Right There the Whole Time


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And away we go.

The first spurt shot straight into her mouth, causing her to jerk her head back in surprise and gasp. With my cock now open to the air, my youthfully virile body sent pump after pump of my manjuice shooting straight up, splattering against her face, landing in her hair, and coating her hand and my belly. I felt like my guts were going to come flying out, every pulse a sharp sensation.

Doreen was mesmerized, watching my nuts empty on everything within a foot. When it finally subsided, she turned and looked at me, her face and hair splattered with white goo. I could see her mouth moving as her taste buds encountered the hot, slimy mess coating them. An enormous smile lit up her face. She was ecstatic.

"Wow! Wow wow wow! That was the hottest thing I've ever seen! Did I do that?"

I was gasping for air and still coming down from that amazing orgasm and somehow choked out an answer. "Yes, that was all you, babe." I smiled back at her beautiful cum-covered face and reached out to gently stroke her gorgeous bare side and leg.

"Wow. That was amazing." Her hand was still moving slowly up and down my quickly shrinking shaft, which had become hypersensitive post-orgasm. I touched her hand to indicate she should stop, and she used her now-free digits to wipe my goo off of her face. She looked at the mess closely, then slowly licked some of it off.

"It's kinda weird, not real tasty and kinda slimy. But it's not gross or anything." She bent toward my face and said, "And it came out of you." She kissed me again.

I had finally gathered what few wits I had remaining and returned her sweet kiss, ignoring the cum still on her face.

I felt like I had to say something. "You are amazing. I had no idea it could feel like that."

"Haven't you ever cum before?"

OK, another tricky question. What are you going to say to that?

Remember, honesty is usually the best policy.

"Of course I have, but not with anyone else."

"You mean...?" She made a stroking motion with her hand.

"Yeah, that."

I must have looked a bit ashamed. She said, "Don't be embarrassed. Girls do that too."

"They do?"

She laughed and mock slapped my leg. "Of course we do. You think only boys play with themselves?" She laughed again, to my ears the sound of an angel singing.

"Wow. I learn something new every day."

I sat up and leaned toward her, putting my hand behind her head and gently pulling it toward me so I could kiss her, the first time I had initiated a kiss with a girl. Truly, I was feeling like a million bucks and learning a lot in a very short time.

Our kiss lasted a long time and was overflowing with passion, our tongues dancing and our lips moving. Some part of my brain realized that for someone who hadn't kissed a girl before that day, I felt like a natural at it. Doreen was an excellent teacher and partner.

As we kissed, I moved my hand from her head and reached down to cup her breast, adding that experience to my list of firsts. She moaned softly into my mouth as my hand kneaded her firm teenage flesh, feeling the softness of the skin and the hardness of her nipple. Despite having cum only minutes before, the sensation was already getting a response from my overheated libido. I pressed more firmly and she moaned again.

It's funny how things kind of progress on their own when you're in the midst of something intense. Some things just naturally lead to others, even if you're experiencing them for the first time.

This too was one of those times.

As we kissed, my hand left her breasts and moved around her side, feeling the smoothness of her long torso. Down it went, feeling the curve of her ass, along her thigh, then back again, reveling in the sensations. Her other arm came up and with both of them she circled my neck as our kisses intensified.

We both sort of naturally moved downward, getting our legs extended and finally lying flat, her on her back and me on my side and across her body. My hand resumed its exploration of her glorious chest.

I don't know where I got the idea - probably from some movie or something - but I started to kiss around her face, on her cheek then down onto the crook of her neck, giving a quick nibble on her earlobe. Her arms held me tight and she squirmed a bit.

Ok, buddy, let's see what's up here.

She seemed to be enjoying these latest moves, so I began moving down her body with my lips. Her shoulder, her upper chest, across her body then back. Onto her wonderful breasts.

Now, I love a woman's body, every single part of the female anatomy. Women are wondrous creations, their bodies icons of beauty and form. I worship willingly at the altar of femininity.

But there is something special about beautiful breasts like the ones Doreen possessed. At eighteen years old her body was so firm, so shapely, so perfectly proportioned. Even lying on her back her perfect breasts stood proud, like epic monuments, each about the size of a half grapefruit and equally delicious. I traced light kisses across one of them, then used the tip of my tongue to circle and tease the nipple. Her moans and movements told me I was on the right track.

Like I said, some things just come naturally.

When my lips finally encircled her nipple and I applied light suction, it was like everything moved into another gear. "Oh my gawd," she moaned, her body squirming under me and her hands pulling my head tightly against her.

Yeah, let's file that one for future reference.

I was in titty heaven. I had had no idea about the erogenous potential contained in a woman's breasts, but knew that doing what I was doing at that moment was one of the most wonderful experiences I had ever had. She was a feast and I was feasting.

I moved across to her other breast, giving it the same attention as the first and using my far hand to continue caressing the one I had just left. Manna from heaven, this was.

I wanted to experience every inch of her, so I started applying light kisses and licks everywhere, Down across her belly, the slight rise of her pelvis, down the top of one leg and up the top of the other, then down the inside of one and up the inside of the other.

You know where this is going.

In a minute. Patience.

I had this sudden urge to just look at her, so I reared back onto my knees at her feet, then drank in the startling magnificence before me.

So long, so lean, her skin was a glorious permanent tan. Those long, long legs, the narrow hips, the flat stomach, the beautiful breasts, all topped by that gorgeous face and that tousled mop of dark hair. My gawd, she was a vision.

We smiled at each other. "Did I pass your inspection?" she wisecracked.

"With flying colors," I grinned back. "You are amazing."

"Well, thank you, kind sir."

But back to the action.

I wasn't ignoring that central piece, that keystone as it were. It was part of the entire package that was Doreen.

In those days, widespread shaving and waxing of the pubes was still a far off trend, so women tended to have a natural bush. Hers was a elegant as she was, small and tidy, not too long, not too short. It actually added to her allure.

But I digress.

My eyes locked on hers, I moved over slightly to be exactly between her slightly parted feet. Bending far down, I gently kissed the inside of her left knee, then her right. Her legs moved imperceptibly apart. She had pushed herself up on her elbows to watch me.

I extended my legs and lay flat on my stomach, my head now at the level of her legs. I kissed the inside of her thigh and moved slowly up toward her center, then repeated that on her other leg, using my elbows to move my own body along with my arms under her legs.

OK, we have now arrived at our destination.

Doreen obligingly moved her legs apart as my face approached that center of her being and I finally got a closeup look at what made her a woman. This is where my lack of experience finally caught up with me.

I had no idea what the fuck I was seeing. There is a lot going on down there, and an eighteen-year-old virgin has a difficult if not impossible time connecting the clinical two-dimensional drawings in a catholic school biology book to the reality of a real, live pussy in front of his face. The grainy 8mm stag films my buddies and I had occasionally procured from the sock drawers where our fathers kept them had done nothing to prepare me, either.

I could see the button of her clit and her slit leading to the more prominent labia minora, the slightly swollen lips revealing her opening. The coloring around everything was darker and the scent of her musk filled my senses. I had no idea what anything did or how anything worked.

There must have been some kernel of human instinct, though, because I somehow knew that when properly applied, my mouth would somehow bring her pleasure. I moved my face to her.

Drive on, and let's hope you can figure this out together.

I opened my mouth partway and basically just pressed it against her pussy. In my hypersensitive state I could feel everything about her at once - the gentle tickle of her pubes against my nose, the button of her clit gently pressing on my upper lip, her wetly warm opening on my tongue, the not entirely pleasant but not really off-putting scent of her musk. She had raised her knees and my arms were under her smooth, toned thighs.

As if by instinct, I extended my tongue and felt the smooth skin of her inner lips, a sensation that struck me like a lightning bolt.

Holy shit, this is wonderful.

It really was an incredible feeling, connecting a wet, warm part of my anatomy with a wet, warm part of hers. It was intimate, it was infinitely personal, it was truly an earthshaking step.

It was completely amazing.

Something told me what to do, something primal and elemental. With my tongue extended, I moved my face upward slowly and traced my tongue up, up, ever up, dividing her nether lips and eventually feeling her clit scraping across the rough surface. Doreen closed her eyes and threw her head back.

"Ohohohohoh! Omagawdomagawdomagawd!" She was quivering in reaction to my oral ministrations and whimpering uncontrollably. I guess I was doing something she liked.

She laid back down and moved her hands to my head, pressing my face against her and pushing up with her hips. I continued to move my face up and down, not really probing with my tongue but still managing to cover every inch of her pussy.

Guided by some unknown force, I pulled my right arm toward me and inserted my index finger into her vag, moving it around as much as my position allowed while focusing my tongue action around her clit. I was mesmerized by what I was feeling, the hot, wet slickness of her love canal with its ridges and bumps and secrets. I moved my finger in and out of her as I licked and reveled in the unintelligible sounds coming from her mouth.

"Uhuhuhuh ohmagawdohmagawdohmagawd yesyesyes mmmmmmm!"

Doreen was lost in it all of it, her body moving of its own accord. I had no idea how what I was doing was directly causing any of it, but for right now I just focused on her reactions to anything I did. She gasped for air.

Her hands finally grasped the sides of my head and pulled it up so she could see my face.

"Tommy Tommy Tommy," she gasped. "I never thought I would say this, but I need to feel you inside me. Fuck me. Fuck me now."

The moment of truth had arrived.

I moved onto my knees and brought my arms up over her legs, then crawled forward, taking in every inch of her. Her dark bush, her flat abs, those wondrous breasts, finally her beautiful face. Balancing on one hand, I reached down and grasped my ironlike rod to guide it into her.

My inexperience again came into play as I had no sense of where her opening was. I was rather sloppily moving the head of my cock every which way down there until she used her own hand to reach down and gently grasp it, guiding it unerringly into her. Once I felt her nether lips surrounding the head, I slowly pushed it all the way into her until our pubic bones came into contact. We both emitted deep, guttural sighs.

I was home. This was where I belonged.

I dropped onto my elbows so our bodies and lips could come into full contact and we exchanged a long, deep, but gentle kiss as we held that position for many long seconds. Her arms encircled my neck and I felt her ankles come up onto my calves. I could feel the length of her body, her breasts crushed against my own chest.

Nature took charge and I began to slowly move my hips, bringing my shaft first out partway then back in, each thrust generating a fresh sigh from her. It seemed like the time for gentleness. I continued to slowly piston in and out of her.

Old Ma Nature knows what is supposed to happen and when. As we kissed and fucked, the pace of our movements slowly increased and I could feel her hips pressing back against each loving thrust. We broke our kiss and looked into each other's eyes as our bodies joined, our movements getting ever faster. Our bodies moved in perfect rhythm.

"My god, you are so beautiful," I told her. With a bright smile she pulled my face toward her for another passionate kiss, our tongues dancing.

Again, we separated our lips. "Oh god, don't stop. Please don't stop," she whimpered. "I'm gonna cum."

"Me too," I told her. "I can't stop it."

"Me neither. Make me cum."

It doesn't take young guys long to recover, and I was no exception. The tingling in my balls started and quickly grew into an imminent explosion.

"Oh yesyesyesyes!" Doreen cried out, tightening her legs against mine and gripping me tighter. I pushed deeply and within a couple of seconds I was exploding into her, painting her cervix with coat after coat of my goo. I thought I would never stop cumming, each spasm an almost painful blast, the jerking lasting forever.

Gawd, that was intense.

We lay there for the longest time, our arms and legs intertwined, our bodies pressed together, our faces buried in each other's necks, our breathing ragged and gasping, not saying a word.

As our senses returned, our surroundings came into focus. We could feel the heat of the sun on our nude bodies and the hot breeze, the sounds from the songbirds in the trees adding a perfect commentary to a perfect union. I finally lifted my face and looked into her eyes from inches away.


"Wow yourself." We exchanged a gentle kiss, brief but loaded with emotion.

"I'm glad my first time was with you."

Doreen's eyes became misty. "I was just thinking the exact same thing. I'm so glad I waited for you." Another gentle kiss.

I finally extricated my limbs and moved my leg then laid on my back next to her. Doreen rolled onto her side and snuggled up to me, my arm around her shoulder and back and her head resting on chest, her leg over mine. I stared into space and she absentmindedly ran her fingers over my chest.

"Now I wish I wasn't leaving in three weeks."

"So why are you?"

"Good question. I thought a lot about it, long before this happened. Doreen, I have no idea what I want to do with my life. My grades sucked big time and I don't know what's going to happen. Mom and Dad wanted me to go to USC and become a lawyer, but that'll never happen and I don't even want to be a lawyer anyway.

"I enlisted because it would give me time to think about stuff and grow up while getting away from home, and if I do end up going to college, the government will pay for it. But this is making me hesitate. I feel like I've found the perfect reason to stay."

"What would you do if you stayed?"

"I dunno. That's the problem."

Doreen let out a sigh. "I hate to say it, but it sounds like you need the Army."

"I hate to say it, but I think you're right." Even eighteen year olds could occasionally be grown up.

She turned her face toward me and rested her chin on her hand. "I'm going to nursing school in September and it will take me four years to finish. I'll make you a deal."


"You told me you would be in the Army for three years. Is that right?"

"Yeah, since I'm enlisting voluntarily it's three years instead of two like the drafted guys do."

"Do you get to come home?"

"Yeah, I get 30 days leave every year. It's a good deal."

"OK, here's the deal. You go do your Army thing and I'll go to nursing school. We'll stay in touch and see how things go between us while we're apart. You said you need to grow up - we both do - and I want a grownup in my life. I'm tired of the assholes."

"Will you write to me?"

"Well, duh. Of course I will." She gave a wry smile. "Will you write back?"

"I'm a lousy letter writer, but for you, yeah. And I know where I'm going when I take leave."

"They don't have to be long, just let me know how you are and tell me whatever you want to tell me." She pulled her hand out from her chin and stuck out her finger. "Pinky promise." We both giggled at the childish move and linked our digits.

"Pinky promise."

She looked intently at my face for some long moments. "I'm glad I waited for you. I really like you a lot."

"That's how I feel, too. We've known each other since the seventh grade and I was too stupid to see you for who you are. I really like you too."

"Me too. But now we're past that." She glanced up at the large clock on the patio wall. "And our time today has run out. My folks will be home in an hour and it just wouldn't do to find us like this. They like you, but they wouldn't if they knew you were fucking their naked daughter on their patio."

"Well, we are both legal now."

She laughed. "Legal, yes. But try telling my old fashioned father that."

I laughed out loud. I knew her father. "Uh, yeah. Not a good thing." I traced my hand down her back and onto her magnificent ass. My face got serious. "I have a question and I'm not sure how to ask it."

"I already know the question, and no, I won't get pregnant. I've been on the pill for a year."


"Yes. It keeps my periods regular, so my mom even knows." She leaned forward and kissed me. "And it keeps me from getting pregnant."

I could only smile.

"OK, buddy. Up with you. We need to get dressed and you need to go." We both stood and chatted as we got dressed. Fully clothed, we shared an embrace and another long, soulful kiss.

"Can I see you tomorrow?"

"You better. We don't have much time left before you leave."

I walked home without remembering a single part of the short journey, my mind filled with thoughts of Doreen. I was a totally different person than I had been just a few hours before. I felt like I had wings on my feet.


I was indeed back with her early the next day and every day until I left for basic training. We enjoyed each other's bodies, both of us learning quickly what we liked and what we didn't. To me she was a goddess, the ultimate expression of a woman, and I couldn't get enough of her.

Not that we did anything outlandish, mind you. We were still young and inexperienced, so our explorations were often halting and nervous. But we did spend a lot of time naked and wrapped around each other; we both enjoyed it when she was on top, and the view of her naked beauty from below was absolutely awe inspiring.

She liked to amuse herself by toying with my dick, which was usually hard when I was around her. She would explore it closely with her head in my lap, pushing it every which way or bouncing it back and forth like a one of those toys that stands itself up. Those times always led to a killer blowjob. I was in paradise.

We experimented with oral a lot, and even learned to enjoy a mutually satisfying 69 now and again. Hesitant at first, she even became comfortable with swallowing my loads. For my part, I loved eating her pussy and her very wet orgasms. I loved to give her pleasure and focused on that.