Rich Friend Ch. 01


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Mark chuckles, the tension easing from his shoulders. "Indeed," he agrees, his gaze lingering on me for a beat longer than necessary. "Though, I must admit, I was a little worried when you went radio silent for a while. Everything okay with you, Ruby?"

I shrug, taking a sip of my drink. "Transitioning can be a wild ride," I admit casually. "But hey, I came out on the other side stronger."

A grin splits Mark's face. "That much is clear," he says. His eyes are scanning me with a newfound appreciation.

"Enough about me," I say, deciding to shift the focus back to him. "So, Mr. Moneybag, tell me all about your gold mines and the girls you've been banging."

"This is gonna sound selfish," Mark starts, his voice tinged with nervousness, "but... I need your help with that?"

A playful eyebrow raises on my face. "With what, exactly, Mr. Knight in shining armor? Stealing the Crown Jewels? Because if that's the case, I expect a hefty cut and a fabulous getaway after."

I keep the tone light, the playful banter rolling off my tongue easily. The seriousness of his apology still lingers in the air. But I don't want the mood to dampen. Besides, the hint of need in his voice sends a spark of curiosity through me.

Is he asking for help with his business? Or is there something more personal brewing beneath the surface?

"I'm having problems with girls, you know?" he says.

"Bruh I know I look super hot," I say with a confident wink, "but down there it is still intact. Or have you changed your preferences?"

A laugh explodes from Mark, relief and amusement washing over his face. "Ruby, Ruby, Ruby," he shakes his head, his smile wide. "Always the comedian. No, no preferences have changed." He raises a hand in mock surrender. "Business, it is."

I can't help but grin. "Thank goodness," I tease, leaning back in my chair. "For a second there, I thought I might have to dust off my old lingerie and brush up on my seduction skills."

Mark throws his head back and laughs again, the sound warm and genuine. The playful banter brings a comfortable ease back to the conversation, pushing aside the seriousness of his earlier apology.

"So, spill the tea, Mr. Businessman," I nudged him playfully. "What kind of trouble are you in that requires the expertise of my fabulous, and thankfully straight, best friend?" I flutter my eyelashes and put on a show, just for fun.

"Recently a girl broke up with me. Then she wanted to sue me for money, claiming that I sexually harassed her," he says.

"Why did she break up with you?" I ask.

"She wanted to marry me and I said I wasn't ready, and that's it," he replies. "When she couldn't sue me, she started telling my friends that I'm super bad in bed."

"Now you want me to teach you how to bang girls?" I say teasingly. "Or do you want me to start another rumor that you have a very big fat cock."

"Haha, I wouldn't mind the second option but it's something else. I want you to become my girlfriend," he says casually.

I pretend to be shocked, putting my hand on my chest dramatically. "Girlfriend? Mark," I playfully scold him, shaking my finger, with a smirk on my face. "You can't just say stuff like that out of the blue! I need a drink after hearing that!"

I flag down the waiter, a mischievous glint in my eyes. "Another round for the heartbroken billionaire, and make it strong. This news requires some serious celebrating...or drowning of sorrows. Depending on how you look at it."

After the waiter leaves, I lean back in my chair, looking at him playfully. "So," I say slowly, "trying to make me your girlfriend, huh? Is this your way of getting back at your ex? Because there are better ways to do that, you know."

It's like a friendly tease, but there's something else there too. I'm curious about what Mark's saying. Is he suggesting something more than just a casual thing? We keep joking around, but I wonder if there's a chance for us to be serious.

Mark blushes a little when I look at him. "Revenge? Oh, no, not at all," he says, stumbling over his words and looking at me for a moment longer than usual. "It's just... well, seeing you again, Ruby... you've become this amazing woman, and I can't help but..."

He stops talking for a moment, trying to find the right words. The atmosphere feels different now, like things just got more serious. This reunion is getting interesting, and I'm starting to feel really excited.

"Well, what can't you help, Mark?" I ask softly, leaning a bit closer. My playful tone fades, replaced by real curiosity and a hint of something else.

"Haha, you really fell for it?" He laughs out loud.

I pretend to be upset. "Oh, Mr. Smooth Talker, I thought you were going to change our whole story!" I playfully blink at him, teasing him but also feeling something more. Maybe Mark has changed over the years.

Mark chuckled and looked a bit embarrassed. "Okay, okay, I admit it. I kind of enjoy seeing you a little flustered," he said, his voice getting quieter. "But seriously, about that girlfriend thing... I need you as my girlfriend to keep me away from girls like those."

"So, you're saying you need a pretend girlfriend who's amazing, really strong, and won't mess with your important business stuff?" I raise an eyebrow and smile. "Hmm, that sounds like a very specific job description, Mr. CEO. Being your fake girlfriend wouldn't exactly be a walk in the park. There'd be social events to endure, arms to link, and paparazzi to dodge. A girl needs to be compensated for her time and effort, you know?"

Mark's smile kind of fades when I talk about getting paid. "Um, did I say," he starts, looking a bit embarrassed and scratching his neck, "this job doesn't come with money? Think of it more like helping out a friend?"

He said "free," and I couldn't help but laugh. "Free? Mark, sweetie, being your date is like a full-time job. Imagine the struggles of fitting into those fancy dresses and pretending to be in love with a rich guy who can't even buy dinner?"

"You're so mean, Mark. I was imagining going to fancy islands and shopping in Milan. Now my dreams of being a billionaire's wife are ruined." I pretend to sigh dramatically.

Mark looked nervous, his eyes moving from my eyes to my lips. The fun atmosphere changed, and now there was something more between us. It wasn't just about the plan anymore. And who knows what might happen next with this pretend girlfriend idea?

Mark laughed, looking a bit relieved. "Okay, okay," he said, putting his hands up like he was giving up. "I was trying to be cheap, but let's just say I'll pay you really well. And I'll buy you lots of nice clothes and jewelry as a bonus. You know, for your 'work wardrobe'." He winked, trying to be playful again.

"Ah, that's more like it," I purred, leaning back in my chair with a satisfied smile. "A girl can't resist a little retail therapy, especially when it comes with a designer price tag." There was a truth to my words, but it was also clear I was enjoying the playful negotiation.

"I'm not a billionaire but I can afford an expensive girlfriend," he says teasingly. "And I do have a big fat cock."

"What," I said with a playful look, "what does being an 'expensive girlfriend' even mean? Are we going to fancy parties or sneaking into rich people's events? Because if I'm pretending to be your girlfriend, it has to be exciting, Mark."

The teasing talk felt like there was something deeper behind it. I liked the idea of hanging out with Mark again, even if it wasn't exactly honest. Maybe we could make our fake relationship into something real, something more than just fancy clothes and business stuff. The idea felt exciting, like drinking champagne and not knowing what's going to happen next.

"It'll be fun like we used to, I promise," he replies.

A mischievous glint still dances in my eyes as I counter him. "Fun like old times, huh, Mark?" I tease, leaning in a touch closer. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Remember that time we accidentally set off the fire alarm at the arcade trying to win that giant stuffed panda? Or the epic water balloon fight that flooded your basement? Those were fun disasters, but this whole fake-girlfriend thing? It needs a little more...finesse, wouldn't you say? And what do you think your big fat cock will do in this arrangement? We never had fun with your enormous cock as far as I can remember. Or you were always into me just never admitting yourself, huh?"

Mark runs a hand through his hair, a sheepish grin tugging at his lips. "Alright, alright, you got me there. Finesse might be a good word for it. No more fire alarms or flooded basements, I promise but no promises with my big fat cock." A playful seriousness enters his voice. "But seriously, Ruby, you wouldn't believe the galas and charity events I have to attend. It's enough to make a grown man want to crawl under a rock. Having you by my side, even if it's pretend, well, that might make it a little more bearable. Plus no gold digger will try to get into my pants anymore. What do you say?"

I can't help but feel a flutter of warmth in my chest. Maybe there was more to this proposition than just business. "So, public displays of affection, huh?" I say, arching an eyebrow playfully. "Can Mr. Billionaire. I mean, can Mr. Rich Businessman manage a convincing public smooch? Because let me tell you, Mark, if this is just about saving face at some society soiree, my standards are high."

A confident smirk spreads across Mark's face. "Rich businessman, huh? I like the sound of that. And as for a public kiss," he leans closer, his voice dropping to a husky murmur, "trust me, Ruby. Just because the relationship is fake doesn't mean it can't be memorable." His gaze flickers to my lips for a beat, sending a shiver down my spine.

The atmosphere feels really tense, like something's about to happen. Our joking around suddenly feels more serious. Could pretending to be in a relationship actually turn into something real? And deep down, am I hoping it does, especially with Mark, the rich guy who still thinks I'm amazing?

A slow smile spreads across my face, meeting his gaze with a playful challenge. "Memorable for me or you, Mark?" I counter, my voice a low purr.

"That depends entirely on your kissing skills, wouldn't you say? After all, a fake girlfriend also needs to perform a convincing performance, right down to the last detail," he replies.

Is this just a business proposition, or is there a flicker of genuine interest in his eyes?

"I'm very good at kissing," I tease. "But the main question is are you?"

"Consider it a job interview then," he replies, his voice husky. "I'm confident I can exceed your expectations in all areas, both professional and..." he trails off, letting the implication hang in the air.

I lean in a touch closer, my lips hovering a tantalizing inch from his. "Well, Mr. Businessman," I murmur, my voice laced with amusement, "show me what you've got."

Mark leans in too, his eyes locked on mine. Then, time seems to slow. The kiss is hesitant at first, a brush of lips that sends a jolt through me. But then, something shifts. Mark's hand finds mine, his touch sending a spark igniting in my palm. The kiss deepens, a slow exploration that leaves me breathless.

Finally, I pull away, needing air. I'm slightly dazed, a flush creeping up my neck. A playful smile curls my lips.

"Not bad, Mr. Businessman," I tease, my voice husky. "But for a fake girlfriend, I expect top-notch performance in all areas."

Mark stares at me for a moment, a mixture of surprise and something else flickering in his gaze. A slow smile spreads across his face.

"Challenge accepted," he murmurs, his voice a low rumble. "Consider your 'training' just begun, Ms. Expensive Girlfriend."

Things have gotten interesting tonight. What started as a joke with Mark has turned into something real. I'm feeling excited and can't wait for what's next. This pretend relationship might actually become something really cool, mixing work and chemistry. And honestly, I'm totally okay with that.

"Wow, daunting. You prefer your girls' call you daddy?" I tease.

Mark laughs suddenly, and it makes the mood lighter. "Hey, Ruby," he says with a smile, shaking his head a little. "Let's not go there with the 'daddy' stuff, okay? Remember, this is just business." He sounds playful, but there's something else in his eyes, like he finds it funny and maybe even a bit of relief.

I arch an eyebrow, a playful smirk gracing my lips. "Business arrangement, huh? Seems like things got a little more...personal during our little training session, wouldn't you say, Mr. Businessman?"

Mark lets out a soft chuckle. "Alright, alright," he concedes, raising his hands in mock surrender. "Maybe a kiss wasn't part of the official job description, but," he leans in closer, his voice dropping to a husky murmur, "let's just say it changed the terms of the negotiation somewhat."

His words send a shiver down my spine. This playful banter is taking a decidedly flirtatious turn, and I can't help but be drawn in. "So, what are the new terms, Mr. Maybe-Not-So-Businessman?" I ask, my voice a low purr.

Mark looks at my lips for a moment, then back at my eyes. He still looks playful, but now there's something more, like he's really interested. "Let's just say," he says, his voice low and kind of deep, "I'm willing to pay a premium for a girlfriend who can negotiate a raise with a kiss."

This fake relationship might have started with a silly proposition, but the kiss has changed everything. The question is, are we both willing to blur the lines for a chance at something real? We do care for each other. The affection is real and I know the man's desire. Mark wants me no doubt in there. But will he be able to explore it all? If I had a pussy then I wouldn't mind at all but this is not the case here.

We stop joking around and just look at each other. I can still feel the kiss we shared, like it just happened. It wasn't fake this time. It was real and exciting, and we both felt it.

Mark touches my cheek softly with his thumb. It feels like a little electric shock, making me shiver. "Maybe we need more practice for this," he whispers, sounding really into it.

He really means it, and he keeps looking at my lips. It's not just about pretending anymore. It's about something true, something that's been there all along and comes out with that kiss.

A slow smile spreads across my face. "Alright, Mr. Businessman," I reply. "But this time," I lean in closer, "consider it a bonus for exceeding expectations."

Mark closes the remaining distance between us, my lips meeting in another kiss, this one slow and deep, filled with the promise of something more. Our hands find each other, his grip sending a jolt through me.

As I step back, feeling out of breath and a bit dizzy, I look at him. There's a question in the air: what happens next? Pretending to be his girlfriend got things started, but that kiss made things more exciting. Are we both okay with seeing where this goes? It's still early in the night, and anything could happen.

"How about we cool things down with a breath of fresh air...before things get any hotter," I suggest.

A slow smile spreads across Mark's face, mirroring the playful glint in my eyes. The heat of the kiss still lingers between us, a tangible reminder of the unexpected turn of events.

"Good call," he admits. "Maybe a little fresh air is exactly what we cool our jets, so to speak."

He extends a hand to me, his touch sending a familiar spark through me. "Lead the way, Ms. Expensive Girlfriend," he says, a playful challenge in his eyes. "Though, considering the current state of our negotiations, perhaps I should call you something else?"

I take his hand, letting him pull me to my feet. "Let's just say," I reply, leaning in conspiratorially, "the terms of the contract are still under negotiation, Mr. Maybe-Not-So-Businessman."

I feel a shiver as I walk outside, the night air cool and refreshing after being with Mark. The city lights sparkle far away, making me think about how my night turned out differently than I expected.

"So," I say, taking a deep breath of fresh air, "tell me, Mr. Not-So-Businessman, what kind of adventures does this 'expensive girlfriend' get to experience?"

"Night is young, firefly. Plenty of time to cool down before the sun comes up," he says.

With a wink and a playful pull on his arm, I take Mark away from the restaurant and into the busy city at night.

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

I enjoyed it, and look forward to a part 2 please.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Please continue this story. It’s perfect and hit the notes of a personal fantasy of mine brilliantly. I can’t wait for more..

Charlene99Charlene99about 2 months ago

Yes great buildup and I see so much more to come. Love it.

robert63robert63about 2 months ago

very nice story can't for next part to come

amenarimixamenarimixabout 2 months agoAuthor

Rustygh, thank you very much. Now I can write more. You gave a perspective that I didn't even think it could be enjoyed.

RustyghRustyghabout 2 months ago

It's a story worth continuing. It got my interest stimulated for sure. Oh to be young, handsome and rich instead of older and more experienced ; as the former almost always takes the prize. I for one would treasure gaining a new experience. Keep writing sweet one. Even one gained vicariously is to be treasured. And I surely will !

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Sounds wonderful, cannot wait for the next part x

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Love the build up of this story, looking forward to seeing where it goes next. Thank you!

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