Roxanne the Punk Princess

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A teenage punk battles to humiliate her babysitters.
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Roxanne the Punk Princess Part 1: The Katie Saga (First Blood)

Meet Roxanne, an extraordinary girl with a strange kink.

Roxanne was an evil genius, or so it seemed to those who had come into contact with her. Despite being in her late teens, her overly protective single father still wouldn't leave his punk princess alone whenever he went on vacation or business trips.

This left Roxanne, known as Roxy, never truly being home alone. But unlike most ordinary teens, she turned her irritation to more productive activities. Whatever girl came over to "babysit" found themselves suffering the worst night of their lives.

Plenty of people had heard of what happened in that giant mansion. Some didn't believe the stories. Others saw them as a challenge. As a homeschooled and largely self-taught girl, few people really knew her. As it was, it had become a game.

You see, Roxanne was an avid inventor. She ruled her home with various contraptions and other experiments she constructed in her spare time from one of the secret rooms hidden in the mansion.

To her, the presence of a babysitter amused her. It was a chance for her to test out whatever she had created.

Not that her creations were ever designed to hurt anybody. She wasn't a psychopath. She just had a taste for embarrassing others.

Watching her victims realize with horror what they had got themselves into turned her on. And that meant she was perfectly happy to allow her hapless father to hire any babysitter he wanted.

In fact, she relished it.

It was why Roxanne had set up various hidden cameras around her gigantic home to record just about everything. Only a few blindspots existed across the mansion. Not that it mattered. Nobody ever really escaped her eagle eyes for long.

This was handy because she had also realized the value of creating her own website, where she could charge a subscription for the images and clips she ripped from her footage. Part of it was to make money, but enhancing their embarrassment also aroused her. Of course, all the faces were blurred. She wasn't looking for a lawsuit.

But Roxy's games were never perfect. Experiments went wrong. Things didn't work out how she intended. That was why they were experiments, right?

Still, she always had backups. And backups for her backups, which is why there was always a contingency plan even when things did go wrong.

Of course, her antics came and went. Sometimes, she went for months without a chance to test her stuff, which made her antsy. But that just made the next challenger all the more juicy as a target.

By now, she'd encountered every type of visitor. The one who tried to appeal to her good nature, the one who wanted to brute force the situation, the one who wanted to outthink her. Hell, even the one who wanted to turn the tables. It didn't matter. The result was always the same. She was so much smarter than them.

But that's the game. What is it about Roxanne? Well, who better to ask than Roxy herself?

"Hey, it's nothing personal. My dad still thinks I need a babysitter and I need to do my experiments. The problem is I need people to test them on. So, what better chance than some bitch from the local high school who thinks she's better than me? And, hey, seeing them in their underwear is pretty funny, right?"

Roxanne was never physically strong, but what she lacked in muscle, she made it up by being much smarter than practically everyone who came through her doors. Plus, she's always got the advantage of preparation. She's arrogant and a little crazy like any good genius should be.

But she's still just an insecure teenager.

She makes mistakes. She can crack under stress. And ultimately, she's just as fearful of being embarrassed and humiliated as her victims.

Will the next Hazelville girl be another humiliating upload to Roxy's kinky online platform, or will she find herself on the receiving end of an old-fashioned dose of karma?

"Karma? You're so silly. I'm a genius. Nobody will ever see me without my clothes being humiliated. This is my game, and I'm in control here.

Anyway, I gotta go. A girl called Katie is already on her way here. Enjoy the show! xx"

Katie was what she referred to herself as a normal girl. She wasn't particularly popular or unpopular. She wasn't a good girl or a bad girl. In other words, she was pretty average in many ways.

Tonight, she had taken a job babysitting some girl named Roxanne on the other side of town. She instantly knew this part of Hazelville. It was the rich person's playground. Giant mansions with acres of space spread out for miles around. But it didn't bother her too much. Roxanne's father had already told her where to find the key, inside a coded lockbox alongside the enormous wrought iron front gate.

"Looks like Mr. Burn's mansion from the Simpsons," Katie muttered to herself.

She typed in the code, and two small brass keys unveiled themselves. The larger of the two unlocked the front gate, which opened with a creak. Venturing up the little hill to the front doors, she peered at the stained glass. Rich pink with black vines.

Katie unlocked the front door and stepped into the entrance hall. Immediately, an enormous staircase greeted her, with two rooms flanking off to the sides. Silence. Nobody to greet her but a pleasant smell of citrus drifting through the air.

She put her thoughts to the back of her mind and smoothed down her shirt. She was wearing a stylish black hat, a dark grey zip-up coat, an off-white shirt, black skinny jeans, and brown sneakers.

"Roxanne! It's Katie, your babysitter."

No reply.

But Roxanne was already watching her.

Roxanne knew Katie was coming the moment she started entering the code into the key box outside. She'd rigged it with an alarm that had been linked to her phone.

Right now, Roxanne was inside what she affectionally called her war room. It was in one of the many hidden rooms throughout the mansion. This one was hidden behind a bookcase in her room. It was a little cliché, but even a nonconformist could enjoy a little conformity sometimes. However, did secret rooms count as conformity? She didn't know.

Anyway, Roxanne had an entire bank of screens sitting in front of her, each linked to the various hidden cameras around the home. So far, Roxanne hadn't left her sight once.

She grabbed the microphone sitting next to her keyboard. "Hey Katie, how's it going?"

Katie almost jumped out of her skin in the reception area. "Holy shit!"

"Roxanne? Where are you?"

"I'll be down soon. Just make yourself at home."

She could see Katie's expression crystal clear. Her eyes scanned for the speakers hidden in the dark recesses of the mansion. The interaction had clearly spooked her.

Roxy leaned back in her chair and threw one leg over the other.

Bingo. Nervous girl. Doesn't know what she's doing. This one will be fun. Now, just to see where she goes first, and then the fun can begin. Maybe she's never heard of me? WHY has she never heard of me?

Roxanne watched as she moved with trepidation away from the hallway and to the right. The TV room. She reached over her shoulder toward the shelf and picked up a remote control with an aerial attached.

Katie stepped into the TV room. It was relatively bare, with a wooden floor, a giant TV mounted on the wall above a fireplace, and a set of white leather corner sofas surrounding a rug. Pretty simple and pretty classy.

She felt awkward standing here in someone else's house, having not seen a single human. Was there something wrong here?

Her head snapped to the side as she heard a buzzing sound. It almost sounded like a very large mosquito, but there were no mosquitos here at this time of year. Katie followed the sound. It was getting closer and closer.

Around the corner from where she came, a drone arrived. It was an ordinary drone that anyone would fly in the park. It stopped in front of her, hanging in the air. Nothing strange about that other than it was in the house. Roxanne must be just some silly kid trying to play a prank on her.

"Roxanne?" she called out.

The drone hung there for a few seconds before it darted for her head. Katie dodged out of the way as it skittered past her. What was that?

The drone now hung in the middle of the room, gazing at her again. It rotated for a moment before it sped toward her again. This time, Katie managed to move out of the way again as it whizzed past her shoulder.

But this time, the drone didn't stop to taunt her. It turned in the air and darted toward her. She stumbled backward and fell onto her behind. Her hat tumbled off her head as the shock caused her chestnut hair to fly over her face.

Clearing the hair from her eyes, she rolled over and grasped her hat as the drone returned from where it came from.

Already, she started to sense that this kid could be a handful. But she was determined to play it calm.

With the drone gone, the house fell into an eerie silence again. Katie climbed to her feet and smoothed down her clothes.

"Roxanne! Come down here. I want to meet you."

No answer. She was beginning to grasp how this was. It was probably a game with a silly nine-year-old whose dad had bought her a drone for Christmas. She'd play along for now, but that wasn't going to last for long.

Katie decided the best thing was to begin exploring the rest of the house. She spied a closed door on the other side of the TV room. Her ears were still pricked for the sound of that drone coming back.

She pulled at the door and saw a glimpse of a spotless, gleaming white kitchen. But she didn't get a chance to see it for long as a bulky punching bag piece of leather came flying up from the floor, clocking her in the jaw.

Katie went down immediately, holding her face. "Owwww."

The sting of the red leather had stung her but hadn't caused any damage. Once again, her hat had flown off her head. She turned over, searching for it, and saw the booby trap Roxanne had left for her. A floor trap that was triggered by someone opening the door.

She imagined the child giggling to herself. She was only a child, so she couldn't be far away. Katie figured out that she must be hiding in a cupboard or a closet or something. This was just a game of hide and seek. Once she found her hiding place, it would be over, and they could have a normal evening.

Replacing her hat for the second time, she wished she'd taken the time to ask her father some questions so that she knew what she was getting into.

Katie kicked the fallen punching bag aside as she stepped into the kitchen. As expected, it was modern, contemporary, and spotless. Truth be told, it didn't look like anyone had ever cooked a meal before in their lives.

She peered around the vast space and at the masses of cupboards high and low. Although Katie strained to hear a sound, she couldn't. Either this kid was a hide-and-seek expert, or she wasn't here at all.

Katie began peering into the cupboards. It's neat and tidy, but there's no sign of Roxanne anywhere. Not even a sound.

She was stumped. This mansion was huge. It must have at least 30 rooms. She didn't want to get lost wandering the halls. Katie sighed as she finished covering half of the kitchen's cupboards with no luck.

"Okay, Roxanne, you win. This isn't funny anymore."

Katie took an aimless turn around the kitchen, intending to go through the other door on the opposite side. Somewhere in the mansion, Roxanne pressed a button just in time.

Katie opened the door, not paying much attention to her surroundings and not learning from the last time she opened a door. The threshold had extended a few inches upwards at the click of Roxanne's button. Not enough to be noticeable, but more than enough for a normal human not to lift their foot high enough.

She saw what looked to be a second garage leading out into the rear grounds. There was no car inside. Just a bare, empty space with an automatic light illuminating it.

Katie moved out of the kitchen, and her sneakers instantly caught the extended threshold. She screamed as she tumbled down the four steps leading onto the garage floor. The force of the fall made her roll forward a few feet, leaving her crumpled in a heap.

For the third time, her hat rolled away from her grasp.

Still watching her bank of surveillance cameras, Roxanne smirked as she watched Katie tumble down the stairs and into the garage. It wasn't a flashy invention, but it had never failed to trip one of her babysitters yet.

But this slapstick comedy was only her entrée. It amused her, but this wasn't why she was here. She was here to embarrass Katie. The whole point of these harmless pranks was to keep her victims off-guard. No, what really turned her on was seeing some skin. Not her own, of course, never. She was a voyeur, not an exhibitionist.

Okay, that's that done. I think it's time to get a little closer to Katie. Watching the best part through the camera just isn't the same as watching it live. Still, got to be careful. I don't want her to see me just yet. It's always fun to keep up the mystery.

Roxanne got up from her chair and clicked a remote in her pocket. Another entrance appeared that linked her war room to the rest of the house. She began making her way downstairs. This mansion had been built and rebuilt long ago, meaning even her father didn't really know about all these secret passages.

After expanding them herself during her father's business trip, she now had access to every area of the mansion, allowing her to appear and reappear like a demon.

By the time she reached the little opening that looked into the garage (cleverly hidden by a vent covering), Katie had already retrieved her hat and gotten to her feet. She was on jelly legs and seemed much warier now.

Roxanne got her first glimpse of Katie in the flesh.

Hmmmm, cute face. But anyway...

She picked up the homemade variation of a lasso gun that she'd made herself. Although she had versions of the lasso gun, her tripwire gun was just designed to trip. Roxanne positioned it through the vent and aimed.

It fired, letting off a little hiss. The strong wire landed behind her, making Katie jump, her head on a swivel. Roxanne clicked the retractor button, and the wire shot against Katie's legs, sweeping through them and forcing her to fall over yet again. The hat once again rolled away.

By the time Katie found herself looking up at the lights, the wire was already back in its holder, and Roxanne's deed was done.

Katie watched her hat flop away yet again. This was getting ridiculous. How the hell did that even happen? One second, she was standing up, and the next, she felt something heavy against her legs, and then she was falling. At this point, she was getting worried if the mansion was inhabited by ghosts.

No, she didn't know how, but this had to be something to do with Roxanne. She didn't know how she was doing it, but she was putting a stop to this now.

"Enough!" she shrieked. "I know you can hear me, Roxanne. Now, stop it. Enough is enough. I'm your babysitter, and you're going to listen to me."

Once again, nothing but silence.

"I'm talking to you." Katie stamped her foot. "You're acting like a bitch, and I won't have it."

"Now, now, that's not very nice." Roxanne's voice echoed through the garage. "And babysitters aren't supposed to swear, either. You should be punished for that."

"I'm not supposed to swear? Then get down here and apologize to me, now." Katie retrieved her hat again. "I'm not playing around, and I'm going to find you."

Roxanne could already see the familiar storyline fanning out in front of her like a butterfly's wings. First, the mystery, then the anger. Katie had already reached the latter, meaning she was bound to get emotional and do something stupid at one point, and then she would strike.

Katie was already stalking around the garage, waiting for a sign. Roxanne procured her trusty remote again and activated her drone. But this time, it wasn't the drone that had knocked poor Katie on her behind. It was a heavy-duty one.

Time to bring out the big guns. My viewers aren't going to like childish pranks. Plus, Katie has been a bad girl. That's no way to speak to an impressionable young person!

"Roxanne." Katie snapped her back from her thoughts. "This isn't funny anymore. I've had enough."

Roxy was already maneuvering the drone through the corridors of the house. This one made an even larger noise due to its superior motor power and bulkier design. The difference was that it had a much greater payload capacity than before. She'd designed it herself. And even this wasn't the most powerful of them. There was still a level upward that could really take Katie to new heights.

In the meantime, the drone entered the garage at speed. Katie didn't look at it this time. She threw out a useless slap at it, which it dodged.

"Katie," Roxanne sang in a taunting tone. "You still don't see me?"

The simple distraction worked. Katie turned toward Roxanne's voice for a moment, which she'd ensured made her position from behind the fake vent cover known.

"Ah-ha! There you are. Stop being... whaah!"

The drone's lifting hook had hit its mark with ease. It grappled Katie by the scruff of her coat. Roxanne immediately thrust the control upwards, and the coat began to pull. Not enough to lift Katie off the ground, but enough to make her thrash around, trying to grab at the obstruction, but it was much too far away.

That hook wasn't going anywhere.

Katie found herself desperately struggling against this super-powered drone that had embedded its hook into the back of her jacket. It had hit the precise part where she couldn't hope to reach. Each time she even got close, the drone would twist away, forcing her to move with it.

She didn't understand what was going on or what little monster she was supposed to be babysitting. Right now, she didn't care. All she knew was that Roxanne was in big trouble when she got rid of this hook and this drone.

"Let me go, you fucking bitch. You're going to ruin my coat."

"You swore again. That means you have to be punished."

"God damn it, my coat."

"Don't worry about your coat."

Katie didn't have a chance to process Roxanne's taunts. The drone's engine sounded like it was revving up, and it pulled her backward, forcing her to stumble. For a moment, Katie feared Roxanne was trying to tear her coat into pieces. But the drone moved so quickly and with such strength that it actually forced the coat down her back.

Another twist spun Katie around, releasing her arm from one of the sleeves. It took no effort for the dark grey zip-up coat to come flying off her remaining arm. The teen was in shock as she glared back at the drone holding her coat on its hook.

"Gimme it back." Katie lunged for the drone. "Come on, I'm serious."

The drone easily swung her coat away from her. Now, she was playing a game of keep-away with a drone.

Should she chase the drone or let it go and try to find Roxanne before her next trick? 

Katie decided she stood a better chance of getting her jacket back first. She jumped for the drone, but it only raised itself toward the ceiling of the garage. Her fingertips brushed the bottom of her coat. She felt like the drone was laughing at her.

She stood back for a moment, assessing the situation. There had to be a way to grab that coat. Katie peered around the garage. Nothing she could use. Either way, the drone refused to wait. It zipped toward the door of the garage and sauntered through.

Katie tore after it as it made its way through the kitchen. She knew she could never hope to catch it, but she still held some vague hope anyway. Once it reached the high-ceilinged living room again, it rose upward toward the ceiling.