, then." He moved his hand between her legs and paused for a moment before sliding a finger along her slick skin. "God, you feel so good."

Ryan made a noise he took for agreement and he began stroking her with a steady rhythm. He found her mouth again and she tangled her hands in his hair to keep him in place. She tore her lips away and her breath came in gasps. Brody watched her; her eyes were half-closed and she bit her lip as her body tensed.

Her hips moved in concert with his hand. She drew in a shaky breath and held it, then released it with a groan as she came. He didn't stop until she grabbed his wrist and managed a whispered "Please."

"Anything for you," he said, his own voice rough.

"How about this?" Ryan was still breathless, but she managed a smile as she wrapped a hand around his hard shaft.

"Oh, God, yes." Brody moved over top of her, sinking into her body as she held him close. Ryan came around him once more and he forgot everything except the two of them. He kissed her mouth, her shoulder, her neck, wherever he could put his lips.

Ryan dragged her nails up his back and his body was on fire. He knew he wouldn't last much longer and decided not to fight it. He wrapped his arms around her and pressed his lips to her neck as his body tensed and he gave into his release.

For a moment all he heard was the thrumming of his heart and the raggedness of their breathing. When he felt coordinated enough, he rolled to his side, keeping an arm around her and pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"I guess we're really here." Ryan gave a quiet laugh. "At least I think I am."

Brody smiled. "That's good. I'd hate to think this was all a dream or something."

"No, no dream." Ryan nestled into him. "So, any chance of dinner? I started dreaming about that a couple of weeks ago. If I never see another McChicken sandwich, it'll be too soon."

Brody groaned. "Are you serious?"

"Hey, it's not like we had a per diem or anything."

"Get dressed then. We can go eat the lasagna." Brody paused. "Well, you don't have to get dressed. I won't complain."

Ryan shook her head and reached for her shirt. Brody gave a wistful sigh and grabbed his jeans.

While they ate the lasagna, Ryan told him more about the tour and he recounted the end of the playoffs in more detail. She laughed when he presented her with gourmet mint chocolate chip ice cream.

"You really do pay attention, don't you?" She rested her chin on her hand and smiled at him.

"I try."

The next morning, Ryan woke up and stretched, savoring the feeling of being next to Brody and not in a seedy motel.

"Good morning." He propped himself on an elbow.

"Hi." She stretched again. "I can't tell you how nice it is to stay in a real bed. I'm so tired of motels and hotels and whatever else."

"I can imagine."

"Do you have some breakfast?" She looked at him hopefully.

"You bet." He leaned in for a quick kiss. "What would you like?"

"I have no idea. Whatever you have will be fine."

"Okay. I'll find something."

Ryan smiled as he got out of bed and threw on some sweat pants. She showered and dressed then went out to the kitchen. She stood for a moment, trying to identify the smells.

"Hey. That's the thing you made me before. Huevos rancheros." She laughed. "I can't believe you remember that."

"I remember things. Like how you don't eat." He gestured to the table. "Have a seat."

"Thanks." Ryan sat and drank some orange juice. "This is great."

He chuckled. "You haven't even had the food yet."

Ryan looked at him. "It's not all about the food."


Brody was as relaxed and content as he could ever recall being for the next few days. Ryan was still there. She'd talked about finding a job, and calling Annette's friend to see about the apartment in Adams Morgan, but she had stayed with him. For the first couple of days, it appeared all the traveling had caught up to her and she slept a lot. He didn't mind. Just knowing she was there made him feel better.

After Ryan had caught up on her sleep, they'd spent time together. It was different than before; now neither of them had to go to work, or a game, or a meeting or anything else. Brody found he liked the rhythm they established. It would have to end sometime, but for now it was good.

"I texted Annette earlier today," she told him as they ate dinner one night. "That apartment in Adams Morgan fell through." She sighed. "But Annette said I could crash with her for a while, and she'll talk to other people. Lara's mom said I could stay there, too. I guess I really need to start looking for a job."

"Okay. No hurry." Brody reached over and squeezed her hand.

She smiled. "Thanks. I did need a few days off, but I have to get myself together. Jocelyn was working on some more stuff for us, and I have a little money left, but not a lot."

"Any idea when you might hear from her?"

"She said it would be a few days when we last talked to her, which was before the last show. I thought we'd have heard by now, but I'll wait another day or two before calling her. Jocelyn's cool, so I think she'll call with news, or at least a status report, when she has something to tell us."

Her phone rang as they were clearing the table.

"I'll be right back," she told Brody. "That's Jocelyn."

She stepped into the living room and he half-listened as he dealt with the dishes. At one point, he laughed as Ryan made a sound that sounded like a laugh and a shriek all at once. She came back in the kitchen, clutching the phone to her chest.

"Hey, what was that?" Brody glanced over from the sink. "You look like you're about to burst."

"Jocelyn did it! She got us on a tour! We're going to open for Stone Fortress when they come to the East Coast! And then she has us headlining some clubs! Oh, my God, I can't believe it!"

"That's fantastic!" Brody stepped over and scooped her up in to a hug, swinging her in a tight circle. "You guys deserve it."

"Thanks! Thanks! Oh God, I—I don't know what to do." Ryan looked up at him, dazed.

Brody laughed. "Maybe you want to call Lara or something?"

"Yeah, I will. I will. Jocelyn is calling everyone personally, so I'll give her some time for that. Besides, I think I need to let it sink in. It doesn't feel real." Ryan rubbed a hand over her eyes.

"Any other details? When does it start?"

"In, um, three weeks." She huffed out a breath. "Wow, three weeks. Hardly any time at all."

"Three weeks?" Brody looked at her, his enthusiasm fading. "How long will the tour be?

"I'm not sure. I was too excited to ask questions." Ryan frowned. "What? What's the matter?"

"So you're going to be gone all summer." Brody stepped back and crossed his arms over his chest.

"I—I guess. I don't know exactly but I guess, yeah, we'll be gone a lot of it." Ryan realized the problem and felt guilty. "Oh. I'm sorry. You were going to stay in Virginia this summer."


Ryan couldn't believe she'd gone from near euphoria to sad confusion in such a short time. "Well, look." She cleared her throat. "I still have three weeks before I go. That gives us some time, and—"

"So is this how it's going to be?" Brody asked.

"How what's going to be?"

"Me running around during hockey season, you running around during the summer?"

"I don't know." Ryan closed her eyes and took a breath, trying to sort out her thoughts. "I only know what it's like right now. And right now, the band had a great opportunity that we can't miss. I want that, and I want you to be happy about it for me."

"It's kind of hard to be happy about not seeing you for weeks at a time."

"I'm not thrilled about that aspect of it either," she told him, and reached for a compromise. "Maybe you could come along sometimes. I'd love to have you with me."

He rolled his eyes. "So I come along, amuse myself all day then watch you perform and sleep with you in between?"

Ryan stepped back. "That's a little harsh. Look, I know this is a lot to process. I'm still working through it myself."

"There's not much to work through, Ryan. You were gone, you're back and you're leaving again in three weeks. It's a little hard to work a relationship in with that, isn't it?"

Her eyes flashed. "You think it's so easy for me when you're constantly here and gone during the hockey season?"

"At least I have a schedule! At least you know when I'll be here or not."

"A schedule?" She choked out a laugh. "You think that makes it so much easier? Knowing that—that it'll be two days or two weeks before I see you when I want to see you now? Or need to see you? Yeah, that's so much better."

Brody took a deep breath and raked his hands through his hair. "Ryan, I'm not trying to fight. But I don't think you can blame me for being disappointed about this. I looked forward to spending the summer with you, to taking you to Michigan—to just spending time with you. And now you tell me you can't do that."

"Am I supposed to say no?" She willed him to understand. "Brody, we can't wait for this kind of thing to come around again. It may never. You may not believe this, but I don't care if we rule the charts or if I live in some big Malibu mansion. I just want to be able to support myself doing what I love to do. And this is what I have to do in order to get there."

"I don't have to like it."

Ryan pressed her fingers to her eyes. "You know what I hate? I hate that you're the person I want to tell most about this, to share it with, and so far, both times I've had big news, it's been a mess. I know the first time wasn't your fault, and I went off, but this is different."

"I don't see what's so hard to understand. You're back after six weeks and all the time I planned on spending with you won't happen."

"What do you want me to do? Say no?"

He scoffed to cover his confused feelings. "Of course not. Don't be ridiculous."

"I'm not being ridiculous, I'm trying to figure this out," Ryan said. "You want me to go and don't want me to go. That doesn't give me a whole lot to work with."

"Can't I just be a little upset about this for a while? Don't I get to be just a little pissed off when you throw a monkey wrench in my plans?"

"Funny how you can get pissed off about my career, but I can't about yours." Ryan turned and threw up her hands and went back to the bedroom. "Forget it."

"Where are you going?" Brody followed her. "What are you doing?"

"I'm getting my stuff." She grabbed her bag and set it on the bed, then threw her clothes in. After a minute, she paused and turned to him. "If I stay here, one or both of us will say something really bad. I'm not great at all this relationship stuff, but I know that much. I don't want that to happen. I'm going to Lara's, or maybe her mom's."

He stared for a moment, then spun to follow her as she left the bedroom and walked to the door. "Hey, wait. Ryan, I don't want you to go. Don't leave."

She gave him a sad smile. "I don't actually want to go, but I think it's best. I think we need some time apart to figure all this out."

"Why can't we figure it out together?"

"Maybe we can, but we can't right now. We're both not thinking straight." She reached up and kissed him. "I'll call you, Brody."

He watched her go, wondering how everything had been shot to hell in twenty minutes.

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Dual_TriodeDual_Triodealmost 12 years ago
The G String...

...finally made its appearance! :)

Brody is dazed and confused following his concussion and reacts poorly to Ryan's sudden change of plans. This is so unusual for him. Surely, Ryan will realize he's on her side once her anger dissipates.

Nice job as usual, PL. On to Chapter Twelve!

peethreepeethreealmost 12 years ago

Glad to get caught up on this story. I hope both of them come to their senses very soon and don't waste the three weeks they have together.

drteethodrteethoalmost 12 years ago

This really is a superlative story line. The attention to detail is fantastic. It really is something to see all the various obstacles thrown in the way between these two as they try and develop their relationship, but nothing in the story telling feels forced or fake.

I hope Ryan and Brody manage to work it out!

October_boxedheartsOctober_boxedheartsalmost 12 years ago
oh concussions...

having had multiple concussions myself, I can relate to how Brody feels. This fight could potentially have little to do with Ryan and a hell of a lot to do with Brody having to compensate for his symptoms. Major symptoms of concussions include irritability, sadness, depression, confusion. There's a lot for Pennlady to work with. I have my own theories about what this fight will be about. I was quite surprised by the accuracy of your writing about the concussion symptoms. Not many people get it, but you allude to it very nicely. As always, great writing :)

estragonestragonalmost 12 years ago

Now imagine how I felt when the fight started, while I was copy-editing this story. I wanted to yell "No no no!" Then I realized it's "just a story". But with SA Penn Lady, it's not "just a story"; look at these comments. She's made these characters real. Great work by a superlative writer.

jamac1024jamac1024almost 12 years ago

must say i am surprised by this blow up...brody complaining of ryan's crazy schedule? ryan not understanding why brody's upset? oh well, i guess reality-wise it does happen when both parties become self-centered for a while....hopefully, ryan gets over her insecurities which make her run away all the time and learn to compromise; and brody to learn to compromise too and realize that ryan's just starting with her chosen career - he could always join her on tour, same as being an athlete's wife i would say = whole lot of waiting around with snatches of time spent together here and there but still it's time spent with each other...they can work out the scheduling but they really need to talk abt where they stand in their relationship

GimletEdgeGimletEdgealmost 12 years ago
Tempers are riding high...

But I bet that they get past this. Relationships are seldom easy, and you have to develop the skills to work through rough patches. Both Ryan and Brody have demanding careers with a high degree of risk and uncertainty about making it and staying on top. That's part of what suits them to one another. I'm confident that they will come around quickly and learn to cherish the time they have together rather than complaining about how it's in short supply. Brody really can join Ryan on the road...and that's something that very few couples can swing for much time, much less a summer.

Congrats, PennLady, on continuing to keep us rink side for your story.

marklionmarklionalmost 12 years ago
Great Chapter!!!!

Dear PennLady

You have written another great in this story. It seems a Brody has a double standard, with his career and Ryan's career. He seems to not realize that her career is as important as his at this time. I hope they can get this relationship going in the right direction and can communicate back and forth about how much they love each other. Neither one of them has told the other, how much they love each other. But it's pretty evident from the way you've written this story so far. I hope you write more about these two and hopefully the relationship does work and Brody wakes up and understands what Ryan is trying to do with her career. Keep up the good work

lilwolfspiritlilwolfspiritalmost 12 years ago
Sad but understandable.

while everyone seems to be on Brody's side, here is Ryan's side, she gets one of the biggest opportunities of her career to make big on her dream, he complains about leaving, if he truly does love her, he would over the moon for her and not bitch about the time she won't spend with him. But this is just my view point.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
you cannot leave it like this!!!

this story is supposed to be coming to an end but at this point it seems like such a mess. it makes me think that the story might not have a have a happy ending after all. i think they'll just break up. or worse, they'll patch up, but they'll have so many unresolved issues dangling under their noses that it'll be pretty obvious that they're not going to last long.

please please please make this story have a happy ending and at least resolve some of the issues. i love brody and ryan. i love the fact that they're both so cool. they're funny, independent and caring. this story has been my primary depression-buster for months now. please don't let it end in a mess. :'(

donaldedonaldealmost 12 years ago
i love this story

I just hope that the two of them can work their problems out I do think that Brody is a bit selfish and should of been happy for her to get a chance to follow her dream.

Ryan should stop running and talk things over with Brody and also stop being so self centered. These two really do need an intervention and i hope that they get it

great chapter just am sad to see it end on a low note after the big build up for their reunion

Sidney43Sidney43almost 12 years ago

Agree with others that these two seem to be unable to really communicate with each other without too much drama and it is wearing a bit. Frankly, it is hard to comment without stopping to realize they are not real people, just characters created by the writer and the words you chose to represent them make us react as though they were people we know.

An example is when Ryan goes into the bedroom and Brody sees her naked except for the guitar. The dialog went as follows"

"You sure? I can always get dressed again."

"No, you're fine."

Fine?? Fine!!???????... For crying out loud, that is about as restrained a response as I can ever imagine when you see your lover naked in your bedroom after six weeks without any personal contact, let alone sex. Brody should have said something like "Oh my god, you are so beautiful and sexy and I just want to hold you for hours and make love to you over and over until we are so hungry that we have to crawl to the kitchen"

OK, sorry, a writer I am not, but you get the point. Everything about these characters is restrained as though they constantly circle each other wondering when one of them is going to say something a little off and then the defenses go up and off they go again into a little snit. Even the sex when they got together was restrained to the max. They has sex once and then did not again the next morning. There is no dialog between then that once is a bit restrained, although I recognize the effects of the concussion may be a factor, but at least some discussion about that would seem to be in order as part of normal communication between lovers.

I love your writing and you choose the words, but somewhere, sometime there has to be a breakthrough between these two. On the other hand, when they finally do the story will be nearing an end, although with the family issues Ryan has you could mine that vein for some time. (hint, hint)

Remember the old saw "If we didn't love you, we wouldn't criticize" LOL.

pmpktypmpktyalmost 12 years ago

I like this story but I'm agreeing the drama between these two is crazy. I'm to the point of saying please break them up and have them move on, but I know there is a point to the madness so I'm just going with the story until we get there. I do have to ask whats going to happen next because these two can't seem to get it together

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

I usually love your stories, and have loved this one, but I'm kind of disappointed there is so much drama between them, it seems to me that it always about Ryan and Ryan doesn't much care about anything else, so what if she isn't good with relationships, is it any reason to keep treating Brody this way when he disagrees about something, she is incredibly selfish.

tastethejuicetastethejuicealmost 12 years ago

Ah! the joys of working away from home, I did it all my working life cost me two marriage, but they loved spending all the money I made. Keep it going, I love this story so far. Thanks


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