Role Reversal: Terrence's Downfall


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Nervous, he knocked on the door. There was a sinking feeling in his gut for a moment as there was no answer. What would he do then?

Luckily, the door opened and he saw Hudson on the other side.

"Come in." Hudson beckoned.

Both Calvin and Terrence walked in. There was a large kitchen area with a full stove top and oven on one side. As they moved further in, there was a huge living area, a giant TV, gaming consoles, bookshelves, everything.

Calvin almost forgot about the whole situation and was jealous of the setup. The living room itself was bigger than the dorm he lived in and there looked to be two private bedrooms on either side.

"Have a seat," Hudson gestured to the large couch and chairs in the sitting area. It seemed that Calvin wasn't the only one in awe.

"Who'd you kill to get this place?" Terrence muttered as he sat down on one of the chairs.

Calvin sat nervously on the chair opposite of him, a large coffee table separating the two.

Hudson moved past Terrence and sat in the large couch in between the two, with Terrence on his left and Calvin to his right.

As nervous as Calvin was, Hudson seemed to be on the opposite side of the spectrum. He was wearing a simple tee shirt and shorts, his feet bare on the hardwood floor and a mug in his hand.

"So," Hudson began, looking at Terrence and giving the man a small grin. "Calvin told me a little about your friendship, but I want to know the whole story. How would you describe it?"

Calvin's jaw dropped in shock. What the hell was Hudson doing? All he needed to do was give Terrence the assignment and leave it at that. Did he think he was a therapist or something?

"Well," Terrence said, his voice a low growl as he glared at Calvin. "We have an... agreement."

"Please explain more," Hudson continued nonchalantly.

"Well, he helps me with my assignments..."

"You mean he does them for you," Hudson interjected.

"Sure man... same difference. He does them for me and he gets rewarded." Terrence snorted.

"And what is this reward?" Hudson asked.

"Why the hell do you care?" Terrence said, "All I'm here for is my History essay."

As Terrence became more agitated, Hudson simply remained calm. "Well, I was just interested," he said with a shrug.

"I was wondering if his reward was not being outed as gay or whether sex with you was the reward," he continued as if the whole conversation was normal.

"I did not want to suck his dick," Calvin objected, "I just wanted him to not let everyone know I was gay."

Terrence looked over at Calvin with a crooked smile. "You may not have asked to suck my dick, but I know you loved it."

"So you forced him to have sex with you and do your work?" Hudson asked.

"So what?" Terrence snorted. "You a fag too? Did you do my assignment hoping to get some of my dick?"

"No," Hudson gave a chuckle. "I didn't do your assignment at all."

"What the fuck do you mean you didn't do the assignment?" Terrence stood up and glared over at Calvin. "I thought you said you found someone to get it done. You know I might fail in this class."

Calvin was equally shocked and looked over ad Hudson, who simply continued to sip from his drink as the chaos ensued.

"Failing the class will be the least of your worries," Hudson said.

Terrence's head whipped over and he began to take a step closer to where Hudson was sitting.

"I wouldn't take another step if I were you," Hudson said.

"You can't make me do shit," Terrence said, but the firmness and confidence in Hudson's voice made him stop.

"You see this?" Hudson said, pulling out a phone from underneath one of the pillows in between the two. "This means that you aren't in charge anymore."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Terrence growled, taking a swipe at the phone.

Hudson was faster and pulled it away, quickly typing a few words into the device.

"If you touch me, this email containing the last few moments of our conversation will be sent directly to the dean," Hudson said slyly.

"I'll just beat the fuck out of you and break the phone you fucking chink." Calvin could see Terrence's muscles tense in anger as he started to move towards Hudson.

"You stupid, stupid boy." Hudson said, shaking his head. "You really think that its based off my phone? Its through an email server. Use your head for once instead of resorting to violence."

Terrence let out a sigh and thought it over for a minute. "Fine. I'll leave and you can keep the assignment. Just delete the recording."

Hudson chuckled, "You think that's all?"

Terrence clenched his teeth and ran one of his large hands through his long dreads, "Fine, I'll leave y'all alone for good and that one won't have to do my work."

Calvin could see Hudson's entire body become more serious as he stood up and walked over to the other man. Even though Terrence's large 6'6" form and huge muscles towered over Hudson, the smaller man was obviously in control.

"No, you can't just leave," Hudson said, looking over at Calvin. "I think there's still a couple things that are owed."

Calvin gulped as both of the other men looked over at him. Terrence's look was a glare and Hudson had a look of amusement.

"So," Hudson continued as he stared right at Calvin, "Did you ever want to suck Terrence's dick?"

Calvin shook is head, unsure where this thing was headed. In his mind, the best outcome had already occurred. Terrence had promised to leave him alone and they had insurance in case the man tried to retaliate. What was Hudson going at?

"Well, how many times did Terrence force you to give him a blowjob?"

"Um... 19," Calvin remembered the exact number of times he had been forced to take the other man's dick inn his mouth.

"Great, that means..." Hudson said, looking over at Terrence, "You owe Calvin 19 blowjobs."

"Fuck no," Terrence shook his head as Calvin's mouth dropped open.

The black man looked over at Hudson. "Unlike him, I'm not a fag. I don't enjoy it."

Calvin huffed at the man's response, "You think I enjoyed it?"

"Now now," Hudson smiled at Terrence, waving his phone, "I don't really think that you have a choice here, do you?"

"No. It's not happening." Terrence paced around in frustration, obviously angry at the situation.

"If you say 'no' one more time," Hudson said, watching the football player spiral out of control, "then I'll add something else to your punishment as well. Maybe something fun, like shaving that head of yours?"

Terrence stopped and looked over at Hudson, who seemed calm and collected.

Calvin could see the man's hands tighten into fists as the man thought through all the possibilities.



Terrence looked over at Hudson.

"Are you crazy? I'm not doing it in front of you."

Hudson looked over at Calvin, "Do you mind?"

Calvin shrugged, still not fully aware of what Hudson was planning.

"Then it's settled. Down on your knees."

Hudson pointed at an open spot on the ground.

His eyes darting between Calvin and Hudson, Terrence slowly proceeded to get on his knees, grunting as his heavy weight hit the hardwood floor.

"Now what?"

Hudson walked behind the large football player, pulling something out of a nearby drawer.

"Hands behind your back. We don't want any funny business."

"Fuck no. What kind of creepy shit you think I'm doing?" Terrence said as he turned and saw the large zip ties in Hudson's grasp.

"You are welcome to leave as I press send." Hudson said, patiently waiting.

After a few silent seconds, Terrence let out a huff.


He crossed his arms behind his back and Hudson proceeded to tie them together. Calvin could see Terrence grimace as Hudson pulled them tight.

"Your legs too."

Terrence proceeded to place his legs together and Hudson wrapped the large zip ties around his ankles, effectively making it almost impossible for the large football player to move much or get off the floor.

"Over here," Hudson said, waving Calvin over, "You can do what he did to you. I'll be here to make sure he behaves."

Calvin was nervous as the walked over to stand in front of Terrence. Never in his wildest dreams would he have imagined that his worst enemy would be tied up before him. As he looked down into Terrence's eyes, he could see the large black man glare up at him. He was still angry, annoyed, and very pissed off. Calvin could feel the rage build up in himself. For all the times that Terrence had abused him, this was his chance to knock him down a peg and give it right back.

Calvin gave a nervous look at Hudson and saw the other man give him a nod. Calvin slowly unbuttoned the pair of shorts he was wearing and let them fall to the ground. Carefully, he pulled off his briefs until his soft cock was exposed.

Calvin smirked as Terrence turned his head, trying to avoid the dick in front of his face. One of the happiest things he had seen in a while. Calvin knew that his cock wasn't overly big, it was only about 6 inches at its hardest. However, it was still bigger than Terrence's. As much as the large football had going for him, endowment was not one of them.

Unsure of what to do, he gently nudged his cock forward, causing Terrence to recoil away from his dangling member.

Before he could decide on his next steps, he saw Hudson grab Terrence's long hair.

"Face him," Hudson said, twisting his grip so that Terrence was forced to make eye contact with Calvin's cock.

"Now," Hudson continued, leaning over and speaking into the larger man's ear while giving his hair a tug, "Open up."

Terrence's clenched jaw finally relaxed and opened by the smallest amount. Calvin took this chance to guide the tip of his soft cock to the larger man's lips. When the head of his cock touched the other man's dark lips, Calvin could see that Terrence wanted to pull away. However, Hudson's death grip on his head prevented him from moving to far.

As Calvin held his cock and tried to push it further into the other man's mouth, he could feel that Terrence's jaw was locked so it only opened a little. Hudson saw Calvin's frustration and grabbed the football player's jaw with his free hand, forcing his mouth wide open.

Calvin fed more of his cock into the awaiting mouth, the warm and wet sensation was something that he had never felt before. Terrence had been the one that he had given his first blowjob to, so it was almost poetic that the large football player was the one to be the first to suck his dick in return. As Calvin enjoyed the sensation of his first warm mouth, his cock began to stiffen.

As he pushed his cock in and out in small thrusts, he could feel that Terrence stayed stone still, a lifeless statue. It wasn't until Calvin pushed further that he hit the back of the other man's throat, causing the big guy to suddenly pull back and cough.

"No, get back on that cock," Hudson said pulling the black man's head back towards Calvin's waving dick.

Despite the pain, Terrence kept his head turned, "I need a break man, chill out. I've never done this before."

For some reason, that sentence made Calvin's blood boil. The first time that Terrence forced him to give a blowjob, he didn't get a break. No breather, not even the guarantee that he was going to live. How come he never had these luxuries.

Calvin reached out his hand and grabbed a fistful of Terrence's hair himself. Yanking the man's head back towards him.

"You never gave me a break, why should you get one?"

Both of the other men looked at him in surprise. Hudson had a small smirk and Terrence's mouth hung open at Calvin's sudden anger and aggressiveness. Calvin took this opportunity to push his cock back onto the other man's mouth. Without any hesitation, he began to push his hard cock as far as it would go. Calvin used both hands to pull the larger man's head onto his dick, feeling his cock push against the football player's throat each and every time. He could feel the bigger man struggle, his neck and shoulders squirming and trying to pull away. However, the bigger man's hands and feet were tied and there wasn't much Terrence could do to escape Calvin's assault.

Calvin's entire body was filled with pleasure, not only the thought of getting revenge on his bully, but the feeling of that bully's tight mouth and throat wrapped around his cock. He had absolute control over the other man's mouth, forcing him to take his member deeper and faster, with no regard to how the other man felt. His existence was solely for Calvin's pleasure.

Was this how the other man had felt when he was abusing him? The thought ran through Calvin's head, but he shook it off. Unlike himself, Terrence deserved everything coming to him. Calvin looked down at the man gagging on his cock. There was snot running down the man's face and tears running down his bulging eyes. Calvin gave him just enough time to breath every few thrusts before shoving his cock as deep as it could go.

When he felt his body begin to tense up, he knew what was coming. He pulled the large man onto his cock with almost superhuman strength as he felt his climax coming to a head. The other man thrashed his shoulders, trying to get out of his grasp, but Calvin held him tight. Calvin could feel each wave of cum shoot through his cock and down Terrence's throat. Spurt after spurt, it felt like it lasted longer than any of Calvin's climaxes before.

When it was finally over, Calvin loosened his grip and the other man quickly pulled away from him, gasping for air. As Calvin's knees felt weak and he moved backwards to collapse on a chair, he took a look at the scene that he had caused. Still bound before him was Terrence, no longer the tough and cocky asshole that had haunted Calvin's nights. Instead, there was a large man that had been reduced to a mere cum dump. Sweat, tears, snot and cum ran down Terrence's face, just as it had down Calvin's many times before. The man was simultaneously trying to catch his breath and heave up the cum from his belly.

Calvin looked over at where Hudson was standing. There was an obvious bulge in his pants as he gave Calvin a smile and a thumbs up. That sneaky, ingenious man. Calvin couldn't shake the feeling that all of this was orchestrated. As that very thought came across his mind, he heard Terrence speak.

"So, that's it right? We leave each other alone now?"

Hudson simply smiled as he walked over to the bookshelf. From hidden between a couple of books and small trinkets, Hudson pulled out a small camera.

"Not in the slightest." He said, showing the device to the horrified football player.

"I'm not sure if you've really learned your lesson," Hudson chuckled.

Calvin could see the blood drain from Terrence's face, despite his dark skin.

"I think you'll want a copy of this Calvin, and of course I'll send you one too Terrence," Hudson said mockingly, "Who else? I'm quite close to someone on the football team, I wonder what they would do with something like this?"



Thanks for sticking around. I hope you enjoyed the story. I wanted to explore something that I don't see too often and I'm not really sure if anyone would like a story like this. If you did, please leave some comments or feedback. I have a couple ideas for maybe a continuation even, but I'm still not sure if I should flesh it out if no one wants this type of stuff. Again, I mean no hate against anyone but bullies and do not condone blackmail or violence. Thanks!

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Part 2 please!!!!

OliveoraOliveoraover 3 years ago
I absolutely love this

Yes he deserved it ..he has a nice friend beside him you did well..

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Very hot!

Love the role-reversal with a black and Asian guy. Also well written and descriptive!

Stheno13Stheno13over 4 years ago

I really hope you make another chapter!

campernjcampernjalmost 5 years ago
Hot Story!

I love these type of stories: force, authoritarian, role-reversal.. please continue with another chapter! I agree with the other suggestions too, + perhaps Hudson does show his football teammates the video and Terrence get used by the team too, while Calvin watches? Just thought hehe...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Paradigm Shift

LOVE that the big black guy's cock is smaller than Calvin's!

Sirius5500Sirius5500about 5 years ago
HOT story

It's not formulaic and I can see something like this actually happening. The racial element made it more interesting as well. I don’t think it would’ve been as good if the guys were all white. I’m definitely interested in reading more role-reversal stuff like this. It’s hot to see bullies taken down a few pegs.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Very Descriptive!

I loved how you demonstrated Calvin's sense of dominance over Terrence - as his larger Asian cock spewed his seed down Terrence's throat. You hint at Hudson's desire to play and I'd love to read in another chapter how Calvin takes Terrence's virginity and tames him in the process. Loved it and hope to read many more chapters!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Awesome story

Would love to hear more about Calvin and Hudson. Maybe they tag team Terrance or just the two of them hook up. Great story!

DougsLairDougsLairabout 5 years ago
What gmag47 said


next another chapter

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Interesting Prospect

This was a wonderful story hats off to you. It was something new and really grabs your attention hope it gets more parts

gmag47gmag47about 5 years ago

I hope there's a part 2 where Calvin fucks Terrance fat ass

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