Roommate Ch. 01

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A college man has a startling effect on his roommates.
4.4k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/23/2019
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When Andy got the call about an opening in the college residence, he was greatly relieved. It was the fourth week of first semester, and his current living arrangements--an off-campus rental house with four roommates--was turning into a disaster.

Andy liked to have fun as much as the next guy, but these guys and gals partied all the time. The living space was covered with empty pizza boxes and beer cases. No one washed up after themselves in the kitchen. It was no place for a serious student like Andy.

That phone call was like a lifeline. He had only been on the waiting list to get into residence for a week. He expected he'd have to wait a lot longer.

When he was showed to his room, nobody was there. His parents and his brother helped him to move his gear into his new home, kissed him goodbye and drove back to the small town they all came from.

Andy was unpacking his bags when the door opened. A tall, handsome young man entered the room.

"Hi," Andy said.

"Hi yourself," the stranger replied. "I'm Devon."

"Andy. I guess I'm your new roommate."

They shook hands. Devon had a powerful grip.

The two students compared courses and schedules, discussed their academic and extracurricular ambitions and then moved on to sports and politics and the interests they had in common, all while Andy continued unpacking and setting up his side of the room.

Just when Andy thought he and his new roommate were going to hit it off just fine, Devon became serious.

"I want to clear the air right now on one subject. You should know from the outset so you're not surprised by anything later."

Andy's curiosity was piqued.

"Surprised about what?"

"I'm bisexual, so I'm into both guys and girls."


"What about you? Are you gay?"


"Are you uncomfortable then? Were there many queer folk in that small town you came from?"

"Uh, no, not many as far as I know."

"Okay, I'll fill you in about me. When I am interested in someone sexually, man or woman, I'm dominant, or what gay people call a 'top'. That means I take the leading role in sex and look for someone who likes to be dominated."

"I... see." It was a lot for Andy to process. Back where he came from, most everyone married and seemed to treat each other more or less like equals. Like his parents. Talk of sex was rare in the community except when the pastor ranted against homosexuality.

"Now, there's a reason why I'm telling you this. My last roommate... his name is Winston. Well, he didn't work out because he wanted to be involved with me. Sexually. That was fine for a while, but I'm not looking for anything long-term and he couldn't handle that."

"Oh... Okay."

"Winston had a little bit of a breakdown and we had a scene. He had to be escorted off campus."

"Sounds intense."

"That's why his space in residence came open."

"That must have been, uh, difficult."

"It was no problem for me. I laid out the ground rules when he first showed interest in me. Just like I'm doing for you."

Andy blushed and sputtered.

"I'm not interested in you that way at all!"

"No," Devon said. "I'm not saying that you're interested in me; I'm making myself clear about who I am. Just so you're not taken off-guard."


"We shouldn't have a problem as long as you're not one of those holier-than-thou religious types who thinks anyone who colours outside heteronormative lines should be sent straight to Hell."

That was exactly what Andy had been raised to believe, but he had never been comfortable with hate from the pulpit.

"It's all another world to me," Andy said. "Seems to me it's your business who you sleep with."

"I don't sleep with anyone. I fuck them and send them home."

"Oh. Well, that too."

"Now, I don't want you to worry. I lead an active sex life, but I won't spring any surprises on you, out of respect. If I need the room for company, I will make arrangements with you in advance. I expect the same courtesy from you when you're entertaining."

"Um, no problem."

"As for everything else, keep it on the level with me and I'll do right by you."

In all respects, Andy and Devon seemed to agree on rules and they got along fine. The first test came the next day. Devon said he needed the room for an hour or two for a date. Andy came from a world where there were still rules for conduct on a first date that would not call for privacy. He was pretty sure that wasn't the way Devon's playbook read. Andy said he had some studying to do anyway and he would be out at the library until eleven.

At the library, Andy tried hard to study. For some reason, he kept remembering a warning one of his fellow students gave him about some of the library bathrooms being meeting places for gay hook-ups. That in turn directed his curiosity back to what might be happening in his room with Devon. He tried not to think about it. He didn't know if Devon's date was male or female, but either way he was better off not knowing. And not visualizing.

Which was a slight problem for Andy. He was a little sex-starved himself since he and his high school girlfriend, Kitty, broke up. They had never had sex, but she had given him occasional handjobs. He was horny as Hell, and had no recourse. Even masturbation was frowned on by his church; of course, he did it anyway, but he always felt so guilty.

It occurred to him that maybe he needed to start dating again. There was a nice girl in his literature class named Mary-Ann. Maybe he would find the courage to ask her out. He unwittingly visualized the girl as she might look naked, and shuddered with delight. He'd ask her out tomorrow.

On the stroke of eleven, Andy packed up his books and his laptop and left the library. The short walk across the campus to his residence block was charged with anticipation. Would Devon's date still be there?

Even though it was past the agreed time for Andy's return, he still knocked at the door.

"Come in." Devon's voice was muffled behind the door.

Andy opened the door and went in. Devon was alone. He was in his boxers and nothing else. His torso looked as if it had been chiselled from stone. The brown skin was unblemished. It didn't escape Andy that the front of the boxers concealed something large. Devon was a handsome animal.

And right now he had a look of satisfaction on his face.

"How was studying?" Devon asked.

"Oh, good," Andy lied. "How was your date?"


"Ha, good. Do we need arrangements for tomorrow night?"

Devon grinned. "Tomorrow I'm at his place."

"Okay." Andy wondered if that referred to the same person as tonight or someone new.

"I'm turning in," Devon said.

"Good night."

The next day, Devon was already up and gone before Andy woke up. It was only nine a.m. and his lecture wasn't until ten. He was looking forward to seeing Mary-Ann today and he was screwing up his courage to ask her out.

Just after Andy got back from the showers, there was a knock at the door. Andy was still wearing his bathrobe. He opened the door to a lanky blond male. He had a wild look in his eyes.

"Is Devon here?" he asked.


"Do you know where he is?"

"One of his business courses, I think."

The young man cursed. Andy noticed he had a fading bruise on the side of his chin... and several more on his neck and throat. Hickeys.

"Do you want me to give Devon a message?" Andy asked.

"Who are you anyway?" The man eyed Andy suspiciously.

The question took Andy by surprise. He introduced himself and said he was Devon's new roommate.

This was met with laughter that seemed slightly hysterical.

"So, you're the next one!"

"The next what? Who are you?"

"I'm Winston."

"Oh." Andy wasn't sure, but he had the impression from talking to Devon that first day that Winston was no longer allowed to come here.

Winston's face took on a classic bitchy expression.

"So, has he had you yet?"

Andy coloured. His jaw dropped.

"Don't play innocent with me. You know what he is, you must!" He reached out with both hands and tugged the folds of Andy's bathrobe wide open at the shoulders. The loosely tied sash unknotted and the robe slipped to the floor. Andy was exposed to the hallway and passersby.

Winston's expression changed like ripples on water, from one emotion to another. Anger, curiosity and a different kind of intensity...

"So he hasn't marked you yet..."

Andy retreated from being an exhibition in the hallway, and as he jumped behind the cover of the door, Winston slipped into the room past him.

"What are you doing?" Andy demanded, picking up his robe and putting it back on.

"I had to make sure..."

"Make sure of what?"

"That he hadn't marked you!"

"Marked me?"

Winston whipped his t-shirt up over his head and off, exposing a pale, lean body. The chest and shoulders were covered in the same fading hickeys that marked his chin and neck.

"It's how he tells the world of his conquests!"

"You need to leave."

"He hasn't got to you yet... You still have a chance! Get out before it's too late!"

"Too late?"

"Too late, yes! You're a beta. He'll break you like he broke me."

Andy didn't want to hear anymore. He pushed Winston toward the door and the young man put his t-shirt back on.

"Will you tell Devon that I was here?"


"Tell him to call me. I need to see him." Winston let his eyes fall to Andy's package below the robe and licked his lips. Then, he focused those wild eyes back on Andy.

"I'll blow you if you want."

Andy gaped at him, colouring deeply. A man he had just met had just offered to suck his cock. College was every bit as corrupt an environment as his pastor had warned him.

"Come on, it's not like I didn't just see it." Winston's voice had turned whiny.

"No," Andy shouted, as he pushed Winston out into the hallway. He slammed the door in the former student's face, leaving him alone with the strange flush of excitement he had felt from the encounter.

The feelings were confusing. He was angry at Winston for having disrobed him, but at the same time the idea of having Winston's lips on his cock had a certain appeal. But this was all wrong. Andy had never even experienced oral sex. And he certainly wasn't gay. That was against everything he was raised with.

Andy still made it to his lecture on time. Afterward, he followed Mary-Ann out of the lecture hall and fell in step beside her, asking her out for a date. She agreed and that evening they enjoyed the atmosphere of one of the college town's finest cafés, followed by a movie. They had shared a brief kiss goodnight and they were set to meet again the next afternoon. It was a good day.

When Andy got home, Devon was just getting in.

"Hey, buddy," Devon said.


After the pleasantries were settled, Andy told Devon about Winston's visit. Rather, he told him some parts of it.

"He wants you to call him."

"Not gonna happen," Devon said. "What else did he say?"

"Not much."

"Really? Didn't he go on a rant about me?"

"Well, yes."

"I thought so. Did he give you a warning?"


"And this... this I gotta know. Did he ask to suck your cock, or offer you his ass?"

Andy reddened. "Uh, yeah... he offered to blow me. How did you know?"

Devon chuckled. "It's such a thin line sometimes between a beta and an omega."

"What's that mean? Winston said something about him being a beta..." Andy neglected to mention that Winston had labelled Andy a beta too.

Devon casually started undressing for bed in front of Andy.

"An alpha male is the confident man who tends to dominate his social sphere. Beta males are the common pack, not as take-charge as the alphas, but equal to each other. But an omega male... that's one that will roll over for everyone; he doesn't even try anymore. A pure submissive."

"So Winston is an omega?"

"He is now. He was a beta when he met me."

"What happened?"

Devon flung his shirt in his corner and unzipped his fly.

"I happened. I told him what I told you the day you moved in. He started off as a hetero guy curious about my sex life. He started asking questions and then tried spying on me. He watched me with a few dates, different men and women I brought home. He actually hid in the closet. Finally I confronted him and told him how things were going to be."

Devon was down to his socks and his boxers. He sat on the edge of his bed and began stripping off his socks.

"Well, as I say, he was a beta and he gave in to my domination right away. Trouble is, as an alpha, I like that. I like to dominate people completely. I told him who was in charge and showed him his place. He responded with enthusiasm. One thing led to another, I initiated him into gay sex, and he turned over hard. He became an eager bottom. Perhaps too eager. I began subjecting him to ever-increasing humiliations to cool his jets for me. This went on for a couple of weeks. I started to get tired of him. There was no challenge anymore."

Andy listened, rapt with the story. So Winston had once been a normal, well-adjusted heterosexual guy and had been turned into a gay sexual submissive in a matter of days? It sounded unbelievable, fantastic.

"Between you and me, you should have taken him up on his offer to blow you," Devon said. "He's better than most of the girls on campus."

Andy let pass the implication that Devon knew the oral sex skills of most of the girls on campus. Mary-Ann came to mind and the thought of a girl like her being with an insensitive brute like Devon--appalled him? Or did the visual turn him on? He shuddered and tried to shake the image.

"So that's Winston's story. Are you okay with it?"

"It's a lot to take in."

"It is what it is. As for his warning, as long as you're straight with me, you have nothing to worry about."

Andy nodded.

"Look, you seem well-adjusted," Devon said. "I normally sleep in the raw. I've just been wearing the boxers to keep you comfortable. Do you mind?"

Andy flushed. A beta would agree to placate an alpha. But then again, an alpha wouldn't feel threatened by something so trivial. Andy didn't know which one he was, so he was glad the course of action was the same either way.

"Sure, go ahead."


Devon stood up, snagged his thumbs in his waistband and tugged his boxers down, tossed them on the pile of clothes in his corner. The penis that was exposed was large, but not unnaturally so. Only a little bigger than mine, Andy said to himself. Then he realized he was staring and broke his gaze to look elsewhere.

"Alright, I'm going to sleep," Devon said. "Good night."

That was the end of the conversation. Devon unconsciously flashed his ass at Andy as he turned and climbed into his bed.

Later, as Andy lay in bed waiting to fall asleep, his mind travelled over a variety of images from his day. Mary-Ann's pretty smile was certainly the highlight, but other visuals intruded. He saw Winston licking his lips in some kind of deviant lust. And he saw that great member uncoil from Devon's boxers.

Mary-Ann, Andy thought. Think of Mary-Ann.

He nodded off eventually but his sleep was fitful and his dreams were stranger than he would be able to understand in his waking hours.

The next morning, Andy once again woke to find Devon gone. He stretched. One of his first thoughts of the day was of Winston and his sad obsession with his room-mate.

I wonder what really started him down that path.

But that was not important now. He had a class in an hour and a date this afternoon. Mary-Ann.

His shower was an uncomfortable experience. As the warm water flowed down his body, he took a critical view of his penis. How could he have thought that Devon's was only a little bigger than his? The differential was far more significant. Even as he looked at it, it seemed to retreat into his nest of pubic hair. It eroded his confidence a little.

Back in his room after his shower and a shave, he got dressed. He wondered strange things about his clothing that he had never thought about before. Do these pants show off my ass?

Devon's clothes paraded his fine physique elegantly. Andy didn't have the same build, he was more like--


And that's the limit of our similarities.

Andy found himself wondering if Winston was Devon's preferred body type. Then he shook himself because it didn't matter. Nothing could matter less.

Once he was ready, he still had plenty of time before he had to leave for class. He made his bed and turned around to look at the rest of the room.

Devon's side was Spartan. No posters or pictures, no extraneous desk clutter. The only mess was that corner where he threw his clothes. The pile was topped by the boxers Devon had worn yesterday.

Not even sure what he was doing, Andy took two steps toward the pile before there was a knock at the door.

Andy flushed as if he had been caught in a shameful act, then he cursed under his breath and answered the door.


"Did you give Devon my message?"

"Yes, he's not interested."

The young man looked downcast. Andy found him simultaneously irritating and pitiable.

"Look, uh, Devon's not here but do you want to come in?"

What are you doing? Andy asked himself.

Winston looked at him with a full spectrum of alternating emotions. Andy could identify some of them and didn't think he liked everything he saw.

The blond boy came in and sat as bidden at the foot of Andy's bed.

"Thanks for letting me come in."

"It's just for a few minutes." Andy said. "What do you want from Devon?"

Even the apparently shameless Winston blushed. "I want him all the time. He's like something I caught and can't get rid of."

"You know he wants nothing to do with you, right?"

Winston looked distraught and turned to stare at Devon's side of the room, at his bed.

"It's so cruel, to take me and shape me into his thing and then leave me in the dust."

Wow, he does have it bad. Does Devon really have that much power in his cock? Andy was shocked by his own thought. Relationships were more complex than just sex after all. Or so he had always been taught.

"You'll be okay," Andy said. "You'll move on."

Winston sobbed.

"This is a time where you can lean on your friends."

Winston snorted. "What friends? After he sent me home looking like this, covered with his special trademark, I'm the object of constant abuse and ridicule."

Andy felt bad for him, but he couldn't help thinking that Winston had brought some of his troubles on himself with his initial curiosity in Devon. Winston would have to rely on himself to make things better. That said, Andy felt compassion for him. Winston was not just experiencing a terrible infatuation, but he had apparently been changed on a fundamental level if Devon could be believed.

Almost unable to believe what he was about to say, Andy sat down beside the tortured soul.

"I'll be your friend, Winston." Andy sat down beside him.

Winston was still sobbing but Andy's words gave him a flicker of hope. He straightened his shoulders and let Andy embrace him. Winston leaned on Andy's shoulder and he cried for several minutes. Then he ever so gradually let his head slide down Andy's arm into his lap and he began tugging at the fastenings of Andy's pants.

Did I want this to happen? Andy asked himself.

And it was happening. For a newly-minted homosexual, Winston opened Andy's trousers and forced aside his underwear with well-practiced skill.

And for a life-long heterosexual male, Andy's pecker was very hard.

What's happening to me?

Winston's mouth was on the glans of Andy's penis almost before it was out of his pants. He closed his mouth over the bulbous head and swirled his tongue in a dizzying series of circles around it. Andy let out a moan and Winston answered him with his own. Both men were content with the sensations they were experiencing, but that wouldn't last. Soon, they both wanted more.