Rub a Dub Dub Ch. 04

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Vacation sucking with Ben's new friends in the hot tub.
5.8k words

Part 4 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 04/05/2021
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Chapter 4 - Orality

A day's fishing planned; just as he had rather planned for most of the holiday - originally that is - a holiday to be spent holding a different sort of 'rod' in his hand; quite different from those he had held, more than once, in the hot tub. Yet, by early evening, Ben found himself back in that tub again with his new-found friends. They had insisted he come there after his day's fishing. To come for dinner and not be lonesome. Company was not what he wanted when fishing, but that done - and successfully - he was very happy to accept being back in society. Particularly female company, of course.

As he neared their place, Ben could see the company, female indeed, but also male, were already in the hot tub. He smiled to himself. It was going to be his solo nudity again as he got in. He still had not really seen the others naked, the reaching for scraps of swimming things being quick and done rather with averted eyes.

They were laughing as he arrived, asked him about the day's fishing as he undressed, and all watched him clamber up into the wooden tub and settle down in the water. Eyes were not averted as he swung his leg over, genitalia both dangling and very much there in full view in the golden evening light. The water was perfect and felt good as it bubbled about around him, moving his soft penis this way and that. It did not stay soft for long. No one had touched it, but the association of the tub and sexual activity triggered a readiness. The mind is like that - readily forming associations. So pleasant to feel himself extending. He waited for the touching. The wonderful unspoken mutual masturbation. He wondered how it had all started. He wondered if it had gone further in the past or had there been a tacit acceptance that was as 'far' as they went. Unspoken, never mentioned, mutual pleasuring.

"Do you like oral sex?"

An out of the blue, completely out of the blue question from Mary. The conversation so normal up until then, about what they and he had been doing that day, indeed quite a bit of talk about fishing and boating. What he had caught, and so on. They all laughed at his reaction, his goggling eyes.

"Well... um, yes."

"Oh good!"

"We all like oral sex." There were nods all around the tub.

"Not just touching," added Felicity.

"Not just touching?" Ben repeated, a little at a loss at what to say to Mary's unexpected question.

Again laughter, "We do rather more than that together. But it was nice wasn't it?"

Rather more... how much more? What did they do: or was the question what didn't they do?

"We all suck cock you know," it was Liz speaking and Ben saw Felicity nodding in agreement, but then he did wonder. Earlier thoughts surfacing. Was it just the girls?

"Yes... I liked, um, touching." A squeeze to his erection but he did not know from whom.

"Would you like to try some now?" Mary again. "Some oral sex?"

"Underwater?" Ben did not know how to reply.

They were looking at him. Waiting for more. "Like bobbing for apples - err...only for cocks and pussies?"

More laughter at the idea as Mary replied. "No, possible for cocks but you might drown yourself seeking out a pussy, we stand and be favoured. Who'd you like to see first? We're all looking forward to seeing your cock all hard. We've been talking about it as you walked towards us. We've had a long conversation about your... cock." A squeeze to his erection and he rather thought it was Mary's hand. "Do you want to stand and let me have... a suck?"

Such a change. Such a change from before. No longer was the sex secret, no longer hidden under the swirling water but out in the open - or at least, was about to be very out in the open.

Ben swallowed. The idea more than attractive, Mary's full mouth absorbing his knob, he was looking straight at her face and very much her lips, yet it meant revealing his erection, have it standing there, in front of all these people. And was Greg really happy for him to be sucked by his wife? He glanced at Greg. But Mary continued, "Isn't my husband a big lad, Ben, what did you think of his cock?"

They all were looking at him, waiting for an answer. It was obvious he would have to say something. One thing to have felt the other men's penises - just for the experience, just because he could and doing it, moreover, in secret so perhaps no one knew what he was doing - what he had done. But they all knew he'd touched Greg's, felt it - wanked it. That was obvious.

"Go on, Ben, tell us."

"It's, err, rather big. Bigger than mine."

"And mine," chimed in Graham, "no contest, unfortunately!"

"Go on," encouraged Mary, "I know it very well - of course - but tell us what you felt. You can feel it again if you like and refresh your memory."

"It's, well, I thought the knob..." Ben paused. What was he doing, talking about knobs to these people he'd only met days before: yet it was more than likely in the next few minutes he was going to see the other men's knobs; and his be exposed for inspection as well. It would not be like the 'Gents' with that old joke about being the 'place where all the big knobs hang out,' it would be where the knobs stood up in the air, peeled and exposed; straining indeed - and it would not be urine coming out of them.

Mary was smiling at him, "Yes, Greg's knob is big."

Should he refresh his memory, as Mary put it? She seemed to expect it. Did Greg? He reached and felt with his thumb, rubbing the ball against the splay of Greg's knob, reminding himself. The man was erect. Somehow it seemed OK to be doing that, underwater where he could not see it. "A real coal scuttle helmet job." He looked Mary in the eye, showing he was not - was squeamish the word in talking about another man's dick? "Err, long thick shaft, quite straight..." He did not want to look Greg in the eye as he felt the man.

"Unlike some," butted in Graham.

"And the usual accoutrements below," Ben's hand slipped down and held Greg's balls. What could he say about them? They were certainly hairy and the skin of his scrotum was all wrinkled. "Slack, floating free, Greg's sack is very loose - that'll be the hot water." He looked from Mary to Liz, at her amused smile. Shouldn't he really be feeling her sex not a man's balls. And he really was, he had Greg's egg-shaped testes between his fingers, could feel their shape.

Mary leant forward, he almost wondered if she was going to kiss him. Her voice breathy, "Would you like to suck it?"

"I...I..." Ben tried to maintain his composure. Be casual and matter of fact. Again, not to be squeamish or fazed by the turn of conversation. "I've never, I've never sucked a...single cock. I don't... I wouldn't... I was rather thinking..."

"Really?" It was Liz. "Single cock? Mary can suck two at once you know."

Ben had certainly thought Mary had a wide mouth; had rather liked it, but had not thought that, perhaps, it could be so 'accommodating.' The thought of it, her husband and Graham's cocks in her mouth at the same time: and then it came to him it might as easily be Graham's and his. His cock touching another man's cock - but in... what a place!

Such matter of fact remarks about sex.

"Which two should Mary suck?" Liz was looking straight at him. "Which cocks are you going to bring out of the water? Who do you want to stand and be sucked? Greg and Graham or you and...?"

"I'm shy." He had to admit it. One thing being naked with them on the island or getting into the tub but quite another exposed with a hard on or them all watching him ejaculate. He couldn't do it; couldn't stand and display.

"If it was after dark. A moonless night like last night?"


"Or a blacked-out room."

"Or blindfolded," said Felicity.

He could do that. The idea, the others blindfolded and him able to watch - everything.

"Everyone blindfolded," added Felicity, "not just us."

Different - but how would he know he was not the only one blindfolded!

"I'm sorry. I really don't think I can stand up... err... like this."

"Feels nice," replied Felicity.

So, it was Felicity's hand. But was that her tickling his bottom hole?

"I could pull you to your feet with this," Felicity was smiling as she said it. A slight tug to his penis. "But I wouldn't if you don't want to. Instead, you pull one of the men up. Go on"

He had his hand on Greg's cock not Graham's. There was no reason to change. In a way it had been different holding Greg's cock underwater. He had not seen it and certainly not seen it in his hand. But now, as he pulled Greg to his feet, there was the manly organ in his hand, Greg's big helmet sticking up from his fist. It really was rather big; and felt like it had a bone in it. One thing to be touching - OK fondling and stroking - a man's cock under the cover of the water: quite another to see him standing up above you, all hairy, and with the penis in your hand. You pulling him up and out of the water by his... handle.

He was not wanking Greg, his hand was not moving but there was Greg standing, his erection above them. Ben pulled his hand away leaving the man and his penis. It had felt impressive and now he could see it. The man had quite a cock.

"Go on. Put it in Mary's mouth."

Ben had doubts, qualms about touching other men's cocks underwater or out of it but that did not extend to the idea of putting another man's cock in a girl's mouth. Second best to putting his own! Mary's wide and ample mouth half opening, her tongue moistening her lips as if readying herself for a tasty meal, the thought of pushing a male organ between those lips really getting to him. The tub experience becoming stranger by the second.

Ben reached out, his fingers encircling the warm fleshy rod half-way down and he pulled down upon it to line it up with Mary's mouth. He did not pat the man's buttocks to encourage him forward, rather he pulled upon his cock. The big head, the knob he had described as a 'real coal scuttle job' coming forward. Ben pressed the soft flesh to Mary's lips and her tongue appeared and licked. Such a sexual sight. Ben felt a real jolt of sexual excitement. Beneath the water his own erection jerked. It was not his penis being licked but seeing Greg's being licked right in front of him meant it almost felt like it. He held his breath as he pushed, or rather pulled, the penis in. Such a sight as the rounded end disappeared and then the raised ridge. He remembered to breathe out.

On in went the penis until Ben felt those lips upon his fingers. Soft and delightful. Perhaps he might kiss them one day. More likely they would shortly be wrapping themselves around his own cock. Could he bring himself to stand and present himself? The lips began to slide to and fro up and down the penis. Wife sucking husband's penis. A normal enough activity. It was not something you thought about - well, perhaps unless you fancied the wife maybe - but there you are, introduced to a couple, you shake hands and talk to them, watch the wife's lips as she speaks, and it certainly does not immediately spring to mind that those lips have been wrapped around the husband's cock. That they have passionately slipped up and down his erect organ and many times - probably - his cock will have filled her mouth with his semen. It will have been on her lips; maybe he has deliberately some time come all over her pretty face. Just let himself go. Better not think of that, best not to be talking to the couple with an erection in your pants and the woman wondering why you are looking at her in that peculiar way!

But Ben was seeing the marital act - a marital act - there close to in the sunshine.

"Go on, Graham, show Ben what Mary can do." Felicity telling her husband to do a very non marital act. Stick his penis in another woman's mouth.

And there, in the sunshine was a second man standing; Graham rising from the tub, his curved penis so on show.

"Let Ben do it."

"You want me to..."

They did! Ben reached for Graham's cock. Similar sized to his own, sort of familiar but not with that pronounced curve. Again, his fingers circling half-way down the shaft and he drew the penis towards Mary's mouth. The man followed!

He was pushing one man's penis against another, pushing it at the corner of Mary's mouth and then it was in. Mary's mouth certainly looked stretched, perhaps aesthetically not as good as a single cock in there but nonetheless the whole thought and sight exciting. Once in he released. The sight better without his hand in the way.

"See, see," exclaimed Liz, "told you. Mary's quite a cocksucker! If you don't mind the expression. 'Two Cocks Mary' they called her at school."

Mary was shaking her head notwithstanding having two penises in her mouth - two swollen ones at that; and that did not take account of her husband's being particularly swollen.

"Look at that bunch of dangly balls." Hot from the water, they certainly hung; there above the water, in slack scrota, they dangled. Felicity reached and made them swing, both her husband's and Mary's.

"Ben would you like to try?"

"She can't... I mean not three?"

Liz, Felicity and Mary all shook their heads.

"No," said Liz, "it isn't Three Cocks Mary, head girl at school!"

Greg stepped back from his wife, his penis, released from her mouth, slapping up against his stomach. He was certainly a big boy. It was there right in front of Ben's eyes, pointing at him.

"Come on Ben, up you get, let's see your cock and then my wife will suck it."

Greg reached for Ben's arm and there was not much to do but stand. He let himself be pulled up and out of the water to stand there, his penis as tumescent as the other men. Ben Baker standing with his penis erect in front of five people who until a few days before had been strangers.

"Yes!" said Liz and Felicity together.

"Ready?" Greg's knob knocked against his own. It was deliberate. Encouraging? Fellow feeling? To see Ben's reaction?

"Well..." it was a bit obvious he was ready for something. Sexually ready.

It was Felicity who guided him, brought him close to Mary's mouth. With her other hand she removed her husband's leaving Mary's lips without a penis between them but with such an inviting 'O' shape. Felicity brought his knob forward to her friend and rubbed it slowly around Mary's lips, touching his opening to them. And then she put it in. Half the pleasure in cock sucking is seeing it happening; seeing the woman with your cock disappearing into her mouth; watching as you slip it forwards and backwards, the action of fucking but in a different place; and of course the thought of 'feeding her' with your semen, ejaculating in her mouth just so good.

"Oh yes!" Ben sighed, feeling the soft warmth and then Mary's tongue. A bit of laughter around the group.

"Nice eh?" Asked Felicity and pushed Ben's penis further into Mary's mouth. Ben glanced downwards at the now seated Greg, so conscious it was his wife who was slowly swallowing his cock. Greg just nodded with a smile. Underwater, was his big organ already clasped in someone else's hand?

"But, your cock is perhaps feeling a little lonely and Mary does like two cocks. A bit more sucking before Graham joins you, Ben?"

"Um, please." So good to be standing there being sucked in the sunshine, even with an audience.

It was not, when the time came, Graham pushing into Mary's mouth to join him: rather Felicity pulled Ben out and brought the two cocks together in her hand - the twin barrels of a shotgun, a double piece of KitKat, two sticks of seaside rock together, two Mars bars, two Cadbury's Flakes (!) or just two peeled bananas? It was - 'choose a simile' time! But whatever simile fitted best, undoubtedly there in the tub was Ben Baker with his cock paired with another man; shafts and knobs side by side. And, as he had already seen, Mary could suck two at once - and did, her soft lips rolling over the pressed together glans, taking them both into her mouth at the same time.

Certainly, as good a feeling as being solo, and the sight... The visual aspect of sex so important. Would he be permitted to come. Would he and Graham come in Mary's mouth?

"It is all a bit unfair, of course, on us," said Liz after a time. "Nice as this is to watch, I rather fancy sucking a cock before too many go all floppy. Not that I don't like sucking floppy cocks... only hard is better."

"Yep, much better," agreed Felicity, "you never know when something extra might happen as you suck, a little present, a little parcel of..." She pulled both cocks from Mary's mouth.

"Shall we play that game?"

Mary was licking her lips and moving her jaw. Perhaps sucking two at once did give a bit of an ache to the jaw. "Pass the parcel?"

"Yes, that one."

Ben looked surprised.

"Not so much pass the parcel, Ben, as pass the cock. We each go around the circle and we all suck. It's more like Russian roulette though the bullet is not so final and rather more welcome!" Felicity grinned. Like 'Pass the parcel,' the winner gets the prize!"

"Oh," Ben looked down at his erection and then back up at Felicity. The thought of having Liz and her sucking upon him as well as Mary not exactly slowing his breathing. Multiple women sucking his penis! Any man's dream - any man's wet dream. "Yes, I see, quite a game." A very adult game; a very adult version of a familiar game.

"Would you like to make the first round? You can start with me if you like."

Ben looked down at Felicity. He was being invited to put his penis into her mouth. Amazing! He reached for his cock.

"No, Ben, hands free."

He paused, his hard penis close by her face. "How long before I move on to Liz?"

"When the music stops."

A portable cassette player within easy reach. Had the game already been planned?

Slightly more difficult, hands free, his penis upstanding with his knob wavering in the air, having to adjust angle and position, moving his hips and body, aiming for the round circle of Felicity's lips.

"Not until the music starts."

Ben waited and, indeed, the waiting almost as good as the starting. To be standing there with the prospect of pushing his knob between Felicity's lips. Seeing them there, soft and ready. So exciting! And then, through the clear warm air of a perfect day by the lake, came the sound of 'An der schönen, blauen Donau' - 'The Blue Danube.' His aim was good - a hole in one, indeed! Ben slipped through Felicity's lips and into her mouth. So good, so good. He flexed his hips making his penis fuck Felicity's mouth. So good, so good. And then the music stopped.

No one had touched the cassette player but the sounds of the waltz had suddenly stopped. Ben halted his movement, rather puzzled.

"You move onto the next person, Ben." It was Mary. "Take your cock out of Felicity's mouth."

"Sorry, I was just puzzled how the music stopped." And all by itself it started again.

"We made the tape last year, Ben. Saves someone having to be in charge of it. We can just play the game. Better wait for the next pause before you move on but, of course, do it again and you are out of the game. No being sucked for you!"

"Yes, OK, I get the idea. Rules are rules!"

The music played on and Felicity continued to suck.


"Clockwise," replied Mary.

"I didn't want to get disqualified for going the wrong way." Mary to the right beyond Greg, Liz to his left as he faced. "So, Mary next."

It was a statement not a question. But both Mary and Felicity all replied as if it was. "No! Greg of course!"

"Huh!" And the music chose that moment to stop.

"Quick Ben, you don't want to be disqualified." Mary grinned at him.

Felicity grinned, Liz grinned.

"I can't, I..."

"Disqualified, and I was looking forward to sucking..." Liz speaking as Ben wavered.

Wavered, yes! Ben was aroused, wanted to be sucked and stimulated, wanted to play sex games, wanted in due course to come. But... but...