Riding the Wolf Ch. 03


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No one moved until the man who was on the phone broke the silence.

"I'll call you back."

The phone clicked as it sat on the receiver, and that was the signal for the other men to go back to their various distractions. When the redhead stood, he was enormous. Hunter was well muscled and fit, but this guy looked like he spent most of his time lifting weights. Rosita had been surprised when she heard his voice. She'd expected it to be deep, rough, but his voice was soft, almost feminine. It made her pay more attention to his words, and put her at ease, even though she wasn't happy about what he had to say.

"So, this is the girl I'm going to be accepting into my pack, hmm?"

Hunter growled softly. He supposed it was a good thing that the Alpha hadn't simply declared his intentions to kill Rosita, but he didn't want her forced into the tight knit werewolf society, where her blossoming individuality would be absorbed by the pack. It was his experience with werewolves that the close family structure of the pack made all of the wolves very similar to each other. Oh, they had different interests, different ways of handling situations, but on a very basic level, they were all the same. It had to be that way. The wolves were ruled by their Alpha, and any discord among them caused serious rifts. They all eventually came to his way of thinking, and if they disagreed, it was always done with deference to his commands. Some days Hunter felt it would be comforting, to be surrounded by such a supportive and understanding group. But most often he thought it would be stifling. He wasn't sure if Rosita, who had never had a real, close family, with the exception of her grandmother, would want this life. But he was damn sure he was going to make sure it was herchoice if she did.

The Alpha laughed softly as he faced them off, taking in Hunter's defensive posture, and Rosita's determined stance. She looked like she desperately wanted to flee, but was forcing herself to be still. He admired that. The red poncho was just too much, Little Red Riding Hood, come to do battle. He let it go.

"So, the rogue is dead then?"

Hunter was briefly caught off guard by the change in topic. He had to take two deep breaths to clear the growl in his throat before answering.

"Silver knife to the heart. He's in the trunk."

The Alpha's lips stretched into a smile, tiny dimples appearing, making him seem boyish and approachable. Rosita wanted to laugh, and was horrified as her own lips began twitching. This man, who seemed so nice and unassuming, was going to turn her into a monster once a month. Then he was going to assert himself as her Alpha, a master who she would have to obey in all things. The tight knot of nervousness in her stomach was threatening to bubble over into her throat. She fought to keep it down, clamping her jaw tightly, but it didn't work. The nervous laughter tumbled from her lips in short little bursts. The men all stared at her strangely. She just shook her head, unable to verbalize her emotions. When she felt Hunter's hand reach out and take hers, she clasped his fingers tightly and leaned into his shoulder. They would get through this.

The Alpha gestured for them to follow him, and led to another room adjacent to the lounge area. It also had wood panels and comfy looking leather, as well as a huge desk set against a picture window with a view of the woods. The room was painted a pale blue, however, and felt relaxed and welcoming. Without waiting for any instructions, Rosita practically stumbled to a chair and sank gratefully into the seat. She was terrified that her knees wouldn't hold her any longer if they began talking about her becoming a wolf again.

Hunter didn't sit. Instead, he stood protectively over her chair, one arm on the cushion, the other on her shoulder. The Alpha sat behind the desk, his reassuringly boyish smile prompting another smothered giggle from Rosita. He quirked a brow at her before speaking to Hunter.

"So, now that you have killed the rogue, I suppose the only issues left are the human bystanders and the second half of your payment. You do realize that there are penalties involved because of the indiscretion, yes?"

Indiscretion. Rosita wanted to giggle again. She was a bystander and an indiscretion. And here she thought she and Hunter had been very discrete.

"I am willing to forgo the second installment in exchange for full control in handling the oversight."

The Alpha now looked like he was the one who couldn't control an errant giggle.

"Oh really? You think I should just let you take responsibility for the safety of my pack in this matter? I've never met a tiger with such aspirations. Ballsy, man, just ballsy!"

Rosita heard the ripping of leather behind her head. She glanced at her shoulder and saw that Hunter had grown claws. The one on her was simply balled in a fist. She reached up to take his hand and gently stroked it with her thumb. Fighting the Alpha in his den was a bad idea. She had to keep him calm.


Her whispered plea seemed to calm him, as did her hand on his. The claws shifted back to fingers, but she noticed his eyes remained slits.


The Alpha's voice startled her, and she returned her gaze to him.

"How long have you been fucking her, hunter?"

That did it. Rosita didn't even have a moment to blink. Hunter was sailing through the air as he lunged at the Alpha, smashing through the window and onto the grass. His borrowed clothes ripped to shreds as he shifted into a full tiger, not weretiger, and began clawing and ripping at the werewolf. The Alpha had shifted almost as quickly, and was using his claws to try and untangle the ferocious cat. It was obvious that the Alpha wasn't used to fighting a tiger. It was a stroke of genius on Hunter's part. A were tiger wasn't much different from a werewolf, except for the stripes and whiskers. A tiger, however bore almost no resemblance to a wolf in fighting styles. Wolves fought with their teeth, and werewolves fought with teeth and clawed fists. The tiger was a mass of twisting, wiggling fur, the jaws and claws locking onto flesh while the hind quarters tried to slash the unprotected underbelly. At first, Rosita thought it was no contest. Then she noticed something she should have seen before. The werewolf was bigger.

Normal tigers were ten feet long in body and 650 lbs or more. As a man, Hunter was probably closer to 250. He was tall, so it didn't make him overly muscled. The Alpha was probably three inches shorter than Hunter, but he outweighed him by at least 50 lbs. When they shifted, they conserved mass, making the Alpha a burly werewolf and Hunter a very tiny tiger. Hunter was fast, and inflicting serious damage. Every time the werewolf grabbed him, he'd slip away and dash back for another stealthy attack. But his speed wasn't enough. The Alpha caught his tale and gave a vicious yank. Hunter yowled in pain and the werewolf was able to grab him from behind and get the tiger in a lock under the arms and behind his head. Hunter tried to wiggle free, but the Alpha held him to the ground, pinning him tightly. Neither man could move, but that didn't matter much to the Alpha. He wasn't alone. Rosita saw the rest of the pack closing in. She didn't know what they would do to Hunter, but she did know what they planned for her. It was the moment she had been waiting for. Decision time.

Without thinking beyond the desired result, Rosita rushed forward and threw her arms around the Alpha's neck. She wasn't trying to choke him, just get his attention. Trying to fight the monster of a man with her tiny 5'2" 114 lbs would have been pointless.

"Let him go, please! I'll do whatever you want, just stop!"

Both men stilled. The tiger let out a whine. Then his eyes focused on the rest of the pack who had circled the two fighters and some of the fight left his body. She hated to see the look of defeat creep into his gaze.

Hunter knew it was over. If Rosita hadn't thrown herself into the fight, it might have taken him longer, but his futile struggles in the Alpha's grip were draining him. When he saw the twenty odd werewolves that had formed a circle around the fight, there was nothing left to do but submit. He just couldn't, though. He couldn't force his body to relax. The best he was able to do was shift into his weakest form, but his human body remained tense, hands fisted, teeth grit, with slitted pupils that refused to turn round. When the Alpha released him, he slumped to the ground, crouching, ready to spring, but with his eyes focused on the torn up grass beneath his feet. All he could hear was the panting breath of his opponent, until a soft shuffle caught his attention. Rosita's feet crept into his vision. Hunter's hands were so tight he could feel his nails breaking the skin.

"I'm so sorry, Rosita."

She didn't acknowledge his apology. Instead, she dropped to her knees in front of him and wrapped her arms around his tense shoulders. She could feel his anger, it was making him shake. The soft hair tickling his face as she lay her head against him, the sweet smell of homemade soap, it was too much, and he sagged against her. As Hunter relaxed in her arms, his own wrapping around her waist, she realized the extent of his defeat. If this fight had been fair, Hunter might have actually won. It would have been close, but eventually the Alpha wouldn't have been able to keep holding him. Then it would have been a matter of who recovered the fastest. But with the pack in the wings, and Rosita constantly threatened by their presence, he knew they wouldn't have survived if he'd bested the Alpha. The only way the wolf would have given up was with his last breath, and the pack wouldn't have suffered the loss well.

The Alpha changed back into a man and watched as the girl comforted the bounty hunter. He was sure that the girl had saved one of their lives. If the Alpha was honest, he wasn't entirely sure if it was his or the tiger's. The fight had been brutal, and with more time, and fair odds, could have gone either way. He didn't like using his pack to win his battles, he much preferred to shoulder the responsibility on his own. But his Betas knew that the safety of the pack was paramount, and losing to an outsider, and a cat at that, would have been disastrous. He nodded to Jack, the beta who had brought them to the den, assuring the nervous man that he'd done the right thing. Now, if only he could figure out what the right thing was now.

Standing a few feet from the defeated couple, the Alpha decided it was time to get more information, and he knew the bounty hunter would interfere.

"Girl, I think it's time you and I had a little chat. Hunter, if you value her life, you will remain here. I promise you, no harm will come to her. I just want to talk, understand?"

Hunter hugged Rosita tightly before releasing her with a brief nod. She stood, holding her head high as she followed the Alpha inside. Briefly, she looked back at Hunter, who hadn't moved, except to follow her with his blue cats eyes. The Alpha led them into a small library. He sat in one overstuffed chair and motioned for her to do the same. After an excruciating minute of silence, he finally spoke.

"Do you know why we insist on turning or killing any human who discovers us?"

Rosita shook her head, so the Alpha continued.

"Humans, and all sentient beings for that matter, are generally afraid of the unknown. But the benefit of not knowing is that you can't do anything about it. You have to trust that things will work out, because you're powerless against something you don't understand. When humans meet us, we're monsters from that unknown, suddenly come to life. You will spend the rest of your years looking over your shoulder and carrying silver bullets in your pocket. You will make assumptions that are wrong, and dangerous to my pack, if you ever feel threatened again. You will expose us, eventually, because of your fears. Or you'll end up paranoid delusional, imagining that every unknown fear you have had is real. You may think that you can handle it. I know your grandmother saw the rogue wolf also. She is old and nearing the end of her years. We aren't concerned about her revealing us. No one would believe her anyhow, it would likely be seen as a result of her condition. You, however, have many, many years in which to make a mistake. I'm more than willing to sacrifice your life to keep my pack safe. So that leaves you with the choice of joining us, or death. It would be so sad for your grandmother to lose you at such a critical time in her life."

Rosita stared blankly at the Alpha. He'd neatly stripped away any argument she could make, and then left her feeling guilty about her grandmother. At least he hadn't insisted they change her too. Rosita still had one ace up her sleeve, however, and decided this was the time to pull it.

"Sir, may I ask you something?"

The Alpha nodded, so she continued.

"Hunter isn't part of your pack, but he doesn't pose a threat to you, does he?"

The Alpha chuckled. He supposed that depended on how you defined 'threat.' He chose his words carefully.

"He is not a threat to exposing my pack, no. Exposing us would expose him. He's part of our world, just not part of our pack."

Rosita nodded. Time to play her cards.

"I will not join your pack. I will not submit to your authority. I will keep my independence."

The Alpha frowned.

"I don't suffer rogue wolves, they're too dangerous."

Rosita cut him off.

"I have no intentions of becoming a werewolf."

It took a few seconds for the Alpha to respond. He rolled their conversation around in his mind until it clicked. Understanding filled his expression, and he grinned.

"You are a feisty little thing. But just to be sure I understand you, I want you to lay it out for me."

Rosita took a deep breath.

"I want Hunter to change me into a weretiger. I don't want to join your pack."

The Alpha nearly laughed. Hunter? The bounty hunter's name was Hunter?

"I want to be sure of two things before I agree. First, I want to make sure you aren't refusing to join my pack because you have a prejudice against werewolves as a result of the rogue's... attack."

Rosita shook her head. She didn't even pause. He was satisfied that she was telling the truth.

"Second, if Hunter refuses, you must choose the pack or death. I want to know which one it will be, now, before you speak to your man."

Her man. Rosita got tingles at the thought. She hadn't intended to be possessive of him. She figured this would only be a fling anyhow. Their emotions for one another were based greatly on a shared trauma, and weren't likely to last. Still...

"I will join the pack. You are right, I'm not ready to leave my grandmother just yet. I would ask you not to tell Hunter of this decision, though. I don't want it to sway his."

The Alpha clapped his hands and grinned gleefully.

"Excellent! Now that that is all settled, let's go ask Tiny, shall we!"

Rosita shook her head and followed the Alpha. Hunter was still kneeling in the grass when they returned to the yard. When he saw the look of triumph on the Alpha's face, his whole body seemed to deflate. He'd liked Rosita. He really had. She was special. And now she would become a member of the pack, and her uniqueness would be absorbed into family until she was just a little less of an individual, defined by the association. Worse, she would love it, being part of such a close and loyal family, and never mourn the independent streak she'd lost. Let us not also forget the fact that the Alpha would never let her leave the area, and he would not be suffered to stay with them. He would never see her again, after the next full moon.

Hunter wouldn't meet her gaze as Rosita knelt down beside him. However, he did accept her outstretched hand and rose with her.

"Jack, show them to a guest room. Our new friends have much to discuss."

They followed the werewolf cop into an addition to the ranch, and Rosita noticed that the additions created a sort of courtyard in the middle, circling the outdoor space. She caught a glimpse of some wooden benches and wild flowers, as well as many young trees. It was a taste of the wild, enclosed in the space.

The guest room was pretty boring. It had white walls and the same light wood paneling as the lounge. A wardrobe, large bed with a plain white duvet, and a flat screen mounted to the wall were all that the room could boast. Hunter went straight to the window and twisted the blinds so he could peer into the courtyard. Jack gave her a thumbs up sign before he closed the door, and the two of them were completely alone.

Rosita had no idea how to start this conversation. Hunter was so tense at the window, she wasn't sure if he'd listen anyhow. Instead of speaking, she simply walked over and wrapped her arms around him, rubbing her cheek against his bare back. He was still naked, and she was suddenly very aware of the heat that rolled off his body. Pushing herself closer to him, she felt his body stiffen. At first she was certain he'd reject her embrace, then positive, as he pulled her hands from his body and turned to face her. He didn't release her wrists as he stared deeply into her eyes. Rosita choked back a sob when she saw the raw emotion in his slitted orbs. She couldn't identify it, and mistook it for anger. When his mouth came crashing down on hers, she responded with equal intensity, relief coursing through to mingle with her desire.

Hunter couldn't stand the tortured look in her eyes. Even though it meant they never would have met, he would have given anything to go back in time and catch the rogue before his attack. Anything to spare her the pain, both from the rape and from losing her life to the pack. The best he could do, however, was to show her how much he had come to care for her, and beg her forgiveness for failing to save her.

While Hunter's lips continued to explore her mouth his hands began slipping under her poncho and tank top, feeling the swell of her breasts, then her pert nipples, hardening in his palms. When his hands pushed the material higher, she obligingly lifted her arms and the whole thing slid from her body. He made quick work of the jeans and panties. Soon she was as naked as he. Pressing his heated flesh against hers, he felt her shiver in anticipation. It was all too much. He couldn't wait.

She squeaked in surprised when Hunter knocked Rosita's knees from under her, lifting her bodily and laying her on the bed. Their first time together he had been achingly gentle. She sensed that this time would be different. It scared her a little, but she still trusted him completely. Her own raging desire was quickly melting away her fears as well. When she felt his body cover hers, she arched into him, moaning when his mouth descended on an aching nipple. His lips and tongue assaulted the tender nub, and when his teeth grazed her skin, Rosita cried out, her hands flying to tangle into his silky blond hair. He kept up the assault on her nipple, pinning her with the weight of his body, his squirming captive. When he smelled the gush of sweet female heat soaking between her legs, he lifted his head. She was panting in relief from the break of his relentless mouth. It was short lived. His lips then closed in on the other nipple. She gasped, fingers fisting tightly in his hair. It had to hurt him, but Hunter didn't seem fazed. His mouth never paused. She felt his tongue suddenly change in texture, becoming rougher. The friction was maddening. The silken feel of his hair changed subtly. Rosita didn't have to open her eyes to know that the weretiger was making love to her now. Finally he released her nipple. Rosita had a mere moment to suck in a breath as his furred body separated from hers. She felt cold, bereft, and a tiny whine slipped from her lips in protest.