Riding Out the Hurricane Ch. 03

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Emma discovers her bras don't fit and Jason likes it.
4.6k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 05/24/2024
Created 03/27/2024
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Emma's breasts overflow the cups of her bra as she tries to pull the clasps together behind her back.

This is weird, she thinks to herself. Bras don't shrink, and this one was fitting fine until recently.

Now that she takes a moment to look at herself in the mirror, it does look like her boobs may be a bit bigger. As far as she knows, she has not gained any weight. She notes that her stomach still looks nice and flat. Why would her breasts suddenly grow enough to make her bra fit this poorly?

There is no time to dwell on this, though. Emma is running late. She would normally have needed to have left by now to be on time. Luckily, Jason's apartment is much closer to her office than her beach condo, so she still has time to stop for a cup of coffee on her way, but she will need to leave as soon as possible. This shortened commute is one of the many perks she has enjoyed since she started staying at Jason's place.

As it turns out, the hurricane brought with it an unexpectedly bad storm surge, and her apartment ended up with 2 feet of water in it. Repairs are going to take weeks to complete, and most of her furniture is completely ruined. Luckily, Jason was more than willing to let Emma stay with him, and the past few days they have been getting to know each other intimately. They have both been pleasantly surprised to find that their compatibility extended beyond easy conversation and a single night of sexual exploration.

Emma hurriedly finished getting dressed in her black pencil skirt and white blouse. The buttons are pulled tight across her chest, creating an opening where the fabric is being strained. Noticing this, Emma sighs. This is going to be a problem, she thinks. She will need to buy some new clothes.

Rushing out of the bathroom, Emma nearly collides with Jason, who had just gotten out of bed and was heading into the bathroom to start getting ready to work himself.

"Oh! Sorry!" she says, bracing herself against him by putting her hand on Jason's shoulder.

"It's okay," he replies, "I was still half asleep." He chuckles.

"I've got to go. I'm going to be late."

"Okay," he replies before leaning in to give her a kiss.

They embrace each other and share a lingering kiss. Emma stands on her toes so that she can better meet his lips and enjoy the intoxicating sensation.

After a moment, they pull apart, both smiling. Just as Emma moves to pull away, she pauses.

"Oh," she says, looking down.

Jason's semi-hard member, hanging down nearly to his knee, is pressing against her through his underwear.

"Morning wood, I guess." Jason chuckles. "Although that kiss may have made it worse."

"I'll have to take care of that later," says Emma. Her open hand grazes his shaft momentarily.

"About that," Jason starts, sounding serious, "I think we need to talk about those pills."


"Yeah. With just taking a couple of them the past few days, I've gotten really big, and I'm concerned it will be permanent. I think we should take a break from using them."

"Hmmm," Emma replies initially, looking away, but then looking Jason in the eyes, she continues, "Let's talk about it later. Okay?"

"Okay." Jason smiles.

Emma gives Jason another kiss, this time just a quick peck. Then she rushes toward the entrance, quickly puts on her heels, and heads out the door.

Outside, the sun is slowly emerging from below the horizon. Light burst through the gaps between trees and buildings and streaks across the clear blue sky.

As Emma pulls her tiny hatchback out onto the boulevard, she notes that despite the weather being beautiful now, there are numerous branches and other debris still scattered around from the storm. A hurricane has the power to create dramatic change where it makes landfall, and while the debris will eventually be all cleaned up, she hopes the change that it has brought in her relationship with Jason will be long-lasting.

It has been a long time since she has felt this girlish obsession with a new boyfriend. She knows that she has a deep physical attraction to Jason. After all, he is very handsome and has a great body to boot. But, more importantly, he is a kind and thoughtful person.

"He is perfect," she says aloud to herself as she drives.

Emma feels a bit guilty, though. The past few days, she has discovered a deep primal desire within herself; a type of wanton passion that was unlocked by being in the presence of Jason's improbably large penis. The burning flames of her desire have been further fueled by the effects of those "dick pills" that were serendipitously misdelivered to Jason's apartment.

In her lustful state, she has several times now begged Jason to take another pill so that she can see him grow bigger and bigger. With every pill he has taken, the effect is the same, and a few hours later, his cock grows angry and hard. It gets a little longer and thicker each time, and this growth drives Emma wild. Her head goes foggy with desire, and she can't help but lose herself in her attempts to stimulate his massive cock. But she realizes now that she has not been considerate of how Jason feels.

Last night, she measured Jason at 19 inches long at his full hardness, mere minutes before he would yet again erupt with more cum than most men would produce in a year.

Jason was already struggling in his sex life due to having a 14 inch cock, and now Emma had made him grow even bigger. If the effect of these pills is permanent, she may have already doomed him to a life of never being able to have penetrative sex with a woman.

"Shit." Emma realizes that in her absentminded state that she just drove by the coffee shop in which she intended to stop at.

She will just have to take responsibility for what she has done, she thinks. If it's permanent, she is willing to do anything to service Jason sexually, and if he doesn't want to take those pills, she will respect that and not pressure him to do so again.


After work, Emma decides she is going to stop by a department store to pick up a couple of work tops and maybe a new bra. She tried calling Jason at his workplace, but he was already gone, and she couldn't reach him at his apartment yet. She figured he must still be on the road, but it wouldn't take too long to do some shopping, so she'll just see him when he gets home.

As she walks into the department store, she just so happens to choose the entrance that leads directly into the undergarment section.

Well, I guess I'll just get this over with, she says to herself. Getting measured for a bra is always a bit awkward, but very necessary when you are as well-endowed as Emma.

In her younger years, Emma was like most people in that she didn't fully understand bra sizing and assumed that just because she didn't see bras bigger than DD, they must be as big as anybody needs. She was shocked the first time she got measured and was told that her correct bra size was a 30G, not the 34DD she had been buying. More recently, she had gone up to wearing size 30H bras, but based on her overflowing cups, she suspected she needed to go up another cup size.

After Emma flags down an employee, another employee is called over who could do the measuring. This employee is a tall, dark-haired woman who speaks with a hint of an eastern European accent. She doesn't introduce herself, but she leads Emma to a changing room so that she can measure her.

After Emma removes her blouse, she reminds herself that this woman is a professional and there is no need to feel bashful, and she continues by then removing her bra.

"You have very nice breasts," the woman states firmly.

Emma chuckles. "Thank you." She had not expected a comment like that, but the matter-of-fact way in which she said it was amusing to Emma.

The woman quickly measures Emma's underbust with her tape measure before moving on to take a couple measurements of her bust.

"We will have to do a special order."

"I'm sorry, what?" Emma replies.

"We do not carry your size in store, but we will order it for you," the woman says, giving a slight smile.

"Oh, I see," Emma says, her voice trailing off. "What size am I?"


Emma's eyes widen with surprise. That is two cup sizes bigger than she had been wearing, she thinks to herself.

After getting dressed, the woman escorts Emma to a checkout desk and shows her a catalog. Emma finds a few bra styles similar to what she normally wears, and the woman takes note of them on an order sheet before handing Emma the carbon copy.

"We will have them in a week. Come back then to try them on. You don't have to pay in advance."

"Okay, thank you!" says Emma before heading off to the clothing department.

I can't believe it, Emma thinks. Her 30H bras seemed to be fitting pretty well a week ago; how could she be 2 cup sizes bigger in that short period of time?

Emma quickly finds a few tops to try on, and after visiting the changing room, she narrows it down to a couple of blouses that have ample room on her chest. She may not be leaving with any new bras, but at least tomorrow she won't have to slouch for fear of busting a button on her shirt.


The moment Emma throws open the door to Jason's apartment, she is greeted by the enticing aromas of onion, garlic, and various herbs being cooked on the stove.

"Honeyyy! I'm home!" Emma announces herself.

"Perfect timing, Ricky Ricardo. Dinner is almost ready!" Jason calls out from the kitchen.

"Hey, if I'm anybody, I'm Lucy. You're Ricky." Emma says, poking her head around the corner.

Jason laughs. He has just finished grilling some chicken breasts in a pan and is plating them with a creamy risotto.

"Wow! That smells amazing!" The scent of Jason's cooking makes Emma realize how hungry she is. Coincidentally, she had a big appetite earlier and ended up having a big lunch to satiate her hunger, but even after that big meal, she finds that she is yet again very hungry.

"Thank you. I only know how to make a few things, and this one is my favorite." Jason replies, smiling, as he picks up the two dishes. "I figured you would be home a while ago," he says as he walks over to the dining room table.

"Sorry, I had to do some shopping. Would you believe that none of my bras fit right now?" says Emma as she starts undoing the top buttons of her too-tight shirt. "Mmmm, that feels better." She is thrusting her chest forward to stretch her sore shoulder muscles.

"Hmmm." Jason glances at Emma's impressive display of cleavage while she stretches. He had been thinking that her breasts looked a bit bigger, but figured it was his imagination.

"This looks great. What's the occasion?" Emma takes her seat at the table, and Jason follows suit.

"No reason in particular," Jason replies. "We've been mostly eating junk food since the storm, so I wanted to make a proper meal for us."

"Awww, thank you, Jason," Emma says, beaming. "You know, this is kind of like our first real date."

Jason laughs. "I suppose it is. I promise I'll take you out sometime soon."

"No, this is perfect. I like staying in with you." Emma takes her first bite of Jason's dish. "Mmmm, that is delicious! I've been super hungry today for some reason. This is going to hit the spot."

"I'm glad you like it." Jason begins to eat as well.

They eat in silence for a moment, both savoring the food and each other's company.

"Oh, I nearly forgot. Would you like some wine?" Jason asks suddenly.


Jason dashes off to the kitchen and returns with a bottle of port and two wine glasses. He quickly uncorks the bottle and pours them each a glass before returning to his seat.

"Cheers," says Jason, holding his glass out toward Emma.

"Cheers!" Emma brings her glass to meet Jason's with a sharp clink.

They both take a drink, but Emma keeps her glass to her mouth for a bit longer. Jason is amused when he sees that she has thrown back half her glass in one go. He considers teasing her about her rapid consumption, but Emma speaks first.

"Can you believe that they had to special order my bras?"

"What?" Jason was confused.

"Oh, I forgot to mention that part. Not only do my bras not fit, but when I went to get a bigger size, they didn't even carry it in the store."

Jason chuckles. "Well, you are pretty busty. That is still surprising, though."

"Yeah," Emma says, shaking her head. "I guess it's a proportional thing. You don't often see boobs this big on girls this small."

"I'm not complaining." Jason is unapologetically staring at Emma's chest now. Her breasts really were quite big for her slim build. Some may think her chest is disproportionally large for her body, but Jason has always been a fan of big breasts, and he loves Emma's proportions.

Jason's trance is broken when he realizes Emma is looking at him with a more serious expression than she wore a moment ago. "I've been thinking about what you said earlier," she says.

Jason tilts his head, unsure what Emma is referring to specifically, but Emma continues.

"I've been really inconsiderate about your feelings. I put pressure on you to use those pills because of how exciting it is for me, but it is not fair to you, and I'm sorry."

"Oh," Jason replies with mild surprise.

Emma continues unprovoked, "It's just really crazy hot, you know? Like, I never knew something could make me act so irrationally, but it just... does." Emma concludes with a sigh, followed by an apologetic smile.

Jason is dumbfounded but manages to speak after a moment, "Emma, you don't have to be sorry. We've been having fun, and I don't feel like I have done anything that I didn't want to do. I just want to take a little break to see if this is permanent."

"Yes, absolutely. Whatever you want to do. Let's put the pills away for a bit and see if you go back to normal. I just feel bad that I wasn't considering how this affects you."

"It's okay, really, I promise." Jason smiles, and holds his hand out across the table.

Emma grasps Jason's hand and squeezes it gently before finally letting the serious look fade from her face.

"We will take a break from them, and..." Jason pauses for a moment. "Now that I know how much you enjoy the effects, if the growth does reverse, we can definitely have fun with those pills again. I had no idea you were so into it."

Emma laughs, "Well, it's not something I knew about myself either. Your huge cock is already a turn-on, but something about it growing even bigger..." She trails off.

"You really like it?" Jason asks.

"Yes. It's like some primal desire is awakening within me. Something about your massive cock getting bigger and knowing that it's all mine just makes me lose control."


"Yeah." Emma feels her cheeks burning, and she releases Jason's hand so that she may reach for her wine glass. Maybe finishing this glass of wine will wash away her embarrassment, she thinks.

"I'm glad," Jason says. "I've been self-conscious for a long time. It's such a relief to know that you actually like this aspect of who I am."

"Well," Emma hesitates when she feels herself blushing even more with every word. "I like lots of things about you." She pauses again before continuing, "And that includes your big, beautiful cock."

Jason reaches his hand out so that they can hold each other's hands again.

"I like you too." He smiles.

Emma smiles back. "Also, I wanted to assure you that no matter how big you are, I am willing to take care of you."


"Yes. It's all I want."

The stare at each other lovingly.

"I feel silly asking this, considering we've been playing house for this past week, but just to make it official, do you want to be my girlfriend?"

Emma giggles, and then, while squeezing Jason's hand tightly, she says, "Yes. Of course, I will be your girlfriend."


The bathroom is filled with the soft roar of hot water being expelled from the shower head. Jason has already stripped off his clothes, and he quickly pulls back the curtain and hops into the stream of water. He immediately revels in the delightful sensation of the water running over his body.

"Is it warm already?" Emma's voice drifts to him from beyond the shower curtain.

"Yeah." He replies. "The water gets hot pretty fast."

The curtain is pulled back, and Emma joins Jason in the shower. Jason moves back to allow her to enjoy the stream of water in the cramped space.

"Ooh, that's so nice," she says. Jason suggested they take a shower after cleaning up the kitchen. Normally Emma only showers in the morning, but getting nice and clean sounded like a great way to have a relaxing evening.

"Want me to wash your back?" Jason asks, a bar of soap in his hand.

"Sure." Emma turns her back toward him, and he quickly starts rubbing her down with his sudsy hands.

After a minute of enjoying the feeling of Jason massaging her back, Emma is surprised when she feels Jason's hands creep around her rib cage. Moving his body closer to hers, he reaches around and gently grabs a handful of her voluptuous tits in each hand.

"Mmmm," Emma moans gently as Jason's fingers caress her nipples. His strong hands are exploring every bit of her big, soft breasts.

"Does that feel good?" Jason is getting aroused by Emma's huge, soapy tits sliding around under his grip. They really have gotten bigger, haven't they? He thinks to himself.

"Yesss," Emma replies. She pushes her butt back towards him and feels the tree trunk-like thickness of his soft member pushing back. His cock was still hanging straight down but was starting to lengthen and harden. To Emma, it felt like a thick pole resting between her cheeks.

Emma reaches back between her legs and grasps his member with both hands, then pulls it out in front of her. She can hardly begin to reach her fingers around its absurd girth, but this has never stopped her before. She squeezed the base between her thighs, forcing blood down its length and causing it to grow more erect. With her hands, she begins gently caressing its length, using the soap and water running off of her to provide some lubrication.

Jason groans in response to the feeling of Emma's hands and thighs wrapped around his cock. While still squeezing and caressing her big breasts, he pushes his hips forward. She can feel the steadily thickening shaft rubbing against her pussy and it triggers her to involuntarily grind against him.

The stimulation to her nipples and the feeling of Jason's cock are fueling Emma's arousal, and soon, the familiar feeling of a pending orgasm starts to radiate through her lower body.

Meanwhile, with every passing moment, Jason's manhood grows longer and thicker. Soon, as it approaches fully erect, it threatens to lift Emma off her feet. She finds that she is having to stand on her toes to keep herself from putting her whole weight on the massive shaft protruding through her thighs.

Emma continues grinding herself on Jason's turgid cock-shaft, leaning forward to better stimulate her clit. She can feel the orgasm building more and more with every jerky movement her hips make.

She tries to speak but only manages to weakly whisper, "I'm going to..." before the sensation overwhelms her and the first spiking wave of pleasure jolts through her body. "Ahhhh!" she cries out in ecstasy.

As the following waves of pleasure run through her, she can't help but clamp her legs together on Jason's massive member. Then, driven wild with pleasure, she begins madly stroking the tip with her hands.

To her surprise, a jet of cum rockets out of Jason's cock, plastering the wall of the shower with thick, sticky liquid.

Jason groans, his hips buck behind her, and several more loads erupt from his cock. With her back turned to him, she had not realized how close he was getting to orgasm. Her orgasm and consequent vigorous stroking had pushed him over the edge.