Robyn's Rage


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In a perverse way, I hated her even more for making me like her and tried hard to remember the injustice she had done in taking my beloved Johnny away from me. It only partially worked but luckily, after almost an hour of chat I had to excuse myself and go to my job in the pub.

Before I left I found myself making a genuine offer.

"Perhaps I could help you find your feet?" I volunteered. "How about if I show you round a bit. I have to work most evenings in the pub but my daytimes are fairly free. I could maybe help you settle in faster?"

A look of delight crossed Jackie's face, mixed with relief.

"That would be really lovely. I didn't think you would ever forgive me for stealing Jonathan from you," she said smiling as if it was a joke. "I know you two have always been... close."

There was ambiguity in her voice which left me wondering whether she knew just how close we had been and how close I still wanted us to be.

"Oh, we were never an item in that way," I told her with sad honesty. "Johnny's always gone for the glamour."

Jackie wasn't sure what to make of this so I continued.

"I've always been a bit of a tomboy; not good girlfriend material." That I now know to be true but hadn't understood it at the time. "I've mellowed now I'm older. It would be a real pity if you and I weren't friends like Johnny and I used to be."

"Jonathan told me you were more like a sister than a friend."

She meant it as a compliment but my heart ached; I didn't want to be Johnny's sister. I wanted to be what I always should have been; his lover and his wife.

"He's very sweet to say that," I forced myself to reply.

"Well you're sweet too. Jonathan said he hoped we'd get on. I'd love to get to know you better Robyn," she smiled. "And yes please, I'd love it if you showed me around."

It was agreed we would meet and spend the following day together exploring.

Jackie had no suspicions but for me, the first step had been taken.


For several weeks, Jackie and I saw each other whenever she was in the village, sometimes spending whole mornings or afternoons together, sometimes just having a coffee and chatting. When she wasn't working in her studio, I took her to all the local sights, the shops, some of the restaurants and pubs as well as introducing her to a few carefully-chosen acquaintances.

I made sure all were recently-arrived incomers like Jackie herself who did not know just how strongly I felt about her husband.

Johnny came home every weekend. If anything he looked even more unbearably attractive than before and when he turned those huge, penetrating eyes on me -- the eyes that had looked into my soul as he had claimed my virginity - I completely melted inside.

Inside but under no circumstances must it show outside!

To my continued distress, my beloved Johnny was still completely besotted with his wife. I didn't see anything like as much of him as I wanted, still less without Jackie present but it was enough to feed my unrequited love mercilessly and I cried myself to sleep several times.

Despite this, Jackie and I quickly grew close, or so she thought, to the extent that I was often invited to dinner at Fiddler's Cottage.

Jackie had given me a key to the cottage early on 'for emergencies' and so that I could keep an eye on the place when they were away. I had also volunteered to help them deal with a few maintenance jobs that needed doing, including the complete reconstruction of the ancient wall at the end of their garden. As a local, popular barmaid and well-in with the local tradesman, Jackie rightly believed I was better placed to deal with them than she was. Moreover, her part-time job as a designer required her to go to Bristol for a day or so each week and stay overnight on Wednesdays so she would find it difficult to be in the right place at the right time.

This suited my plan very well so I agreed to help immediately.

One warm Friday night after she had been in the village for a few months, Jackie had cooked a rather overly-fancy dinner for the three of us -- Johnny was home for the weekend - and we were sitting on their terrace drinking coffee and finishing our third bottle of wine.

The night was beautiful; all three of us were a little tipsy, especially Johnny and the talk had moved onto old times. Unsurprisingly, Jackie hated it when he and I talked about things with which she couldn't join in but that night she was relaxed and mellow and indulged us for a while.

Helped by the wine, stories of the adventures of 'Batman and Robin' kept coming out of the corners of our memories; of bike rides; of nearly-missed accidents on the rocks; of holidays in hot places; of games played with our families.

"I can see why people thought you were Jonathan's sister," Jackie eventually said.

For a split second Johnny and I exchanged glances; our one afternoon in the dunes had clearly not been mentioned and he did not want it to be.

"Robbie's lovely," he said quickly before I could say anything dangerous.

"She is," his wife agreed. I pretended to blush as Johnny continued:

"From what I can see, it looks like you two are almost as close as sisters already too."

The English was awful and slightly slurred but we both knew what he meant. Jackie looked across at me, raised an eyebrow and lifted her glass.

"Sisters, Robyn?"

I swallowed hard; there was a huge lump in my throat.


I replied, forcing a grin. I raised my glass and joined in with the toast.


Johnny had his arm around Jackie when I kissed them both good night in the doorway half an hour later.

I cried all the way home and sobbed myself to a rather fitful sleep.

I couldn't take this pain much longer. It was time to act!


The following Monday morning I talked to my Boss at the pub about my working hours, explaining that for a few months I needed to 'help a friend with some problems'. I asked whether I could cut my lunchtime hours completely for a while and warned him I might be a bit unreliable on some evenings.

I had known my Boss for many years and he was only too happy to agree. I knew there would be a payback at other, busier times of the year but I was tough enough for that.

Next, I made a few phone calls to builders I had been carefully researching. Contrary to Johnny and Jackie's expectations, I ignored the local firms and specifically chose only those from the nearest city some twenty miles away.

During each call, I introduced myself as 'Mrs... Call me Jackie'. Strangely, I seemed to have lost my local accent too.

In the afternoon I drove into the city and made a few purchases from specialist stores. I paid in cash rather than by card and put my purchases carefully away in my bedroom afterwards.

Then I started watching a few video clips from the internet on my laptop in my room; they weren't the kind of clips I'd want my mother to know I was watching but they were an essential part of my plan.

Knowing that plan had started I slept much better that night.


Tuesday passed as normal; I met Jackie for coffee mid morning and finished my hours at the pub both at lunchtime and in the evening. I was pleased to hear that she had seen a bit more of the acquaintances I had introduced her to and even more pleased that she hadn't made contact with anyone who knew me and Johnny well.

It was still painful hearing all about Jackie and Johnny's plans for the year and the rest of their lives but, knowing that my scheme had already started, I could handle the pain much better.

I spent the evening at work then afterwards in my room watching more video clips followed by a certain amount of 'practice' in front of the full length mirror on my wardrobe door.

I slept less well that night, my mind full of excitement and anxiety about the following day.


It was already dark when I let myself into Fiddler's Cottage on Wednesday night with my back pack over my shoulders. My heart was thumping in my chest and my tummy full of butterflies but I was determined to see it through. I had ducked out of work that night pleading with my Boss the need to help my friend. He had been very understanding so the evening was my own.

With Jackie in Bristol, the cottage was in darkness but, just to be safe, I called out her name as I walked through the hallway. There was no reply; she was, as expected, away for the night. I took a deep breath, slipped my outdoor shoes off and padded upstairs to the bedroom where I went into the en-suite bathroom and put my bag down on the toilet seat.

It had started; it had really started!

Almost shaking with nerves, I carefully undressed in the cramped room, taking care not to move any of my friend's toiletries from their positions.

Once naked, I opened my backpack and pulled out a pair of extremely brief, thong panties. They were dark purple and black, purchased in an anonymous department store fifty miles away. As I drew them up my legs and manoeuvred them into place with the rear thong between my cheeks I was amazed how some women could find such an article of clothing comfortable.

I turned left and right in front of the mirror -- I had to admit, however uncomfortable they felt, they looked sexy even on me.

Turning back to the bag, I took out a long blonde wig, curled to look just like Jackie's hairstyle. I flattened down my own short, dark hair, took a deep breath and pulled the wig onto my head as I had practiced many times at home. The world disappeared for a moment in a riot of curls but when it had settled down, I parted the blonde curtain in front of my face and looked in the wide over-sink mirror.

Wow! What a difference.

A few moments with a hairbrush and 'hey presto' - gone was the dowdy dark-haired girl that had silently entered the house. In her place was a slim, blonde, sophisticated, nearly-naked woman. I turned from left to right and back; apart from my face and much smaller boobs, no-one who didn't know her intimately would guess that it wasn't Jackie standing there.

I turned to my backpack again and pulled out my brand new black five-inch heels. They were awkward to stand, let alone walk in and I hated them but for that night's activities they would be perfect. I slipped my feet in, tottered as I always did then gradually recovered my balance enough to walk from one end of the bathroom to the other.

Then, taking another deep breath, I stood tall and left the bathroom.

For the next half hour I walked slowly, dressed only in thong and heels, from room to room of my friends' house, taking care that enough of the curtains and blinds were open and enough lights were on for me to be visible from outside, but always making sure that my long hair obscured most of my face.

My tummy was alive with nerves but I steeled myself and carried on, keeping my eyes on the prize and telling myself over and over again that no-one would ever know it was me.

After a while I got used to being nearly-naked and on view. I turned from left to right in front of the windows displaying my rather under-sized boobs; I bent over to open drawers, my bare bottom available for any onlookers to see. I went to the kitchen and paraded in front of the open fridge door, its light casting shadows on my boobs and highlighting the dark cloth triangle between my thighs and the line of the thong between my cheeks.

Anyone looking from any of the surrounding houses could not have failed to see me -- or at least see a woman with long blonde hair -- strutting near-naked in high heels flagrantly displaying her body.

No-one would guess that the woman flaunting herself so outrageously was not the lady of the house but a malevolent imposter.

Once satisfied that the show had gone on long enough to attract the right amount of attention, I returned to the bedroom and became myself again in jeans, T shirt and trainers. I re-packed the thong, wig and high heels in my backpack, pulled on my faded jeans, T shirt and cap then checked once again to make sure there were no signs of my presence in the room.

Finally content, I went downstairs and let myself out through the back door before melting away through the garden.

Once I was back home I poured myself a large glass of wine and sipped it as my pulse slowly returned to normal.

Mum and Dad were already in bed so I went quietly up to my room and booted up my laptop, intending to study a few more of those 'special' videos with the sound turned low.

But my mind was buzzing; I don't think I had ever felt so alive and aroused in my life. There was something about having not being me; something about the freedom being another person had given me; something about flaunting my sexuality that made me feel so, so different.

There was also something about my plan to win back Johnny having started that was very arousing!

I opened my bedroom door and listened hard; Dad was snoring softly and Mum was breathing heavily.

It was safe.

I nipped across the landing to the bathroom and pulled a clean sports towel from the airing cupboard then returned to my room. I lay the towel mid-way across the bed, plumped up the pillows against the wall, slipped off my jeans then leaned back against the headboard with my bottom in the centre of the towel.

Positioning my laptop on one side and my wine glass on the other, I began to watch the action on the screen, my eyes wide in astonishment. I was in luck; the clip I had chosen was good -- very good. The girl on the screen was about my age, as were the two strong well-endowed men she was about to 'entertain.'

After a few minutes, my thighs had parted a little way and my fingers had strayed to my knickers where they toyed absent-mindedly with my cotton-covered triangle.

As the on-screen action grew more intense. The girl was stripping slowly in front of the two men who were watching her every move intently. Her body was full and rounded her boobs huge and as her panties were discarded, I could see her vulva was completely hairless.

I slipped a hand inside my knickers; my toying became a little firmer and a little faster.

The girl was presenting herself to the two men who had now stripped naked too. Their cocks were still flaccid but, like their bodies, were intimidatingly large and jet black. Five minutes later my panties had been lowered a few inches to give my hand more room to work as I carefully studied the three performers on screen changing positions.

Watch and learn, Robbie. Watch and learn!

The men were touching the girl's body, her boobs, her hair, her face and then her bottom. She was responding eagerly with what seemed to be genuine excitement. As the action on the screen grew more intense still, my eyes grew wider and my fingers slipped deeper between my thighs, slowly exploring the dark crevasse between my rather skinny legs. A warm glow began to make its presence felt in my lower belly.

My fingers moved faster and the glow grew stronger as the girl on screen fell to her knees before the two men. Keeping my eyes fixed on the on-screen lovers, I pulled my panties quickly down over my knees then kicked them away. The air in the room felt cool against my dampening vulva. I leaned back against the padded headboard again, spread my legs wide then plunged my fingers into my slit and over my clitoris.


My body responded quickly as I knew it would. No stranger to masturbation, I could tell that this session was going to be a good one. I watched spellbound, stroking myself gently as the girl on screen took one of the men's cocks deep into her mouth while her free hand pumped the shaft of her other lover.


My fingers moved faster between my spread thighs as the girl on screen licked and sucked the monster cock, taking it deeper into her throat that I would have thought possible. Surely she must choke! But no! She looked as full of passion as I felt; perhaps it wasn't the terrible ordeal I had imagined!

My fingers moved faster still, in small fast circles over and around my hardening nub.


The first tremors of a minor climax came barely a minute later. A second flush followed soon afterwards. I bit my lips to stifle the sound. It felt good but that night I needed more.

On the screen, the girl had started to 'deep throat' first one cock, then the other. The men were moaning with pleasure, whispering encouraging things but apart from their cocks, the director clearly thought they were irrelevant; the camera stayed permanently on the girl's face as she took first one, then the other shaft deep into her throat, her free hand deep between her thighs, playing with her vulva.

From the heaving of her chest and the flush on her face, she was clearly massively aroused. This wasn't one of the corny, staged videos I had seen before; this was a real girl having a really good time with two very real, very large, very black men.


I tried again to suppress my moan as the next wave of climax rippled through me.

On the screen, the girl had abandoned the men's cocks and was now on her back on a sofa, her legs spread obscenely wide. One of her lovers was between her thighs, his huge cock beginning to thrust in and out of her hairless vagina. Her eyes were half closed in a pleasure which looked genuine. She was trying hard to keep sucking the other man's cock as she was fucked but the growing intensity of the big man's thrusts made this impossible.

Within a few minutes, her eyes were bulging, her mouth open wide and what looked like a real, powerful orgasm racked her body.

Desperate for some of the release she was enjoying, I rolled over onto my front and thrust my bunched fist into my groin. Crushed between my hips and the mattress, my fingers curled up and into my body, first on my clit, then inside my vagina, then back to my clit again, feeling the sensations building and building very quickly indeed as I humped my own hand.


The wave of climax that immediately surged outwards from my groin shook me bodily, making me growl and groan uncontrollably, my face buried in the pillow. On the screen, the two men had changed position. Now the girl was on her hands and knees, one cock thrusting into her vagina from behind, another being forced in and out of her throat.

In response, I thrust my own fingers hard into my weeping vagina once again then dragged them roughly across the underside of my clitoris. My hands shook as I came noisily and messily, desperately trying to stiffly the moaning to prevent my sleeping parents from hearing.


I half-howled my pleasure into the pillows as I came hard, my whole body shaking, bucking against my hand as girl on my laptop screen, now kneeling again between the two men's groins, received two huge ejaculations of semen straight across her face and in her mouth from the cocks she had been sucking and fucking.


As the image of cascading semen burned into my mind, a final, massive orgasm rolled over me, wave after wave, each pulse stronger than the last. My hips bucked against my fist, my mouth opened wide in silent scream, my face burned with the intensity of my climax until I finally let my fingers fall loose, my body crushed them beneath my groin and I lay trembling face downwards on the bed.

Oh God! I'd never masturbated like that before!

Just imagine what it would be like to have a real man's cock inside me... again!

Johnny's cock... like last time... my only time... but better... much, much better...

Oh Johnny Preston; how I needed you; how my body needed yours; how you belonged to me!

And what wouldn't I do to make you mine?


Over the next week, I obtained quotes for the wall repairs from three different builders, showing each representative around the cottage while Jackie was either out or in London.
