Roommates' Corruption


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"You're on thin ice right now, Beth," John said in front of the whole office. "Step into my office, please."

Beth reluctantly sauntered over to John's office, and he closed the door behind her. "So, you think now that we have a special relationship you can just do whatever you want now, hu?" John asked. He was facing toward her with the city's bustling on the other side of the window behind him.

"No John, the thing I said about the gas leak is the truth, I swear."

"Why do you think you have a gas leak?" John cut his harsh tone down a level.

"It's... Complicated." Beth answered.

"Okay, well if you and your roommate need somewhere to stay while you figure it out, you are welcome to crash at my place."

Beth glared at her boss, "Very funny, John."

John shrugged, "I was being serious, but alright." He paused for only a slight moment before confidently ordering, "Take off your blouse, please."

John said it so flippantly Beth thought she heard him wrong for a moment. "Excuse me?"

"Take off your shirt, please." John said with exaggerated enunciation.

"Fuck, we're doing this now?" Beth asked. She glanced back toward the door of his office.

"Is there a better time you had in mind?" John asked her sternly. "Now take off your fucking shirt."

Beth expected the 'please' again, but it never came. She obediently stripped off her shirt.

"Good, now give it to me."

Beth handed him the shirt, her tits bouncing slightly in her bra as she raised her hand toward him.

"Good girl. Now get under my desk. You're going to be busy for a bit."

Beth sucked her boss's cock under the desk for what seemed like half an hour before she heard a knock on the door. Oh, thank God, Beth thought of relieving her sore jaw. But to her horror, John didn't give her a break.

"Come on in," John called out. He guided a hand under his desk to the back of Beth's head, holding her mouth in place on his long dick.

Beth could hear Aaron's voice from her place under the desk. "Hey, John. Sorry, I thought Beth was still in here. I need something faxed; do you know where she is?"

"I sent her on an errand." John pulled Beth's head closer to his pelvis, pressing his glans into the back of her throat. She tried her best not to gag or make any sound at all. Drool began dribbling down her chin, pooling onto her cleavage. "She'll be back after lunch. Can't you fax it yourself?" John let up the pressure on the back of Beth's head. A cascade of spit ran down her chin, some of it running down her neck, most of it dripping down between her tits and bra. Her bra was quickly soaked. John held Beth's head just enough to keep her mouth on the girthiest part of his shaft. Beth's jaw screamed in pain.

"Uhh..." Aaron stammered, "Yeah, I suppose I can. Thanks."

Beth heard the door close. John looked down at the prize on his dick, now teary-eyed and with drool coating the upper half of her torso. "Good girl," John applauded. Beth couldn't help but revel at the appraise; despite her anger, and the fact that she was usually the dominant in the bedroom, being called a good girl always turned her on.

"I'm surprised you haven't started video recording yet. Isn't that the whole benefit to your end of this bargain?"

Beth wanted to scream at him, but his cock slammed into the back of her throat again instead.

Marissa flipped through her rolodex for a third time trying to find the correct number. The fact that she even still had a rolodex was kind of ridiculous, but it was way cheaper than the stupid software that was the alternative. Marissa didn't get into her position as CEO by making stupid financial choices, after all. She finally found the number she was looking for and dialed it up on the phone on her desk.

The ring went on for an unusually long amount of time before someone finally answered. "Thank you for calling Slut Training Videos, how can I help you today?"

Marissa rolled her eyes at the stupid name they had given themselves. "Hi, I just had a few clarifying questions about the program I ordered."

"Sure thing! Do you have your account number?"

Marissa read off the account number to the man who diligently pulled up her ordering information.

"Perfect, now that I have you pulled up, what kind of questions can I answer for you?"

"I wanted to know about the length of time it takes for the triggers and behavioral changes to start working. I was told it would take close to two weeks, but I've noticed significant behavioral changes already within the first day."

"That's right, the videos you ordered had a lot of specification. Because of the fact that they're embedded in fake business seminar videos the effects take a lot longer to solidify than our regular programs. I would guess three weeks is the average time it takes to really observe a full transformation. It's abnormal that you're seeing that kind of progress so soon. What kind of behavioral changes have you been noticing already?"

"Well, my subject wore a really slutty outfit to work already, and it was only after the first day."

"That's interesting. We have observed that certain elements of the programming seem to embed much faster when the subject already has a particular pull in that direction. For example, perhaps your subject already enjoyed wearing slutty clothing, and the programming embedded that aspect of the behavioral change much faster than the other aspects because they were already inclined toward that behavior. Does that make sense? Do you know if this is true of your subject?"

"Well, I can't really say. I don't really know her outside of the workplace very well, so I've only seen her dress business casual up to this point."

"I see. Still, one day seems pretty fast for the program to embed. Have you noticed any other behaviors that she's picked up already?"

"Nothing else that I've noticed, no."

"Well at least the programming seems to be working. I admit, I'm not sure if the rapid pace is a good or a bad thing, though. I'm going to give you a number to report this incident to; I'd very much like it followed up on. You're our first monetary client to try the fake business seminar program. We've tried it on test subjects, but they were all willing, so our data is biased in that sense. It would be good to get a real trial going out of this."

The operator spouted out the number, which Marissa diligently recorded. She was a little worried for Erica's safety in all this, but her excitement at the prospect of having an obedient, submissive, lesbian slut to stare at all day eased her anxiety.

Erica walked into the coffee shop wearing her usual business casual outfit. As opposed to yesterday, she wore both a blouse and a bra under her suit jacket. She had a pair of unfortunately dirty panties on under her pencil skirt -- she still didn't have time to do a load of laundry this morning as she was trying to figure out who to call about the gas leak. Erica was a bit worried staying at home if the gas leak theory was true -- she certainly didn't want to end up back in her hazed state again -- so after calling the number she needed for a suspected gas leak -- which happened to be a state agency -- she left for a coffee shop down the street from her job. She planned to write down everything that happened over the past few days, just to see if there were any other pieces of the puzzle.

Beth and I had a really concerning incident recently, so I am going to try to be as thorough as I can in recalling everything that happened in the days leading up to the event. I came home Monday afternoon from work with a headache.

Mention of her headache nearly immediately summoned it back. Erica resisted as much as she could, but it pressed in her mind deeper than she could help it. But she knew that she needed to fend it off. Writing the rest of the incident should help -- that's why she started writing it initially anyway, to remind herself that it wasn't normal. What wasn't normal? Something asked her. Well, she wasn't sure, but she knew writing would help her remember.

I went to go take some Tylenol and then go take a nap, but as I got to my room I thought about Beth. Beth was wearing her usual getup -- a bare T-shirt and nothing else. No bra, no panties, no nothing. I always thought that maybe she would look a bit better with something like knee-high socks, or even stockings to go with it. That would really put her amazing pink pussy on display even better. Her tits are always a problem in that shirt too -- they're really tight, which shows off her nipples perfectly. But I think it would look better if she got a v-neck T-shirt, which would show off her cleavage! Beth always has the best fucking tits!

Wait, what? Erica thought suddenly after finishing the last sentence. Just keep writing, something assured her.

Which reminds me of why I'm writing this -- Beth and I had sex! Like real sex. She taught me how to eat pussy. She started by giving me oral, which was amazing! I had oral from a guy before, but it wasn't that great, so I was always worried to try it again. But Beth showed me that oral can actually be enjoyable! Then it was my turn, and Beth taught me all the right techniques to get a girl writhing under my tongue! Beth and I even had sex again later that night, which was so hot because it was right after I fucked Sean! Beth nearly slurped his cum right out of my cunt! So anyway... Isn't it weird that we had sex? It's weird right?

Erica stopped writing. It was weird, right? Erica assured herself. But why was it weird again? She let the thought hang for a moment. She casually looked at her watch. Oh shit! I'm going to be late!

Erica walked into the front door of her office at the same time as her boss, who gave her a suspicious look up and down.

"Good morning, Marissa." Erica chirped.

"Hi, Erica. How are you feeling today?" Marissa asked as she pushed the button to call the elevator.

The way Marissa asked that questions seemed like she was digging for a real answer. Erica couldn't help but provide her one. "Well to be honest a bit frazzled. My roommate and I think we have a gas leak..."

"Oh dear," Marissa replied, "What makes you think that?"

Erica thought for a moment. She couldn't really recall. "Umm, well, I had a headache on Monday. And Beth says I've been acting strange too."

"Beth says you've been acting strange? In what way?" Erica and Marissa both walked into the elevator.

For some reason, Erica felt like she could trust Marissa. "Well, I'm not a lesbian."

Marissa looked confused. "Uhu?" She motioned for Erica to elaborate further.

"Yeah, I'm not a lesbian, but I have a huge crush on Beth. Like, because she's really hot, ya' know?"

"Okay," Marissa looked more confused now than she did before. But the elevator doors opened to their level, interrupting Erica from explaining further. "Why don't you come see me in my office for a minute?"

"Yes, ma'am." Erica already felt better. Marissa was smart and authoritative. If anyone could figure this out, she could.

They both walked into Marissa's office as Marissa closed the door behind them. "Have a seat." Marissa motioned for one of the chairs facing her desk. Erica obediently sat down. "Now tell me why having a crush on your roommate makes her think you're acting strange."

"Well, it's hard to explain," Erica started. She knew it really wasn't hard to explain, but she was having an exceedingly challenging time herself recalling why her and her roommate thought there was a problem this morning. "We had sex yesterday. Twice." Marissa's look of confusion did not resolve itself like Erica had hoped it would.

"Okay, but Beth was okay with it, right?"

"Well, yeah! I even have video proof that she was enjoying it. Shit, which reminds me that I'm supposed to delete those." Erica pulled her phone out.

"Why are you supposed to delete them?"

"Well because Beth told me to!"

"Why did she tell you that?" Marissa asked.

"Because it's weird that we had sex!" Erica hesitated at Marissa's continually growing confusion. "Isn't it?"

"Is it?" Marissa asked confused.

Erica thought for a minute. Is it weird? She felt like she almost heard another thought in her head, very faint, but it clearly said, No, of course it's not weird!

Marissa seemed to come to some sort of conclusion. "Look, Erica. I'm not really sure what's going on. It sounds to me that you're at least bisexual if you had sex with your roommate and enjoyed it. That doesn't sound weird to me. But if Beth thinks it's weird, maybe you should hang onto those videos just to look them over, you know? Make sure they're actually weird before sending them into the void?"

Marissa was right. If there was something weird about having sex with Beth, then it didn't make sense to delete the only evidence of it. Not only this, but the ever-growing voice in her head agreed wholeheartedly with Marissa. She was smart, after all. "Thanks, Marissa. That makes a lot of sense."

"It does? I mean... Yeah it does." Marissa's look of confusion returned again. "Was there anything... else that Beth told you?"

"Yeah, she told me that she's a cam model! Which is super fucking hot!"

"Really? That sounds interesting."

"Yeah! Hopefully she'll let me join in some time!"

"That... Would be interesting, wouldn't it?" Marissa finally replied. There was an awkward silence that followed.

"Well, Erica, the only thing I really have planned for you today is to keep watching those training videos," Marissa looked like she suddenly remembered something, "Oh, and did you watch the ones at home I wanted you to watch?"

"I did! Beth watched some of them with me too!"

"Oh, did she? Well, that's good -- maybe she'll learn something from them too!"

"This is all incredibly interesting. I'm thinking that because the subject..."

"Erica. Please call her Erica. Calling her a subject makes me... Feel uneasy about this whole thing,"

"Yes, of course, ma'am. My running theory is that because Erica has no idea that the videos are hypnotic, nor does she even have any idea what they're about, she's having a really difficult time separating her true thoughts from her implanted thoughts. That was the biggest barrier we had when going through testing; the subje... er, I mean, the people watching the videos all knew what the videos were supposed to do. They reported feeling like they had "intruding" thoughts telling them what to do. In other words, it wasn't real brainwashing -- they just had this 'other voice' that was telling them what to do, and they could ignore it if they wanted. Convincing them that those thoughts were actually their thoughts was where the real brainwashing was -- that part took the most time in the full process. But Erica doesn't have this barrier, so all of the implanted thoughts she must be interpreting as her own thoughts already. This means that the brainwashing will likely go a lot faster for her! It's very possible she won't even need the last half of the videos."

"Does that mean we can switch her over to the regular videos you guys have? That would make it go even that much faster, wouldn't it?"

"I wouldn't jump that far just yet. Erica is clearly still having difficulty accepting the implanted thoughts; evidence in the fact that her roommate seemed to be able to snap her out of the brainwashing for a time. Showing her the regular videos could tip her off to the fact that something about the videos isn't right, in turn allowing her to recognize the implanted thoughts as foreign. In other words, showing her the regular videos might undo all of her progress so far. But that leads me to questions about her roommate. Erica said that she watched some of the training videos with her?"

"Yes, that's what Erica said."

"Do you know if the roommate was affected at all?"

"No, I don't really know a whole lot about her roommate. All Erica told me was that they had sex, but Erica has mentioned before that she's a bit of a slut, so I'm not sure if that's actually out of the ordinary. Is it possible for her roommate to derail her training? I mean, she was clearly able to get Erica to start second guessing her brainwashing."

"Honestly, I don't know. It seems likely that a strong influence, like a roommate or close friend, could convince the subj... I mean could convince Erica that the implanted thoughts aren't hers. But I can't tell you with certainty."

Well shit, Marissa thought. At first, she thought it would be a good thing that Beth stumbled upon a few of Erica's videos, but with only a fraction of the brainwashing that Erica was getting, it likely did nothing but make Beth suspicious. If Beth didn't get any more brainwashing, it was likely that she would stop Erica's progress altogether. Which made Marissa think...

"You mentioned your first subjects were pornstars and cam models, right?"

"Yes, that's correct. The brainwashing worked wonders for them -- they're all extremely successful in their careers now. You'd probably even recognize a few of their names."

"Is it possible that I could get access to these regular training videos?"

"Well, of course. But I thought already told you that it's going to likely be detrimental to Erica's current progress?"

"I was thinking of using it for someone else... Is it possible to get them?" Marissa asked.

"For the right price, ma'am, of course it is."

Beth was sitting at her desk rubbing her jaw. It was incredibly sore from being open around John's dick for nearly 45 minutes. After Aaron had left Beth recorded her sucking off her boss on her phone. She used SnapChat to caption the video "Finally draining my boss's balls under his desk! Been looking forward to this all day yesterday!" She had sent it to her SnapChat followers first thing but was waiting until tonight to post it on her Reddit account. Beth pulled out her phone, which had been firing off silent vibrations ever since sending out the snap. She decided to snap a quick selfie of her flashing at her desk to send to all her followers as an appeasement -- a silent beg to stop flooding her notifications. Erica pulled up her shirt and bra then snapped the picture with a big smile.

"That one must have turned out great!"

"Jesus, Aaron! You scared the shit out of me!" Beth jumped out of her office chair and quickly tucked her tits back into her bra.

"Sorry, Beth, I thought you saw me coming already. Sooo lunch?"

Beth was caught off guard. She meant to text Aaron yesterday, but the day had been so hectic -- and hazy -- that she had completely forgotten.

"I'm sorry, Aaron. My roommate and I think we have a gas leak, and I didn't get any sleep last night. I'm really not feeling well enough to participate today."

"Oh shit, Beth, I'm so sorry. Do you guys need a place to stay?"

What a cheeky bastard. Why are men like this!? "No, we don't. Thanks for the offer though."

"Okay, just let me know if I can help in any way," Aaron reassured her then left back to his desk.

Beth looked down at her phone and saw the picture of her smiling self and a pair of bare tits staring back. Is it time I stop doing this? Beth thought to herself. It had recently put her in so much more trouble than what she needed. Not only that, but with her and Erica's aphrodisiac gas adventures she really craved a bit of sexual sobriety. Which reminded her...

Beth closed the picture and opened her messaging app. She opened the conversation for Erica.

Hey, did you find someone to come check our gas leak sitch?

Uhhh, yeah, I think so?

What do you mean you think so??

Sorry, I had to double check. Yeah, I called the natural gas agency -- they made sure we weren't going to be home, I guess they're coming at some point this afternoon. Why do you think we have a gas leak again?
