Road Trip 06: Watching Keegan

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Dan helps a damaged young woman get back on track.
22.4k words

Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 05/21/2024
Created 04/08/2024
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This is the sixth chapter of a multi-part story about a cross-country trip of self-discovery and adventure, with several different stops and a story at each. I'm writing this as I go, though I have a good idea of what will happen as our main character heads west. Each chapter is more or less a standalone, but there is an overarching story here, and many of the character moments and references will make more sense if you've read it all.

This chapter took on a life of its own as I wrote, becoming much more intense and emotional than I ever intended. In fact, I should say as a warning up front, there are references here to memories of sexual trauma, alcoholism, and recovery. I am no psychologist, and that is where this becomes fantasy; the fault is very much mine if I badly misrepresented any healing processes in my depiction. I tried to write about these things respectfully, but if I missed the mark know that it was out of poor execution, rather than poor intent. Hopefully that's not how anyone finds it, because I came to really like the main female character in ways I wasn't expecting as I started.

CHAPTER 6: Watching Keegan

I turned and pushed open her door slowly and quietly, about to answer, when I saw her. Keegan was on her bed, eyes closed, but she was anything but asleep. She was naked, touching herself, kneeling, legs spread wide, facing out, her body in full view. Every sight of her hit me at once. I shouldn't have watched, and I knew it. Especially here, and especially her, I shouldn't have watched. But her body, her face, her movements, her moans were so erotic it riveted me to the floor, unable to move. I felt a magnetic pull, and my own body responded to it the only way it knew how, and so I watched.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

In my dream, there was a light - a bright one - and it obscured... something? Someone? Someone I wanted to see very badly, someone I was excited about... and the person I wanted to see was almost there within reach, but the light was just too bright... and then I woke up.

I noticed two things immediately. The first was a really impressive piece of morning wood. The second thing I noticed was the sun, shining directly onto my face through a gap between the curtains.

I rolled over to get my face out of the sunlight, and thought about the dream. There was the bright light - that must have been my brain processing the sun through the curtains. But what about the person? I remembered flashes. A woman, physically close... then moving away? But I wanted her to come back. I suddenly realized I was dreaming about Zahra, and spent a few mmoments idly stroking my hard-on, thinking about those amazing few days.

I considered whether I was going to do something about that, but the brightness of the sun was too intense to ignore and I was in my uncle's house, which made it feel weird. Bad enough I was sleeping naked. I needed to deal with that sunlight, though, so I got up and padded across the warm, carpeted room to close up the curtains, my hard-on swinging as I moved across. Before I closed them, though, I looked out onto their backyard.

My uncle Steve and his girlfriend, Heather, lived in a northern suburb of Denver. The house itself was relatively modest, with four bedrooms, two of which were on the first floor. That included the guest room where I was. Denver, as my uncle had informed me when I commented on the chill after arriving last night, fluctuated wildly in these months, between days as hot as summer and those as cold as winter. It often snowed in October. There was no snow on the ground now, but it certainly looked cold, despite the warmth of the bedroom.

As I stood looking out, I decided I had no particular desire to go back to sleep. My hard-on was already subsiding slowly too, and while I thought again about doing something definitive I came down in opposition. Instead I grabbed my phone, unplugging it from the charger next to the bed. 8:15am - I'd slept for about ten hours, which felt wonderful after a long day of driving. I'd dawdled a bit out of Kansas City, ending up getting a hotel and a bit more than that in Junction City, and then had a long drive out to Denver, arriving around 7pm last night.

Uncle Steve and Heather had ordered pizza for us, which arrived not long after I did. They seemed very happy and stable, which made me happy; Steve had always been an energetic, adventurous guy, rarely sedentary, and I'd always suspected that had been at the root of his divorce about ten years ago. He was younger than my mom by about 7 years, which made him 48 now. His ex Karen had been five years younger still than him. They never had kids, which I always wondered about as Karen had seemed like a person who wanted them. Whether the lack was a medical issue or Steve not really wanting to be that tied down I never really knew. Since things had ended with her, Steve had been a bit of a nomad, spending some time in Europe, then coming back here to settle in the Denver area, which suited his active lifestyle.

Heather was a knockout. Steve had met her skiing, something Steve did regularly. She was about 5'8", blonde, very fit. The two of them were very clearly deep in love, and had a pretty vibrant chemistry to them I could easily pick up on. I didn't get much of her story, but knew she was a widow: her husband had passed of cancer of some kind four or five years ago, which had been very hard on their two kids. Erik was my age and lived in California now, but Keegan, their daughter, had just turned 20 and was a sophomore at a nearby University. She lived at home with them. I got the feeling that hadn't always been the case, and that there was a story there, but I didn't pry. Keegan had been out at a guest lecture last night, and since I'd crashed early I missed her.

I had a text from my mom, telling me to say 'hi' to Steve for her; she'd probably been asleep by the time I texted to tell her I'd arrived last night. Another from Sam, my friend in San Francisco, who I'd texted the day before; I had sent him approximate dates I'd be getting into town, and he had just been writing back to tell me he'd definitely be around. I opened the text app and started to text Zahra - neither of us had reached out since I left Chicago a week and a half earlier. But then I closed it again: what would I say? Hi, I'm naked in Colorado and thinking about you? At some point one of us would text the other, I thought, but I'd have to consider the message a little more before sending it.

I had just closed my text app and opened up my weather app to check the temp when I heard a noise outside the door. Then, suddenly and before I could react, it swung open.

Three things happened in very rapid succession: a blonde woman wearing jeans and a white bra walked in the room; I said "Wait wait wait!" as her eyes went from my face to my crotch; and she screamed "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?" and backed quickly out of the room.

That's how I met Keegan.

I stood in stunned silence for a split second, processing, and then snapped out of it.

"Wait! I'm Steve's nephew! I'm supposed to be here!" I called, but she had already retreated from the door in horror. I swore under my breath, and looked around, finding my boxers. that's when I heard her voice in the hall.

"I... I thought you were coming later this week!"

And then I realized the error: I'd been planning to, but that had been because of the aborted Dakotas trip. I'd told Steve, and he'd told Heather, but the message must not have gotten down to Keegan.

"I was supposed to but I changed it to earlier, Steve must not have mentioned?" A pause.

"Oh, GOD... I think he did and I just forgot, I am SO SORRY!"

"That's okay, just don't call the cops on me."

"I won't, I just," there was a slightly nervous pause. "I need something from the closet, can you cover up?"

Realizing I was still full frontal, I grabbed my boxers from the floor and slid them on.

"Okay, all set. You can come in."

She slowly peeked around the door again, and seeing that I was true to my word, entered. Her arms were crossed over her own exposed chest, and her face was red with embarrassment.

"Hi, I'm... um, I'm Keegan."

"I figured. Hi Keegan. I'm Dan."

Now that she wasn't screaming and I wasn't focused on being bare ass naked, I noticed something I hadn't a moment ago: Keegan was smoking hot - a 25 years younger version of her mother, about 5'6" with wavy blonde hair that went down past her shoulders, a lithe figure with grapefruit sized breasts cradled in a nice everyday white bra, a cute little belly button in a smooth stomach, and lovely hips. Her eyes were steely and blue, and sharp, matching her features: high cheekbones, a strong chin, a straight nose with just the hint of a turn up at the end.

"I'm so, so sorry. Steve told me a few days ago you were coming and I forgot, I shouldn't have barged in. I thought I was alone in the house. I'm so sorry."

"No, I'm sorry, it would freak me out to find a stranger naked in my house too." The redness immediately increased when I mentioned my own nakedness, and her eyes danced over my chest and waist again before she quickly looked away.

"I, um, keep some stuff in the closet in here, including a sweater I was going to wear today, can I just..." she motioned her head toward the closet as she looked at me fleetingly. She went and opened it up, reaching toward the top shelf. My eyes scanned her smooth, almost bare back and her tight round ass, which was accentuated by the fit of her jeans. I felt slightly bad about checking out a college sophomore, but... she had just seen my dick, after all, and 20 wasn't exactly a ton younger than I was.

"Um," her voice caught my attention and my eyes snapped from her ass to her face. "Could you maybe give me a hand? The one I want is on top and I can't quite reach." She'd definitely caught me checking her out, but didn't acknowledge it.

"Sure." I walked over and reached up, my 6'2" span making it not as tough a reach. I pulled it down - a thin scarlet cashmere - and handed it to her. The motion gave me a clear view into her cleavage, and I inadvertently stole a glance, which she didn't notice because she was looking at my chest too.

"Thanks." She said, and pulled it over her head. "I'll, um, get out of your way." Her eyes scanned my torso one more time before quickly and anxiously returning to meet mine. "Sorry again for barging in." The look on her face when she left was much less uncomfortable than it had been when she had entered, so I called that a win.

I thought about the interaction for a minute, a few speculative images flying through my imagination. But on the other hand: she was young, she was... well, not even remotely related to me, but at least in the orbit of my family... I shook the idea off and started to consider the rest of my day.

I wanted to go for a run in the chilly Colorado air. But I didn't have much to put on after: my laundry situation was dire, despite having done enough for a couple days back in Junction City. So I decided I'd do some laundry first, eat, then maybe head out. I threw on a shirt and shorts and headed out the door. Steve and Heather had shown me the laundry room upstairs, complete with laundry baskets, so I headed toward it so I could start the process of sorting through my duffel.

From my first floor bedroom, I had to pass into the kitchen to get upstairs. Keegan was already there, in her jeans and scarlet cashmere sweater, drinking some coffee and eating an English muffin. She smiled a little embarrassed smile.

"Good morning!" I used a friendly tone, ignoring the awkwardness. "Any more coffee?"

"Help yourself - the pot is over there." She pointed to the counter, next to the sink, where a half pot sat on the warmer. I went to grab a mug as she spoke. "Sorry again about coming in unannounced."

"Really, don't worry about it. Just the wrong moment - two minutes on either side and I would have been... let's go with more presentable." I poured a mug and turned, holding it to let it cool.

"There's milk in the fridge and sugar in the cabinet behind you."

"Thanks, I take it straight." I blew on the mug a bit as steam curled off it.

"I have a couple classes today, the first in about 45 minutes, so I'm leaving soon. Do you need to know where anything is?"

"No, Steve and your mom showed me around last night. I have a lot of laundry, so I think I'm going to do that, probably go for a run. Any good places to do that around here?"

"Oh, you're a runner? Me too." Her face lit up. "There are a lot of great trails up in the mountains, but nearby... there's a good park with some paths not far from here, if you take a left at the bottom of the street and drive for another mile or so. On the left. This neighborhood is good for it too."

"Thanks, I'll check it out." I sipped at the coffee, still very hot but cool enough to start in on. "What classes do you have?"

"First is Intro Psych. Big lecture. It's... interesting. Then anatomy." I thought about a joke here, but decided it was too soon.

"Is that what you're thinking about for a major?"

"Anatomy is just for a science requirement, but Psych, probably?" She had an odd, sort of apprehensive look on her face, like I was veering close to something sensitive. "Last year I thought I was headed for business, but... I guess things changed a bit."

"Not a bad thing. I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up."

"I thought you worked in, like, computers?"

"IT, yeah. But I don't know if its a job or a career. And life throws curveballs sometimes." That seemed to catch her attention.

"Like what? For you, I mean?"

"Bad breakup, a few months ago. That's why I'm moving across the country. Fresh start sort of thing. Sometimes... you need some space from stuff."

"I definitely get that. A lot." She said in reply, then looked away. There was definitely a story there. I was about to follow up when she stood. "I need to go - I'll see you later?"

"Yeah - Steve and your mom said something about dinner out in the city tonight?"

"They probably told me and I forgot. I... sorry, things are a little hectic, I'm not usually this much of a flake."

"No problem. Just don't forget I'm here again and walk in on me in the shower or something." She laughed, but also turned that cute shade of red again.

"I'll try not to. But hey, I've already seen it all!" She reacted to her own statement like she was surprised she said it, but I laughed before she could apologize again.

"Sure did," I said, realizing that gave me the joke opening I needed. "Homework for your anatomy class."

"Well, we're still on skeletal systems, reproduction isn't until later, so... I'm ahead." There was this interesting roller coaster of emotion on her face as she said it - humor, maybe a flash of excitement, and then a flush of embarrassment as she wondered if she'd gone too far again. That passed quickly too, though, as she put her plate in the dishwasher, grabbed her bag, and said a quick goodbye, leaving me alone with my coffee and a day of laundry ahead.


I got back from my run around one. It had been a good one; the air was thinner here, which pushed me harder, as did the still chilly air. Keegan had been right about the park. The trails were exactly what I wanted - not too hilly or too flat, keeping it interesting without making it a slog. I went about five miles in the end, longer than I'd done in a while, and I definitely felt it in my calves as I climbed out of my car back at the house.

Inside, I switched my latest load of laundry, then brought the basket into my room to fold. Before I did that, though, I went to take a shower. As the water warmed, I stripped, and took a look at myself in the mirror, seeing what Keegan had seen this morning. I was certainly sweatier now, but I had to admit I looked good. I was probably in the best shape of my life post-Sarah, with even a hint of a six-pack showing. As I looked myself over I wondered idly how many dicks Keegan had seen in her life; I had no real idea if she was a virgin, or had cut loose, or what.

After finishing up in the shower I emerged, grabbed my towel, and dried off. Wrapping the towel around me, I stepped out of the bathroom... and nearly collided with Keegan, who was just turning the corner toward her room.

"Oh!" She exclaimed, surprised. I was so startled I came this close to dropping my towel and flashing her for the second time today. After we both recovered from that, we laughed.

"Sorry, I keep jumping out at you naked."

"Yeah, do you ever wear clothes?"

"And deny the public all of this?" I did a turn, and she laughed again.

"You're right, I won't complain." And then there was the embarrassed look again. She stood now in the middle of the hallway, and it took a moment for her to realize I needed to get by. "Oh, sorry, I don't know why I'm such a mess today, go ahead." She stepped to the side to let me pass.

"You're doing fine Keegan, really - I'm in your space. Don't worry about it." Another kind of odd look, but she nodded.

"Thanks." And with that, she headed into her room and I went past the kitchen and down the hall to mine. Inside, I closed the door and dropped the towel, then put on some newly washed clothes - a fresh pair of boxers and socks, my favorite jeans, and a button-down shirt, untucked - then made my way back out to the kitchen to make myself some food. There was sandwich stuff there so I threw together a turkey sandwich with some lettuce and brown mustard, and grabbed a seltzer.

Keegan came back out of her room not long after, then poured a glass of water and sat as I ate. We chatted - she gave me a few of the finer points of her classes today, and I told her about my run, thanking her for the recommendation.

"I don't have any classes tomorrow, maybe I'll join you for another run?" She suggested. I agreed - it would be nice to have the company.

"How often do you run?" I asked.

"Every couple of days if I can. It's a great stress reducer. I've been doing it more since... well, since last year."

"Any particular reason?" I sensed we were getting close to The Story, but I didn't want to pry too hard.

"Last year ended pretty badly for me, a lot of stress. I kind of screwed up some stuff. That's why I'm living here for now - I have a dorm room and a roommate but I haven't quite been ready to go back full-time on campus yet."

"I don't want to be nosy, but what happened?"

"I... I more or less had a nervous breakdown, during finals. Some things caught up with me." I nodded but didn't say anything, waiting. Sensing I was okay with letting her talk, she decided to.

"Before my dad got sick, I was a pretty wild kid. I got grounded like every week in Middle School for something or another, principal's office regular, whole deal. But..." her eyes got a little wet and I could hear a catch in her voice. "When he died... I was 14. And somewhere in there, I was so sure it was somehow my fault." She looked at me, probably expecting me to say something here that most people probably said, but I got the sense she just needed me to listen, so I gave her an empathetic look and let her go on.

"Which was ridiculous and stupid, I know, and I knew it then too, but knowing it and feeling it are different. And I was 14, right? Everything that happens in the world is centered directly on you? And I really felt responsible, like all my bad behavior had eaten him up inside and that's where the cancer came from. So, when I went into high school the next year, I promised myself I'd straighten up, fly right, all that. It had changed me a lot. I just felt like I had to control it all, excel, make up for..." another catch, "for what I'd done. What I thought I'd done." She took a sip from the water.