Rose Ch. 32-36


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The play ended when we crested the hill, Josh and I both stopped to take in what we saw. The Johnson Pack compound was huge, and construction was everywhere. There were cranes and lifts and scaffolding all around the building, which looked about half done. It was going to be freaking HUGE when completed, it was the size of a large hotel. Howls of greeting came from down below, and an excited Derek led the way down to his Pack.

Gunny's POV

Alex went out and came back a few minutes later with a luggage cart and a big duffel bag. "What's that for?"

"Get in." I looked at him like he had three heads, but he ignored me and unzipped it. It was made for carrying hockey or football equipment, it was going to be a tight fit, but I could see why he was doing it. I put my feet at the base, then sat down and scooted so I was on my side with my knees up near my chest. "Stay still," he said as he zipped it up. I heard the door open and I was being wheeled out into the hall, then down the elevator and into the parking garage. A door lock opened, and I felt myself being lifted up and not so gently moved across the carpeting.

I stayed quiet, waiting for the car to start and pull out before I said anything. "Thanks for the extra bounces, boys."

"Just keep quiet, Gunny, and stay put," Lars said. "We still have to pick up my stuff." They stopped a few seconds later, and the back window of the SUV was opened, and I could hear bags and cases being loaded. The window closed, and we started moving again. They kept the bag closed, talking to each other as we drove out of town.

Finally, Lars unzipped the bag and I sat up on the seat. "My stuff in the back?"

"Yep, on the bottom. Don't mess with my stuff, bitch." I flipped Lars the finger, I wouldn't touch another sniper's stuff. It was personal, his pride and joy, and we were possessive of it.

I turned around and started to move things aside. One of the cases was huge. "Lars, did you bring a fifty?"

"Nope, that's my Barrett," Alex said. "After the attack on our Pack, and seeing the Johnson Pack guys use them, we bought a bunch of them. We brought in instructors and a dozen of us qualified on them. They make a big bang, but shooting twice is silly," he said.

"Hit the right place and you don't ever have to shoot twice," I replied.

"True, but you never know when you have to take out a vehicle. The fifty cal will punch through an engine block or defeat any bulletproof glass out there, and it can reach out over a mile and still hit like a sledgehammer. We even have armor piercing and explosive rounds we picked up on the black market. I love that thing."

"I'm into the classics, Alex. Nothing beats a bolt-action Remington with a three-oh-eight. Light enough to hump through the bush, accurate as all hell and effective out past a thousand."

"You're both wrong," Lars said. "One is too big, the other is too small. My three thirty-eight Lapua, though, is just right. 300 grain low drag bullet, higher muzzle velocity, insanely accurate out to a mile and a half. You can't argue with the world record holder for a sniper kill, plus my baby looks GOOD." Lars broke with the USMC on this one, they had gone with a .300 Winchester Magnum, but the Canadian and British snipers he trained with after I left had convinced him.

"Hey, we do have to go over a few things before we arrive," Alex said. "I made up backpacks for each of us- three days of water, food, extra batteries. Gunny, I packed your night vision equipment and spotting scope in your gear. Add in some extra clothes, sleeping bag and tarp, and you're set."

"Sounds like freakin' paradise, right Lars? A sleeping bag?"

"Hey, I'm the only HUMAN here. You guys just fur up and you're nice and warm." I had a little chuckle at that. "So Alex has the fifty, are you setting him up to the south?"

"Yep, I want him on the rocks on the opposite side of the road, fairly close to it. That way he'll be able to cover approaches from both sides out to a mile." Alex nodded. "Lars, I want you on the north side, covering the back of the house. I'll take the southeast corner, here in these bluffs, and cover the front."

"Are you expecting a frontal assault on the house, Gunny?"

"I doubt it, Lars. There is Maitea and maybe one other sniper. I'm more worried about someone sneaking in within range and waiting it out. That's why this is a counter-sniper scenario. We need to watch the roads, but we also need to be taking time to watch the terrain so no one sneaks up on us."

"All right, boys, dropoff in five minutes. Lars, we'll drop you off about two miles from the turnoff. Gunny and I will park a few miles south and work our way back up. Here's your comm gear." He handed out some radios and headsets from the console. "Make sure they work before we go."

Alex pulled to the side of the road, and Lars got out. He pulled on his pack, then took his rifle out and cradled it in his arms. "Keep your heads down, boys," he called over the radio as he walked away.

"Shoot straight," Alex said.

"Time to get some revenge," I responded. LONG past time.

Ch. 36

Alex continued down the road, pointing out the home that Josh had given the address of when he sent Maitea the fake text from her brother. It was set among the sand and the rock formations, hidden from the road by a formation maybe a hundred yards long and fifty yards from the roadway. You could just catch a glimpse of it before the next set of rocks blocked it again. "There is nobody living there, right?"

"There is," he said. "The Gila pack bought the property yesterday, we needed a target that would be remote enough humans wouldn't get caught in the crossfire. One of our warriors, a man who looks something like you, is holed up inside."

"Are you kidding me? You're going to get him killed," I said as I looked back towards the house.

"We took precautions, we're not stupid," he said. "He's a volunteer, with strict orders never to leave the house or take his body armor off. He's wearing it under his clothes, multiple plates on his chest and back. He's complaining like a little bitch about how uncomfortable it is, but he'll live." I chuckled a little, the armor WAS a pain to wear. "Plus, we brought in pieces of ballistic glass and reinforced the windows she would have to take her shots through. He'll be fine. We needed a target who wasn't you since you have to be a shooter."

I thought about it for a while as he pulled off the road on a trail that was barely visible. He continued until we were out of sight, then parked in between some large rocks. We got out and went to the back, pulling out our gear. I changed into my reliable desert camouflage, which had served me well in my tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. I took my rifle out of its case, loading the magazine and checking the scope mount to make sure it was all secure. I pulled the foil pack out of a side pouch, tearing it open I took out the unlubricated condom and pulled it over the barrel before securing it with a rubber band. "The fuck is that for," Alex said.

"Sniper trick from Vietnam, it keeps the water and dust out of the barrel," I said. "Here." I tossed him an extra, he had to work it to get it to roll over the huge muzzle brake that his Barrett had. I slung my pack over my shoulders, then slung my trusty M40 rifle over a shoulder. I tested the comms again. "Lars, you in place?"

"I found a good spot, I'm digging in now," he said.

"All right, we're starting to move to our positions now." I grabbed Alex's shoulder. "Keep your eyes open, all right? And stay safe."

"You too. I don't want to have to explain to your mate how you got hurt." I laughed as we went different directions, him staying to the opposite side of the road, while I crossed over and made my way through the rocks and sand towards the house. We hadn't wanted our truck to be spotted, so it was a good couple mile hike to the area I had selected on the satellite image. I kept the rock formation between me and the house, hiding my approach from anyone who might be in the area.

I climbed to the top of the rocks and worked my way to the front, searching for something that had the elements I looked for in a good hide. I wanted a good field of view, while still having enough cover and concealment to hide my body. I also wanted to make sure my back side was protected, and ideally have protection from the sun. I passed up a couple possibles, they were too high and could silhouette me. I got lucky on the front side; a large chunk had fallen off, leaving a flat ledge about eight feet deep in between two protruding vertical ridges. Some loose rocks were near the edge that would help hide me from the front. It was perfect.

There was no safe way to climb my way down the near-vertical rock face in human form. Instead, I used paracord from my pack to lower my rifle, backpack, comm headset and clothes down to the ledge. I then shifted, shaking out my fur before moving down the rocks. My cat was a much stronger climber, and I worked my way below the ledge before moving across and back up. I shifted as I got there, pulling open my pack and getting dressed again. I laid the sleeping bag down first, moving the loose rock away so I'd be fairly comfortable. I'd be here for a long time, days potentially, until she showed up or we gave up.

The first thing I set up was my spotting scope, which had an integral laser rangefinder. I started drawing the scene, showing distances to the house and other rock formations and points of interest. The ranges were from four to nine hundred plus yards, all well within my abilities. I set my rifle up in front of me, on its bipod with the scope covers on. I chambered a round and removed the scope covers, checking the field of fire. I pulled out my ballistic computer and entered information for elevation, air temperature, humidity, elevation difference and range to the house. The house was a six hundred and twenty-two yards, which was a good medium point to adjust my scope to. I set the scope for the house, and wrote down the adjustments for other targets.

"Gunny's set up, six hundred southeast of the house, halfway up the rocks," I called out. "Can you see me?"

"I watched you climb up there, Gunny, and I still can't see you," Alex said. "I'm set up on top of the tower, two hundred yards off the road and four hundred from the turnoff. You find me."

I located his rock tower and started searching. He was decent, but he was no sniper. At the school I ran, students had to move without detection over half a mile while three instructors looked for them. Then they had to find a shooting position and hit a target, all while we looked for them. They only passed if they could stalk and kill without us finding them, and many couldn't pass. The washout rate was high. "Your ass is sticking up," I told him, "and your rifle barrel is too damn shiny. Use some loose rocks, pile them up to give you some more cover. Wrap the barrel with strips from your camo shirt, mix in some grasses or other vegetation." He got busy, and twenty minutes later he was much tougher to pick up.

Lars was much tougher to find, after twenty minutes with a spotting scope I still didn't have him. He had to wave his hand for me to pick him up, and I had to do the same for him. We settled into a routine; five minutes focused glassing of the countryside, break a minute, repeat. Along the way, I would repeat the scope adjustments to the various points I had sketched, memorizing them for later.

The sun was going to set in twenty minutes, and we still had nothing. Alex had stayed fairly busy watching the traffic, using his spotting scope to look for Maitea. "Wait a minute," he called over the radio. "Possible contact. Southbound, older model F-150, red."

I had a view of some parts of the road, so I waited for her car to appear. It looked like her, she had her hair back and a cap on, but the face was right. We watched as she drove past, I could see her looking towards the target house and then back to the road. She didn't slow down, she just kept driving and was soon out of sight. "Do you think she made us," Alex asked.

"No way she saw us," I said. Sure enough, five minutes later her truck was back, this time she pulled into the driveway. She stopped just before she could be seen from the house; as she got out, she checked her pistol before easing the door closed. "Alex, link your guy and let him know what is going on. Remember, we want her alive."

I had my rifle up and was tracking her as she walked up the drive. She was dressed in Wranglers and a plaid shirt with a ballcap, matched with heels. I watched her move slowly along the rocky drive. "Going for the damsel in distress routine?"

"I think so," I said. "Alex, I want you to disable her truck when Lars takes his shot. Lars, we want to wound her. Can you do that?"

"She won't go anywhere on one leg," he said. "I'm ready on your signal."

"Alex, tell your guy to turn a light on and show his silhouette in the window, draw her in."

"Got it." I saw the light, and she moved towards the house, one hand behind her back as she gripped the pistol in her belt. Lars wasn't the kind of guy to get excited, his voice stayed even as he counted down. "Four, three, two, one, send it." I heard two shots nearly at the same time, a loud boom from my left followed by a bang from the front. Maitea's leg exploded in a red mist, blowing her left calf into a jagged stump as the high-powered round blasted through. Her truck caught on fire as the big fifty-caliber round tore through the gas tank under the bed.

The Scrabble Killer was rolling on the ground holding her leg, but she didn't give up. I watched her raise her pistol and point it at the house, just before another shot from Lars hit her hand. The pistol shattered along with her fingers. "Target is down," Lars said.

"Good shooting," I said just before another shot rang out. This one was from my right, and I didn't see from where.

"Fuck I'm hit," Lars groaned. I looked at his position, he was holding onto his left shoulder and I could see blood on the rocks behind him.

"We've got a shooter on the east side," Alex said. "I can't see him from this angle."

"I'll get the shooter, you get to Lars," I said. "Have your guy keep her alive after I stop him." I ripped my clothes off and shifted into my panther, there was no time for my human. I leaped down the incline before taking off across the open ground towards the bluffs on the other side. Since neither I nor Alex had spotted him, I had a decent idea where he was set up. My cat was forward in our mind as I scented deeply, my ears forward to listen for any sounds of our prey. I leaped from rock to rock to get to the top of the formation, pausing at the edge to search and finding nothing. I moved quickly across the top, the wide pads of my paws moving me silently towards the far edge.

I smelled him before anything else. I moved to the edge, nearly invisible in the gathering shadows as I peered down. I could hear him breathing now, he wasn't below me yet but it didn't take long.

I stopped about twenty feet above his position; he was set up on the house, waiting for the door to open. I let my claws extend, and roared just before I leaped down onto him. He barely had time to register my presence before my front paws landed on his shoulders, breaking bones and ribs as I drove him to the ground below. He screamed, I roared into his ears.

He pissed his pants.

I batted him with a paw, knocking him out. I quickly shifted. "SHOOTER DOWN," I yelled. I grabbed his rifle and tossed it into the rocks far below, then rolled him over.

I stilled as I saw who it was. I knew this man. I had trained this man. Hell, I had FOUGHT with this man and it felt like a knife to my gut. Gunny Clayton Matthews, USMC Scout Sniper Instructor. Medically retired after an IED took off his right arm and filled him with shrapnel during fighting in Colorado in the Were War.

He had taught himself to shoot left-handed.

"GUNNY, I NEED YOU," Alex yelled. I looked up, he was stuck at the bottom of the rock formation. He was naked, having run there in wolf form, but wolves weren't climbers. I left my former buddy behind and picked my way to the ground, then ran across to him. I didn't slow down, I leaped high onto the rock and started my climb up. It only took seconds before I was next to him.

He was in rough shape. The round had hit him in the left shoulder and moved through his chest, exiting near his spine. "I'm fucked, Gunny," he whispered. "I can't move my legs, and I'm bleeding out."

I pulled a shirt out of his backpack and applied it to the exit wound, trying to stem the blood. "Hold your fucking shoulder, we'll get help here."

"Don't bullshit me, buddy. I won't last until an ambulance arrives."

My mind knew he was right, my cat didn't like it. "Let me change you," I begged him. "Let me give you a chance."

"Do it," he said. "I always liked cats." Shifting back into my black panther, I watched as he closed his eyes and looked away. I pulled the shirt away from his injured shoulder and bit down, my saliva going directly into his system near the entry hole. I shifted back, resuming the pressure on his wounds, praying to God for a miracle.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Most of the times I love these stories, but it's a bit too common that supposedly intelligent people make stupid decisons just to create more tension. There is no way that a cop like Rose would blow up a house risking innocent lives, especially not when the house contained evidence that would justify the burglary.

Ravey19Ravey19about 2 years ago

Wonder why the third shooter is against them? Possibly her lover?

OddBall68OddBall68over 6 years ago

Another possible tie in with another of partwolf's stories. If my guess of a hacker on the bad guy team is right Doctor Jones' ex Todd could be that guy. Described as a tech wizard and a power couple with the doc until he dumped her after she was severely burned.


She would be bleeding out rapidly herself. The decoy wolf had to wait until Gunny got the sniper before coming out to keep her alive. Gunny did that quickly and he then had to deal with Lars' wound. By that point, the decoy should have gotten to Maitea and tied off her leg at minimum. Doubt he'd perform a turn without permission first.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Holy shit!!!!

I FINALLY FOUND A STORY I LOVE AND IT ISNT 11 YEARS SINCE THE LAST UPDATE!!!!! Love your writing can’t wait for the next parts!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

why do I get the feeling that despite losing part of her leg the killer will be in better shape than the sniper. I mean if getting shot will kill you in minutes than losing that much of her leg would kill her even faster.

OddBall68OddBall68over 6 years ago

The story is short on time, but there has to be something about (Utah was it?) and what happened to Enrique. He could have just been closed off and working what he had access to. He could have just been put in a holding cell with nothing to do. With the end of the joint operation he would have been kicked out of there immediately. Unless he was declared an accessary or a security risk?

I think that is where a final conspirator is to be found. Someone of Josh's caliber. The targeted destruction of camera footage or mysteriously 'turned off' cameras on escape routes would have been the same stuff Josh was doing realtime to cover for Charlotte. The unknown caller reporting the break-in at Hernandez's house along with the immediate release of quality images of Rose, Gunny and Charlotte from those security cameras. I think the final piece of that team will be revealed soon. Hopefully with Enrique painfully twisting his or her handcuffed arms.

OddBall68OddBall68over 6 years ago


I doubt that status will last very long. Though officials aren't going to be pleased about detonating high explosives and arson either. Luis is probably incensed his home and prized guns were destroyed. lol

Speaking of him, if Maitea gets a message out he's going to know she's been hurt and was suckered into a trap. Either tracking her signal or if she gives a location he could send people in claiming the wanted fugitives are there. If that happens, they need to clean up and exfil quickly with everyone, every gun and all the gear. Get them onto official pack land. I'm not sure if the newly bought property for this trap qualifies.

I also wonder if Luis might be sniffing around Lisa to see if Rose contacts her. If so, he could have them followed to make a big grandstanding public arrest. Imagine, he thinks he's swooping in to 'arrest' Rose, possibly kill her while 'resisting arrest'. Maybe even all 4 of them to close that hole in his operation. Then a help message comes from Maitea. He will be thrown completely off his game. If he goes to either location he's just delivering himself to pack justice by entering their land. LOL


AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Love the story

Don’t have any words to describe how great all your works are.

ThecoffeeprincessThecoffeeprincessover 6 years ago
Damn cliffhangers.

I hate waiting to find out what happens next. But keep up the good work, such exciting stuff.

DaniellaxmjtsDaniellaxmjtsover 6 years ago
Oh my gosh!

So good, can’t wait for the next chapters. Sad that they had to become fugitives though.

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