-Ruby prison-

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Elf captured and roughly penetrated by tentacle monster.
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-Ruby prison-

Please be aware of the story contains relatively extreme adult material dealing with themes such as BDSM, degradation and parasitical encapsulation set in a fantasy world reminiscent of the D&D franchise. All actions described are completely fictional and all characters are 18+

Thanks to Leah G for assistance in editing

-- 1 --

Stealthily gliding through the dark dungeon, the beautiful elven woman moved without a whisper. Carefully placed feet seemed to dance over the rough hewn floor of crude rock, avoiding slabs slick with moisture and buckled by twisting roots. She wore tight fitting and finely wrought leather armour that encased long limbs. Her waist-long golden hair was bound up tightly above her head, exposing a long, pale neck and pointed ears. Big dark eyes peered into the gloom, picking up faint traces of light given off by old illumination runes that sporadically studded the walls of the subterranean structure.

Evasil smiled to herself as she moved, contemplating her goal.

Uncovering the entrance to this long abandoned dungeon had been a complex and time-consuming task but it was soon all going to pay off. Rumours of a semi-mythical life gem contained somewhere within the structure had been swirling for decades. Formally the prized possession of a very reclusive cult, It had reportedly been used to heal any injury without cost or limitation. If this were true it's power was immense and anyone in the position to sell such an item was going to be very rich.

It had taken a particularly skilled group of adventurers to penetrate this far down through all of the magical defences of the dungeon and right now that group slept peacefully somewhere far behind as she raced on ahead, leaving them oblivious to the fact she had abandoned her watch. A smile played across her lips as she contemplated the prize and the pleasure of keeping it all to herself, completely unconcerned about betraying an adventuring party of dirty and untrustworthy humans.

The final gateway ponderously rumbled open as she manipulated the lock. Stepping in to a huge dark cavern her eyes were immediately drawn to a beam of red light in the centre, emanating from something large and red that twinkled invitingly on a raised platform.

Her long smooth limbs moved cautiously, her eyes locked on to the gem as she slowly drew closer, ears pricked for the slightest disturbance. As she approached she grew slightly concerned that the strange red beam of light seems to pulse in a darker and more unhealthy hue than what she expecting. A frown creased her pretty forehead, if it had been corrupted that would affect its value.


The once supremely powerful life gem had indeed been corrupted. It fell along with its cult as they slid into debauchery, hedonism and greed, slowly gaining awareness and intent as it absorbed the lives of those who once used it, to the point it became a complex enough vessel to attract a lowly possessing demon spirit. Now it watches greedily as the elf approaches.


The air grew warmer as she moved closer and she could hear a faint humming noise right on the edge of hearing. Her concerns mount but greed pushes her onwards, the deep lustrous red gem seemed to dance in her vision, sparkling invitingly.

She reaches out a hand...


The red flash blinds and stuns her. Groggy, she stumbles back and rebounds off something hard. She instinctively springs backwards only to crash into another rock hard barrier, bouncing off onto the floor. She springs up immediately, her fighting instinct and natural reflexes taking over.

Glancing about wildly she perceives some sort of multi faceted prison of red glass, every surface reflecting inward creating a confusing kaleidoscope of colour. Experimentally she reaches out to press on the closest wall. It does not flex or give at all, it's like touching crystal but with an unsettling warmth. She quickly reaches out her other hand and explores the space. It's small, she can touch every surface when standing in the centre and likewise discovers the floor and ceiling seamlessly blend with the walls. Whipping out a blade, she viciously slashes at the nearest wall. It has no effect, not even scratching the diamond-hard surface.

Panic starts to press in on her as she begins to feel claustrophobic and trapped. She can see a distorted view through the red glass and notices it looks familiar, it takes her a few moments to realise she's looking outwards at the cavern she has just traversed. For a few confusing seconds she looks around then suddenly realise she is somehow now inside the gem!

She lets out a long and very descriptive curse in Elvish, frustration and anger fill her mind, what had she missed? Some sort of magical trap has obviously been triggered, but whether dimensional or material in nature she cannot discern. Her speciality revolves around stealth, thievery and occasionally stabbing people to help make her point, rather than the kind of magic that could result in her shrunk down and trapped in this ruby prison.

"Hello pretty thing"

A deep malevolent voice reverberates through her entire body. It seems to emanate from the very air around her, sounding almost human but with a buzzing distorted quality as if many people were speaking at exactly the same time.

Crouching down with her knives out Eversil glances around wildly, "show yourself!" She shouts confidently, but with an edge of fear creeping in. She has never been trapped like this before, so completely and without any backup

The Voice seemingly ignores her and continues to talk. "I'm so glad you've come. It's been centuries since I've had anyone to play with. I was hasty and used up my last playmate far too quickly, but I will not make that mistake again. We are going to have lots of fun together."

Evasil remained crouched in a defensive fighting position breathing heavily. She felt like she wasn't getting any air and the small space around her seems to heat up, sweat breaks out on her body as she tried to fight back panic.

"Demon! She spits, "release me!"

Hollow laughter echoed maddeningly around her, bouncing off the walls.


Suddenly there was a lurch and she felt the floor shift and move as if turned liquid. She cried out, instinctively scrabbling at the walls, dropping her daggers in the process. As they hit the floor, they sunk down into the now-opaque glass as if through quicksand.

Looking down she noticed in horror that the floor seemed to writhe with long red sinuous forms. One slithered around her ankle and constricted, holding her fast. She screamed and punched it as hard as she could. Her fist feebly rebounded from the rubber-like flesh, leaving a smear of some clear jelly like substance on her hand.

"Pretty, pretty elf girl! So beautiful and all mine!" The voice rose and fell in cackling glee.

Eversli spun, placing her back against the wall she kicked viciously downward trying to free herself. The grasping tentacle showed absolutely no sign of having been hurt as it continued to twine and slither round her bare calf.

Panics spurred her on as she kicked and failed as the thing moved with slow deliberate and unwavering strength.

Sobbing and gasping for air in the hot little space she leaned against a wall taking huge ragged breaths, her head was spinning but she still managed to fly into another aggressive rage when she felt a second tendril grab her other foot. She spun, lashing out wildly.

"Now now, we don't want you hurting yourself" the voice came from all around her, sounding concerned and excited.

Suddenly more tentacles appeared, reaching through every surface all straining towards her. They almost filled the small space and she felt the probing, glistening appendages touch her from every direction.

"Stop, stop, please!" she begged as anger turned to fear, hot tears running down her cheeks

She felt the first tentacle slip downwards, nuzzling under her slipper, sliding it from her foot then wrapping around her ankle, the tip exploring the arch of her foot and leaving a trail of glistening liquid.

Suddenly they were all tugging at every shred of clothing, ripping and tearing where they could not easily remove, until she was naked and exposed, held immobile with arms clamped behind her and legs firmly bound together.

She sobbed in frustration, anger, and fear, naked breasts jiggling as she struggled. She squeezed her eyes shut as she was very slowly and thoroughly explored, the probing tips of the tentacles moving over her smooth skin and leaving her glistening.

"Perfect! The voice crooned, as the thin mobile tips of every tentacle slithered over her. She felt them methodically move and probe, slithering over her taught stomach, exploring her navel and spiraling around the globes of her breasts, squeezing and tugging as if every inch of her was being evaluated

She squealed and thrashed at the invasion as one large tentacle coiled around her slender neck then, lovingly traced the line of her jaw before stroking her cheek in gentle little motions.

Another smaller tentacle undulated down her arm and joined its fellows as every slim finger was wrapped in the slick appendages.

She felt them move over her thighs and pry between her legs, pushing in to everywhere they were denied. She clamped them together hard, twisting her hips and straining to bring her knees up.

"Open up for me pretty elf, I want all of you!" The voice was heavy with restrained excitement, almost shaking with childlike glee.

With slow deliberate strength her legs were pulled apart, forcing her quivering thighs open as she strained helplessly against the relentless movement. Not content with just opening her legs slightly, the tentacles continued to spread her wider and wider until she was at her limit, muscles taught and pussy fully exposed. She gave an inarticulate cry of wordless anger as she was held in this new position, she felt her plump pussy part and open slightly, affording a glimpse of delicate pink folds.

Slowly thin tentacle tips began to explore her, one coiled and tugged at her soft little patch of soft golden pubic hair while others caressed and firmly griped her soft plump outer lips. They then drew them apart, opening her wide and spreading the delicate inner folds completely, causing her entrance to gape open.

The creature stopped its coiling exploration of her body as if holding its breath to contemplate what it had just uncovered. With her held firmly like this, it could observe the intoxicating sight of her open exposed sex. The plump, soft pale skin of her outer lips and the way the colour gradually changed to the light pink of her inner folds and the darker rose colour of her passage, descending in to an inviting darkness...

She screamed out in wordless anger and frustration at her helplessness.

The restraining tentacles all over her body remained still as if all the creature's attention was now between her legs. She could see movement there, a large bundle of fine delicate tentacles spiraled toward her. Delicately, as if dealing with something precious and fragile they reached out to her.

She desperately jerked and spasmed, tugging herself free from the tentacles that held her open, soft lips quickly closing over her entrance.

The creature let out an angry animalistic cry.

"Bad elf!" The voice admonished. She suddenly heard a crack of noise and a whiplash of pain across her naked back as one of the tentacles lashed at her.

Before she could properly register the pain, every tentacle grasping her tightened. She gasped as the one around her neck constricted, pressing into her throat and restricting her air and making her feel instantly dizzy and light headed.

At the same time a large tentacle snaked around her thin waist, clamping down around her hips. Choked and utterly imobilised she stopped struggling.

The delicate smaller tentacles that had been pulled loose immediately found and grasped her puffy pussy lips again. Holding firmer this time they drew her open once more but this time spread her further, stretching her almost painfully open so her pussy gaped wide and invitingly before her captor.

The tentacle around her neck eased its grasp slightly and she gasped in a deep breath, the darkness that had clouded her vision now clearing.

Again, she became aware of the delicate coiling tentacles moving towards her exposed passage. Again, she attempted to jerk free but the large tentacle around her hips did not even flex despite her efforts.

The tentacles stopped for a second, so close they were almost touching her pussy. They seemed to trace its shape in the air, quivering as they basked in the heat radiating from her. She had never felt more naked and exposed than she did under this thing's scrutiny, she knew all of its attention was between her open legs.

"Beautiful... You are all mine..." The voice crooned.

The first of the small tentacles slowly touched and traced her delicate folds, skirting her opening, it moved upwards to where a tiny pink fold hooded her most sensitive bead of flesh. It nuzzled under the hood and pushed upwards, exposing the glistening perfect pink pearl. A second tentacle immediately coiled around it, giving a little squeeze at the base before lovingly-coiling and undulating over it, touching and covering every tiny part in slick lubricating slime.

Her eyes went wide and she jerked ineffectually, crying out again at the overwhelming sensation. She had never been touched so intimately and could not decide if it was pain or pleasure she was feeling, so intense was the sensation. The tentacle settled comfortably over her, constricting firmly around the base and giving a gentle squeezes as it locked on to her. The finality and satisfaction she sensed worried her more than she could fathom at that moment.

Two more of the smaller delicate tentacles continued to trace the inner lips of her pussy, one trailed an exploratory tip over the small cleft just above her opening. It stopped for a second and then elongated, lengthening and thinning as the tip started to push at her, exploring the little opening it had found. Suddenly the tip was in, pushing gently but firmly into her.

She quivered and twitched at the horribly invasive and intimate sensation, completely unable to move away, she closed her eyes, screwing them shut and trying to ignore the feeling of it squirming deeper.

Despite slimming itself down, the fleshy tentacle was still slightly too large for the tiny passage it invaded and so it stretched her as it moved deeper. She squirmed and shouted, feeling the alien sensation of the burrowing tentacle continue as she looked down to see more and more of it slowly disappear inside her.

Just as it pushed through into her bladder, the other tentacle coiled around her clit gave a little squeeze, sending another jolt of sensation through her, distracting from the unpleasant deeper sensation of the previous tentacle exploring and coiling inside her bladder. More and more of it was spiraling inside her now and she felt so desperate to pee it had become painful. Suddenly the entire buried length swelled, causing a sharp flash of pain that immediately started to subside. She felt a calming rush as liquid was siphoned from her through the tentacle. In a few seconds the pain had almost completely gone but, she still felt very full and the desire to relive herself was still there. With horror she felt the slow lazy undulation of the tentacle inside her, it had completely filled the void and still moved gently within her, coiling and pulsing against her bladder walls.

The tentacle around her neck pulsed and slithered, the tip curling up round her chin and started to stroke her soft cheek again in what she thought may have been intended as a soothing gesture.

"Please", she begged "take it out, take it out!"

"Oh, no pretty one the voice responded, as it continued to gently stroke her.

"It's never coming out, your body is mine forever."

Still reeling from the demon's response and the sensation of the tentacle coiling inside her, it took a few seconds for her to realise there was another exploratory tentacle tip squirming up between her buttocks.

With less subtlety than before, the tip quickly found her entrance and gave her delicate crinkled pink hole a spiraling caress, smearing it with more clear liquid.


Eyes wide and body tense, she tried to clamp down, keeping the intrusion out of her but she was helpless to stop the thin tip from squirming in.

She tried to kick her legs and thrust her hips forward away from it, but she couldn't stop its progress and felt its rubbery length work its way deeper inside her. The pain and humiliation of being penetrated from behind was mixed with the discomfort and disgust of feeling it squirming upwards inside her. The sensation was different from the other tentacle but no less intense and uncomfortable while also stirring a strange deep exhilarating feeling for which she had no context.

"Stop!" She angrily shouted before jerking her head forward, trying to bring her teeth down on the tentacle that was still lovingly stroking her cheek. The tentacle around her neck easily jerked her head back and her teeth snapped in mid-air, closing on nothing.

She shouted and fought in frustration as she felt the monster determinedly push more and more of its length into her. The constricting muscles around her entrance still uselessly attempted to clamp down, causing sharp jolts of pain as she was forced wider and wider down the expanding length of the tentacle until she was completely stuffed and violated.

Her taught stomach now bulged slightly as a full two-arms length of the thick tentacle coiled inside her. She felt nauseous and heavy with its weight. The unnatural heat emanating from the tentacle was also raising the temperature of her entire body, making her feel hot and dizzy.

Once it had completely stuffed her to it satisfaction, the pain receded as it settled comfortably inside her, not moving much but giving the occasional pulse along its length that caused her poor stretched little anus to twitch helplessly.

The wave of anger passed and turned back into hopelessness. As the pain receded to a dull ache fresh tears began to spill from her eyes, "Please ...no."

The tentacle reached up to wipe at her tears and seem to stop, considering.

"Maybe if you are a very good and obedient little elf, I might consider your request"

She blinked away tears and looked away in shame.

"Oh,ok..." she stammered.

"Ok what?" The voice demanded in a smug self-satisfied tone.

"Please, just let me go...I will be a good obedient little elf.." She almost choked on the words and felt a rush of heat and shame flush her face as she groveled.

The large tentacle that had been stroking her cheek moved across, gently rubbing her soft lips.

"Lick it" The voice ordered.

Hesitantly, she very slowly reached out her tongue, brushing the tip briefly over the grotesque proffered tentacle. The clear slime that coated it tasted of tree sap, the almost sweet, green taste flooding her mouth.

It oozed and moved as she delicately lapped, causing the tentacle to shudder along its entire length as her soft pink tongue ran over one of its ridges.

"Gooood elf!" The voice was full of pleasure and satisfaction. The other restraining tentacles started to all move, each tip gently stroking bare flesh, each tip tracing the contours of her body.

As the initial shock started to wear off, more tears ran down her cheeks as she processed what she was doing and how quickly she had been trapped and backed in to a corner. Running in parallel to all of these negative feelings was a growing warmth that radiated outwards from her clit every time the tentacle grasping it gave a gentle nuzzle and squeeze. She hated it, but the intimate touch seemed to bypass everything else and sent warm waves of confusing sensation through her that seemed to numb the pain and horror.