Sable Island


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"I'm sorry Marcie but Joe said to come in."

"No that's fine it's not your fault. I wonder where he is. Can you get the back off of this earring for me?" Ki's eyes were all over Marcie as she talked and held out her earring. He easily pulled it apart and handed it back to her and smiled. "Thank you Ki." She stood there and tried to appear calm as she tried to put the earring on. She handed it back to him and asked, "Would you do this for me Ki?" As he tried with slightly shaking hands her hands went to his hips and she looked down at the nice bulge between his legs. She felt his hands brush the side of her neck and when she thought he was about done her hand went between his legs and she caressed his cock through his shorts. He looked at her with a red face and she kissed his cheek as she touched him and said, "You have a very nice cock," as Joe entered the room and Ki didn't even notice him as he watched Marcie's hand on his erection. They shared a kiss as her hand continued teasing him and Joe silently eased back around the corner before he could be seen. He waited just a second and said, "Honey Ki's waiting wherever you are" and came into the little living room. Marcie still had her hands on Ki's hips and said, "I didn't know where you were so I had Ki help me with my earring."

Joe said, "Thanks Ki" and moved over to Marcie then and slapping her naked ass said, "You better put something on so we don't get arrested when we go out."

Ki didn't know what to do so he just stood there self consciously and said, "We don't have any police on the island so you can't be arrested unless we call for help from St. Croix. Of course the resort strongly discourages nudity in the restaurant." Ki was being serious but Joe and Marcie thought that was pretty funny. Marcie went to the bedroom to wash her face and collect herself and Joe told Ki what he wanted to do.

"Yes of course Joe." Ki paused and then said, "Joe if you don't mind me saying so Marcie is a very stunning woman."

"Thank you Ki I think so too but it would be better if you told her yourself."

"You wouldn't mind?"

"Not at all, Marcie thinks a lot of you and she would treasure hearing that from you. Ki let me ask you something. Will you go back to St. Croix one day and stay there?"

"Never. This is a magical place and it's the only place where I am truly happy."

"Yes, we've used the word 'magical' several times ourselves." Then Joe asked him, "Is this resort the only thing on this island?"

"No there is a smaller resort on the far side of the island but it isn't as luxurious as this one is and is isolated from here by lava cliffs. I'm told it's a little know liberal than this resort."

"More liberal? How the hell is that possible?'

"I don't know much about it."

"What's it called?"
"Sinclair Retreat. I'm told it's nice but modest and of course much less expensive."

Joe's eyes lit up and he said, "Really? How do people get there?'

"The same launches that we use. It's owned by Sinclair Sable the same as this resort is."

"Ki once again you have worked wonders. Does it have the same reputation for being magical?"

"I'm not sure but I have heard that said."

Marcie appeared and Joe said, "Honey I have something very important to tell you about later."

As Ki took Marcie's hand at the car he said, "Joe said it was okay for me to tell you that I think you are a stunning woman."

She smiled and kissed him before saying, "Thank you Ki I'm glad you think so."


Chapter Twenty Four

As they pulled up at the shop where Marcie had bought the bikini she looked at Joe. "Marcie honey we are going shopping."

She smiled then and Ki said, "Take your time."

When they went in Marcie saw the same woman that had waited on her before and the woman said, "Hello, welcome back."

"You remember me?"

"Yes I remember you but you were with a young man the last time."

Marcie smiled and said, "That's right, you are very good."

"Thank you. Everything in the shop is fifty to seventy percent off because we have new stock coming in next week." Marcie looked at Joe and both of them smiled.

Joe said, "I'm going to buy something for Gail...maybe two things actually." He turned to the sales lady and said, "I want to buy something for a young lady back home. A bikini but I'm looking for something very sexy but not quite as revealing as a micro bikini."

I have just the thing for you." She led them to a table toward the back and said these are called scrunchie bikinis or puckers and I think they are very very sexy but all of the ladies bottom is covered." She showed Joe a picture of a model wearing one and Joe said, "Wow I agree that is sexy. Not like the micro but still very sexy and more acceptable where we come from." He found one he liked with a lot of bright colors in it for Gail and Marcie approved and then they found one for herself before they went to the micro bikini section. Joe held one up and said, "I'm getting this for Gail too."

Marcie smiled and said, "It will be fun to watch her expression when she sees that but I hope you don't expect her to ever wear that."

"I know but like you said it will be fun to watch her reaction. Besides at least Charlie will get to see her in it." They found another micro bikini for Marcie along with a couple of bikini skirts for both women and then Marcie spotted what amounted to a G string kind of bikini for guys that was nothing more than a sack for the mans cock and balls.

Marcie said, "I'm getting that for Charlie. I'll find a more conventional suit for him but he has to open the little one first," and from there they found some shirts and blouses that were too cheap to pass up and they bought several shirts and blouses for them and a few for Gail and Charlie among other things before they were done. As they walked out Marcie said, "Now that was fun. I just wish the store was a little larger."

"You and Gail could have had a great time in there with a sale like that."

She smiled and said, "You had a lot of fun shopping for Gail didn't you."

He smiled and said, "I did and I can't wait to give everything to her."

From there it was on to dinner and then back to the cottage where Marcie put on her new scrunchie bikini for Joe. He looked her over thoroughly before saying, "Very sexy honey and I mean very sexy and even acceptable at home. The way they make the bottom with the elastic up the middle really tucks the fabric between you cheeks just enough to accentuate your sweet butt. I really do like that and Charlie can even see you in that."

"You don't want Charlie to see me in my new micro?"

"Of course I do but Gail won't want him to see you in your new micro."

Marcie smiled and said, "You're probably right about that." She took her scrunchie off and put on her new micro bikini and Joe said, "Now that's it. Nothing can be more sexy than that."

"Except to be on the beach nude."

"That's right. I get a little twitch between the legs just thinking about that."

"It's almost dark out so we can go soon if you'd like."

"I would like."

They waited for another half an hour and then Marcie went to get ready for the beach. When she came out she was wearing the very conservative two piece suit that she had brought from home. When Joe saw that he wrinkled up his face and asked her, "What's with that?"

"It's pretty awful isn't it. It will be okay I promise."

"After being here and seeing you in your micro that suit looks almost comical."

"You can't believe how bulky it feels and how unappealing I feel in it. I'm just glad we found that scrunchie for home or I'd never bother to go to the beach again."

They made the short walk to the beach and down to the shoreline and turned. The moon was waning so it was now less than a quarter moon but light reflecting from the water made it pretty easy to see. Marcie was having second thoughts about her plan but the magic of the island took over and she stopped and as Joe watched her she removed her two piece. Then looking at Joe she said, "You too this time honey."

"You want me naked?"

"Yes I do." He wasn't used to doing that so he hesitated and looked around before peeling his suit off. She took it from him and dropped it onto the sand and then dropped hers on top of his before dumping some sand on top of them. She picked Joe's suit up by the corners so there was a hefty pouch of sand in the middle and with a great wind up she tossed the whole bundle as far out into the ocean as she could manage. All Joe could do was watch their suits disappear into the night before he looked at her in disbelief. "What did...why did you do that? Now we're stuck naked out here."

"I know doesn't if feel daring and sinful? I hated that suit and I never wanted to see it again."

"You sure have a way to deal with things but what about mine, that was a good suit."

"Yes it was but you have a new one now and I wanted you to be naked with me. Now that I know we won't be arrested I'm not as worried." She took his hand in hers and on they went on their walk.

"Marcie I hate to think what we'll do for our last night here."

"By then we'll be so used up that we'll probably just sleep."

"That reminds me. You won't believe what I learned today."

"Tell me."

"Let me ask you this. How would you like another vacation like this but at a different resort?"

"You do have my attention but remember it won't be the same without the magic of the island."

"How about a vacation on this island?"

"Oh God yes but honey how is that possible?"

"Ki told me there is another resort on the other side of the island. A smaller less posh resort but he says it's nice. It's also less expensive."

"Do you think we could?"

"I think we could. Oh and he says it's more liberal."

Marcie laughed and as she looked at their nakedness she asked, "How could it possibly be more liberal?"

"I have no idea."

"I think we should book one as soon as possible."

"I have a question though. If that resort is anything like this one what will we do for fantasies? We are running out of them after only three or four days unless you have a couple you're keeping secret."

"It's not possible to keep fantasies secret here remember?"

"I have a feeling that if we come back we're going to find a couple we didn't even know we had."

"Or we'll revisit some that we have already experienced but one way or another we both know we are not done with this island or rather this island isn't done with us and the other resort I'm sure would teach us a few things too."


Chapter Twenty Five

They saw the couple coming from a ways away. Joe and Marcie looked at each other and smiled but kept walking hand in hand as the couple walked toward them. As they approached each other Joe said, "Hi isn't it a great night?" The couple moved on by but a second later the guy ran back and as he eyed Marcie openly he asked them, "Where are your clothes, back down the beach?"

Marcie smiled at him and said, "No we threw them away. In fact we're going to stay naked until we go home."

He was at a loss for words for a second and then asked, "Won't you be arrested?"

"We heard from a reliable source that nobody will bother us, at least this late at night."

"Could...would you wait just a second?" He ran back to his wife and after a minute both of them returned. She looked at Joe and Marcie and then asked, "Are you sure you won't be arrested?"

"Yes we're sure. Try it, I think you will be surprised at how good it feels. You just arrived here before the launch accident I'll bet."

"Yes, how did you know."

"A lucky guess maybe. I predict that you will love being naked and give this place another day or two and neither of you will want to get dressed."

The guy boldly reached for his wife's blouse and unbuttoned it while she stood frozen in place but stared at Joe as her man undressed her. Joe and Marcie knew exactly what the couple was feeling and Marcie could especially relate to the fear and the adrenalin rush the woman was experiencing. Joe enjoyed watching the woman as she experienced being naked on the beach and in front of strangers. The guy quickly undressed and Marcie glanced at his erection and said, "See how great that feels?"

The woman nodded her head then and said, "My God I'm so embarrassed but what a wonderful feeling." The woman was nice looking of course but not a raving beauty. Still Joe said, "You look awesome and very sexy."

"Thank you. Oh God honey I never want to go home."

He gathered their clothes and said, "Thank you, I've been trying to get her naked ever since dark. Her husband gave up yesterday so he's playing cards with my wife or something."

Marcie looked at Joe and just smiled and then said, "You two enjoy yourselves." As soon as the couple were out of earshot Joe said, "Isn't that funny. He has his friends wife naked on the beach while the others play cards."

"Want to bet they're playing strip poker then?" Joe laughed and on they went walking down the beach and holding hands with not a care or worry in the world, just like the waves that lapped at their feet.

They finally turned around and headed back toward cottage number twelve. As they walked along Marcie said, "Can you imagine the different fantasies that the other people here have? There are what I consider mainstream fantasies like having a brief affair, or maybe a one time fling or even just kissing somebody other than their mate. The list goes on and on, but also there are the ones that you and I don't care for. Kinky ones or just odd ones like a foot fetish, there's bondage of various degrees, and...I don't know what all."

"There are the bisexual or the bi curious too."

"That's right. I wonder what would happen to somebody that arrives here without any fantasies."

"They'd probably go crazy playing with themselves."

Marcie laughed and said, "Maybe so. Okay here's another one. What if somebody arrives with a fantasy and there is no one else on the island with that fantasy. How can that be resolved?'

"Now that's a tough one. I wonder if the island can implant a fantasy in emergency cases like that."

"That could be scary."

"It could be a nightmare or it could be a life altering discovery."

"Do you know what our problem is?"
"I didn't know we had one."

Marcie smiled at Joe and said, "We analyze all of this too much."

"Do you think so?"

"I don't know but that thought occurred to me."

"You know what else?"


"I love you and I love it when you're naked like this. I know I've said that a few times before but I thought it deserved being repeated."

Marcie squeezed his hand and said, "I love you to. Do you realize how many times we've said that to each other the last few days? If that's island magic I hope it goes home with us."

"That's it, we'll find a way to take the island magic home with us."

"We'll take a package of the beach sand home with us. One for us and one for Gail and Charlie."

"Let's do that. At the very least we can put it on display and remember this week every time we look at it."

"I just realized, we've talked about calling them a couple of times and we haven't."

"We've been pretty busy."

"We have at that. Pretty distracted too."

"Marcie one more question. Do you want to go back to the private beach again before we go home?"

"I think I'd like to but not until maybe Thursday."

"I like that. Take me home naked lady I'm getting tired." Marcie was getting used to walking around naked but for Joe it was a new experience and he was a little nervous as they neared the cottages for some reason.

As they went inside she asked him, "So naked husband how did you like that experience?"

"Much more than I would have thought. I might even like to do that again."

"Then we'll do that tomorrow night too."

"Just don't throw my suit away again or I'll have a problem."

She patted his butt and said, "No problems mate you just leave here naked."

"I think I just might do that anyway."

Both of them slept in Tuesday morning but woke feeling somewhat restored and ready to face the day. They walked up to the restaurant for a late relaxed breakfast and over coffee Marcie said, "Let's call Gail and Charlie today. With the time difference, if we call them about one or two o'clock they'll be probably be home.."

"What are you going to tell them?"

"I don't know. I'd like to give them something to think about, a teaser, but save most things for when we see them."

"Let's just play it by ear. What else would you like to do with the day?"

"Get in the hot tub later."

"What else, we have a whole day to play."

"I'm still working on it so I'll get back to you. What would you like to do?"

"I have nothing in particular in mind."


"I haven't ruled that out but if I don't make it I'll survive."

"Maybe Renee will play with you," and she laughed at her own joke.

"Very funny, are you trying to get rid of me?"

"Not at all. I can't think of a thing that I'd want to do that I wouldn't do with you here."

"Well we have all day today and tomorrow morning free."

"We could slow down a little."

"Yes we could. In fact let's go back and just read awhile, have a light lunch and then call Gail and Charlie. Then we can jump in the hot tub and...oh that's right you had something you were thinking about doing."

"We can talk about that later honey."


Chapter Twenty Six

Joe and Marcie were more tired than they wanted to admit from all that they had experienced over the last four days so spending the morning reading and relaxing was just what they needed. By the time they had enjoyed a light lunch and walked back too their cottage it was time to call Gail and Charlie.

With their phone on speaker they placed the call and when Gail answered Joe said, "Hi sexy."


"Yep it's me, the only one that loves you as much as Charlie does and would treat you better."

"Oh my God what a sweet line. Are you still on the island?"

"We are. In fact we were just lying here naked and I thought of you."

"Is this going to be a dirty phone call?"

"It can be."

"Let me talk to Marcie or I'll hang up."

Marcie took over and said, "Hi Gail."

"Hi, is everything okay?"

"Everything is fantastic. Joe was right we were thinking of you. We meant to call you much sooner but we've been kind of busy. Is Charlie there too?"

"Yes want me to go speaker?"


A moment later Charlie said, "Hi love."

"Hi handsome do you miss us?"

"Well I miss you."

"That's good because I bought you a present. Two presents in more than that even."

"That's better than Christmas. So what are you up to today?"

"Not much today, naked in the hot tub, a naked moonlight walk on the beach...."

"Yeah right, in Joe's dreams."

"Charlie when we get home you won't believe most of what we tell you but I promise you it will all be the truth."

Joe said, "Gail honey I bought you some presents too and I can't wait for you to open them."

"Joe did you really?"

"I really did. We've thought about you two a lot and wish you could be here to share in this amazing experience."

Marcie said, "For example last night I made Joe take off his bathing suit while we were walking on the beach and I threw his and mine far out into the ocean. We hiked naked and then had to go all the way back to our cottage naked."

"Marcie I'm the one that went shopping with you for your bathing suit so don't give me that."

"That's the suit that is now at the bottom of the ocean."

"Girl we have to talk when you get home."

"We sure do, woman to woman and no men around."

Charlie said, "I'll get you drunk and you'll tell me."

"If you do and I tell you everything you won't believe me so why bother. Like last night. We were on the beach and a couple stopped to talk to us."
