Road Trip with Coach

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Chess prodigy goes to a tournament with her mentor.
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Janice Zwink stood in front of the mirror above the bathroom sink in the inexpensive motel room she was staying in, naked and still moist from the shower she had taken. She winced when she looked up while taking off her shower cap and saw the tiny patches of peach fuzz under her arms, the product of a week or so of neglect, and she reflexively looked around the room for a forgotten razor that was 250 miles away.

The large mirror revealed that and every single flaw - real or imagined - in her slightly plump body. The little swell of her tummy and slightly thick thighs looked enormous to the teen, while her grapefruit-sized breasts looked woefully out of proportion to her fuller hips, which was why Janice quickly pulled on her rather matronly nightgown.

Out in the motel room itself, Janice's chess coach and mentor Ms. Boyer was in bed and waiting for her. Janice had been stunned when they entered the room earlier for the first time and she saw there was only one bed. A king sized bed to be fair but only one of them, and while Janice didn't say anything she could tell that Coach Boyer saw her initial reaction.

Janice had been shocked even though it was precisely what the girl had wanted and dreamed of for a long time. A trip away from home with her mentor and no one else, with no one she knew to notice and judge, and when Janice thought of the term mentor she had to smile because her game had progressed so much that she was now the superior chess player to her coach and was expected to steamroll the competition at the tournament she was here to compete in, the reason the two of them were in Buffalo, New York.

The trip was being paid for by Coach Boyer as an 18th birthday present to her, and while Janice was now an adult her mother didn't blink when she told her in case she was worried about her being away from home for the first time Ms. Boyer was coming along as a chaperone. Did that mean Mother didn't care or had she figured out that her only child was gay? Janice no longer cared. All she cared about was Ms. Boyer.

After Janice brushed her teeth she grabbed a towel and when she did she saw Ms. Boyer's bra which had fallen off the edge of the vanity, and when Janice picked it up a beige foam cone fell out of one of the cups of the harness and bounced crazily on the tiles. She quickly put it back in place, wondering why Coach bothered with such an enhancement since she made no other concessions to femininity. Janice found her coach erotic regardless.

The fifty something woman had sported a very close cropped haircut for all the years Janice had been studying with her, and while it did nothing to soften her rather mannish look Janice had become accustomed to it and rather liked it on Coach Boyer - liked everything about her mentor - even though the butch woman was nothing like Janice's only previous girlfriend who was ultra feminine and her age.

Janice tried not to hyperventilate as she prepared to go out into the motel room proper, reminding herself that she had been waiting for this moment forever. All her efforts at flirting and clumsily trying to let Coach Boyer know that she was available and hers for the taking - all the nights spent crying because Coach had treated her just like one of the Chess team. Couldn't she tell how she felt about her?

Perhaps Coach did understand. Maybe that was why they were in a room with only one bed. Maybe that was why Coach Boyer had been making a lot of contact with her of late, putting her hands on Janice's shoulders while looking down at her playing, gently kneading her neck and making the teen's heart skip a beat. Maybe that was what Coach meant when she initially mentioned her sponsoring her protege in the tournament and saying she would be accompanying her.

"I will join you if you don't mind, even though I realize that you don't need a chaperone. After all, you're no longer a child but a woman. Correct?"

"Yes Ms. Boyer," Janice replied as a shiver went through her body courtesy of her mentor's hand on her forearm, and Ms. Boyer couldn't have missed the telltale goosebumps that followed her touch.

Now they were in a strange place in a distant city and although her mentor had accurately called her a woman she felt like a scared child. Janice turned the knob and slowly opened the creaking door. The room itself was dimly lit, with only a night light and the streetlights streaming through the blinds acting as illumination, but Janice could see Ms. Boyer very clearly laying on the bed with only a sheet covering her, and that white shield was down just below her trim waist, low enough to show that Coach was naked underneath.

Janice froze in place as she looked at Miss Boyer from across the room, and it occurred to the girl that despite her spending hours with her teacher, she had never seen any part of her body except for her forearms. Miss Boyer never wore a skirt or shorts, only slacks and her blouses were always very modest garments, usually with long sleeves. There was nothing modest about her mentor now who reclined with her hands linked behind her neck and only the sheet hiding her lower torso.

Janice thought Ms. Boyer might be sleeping because her eyes were closed, and that's why the girl felt emboldened to stare at her like she was. The girl had often fantasized about what her coach would look like without clothes, and although she thought her imagination had covered all possibilities, clearly she was incorrect because the girl had never seen a woman who looked like this.

Oddly, if someone were to tell the older woman that she was amazingly androgynous in appearance, Janice thought that not only wouldn't her mentor even blink she might revel in it. One time Janice felt embarrassed when someone mistook Ms. Boyer for a man at a chess match with another school, but not only did Coach not correct the error she acted like she didn't care.

Janice wasn't used to seeing Ms. Boyer without her trademark wire frame rectangular glasses for one thing, but the teen's eyes moved on from there. Miss Boyer was skinny, something that Janice had deduced despite the rather shapeless clothes her mentor always wore, and the way she was resting made her pale elbows looked quite pointed. What captured the girl's attention were the tufts of dark brown hair that filled the deep recesses of Ms. Boyer's armpits, underarms that judging by their bushy appearance might never have felt the sting of a razor.

The truly stunning part of Coach Boyer were her breasts, or more accurately the total absence of anything besides what might have been slight swells on her shallow chest. Part of that may have been due to the woman being on her back, but even so the flatness of Ms. Boyer's chest was startling. The older woman certainly wasn't ashamed of this or else she wouldn't have gone to sleep like she was. It was almost as if she wanted Janice to see her, and then when the girl looked up she saw that Ms. Boyer wasn't asleep but wide awake and looking at her.

"Are you alright Janice?" she asked in her husky voice.

"Oh. Uh. Yes Ms. Boyer," Janice stuttered.

"You're welcome to come over if you like " Ms. Boyer suggested. "I can put something on if you would prefer."

"No," Janice said in a voice much louder and urgently than she wanted, and on wobbly knees made her way over to the side of the bed where she tried and failed not to look at the woman who was resting in the middle of the bed.

"Sit down Dear," Coach Boyer directed, and the girl followed instructions, sitting as lightly as she could on the edge of the bed and concentrating on maintaining eye contact with her mentor despite the distractions. "There's another room key on the dresser - for the room next door.

"Why?" Janice asked while trying to look at the slight indentations on the bridge of her teacher's nose caused by years of wearing glasses and not at the other areas.

"In case I misread you and your interest in me," Ms. Boyer replied. "I don't often but it has happened."

"No," Janice answered as she swallowed hard. "I've - I've been trying to get you to notice me for years. I don't know how to seduce anybody but I was praying that you might... "

"I thought as much, but you also realized why I couldn't do that because of my role as your teacher," Ms. Boyer explained, "although you've been a woman physically for a while, and that made it difficult for me to resist temptation. Especially when Madison came into your life."

"Madison?" Janice said softly as she repeated the name of the older girl she had been intimate with. "You knew about her?"

"Of course. After all I am your coach. I was very happy for you because she seemed like a nice girl," Ms. Boyer noted with a smile,and when she saw where the young woman's eyes had gone she continued. "Obviously, I'm not built anything like she seemed to be."

"I - I think you're incredibly erotic," Janice managed to say.

"You're very kind Janice," Ms. Boyer responded, and with a nod of her head towards the night table in front of the girl suggested, "there's some lotion there if you would like to use some on me."

"Um. Sure."

Janice reached for the tube of lotion and dropped it when her shaking fingers lost their grip on the slick container.

"Is it warm in here dear?" her mentor asked when Janice wiped the back of her hand over her brow, and even though Janice shook her head no, Coach Boyer suggested she take off her nightgown.

Janice rose and undid the garment, and while the fact that her mentor was naked should have made this easier for the teen it didn't. Janice tried to thrust out her breasts while sucking in her stomach and wishing that she skipped a couple of chess matches and exercised instead, but Coach Boyer simply smiled as she sat down.

"Let's get this out of the way," the older woman said as she used her feet to get the sheet off her lower torso, exposing all of her 53 year old frame, a body that while almost devoid of curves was sleek and remarkably trim, something that Janice enviously noted while seeing her flat stomach. "There."

Janice poured some lotion in her palm and started at Ms. Boyer's stomach because she never did anything like this before. The teen was tempted to start down at her feet and work her way up her mentor's slender legs but didn't, a bit intimidated by her coach's jungle of pubic hair. The thicket started right below coach's navel as a thin strip of curls before quickly fanning out into a wide and dense forest of dark brown that spilled over to her inner thighs.

So Janice rubbed her hand on her mentor's stomach, using a circular motion to oil Ms. Boyer's pale skin under coach's watchful eye.

"I'm not fragile," she said pleasantly to her protege. "Perhaps you would find it less awkward if you knelt on the bed instead of sitting, and for goodness sake please relax. I know I am."

"Yes ma'am," Janice replied as she followed coach's instructions and knelt at her hip, grimacing as she tried and failed to keep those extra ten pounds from making a crease in her belly.

"Better?" her mentor asked, and Janice nodded while wondering how much longer she would be able to mover her hands up. "Good, and I think it fair that in a situation like this, calling me coach or Ms. Boyer won't do. Call me Renee."

"Okay - Renee," Janice said for the first time. "Never did this before. Am I doing this right?"

"You're doing splendidly dear," Ms. Boyer assured her. "Feel free to touch me any way and anywhere you wish."

"Okay," Janice responded as she put more lotion in her hand and rubbed both hands together before putting them on her mentor's stomach and then inched them upwards, first in the hollow of the older woman's breast bone and then nervously out from there.

"That's my girl," Ms. Boyer hissed softly as the trembling hands went to her breasts, the teen cautiously massaging the tiny buds, and as she did the crimson areolas got more pebbly and the boyish nipples rose from their platforms until they stood up proudly. "Harder dear."

Janice got a bit more rough, kneading the ping pong ball sized breasts with her greased palms while she watched her coach arch her back and force herself into her grasp, the sharp intake of breath between Renee's teeth loud in the quiet room. Janice kept squeezing the older woman's buds until her hands got dry, and then she moved her hands up to her mentor's shoulders while she very tentatively bent down and put her mouth over her right breast.

Janice suckled on the bud, taking it into her mouth in its entirety and looking up for approval, but Ms. Boyer's eyes were shut so she kept nursing on her mentor, her affection going from side to side. The teen's fingers slid off Renee's shoulders accidentally and into the older woman's armpits, the softness of the dense fur surprising and not unpleasant so Janice started to stroke her mentor's armpits as she kept feverishly sucking on the now pink titties.

"You're pressing all the right buttons, and aren't you the wicked one?" Janice heard Renee say, and it was only then that the teen realized she had moved her left leg over in between Ms. Boyer's thighs and had been rubbing her pussy on her thigh.

"Keep sucking them. Suck them hard," Ms. Boyer directed and so Janice continued while still rubbing her now dripping pussy on her mentor's furry thigh. "I can feel you. Feel how wet you are."

Janice struggled for words and failed, instead continuing to suck on her mentor's breasts while her fingers massaged the deep hollows of Ms. Boyer's armpits, her stroking causing a slightly pungent aroma to fill the air. While the scent was most assuredly not perfumed and very natural it made Janice shiver. How glorious it must be, Janice thought, to be your own woman, unchained by convention and forcing the world to accept her on her terms.

"Feel my cunt," Ms. Boyer said crudely, her mentor's use of the coarse word shocking the teen, but Renee didn't care. "Put your hand down there. Feel how wet you've made me as well."

"Yes," Janice whispered after her hand slid down the woman's flat stomach and into the untamed jungle, and after the girl lightly ran her fingers over it, just as Coach had said the hair that guarded the opening was wet.

"Is something wrong?" Ms. Boyer asked. "I know you're a shy young lady - are you bothered by the amount of hair I have down there?"

"No ma'am," Janice mumbled as a trickle of sweat rolled down the side of her face.

"It used to bother me - my being so, well one acquaintance referred to me as being hirsute but I think that's a bit of a stretch, but let's just say I've been blessed with an abundance of body hair," Ms. Boyer said bluntly as she squirmed from her protege's hand between her legs. "Time was what back when I was your age I struggled to make myself look like my friends, shaving and waxing constantly until I finally gave up and decided to make people take me as I am or not at all."

"I admit to being concerned being with you like this," Renee admitted after a moment of uncomfortable silence. "I wasn't sure how you would react to my appearance. After all, as I mentioned before I'm certainly not anything like your friend Madison."

"I - I've always found you very attractive Ms. - I mean Renee," Janice confessed as her hand slipped a bit further into the thicket. "I would certainly never compare you to Madison because you're very different in every way. Madison was and is a friend but you? You've always been more to me than that, and you have no idea how many nights I've fantasized about something like this happening. Not exactly like this you know but in my fantasies I'm not this fat though."

"You aren't fat Janice," her coach corrected as she smiled at the little pouch accentuated by the way she was kneeling at her hip. "Pleasingly plump would be a better term. Very pleasingly plump."

"Feel fat being next to you," Janice sighed as she let her hand drift down from where it had been gently squeezing her mentor's breast and down to her flat stomach. "You're so incredibly slender."

"In your fantasies child, what do have you pictured happening between us?" Ms. Boyer wondered aloud. "I would love to hear about it."

"I could never," Janice mumbled but her coach insisted so the teen said, "Sometimes I imagine that I'm asleep."

"Okay. Lay down as if you were sleeping," Coach Boyer directed, and Janice got onto her side with her back to Renee.

"Now what Dear?" Renee asked as she spooned up behind the teen and put her hand in the pale fleshy shoulder.

"You," Janice said before stopping. "I'm sorry. I can't. Too shy."

"I understand, but you aren't the only one with fantasies," the coach whispered as she nuzzled under Janice's short curly hair to nibble her neck. "On the drive up here as I sat beside you I thought about what would happen tonight after your matches. I inhaled your scent and mentally undressed you as you sat innocent and blissfully unaware of what I was thinking."

"Of course I knew there was a chance that I had misread you all this time and you had no interest in me," Ms. Boyer sighed as her hand slid from the shoulder and slowly worked around. "However, I'm rarely wrong about things of that nature so I didn't let those thoughts ruin my fantasies."

"Mmm... you have lovely breasts," Renee purred as she cupped the round globe, causing the teen to sigh. "A perfect handful. So firm - and your nipple is so plump and expressive. I can feel it getting stiff in my palm."

"Mine are erect too," the coach continued as she rubbed her little spikes into Janice's back. "Can you feel them?"


"I was worried when I imagined what my hand would find when it drifted downward," Ms. Boyer explained after she let go of the girl's breast and moved her hand over her tummy and into her delta, and when her fingers ran into her pubic hair she let out a sigh of relief. "Nice. So very nice. I was praying you weren't one of these girls of your generation who removes the hair down here. I detest that so."

"So very soft and fine," Renee whispered as she toyed with the light brown fur. "It's like touching a cloud, and as I near your sex I can feel the dampness. Are you getting excited? As excited as I am?"

"Yes," Janice managed to say as she squirmed from the touch of the fingers stroking her labia.

"Good. Now let me turn you over," Renee replied while leaning back, and then she rolled the teen onto her back.

In the murky light provided by the street lights bleeding through the curtains she could see the nervousness in her protege's face, and if she wasn't afraid of breaking the mood she might have suggested in her cryptic manner than the girl looked like a cadaver the way she was laying.

As for Janice, this was the way she was used to being when she was with her mentor, with the older woman looking down at her with her piercing eyes. The difference now was that Coach Boyer wasn't scrutinizing a castling maneuver but instead was looking at her naked body, her breasts heaving and her heart pounding so much that she feared it might be audible.

"Relax," Renee whispered as her hand reached over to the girl's breast, and as her slender fingers slid over the teen's skin she felt the dampness at the fold of her arm. "Are you warm Janice? I can turn on the air if you'd like."

"No - when I'm nervous I sweat a lot," Janice explained. "I think I'm sweating right through my shower."

"No reason to be nervous around me child. If I'm doing anything to distress you just say so. I understand," the coach said before taking the girl's chubby wrist and bringing her hand back towards the headboard, and while Janice resisted at first eventually Renee had her way.

"Forgot to put on deodorant," Janice mumbled.

"Good," Ms. Boyer responded as she looked at the spacious hollow of her pupil's exposed armpit, the skin glistening with perspiration and creamy white save for a little patch of peach fuzz in the center. "You smell quite nice as you are."