Rob and Glenda


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"And what would that be?"

"That we move in together and set up housekeeping. Assuming of course that you are through with Glenda."

"I haven't been home since the day I walked in on them. In fact, I'm apartment hunting right now."

"Forget the apartment and move in with me. That will really rub Ben and Glenda's noses in it."

"And then what would we do six months or so down the road? I like you Alice. I like you a lot, but I don't love you and our living together wouldn't last. I'd rather keep you as a friend."

"Oh well, I tried."

"How long are you going to make Ben suffer?"

"It looks like forever. I was dead serious when I told you the only way back for him was to get you to make love to me, watch it happen and then to thank you when you were done. Are you going to take Glenda back?"

"I don't think so. I don't believe that I could ever look at her again and not have the image of her fucking Ben flash through my mind. Besides, I'm having a hard time believing her story."

"Which is?"

"She was so stunned when she saw his cock that without conscious thought she touched it and the next thing she knew he was pounding her and she was screaming at him to never stop."

"That's probably true Rob. I've seen it happen a couple of times. I saw one girl go to her knees seconds after she saw it and try to get it in her mouth. And that was with her fiancée standing three feet away. If Glenda said she saw his cock and then went temporarily brain dead I wouldn't discount it."

"No matter. The picture of it is in my head and it won't go away."

"Just remember that my offer will always be open. If you want to think of me as just a friend that's okay, but I'm open to a friends with benefits relationship. Take care Rob and keep in touch."

I watched her get up and walk away and I wondered what was wrong with me. My tongue and cock both got rock hard every time I saw Alice and I'd just turned her down. Glenda had my head fucked up more than I thought.


Joan was sitting at the bar surrounded by guys who were doing their best to get her to join them at their tables. When I walked up she said:

"Thank God you are here. Now maybe I can finish my drink in peace."

"As soon as you finish I want to get out of here. I want a quieter place tonight."

"That would be your room at the motel."

"I was thinking more along the lines of dinner and then maybe a show or something and then the motel."

"You don't need to wine and dine me honey; the motel room is exactly what I want."

"Who am I to argue with a lady who knows what she wants."

Three hours of unbridled sex later as we were lying next to each other trying to recover Joan asked:

"Any closer to resolving your problem with your wife?"

"No and I don't think I ever will be able to."

"Well lover, you are a great bed buddy and I'm having a hell of a good time, but I know it isn't going to last. And, truth be told, I'm not really all that into long term relationships. Besides, it is easy to see that regardless of the situation you still love your wife. You are not going to be happy until you put things back together with her or get some kind of closure."

"Easy for you to say, but how do I get by the constant image of her of her on her knees getting pounded by another man."

"I don't know lover. Maybe you need to do something that will cancel it out."

"Like what?"

"I don't know. Maybe something that is a stronger image; something that will bury the one you have now. Make her do something she will hate doing while you watch as a condition of your getting back together."

I stared at her for a minute and then said, "Strange. You are the second one to mention an idea like that."

I told her of my talk with Alice and how Alice planned to punish Ben.

"I love it" Joan said. "That is just perfect. Are you going to do it?"

I told her why I wasn't going to do it and she said, "At least you are getting revenge against him by keeping him from being able to go back to his wife. But even if you did do it it wouldn't do anything for your situation unless you do it and make your wife watch."

"It is a moot point. I won't do Alice because she is a friend I want to keep."

"I have an idea. No promises that it will work, but what if..."


Glenda and I walked into the bar and took a table. She sat opposite me with a blank expression on her face as I surveyed the room. I took my time and after several minutes I said, "There" and I pointed at a table where two women were sipping their drinks and fending off the requests of guys who were asking them to dance.

"Which one" Glenda asked, "The blond or the brunette?"

"Both. I think I would like them both."

"Both? That's not fair Rob.'

"Was what you did to me fair? I don't recall 'fair' being mentioned when we talked."

"It's not right Rob."

"You don't have to do it Glenda. It is your choice. Just like fucking Ben was your choice. I've made my selection and now it is up to you to make it happen, but if we get up and leave alone I'll drop you at the house and you will never see me again."

"What if I can't talk them into it?"

"We keep looking."

"For how long?"

"For as long as it takes."

"And you won't come home until it happens?"

"That's right Glenda. I won't come home until you make it happen."


Joan's idea was simple. It was Alice's idea only with Glenda being the one to have to ask someone to fuck me, watch and then thank the woman. Watching Glenda's face as I did it should give me an image that I could superimpose on the image of Glenda and Ben. Even if the image of Glenda and Ben persisted I would always be able to bring up the image of Glenda's face as I fucked whoever she had to ask, beg or even pay to fuck me and then have to say "Thank you." I told Joan I liked the idea, but had no idea on how to make it happen.

"That's the beauty of it lover; it is two-thirds done already. You have Gail and me. All you have to do is go to your wife and say "Here's the deal if you really want us back together. If she really does love you and wants you back she will have to agree. If she doesn't then you know she really doesn't love you all that much and just knowing that can help your mental health."

We discussed the mechanics of it and then we had one more exhausting romp before taking a shower and calling it a night.

The next day I called Glenda and told her that I wanted to talk to her. The talk took place at the kitchen table and I cut right to the chase.

"Here's the deal. As long as every time I look at you and the image of you and Ben flashes through my mind there is no hope that we will ever be able to get together. Every time I see that image of you and Ben I see your facial expression as you looked right at me and cried out to me to not make him stop. If you and I are to heal that breach between us something has to make that image go away. So, if you truly want us to get back together you are going to have to do something to erase that image. You Glenda, you put the image there so you have to be the one to drive that image away and here is how you are going to do it.

"We are going to go out bar hoping until I find a woman that I might like to take to bed and when I make my choice you will have to approach her, talk her into having sex with me while you watch and when it is over you will have to thank her for taking care of me."

"I can't do that! I don't even know you can ask me to do something like that."

"And I don't know how you could fuck the man who was supposed to be my best friend and expect me to pretend that it never happened."

I stood up and headed for the door.

"Where are you going?"

"I said my piece and you said no so I'm leaving. I'll be back tomorrow to get the rest of my things. Please don't be here. It upsets me to look at you."

"Please Rob, I'll do anything to get you to come home, but you have to be reasonable."

"No I don't Glenda. I've been more than reasonable just by not going to see an attorney to start divorce proceedings, but that will change this coming Monday."

I left the house and was three blocks away when my cell rang.

"Okay Rob, you win. I'll do it. When?"

"Tomorrow night."


Just to make it look good we hit four bars and lounges before we got to The Black Mushroom. In each place I made a show of looking at all of the females and then said, "Nope. Nothing here." As soon as we were seated at the Mushroom and our drink order arrived I made a show of checking out the women who were there and then smiled.

"There" I said as I pointed to the table where Joan and Gail were sitting.

"Which one? The blond or the brunette?"

I was silent for a moment and then said, "I think I'd like both."

"You can't be serious."

"Either do it or don't do it Glenda. It is your choice."

"But you never said anything about two? It's not fair Rob."

"Haven't you figured it out yet Glenda? The having you watch is to try and erase the memory of what you did to me with Ben. The rest of it is punishment for what you did to me with Ben. Now suck it up and get it done or don't. Like I said, it is your choice. Make it or let's get the hell out of here."

The look on Glenda's face as she got up to go over to Joan and Gail was almost enough by itself. I sat back to watch things play out. Gail and Joan were not going to make it easy on Glenda. They were going to make Glenda work for it. They were going to make her tell them just why she was asking them to do what she was. There was some talk and Glenda pointed at me and Gail and Joan looked over at me. Some more talk and Glenda sat down with them. More talk and after about fifteen minutes Glenda got up and came back to our table and sat down.

"The brunette, her name is Joan, is willing, but the blonde is being a bitch. She said she would do it, but only if I give her my wedding rings."


"So? These are my wedding rings Rob. You put them on my finger. Don't they mean anything to you?"

"How much did they mean to you when Ben was fucking you Glenda? Did you give those rings any thought while you were crying out, "Fuck me Ben, damn you, fuck me?"

"You are really going to make me do this?"

"I'm not making you do anything Glenda. You said you wanted me back; I told you what you what it would take to make it happen and the rest is up to you. Do it or don't do it. The choice is strictly yours."

She gave me a long look and then she stood up and as she walked back toward Joan and Gail I saw her working her rings off of her fingers. As I sat there and waited one thing was clear to me. Glenda did love me as much as she said she did. She had to to go through what she was going through to get me to come back home to her. But it wasn't about love any more; it was about blanking out that detestable image of her and Ben and I had no guarantee that what Joan, Gail and I would be doing would work. If it didn't I didn't know what I would do. I had locked myself in by saying you do this and I will do that and Glenda was doing her part. I would have to honor my half of the deal and go home, but if the image couldn't be blocked out could I actually live with Glenda?

My thoughts were interrupted by the three women walking up to my table. Glenda introduced us, told me that they had agreed to do it and then she asked where we would do it.

"Where you and Ben did it of course."

That shook Glenda. She hadn't expected us to be doing it on her bed. I gave Joan the address and told her and Gail that we would meet them there. The ride home with Glenda was a silent one and she stared out the passenger's side window the whole way home. As soon as the wheels stopped turning in the driveway she was out of the car and hurrying into the house. I sat there and waited for Joan and Gail to pull up and then I went up to the house and held the door for them. Once in the house I asked:

"Can I offer you ladies a drink?"

"Do you have beer" Gail asked and when I said I did she said she would have one. Joan said beer was good for her also and I turned to Glenda and said:

"Three beers Glenda and while you are getting them I'll show the ladies to the bedroom."

The look on Glenda's face could have killed as she turned and went to the kitchen. I whispered to Gail:

"Did you really tell her you wouldn't do it unless she gave you her rings?"

"I wanted to make her work for it and suffer a little at the same time. We will figure out some way to get them back to you later."

On the way to the bedroom I grabbed one of the dining room chairs and set it right next to the bed. When Glenda came into the room with the beers I pointed to it and told her to have a seat.

"And watch Glenda. Don't look away and don't close your eyes. I want you to see it all."

Then I turned to Joan and Gail and said, "Shall we get on with it ladies?" and started to undress. As the three of us stripped I said:

"Curiosity makes me ask what are you two ladies doing this?"

"My husband cheated on me and I was never able to get back at him for doing it. I always regretted not getting some revenge. I guess I just wanted to help you get some. Kind of getting back at my ex by proxy."

Gail laughed and said, "I don't have any high-falutin reason. I'm riding with Joan so I go where she goes, but I do have to say it will make me feel good to do it. I don't think there is anything more contemptible than cheating on your partner."

"Why did you want her rings?"

"To humiliate her. Just imagine how she felt having to take them off to get another woman to make love to her husband. Speaking of which we need to get to it. I don't have all night."

Then Joan and Gail and I proceeded to do what we had been doing since I met them while Glenda sat, watched and sobbed.

After Joan and Gail were dressed and ready to leave Joan handed me a piece of paper in front of a still sobbing Glenda.

"Here's my number. If things don't work out give me a call."

Gail said, "You can reach me through Joan. If you decide to keep the slut give me a call and maybe we can work something out about her rings."

After they had gone I started dressing and Glenda asked me where I was going. I told her I was going out to my car to get my things out of the trunk.

"You did your part so I'm moving back in."

When I got back from unloading the car Glenda said, "I'm going to sleep in the spare bedroom tonight. I need to be alone."

I didn't sleep all that well that night. The image of Glenda and Ben made a faint appearance, but it was washed out by the image of Glenda sitting in the chair sobbing as she watched me and the two girls do what she and Ben had done and it was just as disquieting as the image of her and Ben.

The next morning I was sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee and reading the morning paper when Glenda came into the kitchen. Twice she started to say something, but didn't and then she poured herself a cup of coffee and told me that she was going down to her studio. For the next two days Glenda avoided me and then on the morning of the fourth day she sat down at the table across from me and said:

"I have a problem, a major problem. I can't get what you did with those two tramps out of my mind. Every time I look at you I see you on the bed with them and I cringe inside."

"Then you know exactly how I feel every time I look at you and see the picture of you and Ben in my mind."

"Yeah, well, the thing is Rob, I don't know if I will ever be able to get by it."

"Why not Glenda? Isn't that what you have been asking me to do? Forget about you and Ben and get on with life?"

"I all ready told you Rob, I'm sorry for what I did and I can't undo it. The fact that I'm now going through what you have been going through doesn't change the fact that I have a problem and I don't know if it will ever go away. Right now the thought of you even touching me makes me feel nauseous. I don't know that I'll ever get over it."

"All I can say Glenda is that you either will or you won't."

"That's it? You don't sound like you care one way or the other."

"I care Glenda or I wouldn't have done what I did the other night to even the score and maybe make it possible for us to move on. But even if we are able to move on there will be some rough spots. I'm never going to be completely sure of you because in the back of my mind there will always be the black man issue. I know you said that you never had anything to do with them after college, but the quickness with which you dropped to your knees for Ben's big cock is always going to make me wonder. You will have to live with that. You will have to get used to me watching every thing you do. Dropping by the house at random times during the day to check up on you; especially when you have black models. It isn't going to be easy on either one of us.

"You said you wanted me back. Well here I am, but I didn't come back so we could live in separate bedrooms. You had better sit down and do some soul searching Glenda. You need to figure out what you really want to do. That I want to try and make a go of it is evident by my being here, but you had better hurry up and decide if you want to make a go of it too.


It took Glenda several weeks to make up her mind and in the end she decided she just couldn't live with the memory of Gail, Joan and me. We lived in a no fault state so things went easy and six months later I was single again. Alice called me a couple of times wanting to know if I'd heard from Ben and I always had to tell her no.

"In a way I guess that's a good thing" she said, "at least now I know how much I really meant to him."

Ben never did call and ask for my help in getting back with Alice and it came as no great surprise when he moved in with Glenda six weeks after our divorce was final. Two months after he moved in with Glenda he did make a mistake and get close enough to me for me to get my hands on him. His nose never did properly reset and he now walks with a limp and I'm not entirely sure how well his equipment now works, but I don't care to find out bad enough to call Glenda and ask her.

I continued to see Gail and Joan until I found out that they were both married and were fucking me on the side. My love life stalled for a bit, but that might be about to change. Alice called me again last night and told me that her divorce from Ben was final.

"I've been a good girl since I threw Ben out and I'm more than ready to stop being one. Any chance you have given the friends with benefits thing any thought?"

I'm taking her out to dinner tonight and then -- well, we will just have to see.

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Oatmeal1969Oatmeal196911 days ago

That was a sad and tragic tale... with a bunch of hypocrisy

Wish the story concluded with the reader finding out Ben developing ED, Glenda revisiting BBC for the size, nostalgia and the added thrill of cheating or they both got caught cheating on each other. Maybe all of those things and then they get into swinging, only to catch a social disease or be arrested during a drug raid at an underground sex club.

otherwise I was happy with the ending and giving Rob and Alice an optimistic ending.

AnonymousAnonymous24 days ago

The "world" this story is set in is a bit too small. Everybody is fucking everbody else.


If size is everything, then a big one would be near the top of a size queen's list of requirement in a husband.


Three stars.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

It couldn't have been that good of a marriage to begin with if he spent so many years consciously choosing to deny that she more than likely was fucking her models and his dick wasn't big enough to satisfy her. In a situation like that there is little trust or respect, and especially self-respect.

HeavyHeartLamentsHeavyHeartLaments4 months ago

Alright, JPB.

I'm commenting since God knows how many decades. But let me tell you, I just LOVED the story. Of course, everyone has their own opinions, as evinced from the comments below, but I really appreciated this. Considerably better than the cucky stuff you used to write in the beginning and other authors made fun of you here.

You have been so consistent and the sheer number of stories make me think you ought to be a machine!

I wanted also to comment, I'd like to connect with you sometime over email. You can email me at

Thanks for the bad, and the good, stories, brother.

PS: Are you even active here these days?

ImNotanAnonImNotanAnon5 months ago

Still baffles me that people think this racist moron is a good writer.

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