Room for Two


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In, out, in, out being careful to rub against Sharon's clit. Able to slow or even stop if I felt myself getting 'too excited.'

"Oh, I'm coming, quick, faster, harder – yessssssssss." It was Alan not Sharon and it seemed only fair to do what he asked. I rammed away giving his penis considerable stimulation as he, presumably, ejaculated in our shared vagina.

"Oh, me too!" Sharon this time.

I felt her fingers on her clit and of course they were touching me as well. That set me off! I pounded away as I squirted inside Sharon and obviously over Alan as well – just as he had, presumably, done to me. Absolutely amazing, a pretty well simultaneous orgasm. Not easy with two participants – which is the normal number – but remarkable with three, almost as if it was an improbable story rather than what actually happened.

Slowing gently I came to rest fully lodged, my emptied balls no doubt resting on Alan's emptied balls. Four testes that had been busy that evening.

"Phew!" we all breathed out.

It was a rather sexually satiated but introspective me that wandered nakedly back to my villa. I had not been invited to sleep with them in the marital bed though I had been half expecting that. Things had developed so fast. I could easily imagine more shared intercourse on waking. I think, if I had been invited, I would have agreed.

No early morning or even late morning sexual intercourse. No sex at all that morning. An early swim and then down to work.

Work done, I went for another swim and followed it with a pleasant little float on the lilo, just lazily paddling it around the pool as I basked in the sun. So nice to do that naked. My mind wandered to thinking how pleasing Sharon would look floating on a lilo, her big breasts slightly flattened and with droplets of water spattered over them; her copper hair wet from the water lying rather, I imagined, wildly on the lilo pillow; perhaps her legs a little apart showing that lovely furry place – that little furry animal between her legs – and perhaps poking up through it her inner labia and clitoris; perhaps her legs lolling open and revealing semen seeping white and sticky from her open and rather cavernous vagina. Semen from Alan or semen from both of us, just like I had seen the night before. Had she come for a rest after an energetic double fuck?

Nice thoughts – I was just getting to the bit in my imagination where I surprised her by slipping into the pool and sucking on her big pink clit notwithstanding the nearby semen. The thoughts had produced a lovely strong erection between my thighs and was enjoying how good it felt with the sun's warmth further stimulating it, when I heard a giggle.

My eyes flicked open and there was Sharon leaning against the wall of my villa watching me. She was in one of her flowing wraps against the sun and with her floppy straw hat on her head. I could see the copper of her curls. She looked as desirable as I had been imagining.

"Penny for your thoughts. I can see they are good! Were they of me?"

It would have been a compliment really to say 'yes' and it was also true!

"Mmmm, maybe."

"Is that a yes?"

"It is, I regret to have to admit."

"What exactly?"

"I was thinking about sucking your clitoris."

"You haven't done that."

"No, but I was imagining." I had certainly thought of doing just that the night before back at the villa when her legs had been so parted.

"You can if you like." The opening of her thighs just a little wider was an undoubted invitation. I slipped from the lilo into the water and swam over conscious of my erection hard below me. There was no let up in it as I climbed out of the pool.

What a sight. Such a riot of copper curls, a vee of curls, yes, but so wild and unruly. I dropped to my knees and looked upwards. Not a hair to her thighs but such copper all along her labia major, absolutely thick with wiry copper curls yet so soft to the touch. With my fingers I reached and parted the protective outer lips revealing the pink softness within, her frilly labia minora and to the front her so prominent, so sexy clitoris, prepuce and all – so suckable.

There too her open vagina – her so accommodating vagina. I could see it had recently been accommodating, just as I had been imagining.

"Have you and Alan...?"

"Yes, we fuck a lot though it is best with two."

"You could have called and I..."

"We did not like to disturb your work – I used a vibrator instead to fill me. Alan likes that. I like that. We just lie absolutely still and it does all the work. I come: he comes – as you can see."

"I'd like to try that."

"No. I won't fuck you alone: only with Alan"


"Never without him. I fantasise, you are hardly going to tell anyone, about big black men, penises as thick as Alan's, yours and another man's bound together, yeah, wow! Massive men with skin so shiny like polished ebony or mahogany. I imagine oiling their bodies and making them stand. I love the idea, big shiny penises as hard as wood and slippery with oil – I love the thought of clasping their enormous balls and trying to stuff their knobs into me; I love the idea that perhaps they might be too big even for me, but I'm sure I'd manage eventually: except I would not because Alan would not fit in as well. Oh, I'd play with them, like I'll play with your cock, but not fuck them."

"What about your bottom: couldn't Alan be in there?" The idea of a vibrator and me in one orifice and Alan in the other strangely interesting.

"It is perhaps a surprise but I don't like that. So I won't bend over for you either!"

"Oh! I wasn't asking..."

"Really? Do you like that?"

"Karen doesn't."

"So you do! It seems so unnatural to me."

"Unlike two penises in a vagina! Alan's twin barrelled shotgun analogy."

"Well, when you put it like that. But I think that is how proper intercourse should be. So much easier if you needed two different spermatozoa to fertilise an ovum. No unwanted pregnancies from simple two people sex! Oh don't be worried. I'm on the Pill, no risk of Alan or you getting me in the family way again. I've had that! Rather sexy don't you think not knowing which man has done the deed – which barrel has hit the target!"

"I suppose..."

"Well, it was really nice and I had hoped we might again but Alan has been called away so we won't be able to walk with you down the path again tonight and bind the two of you together with ribbon. It would have been fun but... and we won't meet your lovely wife. You'll be gone when we come back in a few weeks. Perhaps another year?"

"Oh," I replied, a real disappointment, "oh, perhaps" It was another day before I had to fetch Karen from the airport and I had, despite all my worries about cheating on Karen, been rather hoping to do just that – walk with them down the path to the sea, walk erect with Alan and to join with him in taking Sharon together, pressing his penis against my own and slipping in. "Well, it's been really good meeting you both too."

"Alan's just putting the stuff in the car. Are you going to suck my clit or just look at it?"

The whole conversation had been with me on my knees before her holding her sex open. I wasn't going to miss the opportunity. So different from Karen's, so much more there, a real thing in my mouth, something substantial, something you could lick and suck. So smooth to the touch, such a delight to hold with my lips and pull. A certain saltiness to the taste. Well that was probably Alan's doing. I mentally shrugged my shoulders. Well if you play with a women as two men jointly then, sooner or later, you are going to end up tasting the other man's semen be it in her sex or on her lips. It is going to happen. No point being squeamish!

There was silence except for the slurping of my mouth and the steady hum of the insects.

"Would you like to come in my mouth before we go?"

"Aren't you going to come?"

"I don't think so, it's nice but... and Alan is waiting."

I looked up and there he was, no longer naked but in lightweight trousers and shirt. I had not seen him dressed before.

Another strange experience. To be sucked off whilst someone else watches - even more so when it is the woman's husband. Alan made no pretence of not watching. Slowly I rose to my feet, as Sharon descended to her knees. She gave me a moment or two to savour the sight as she pushed back her wonderful hair. What man does not relish the sight of a beautiful woman on her knees with her mouth inches from his erection? A man who is not interested in women I suppose!

Just as the night before the tickling tongue but this time really prolonged. There was not a part of my penis the tongue did not gently caress before she took, one after another, my balls into her mouth and so carefully rolled each egg around with her tongue. I was very near ejaculation even before she had slipped her lips back over my knob.

"She is very good at that," commented Alan, "if we had more time..."

I wondered what he meant. Perhaps he meant if she was tonguing the two of us it could all go on for hours - but alas I was not going to find out.

"Sharon we do need to go."

The teasing tongue ran right up the ridge of my penis and over the fraenum and tickled my little opening as her soft, wet lips slipped half way down my glans.

"Go on, fill her mouth, let it come."

Sharon's lips closed around my knob but her tongue continued to tease just my opening. It was too much to bear. I felt my balls lift.

"Oh - yes!"

"Good man!"

I almost buckled at the knees as I felt the glorious first spurt, the ecstatic release rising and then I was in full flow into Sharon's mouth, grimacing and shaking my head in the pleasure of it. Even now I can recall the intense feeling and the so erotic sight of my penis between Sharon's lips as my semen passed up it and into her mouth.

Still gasping, I felt Sharon pull away. Alan reached out his hand towards me and I took it.

"Sorry, we've really got to go. Come on Sharon, you can swallow when we get to the car."

So bizarre, shaking Alan's hand with him fully clothed but me naked and with a dripping still erect penis.

I watched them drive away, Sharon's hand waving. One moment she was there; the next gone. I had walked straight out from my villa to the track leading to the road and had stood there, naked and with wet penis in the bright, hot, sunshine watching their car leave.

There was another day to go before I needed to fetch Karen and the children from the airport. I had gone slowly back to my villa from seeing Sharon and Alan off, had taken a swim and finished my work. My planned solitary week had not been so solitary after all but I had absolutely achieved my objective and my publisher would be very pleased - and relieved. I had, though, to face up to the fact I had been involved with another woman, a woman who was not my wife - something I had not done before. Not an affair, not an affair at all though to pretend Sharon had not captivated me with her sexuality was quite another matter. Should I even mention Alan and she to Karen; reveal I had met the next door villa's owners; should I perhaps confess all? It was, though, simply not an affair. It had not been an involvement with another woman - very much not. It had been sexual involvement with a couple as a couple. Was that different? It had certainly been very strange.

That evening I walked outside and stood at the wall between the villas remembering. The low evening light casting a golden glow; the searing heat of the day gone but it was anything but cool. Nothing but memories now. In a way little different from my imagined thoughts of the little black girl in her straw hat. Thinking about Sharon or the black girl, both were thoughts in my head, only thoughts of Sharon were based on reality - things had happened.

I stepped over the wall, the first time I had done so without Alan and Sharon being there. It all felt so empty with their villa, again, having that locked up look. The insects hummed, the warm sun still obliquely shone, casting long shadows. It was all the same as when Alan, Sharon and I had walked to the sea but I was now quite alone.

Slowly I made my way across the villa's grounds to the path to the sea. I had walked it twice before - both times with erections. The first time I had come by my own hand watching the pair make love in silhouette, the second I had joined with them - so very much joined with them - and come together with Alan inside Sharon. The memory caused me to erect. I opened the iron gate and stepped onto the path and walked through the trees. It felt so right, walking naked and manly. Very strange to recall I had done just that with Alan - two mountain goats with their horns, was how Sharon had described us. It had felt even better like that than the night before when I had sported alone. It had been such a strange experience walking like that with another man, walking together with purpose towards a woman.

Unfortunately no prospect of Sharon at the end of the walk - or the little black girl! No prospect of easing into Sharon next to Alan. How good it would have been to have approached Sharon together a second time; so exciting to envisage her standing there with the light making her beautiful red hair shine. Perhaps she might let her shift fall to the ground - a invitation that she was wet and ready to receive penises. I imagined our knobs touching and knocking together as we moved together into position - perhaps both achieving entry at the same time, sliding together up into her.

The thought so sexual in my mind. I came out onto the headland as strongly erect as I had ever been and stood in full display looking out to sea at the sinking sun. Such a shame we had not had the opportunity for a third walk. Perhaps Alan and I might have walked the whole way erect. Perhaps Sharon might have insisted. Perhaps she might have tied that so thin wrap around each of our erections and lead us down the path - leading bulls by their horns! Perhaps she might just have held us. The idea of walking and being held - there. Such an exciting idea.

So good to stand there on that headland, just stand and watch the changing colours and think of what I had done right there with Sharon - and Alan - and what might have been. Wanking gently, I stood looking and thinking as the sun grew big and red as it sank into the sea.

A sound behind me shocked me from my thoughts and I whirled but it was not an unexpected group of walkers, a solitary fisherman or even my little black girl (a nervous, 'hello, can I help with that.') but a goat passing by.

I sighed in relief and began walking back towards the villa but then I paused, turned and walked back. Standing at the edge in the red light of the setting sun, a naked, erect man above the sea, I wanked with purpose and as the last of the sun's rays lit up the sea I spoke,

"A toast to Sharon and Alan!"

And let fly out over the sea and rocks, my semen momentarily glinting in the dying sun.

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

LOL not the goat :)

DevilbobyDevilboby9 months ago

I'm trying to imagine two horns tied together side by side, is that even possible the double insertion in the manner you describe is of course possible and regularly practiced I've no doubt, though sadly not from personal experience, but aside from my reservations it is a lovely story and I look forward to reading more of these so caring sharing neighbours. Thank you Max.

zhoyzhoyalmost 2 years ago

Oh god this made me so.very.wet.....

SnoopygirlSnoopygirlover 2 years ago

I actually really enjoyed your story, so thank you so much. It’s such an enticing thought but I could never entertain two in my puss! I’d love to swim naked, walk naked esp on holidays. I imagine it would be so freeing. Well written and enjoyed very much.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Nice to read a well written errorless story of what indeed could be. Encourages one to imagine easily as a participant. The whole idea.

PhillallPhillallover 7 years ago
Great writting

Wow what an exciting story. Please continue with a second story. May be Sharon could already know Karen. Mmmm wow. Education overload

maddictmaddictover 7 years ago
What relief

They might never meet as two couples, we don't know what Karen's response would be. I can't imagine it could be the same as her one horned husbands.

Can't say I've ever walked naked and erect with another before, or tied dick to dick with a ribbon. How fun.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Wonderfully erotic story! I'll say it again, wow!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Very erotic reading for me. My cock is still dripping as I write this.

WatcherRobWatcherRobover 7 years ago
First two oaves very nice and believable.

I really identified with the writer for the first four chapter, then the story came apart for ms

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