Safe from the Storm 1

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Where do you turn when the storms of life are raging? (1/3)
12.1k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 05/26/2024
Created 05/24/2024
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Warning: This story contains sibling (brother/sister) sex. If that is not your thing, now is the time to turn aside.


It was nearly midnight on Friday night. I had gotten home late enough that everyone was in bed. I slipped into the house, made my way to my room using the light on my phone, got undressed and slipped under the covers.

My eyes were solidly closed from too much time on the road. The weather hadn't been bad, considering that it was March - but the two hour drive was tiring - especially after a long day at my job after my morning classes.

In a little more than a month, I would graduate with my Bachelor's Degree. I was already working at the place where I would be employed full-time once I graduated. I just needed to get through this weekend, get back home, finish up my classes, endure graduation, and my life would be settled.

This weekend was NayNay's party. My youngest sister, Renee, was turning 18 tomorrow. Mom had a big family weekend planned and had been adamant that my sister absolutely REQUIRED that I attend. I had tried several excuses - but mom assured me that Renee was insistent that I HAD to be here.

I heard the bedroom doorknob turn, the door brush across the carpet, then back, then the knob released - and then I heard the latch catch. A small body settled onto my blankets, on my left.

The hint of a familiar perfume - and the fact that she was the smallest person in our family - told me who it was.

"What are you doing?" I asked my younger sister, tiredly.

"I want birthday kisses," she informed me.

"It's not your birthday yet, brat," I teased.

I pulled the covers down enough so that my arms were free. I reached my left arm around her and she snuggled into my side and laid her head on my arm to look towards me.

"It will be in 12 minutes," she said.

"I'm tired, Nay. I'll be asleep in 12 minutes."

"No you won't - cuz I won't let you sleep until I get my kisses," she said.

"I'll just give you your kiss now and you can go back to bed. It's close enough."

I leaned over and kissed her forehead.

"No! That doesn't count! You have to wait," she complained.

I couldn't see the details on her face, but I could hear the pout.


When we were younger and it stormed, our older sister, Stacy, had dibs on rushing to mom and dad's room to be comforted while the storms raged. The first few times, Renee and I had tried to claim sanctuary in our parents' room as well but Stacy - who was a year older than me - well ... let's just say that Renee and I had plenty of opportunities to get used to her not being a very good "sharer".

Mom excused away Stacy's behavior. Renee and I resented her for never seeming to grow out of it. Our big sister was better at sharing with others. She had never deigned to employ those skills when it came to her younger siblings. Since our parents' room was off-limits to us during storms, Renee and I held each other and endured the chaos and clamor together. That was just one of the reasons that NayNay and I were close.

After Stacy went to college, the house was much quieter. A year later, NayNay sobbed and clung to me as I said my good-byes to head off to school. She'd made mom drive down the first couple weekends and then mom told her that it was too far to make the trip anymore.

Over the last three and a half years, my visits home had grown farther and farther apart. At this point - with my hours at work and everything else going on - I really only came home for brief visits at the end of the school year and at Christmas. I had only made the trip this time because Renee had bugged mom until mom insisted that I come. She had used the 'once in a lifetime' line during the conversation and I knew I was screwed.


"Are you coming back to visit after graduation?" Renee asked me.

I was sure she already knew the answer. I had answered the question for mom - who had told me that she was asking on behalf of my sister.

"No," I told her. "I graduate on Saturday and start work on Monday. You already knew that."

"I just wondered if anything had changed."

"No, brat," I said, grinning. "Nothing's changed between when you nagged mom to pester me about it - twice - and now. You're just stalling to keep me awake."

"Maybe ..." she admitted, biting her lip.

She looked at her phone. There were six minutes left until midnight. I gave up and rolled my body to face her, pulling my arm out from under her. She responded by standing up, pulling the thin comforter up, and climbing under the covers with me.


The slender blonde was wearing a pink camisole and pantie set. Her blue eyes were dull in the dark room but - in the daylight - they were as bright as the cloudless sky. I was never able to be upset at the little nymph for long. Not just because she was so damned cute - or because we'd bonded so strongly in order to endure Stacy's near-constant torment - but because she was mom and dad's little "accident". Our parents reminded Renee of that often enough that it bothered her - a lot.

I don't think they understood the effect that it had on her - making her feel unwanted. She and I were already the "red-headed step-children of the family" - but the way they carried on about it, she was the "mistake". Like their coddling of our older sister, I don't think they realized what those "innocent" phrases did to their youngest child.

Our older sister, Stacy, had always been cold and distant. Renee was my little shadow and looked to me for everything. It's hard not to feel like Superman when your little sister has you stuck on such a pedestal. I had tried never to disappoint her. Her smile glowed like the sun - but her frown filled my heart with gloomy rain-clouds.


"What are you doing?" I asked, grinning at her in spite of the fact that it didn't look like I was getting to sleep any time soon.

"I'm cold. I was warm enough until you moved your arm."

"Why does my bratty little sister think she should have birthday kisses?" I asked, smiling in spite of the fact that I wanted to be asleep right now.

"Kal, I haven't seen you since Christmas. It's my birthday. Can't I have what I want? I don't ask for much."

I thought about her statement. She was (of course) correct; she didn't usually ask for much. She glanced at her phone again, four minutes.

"After I give you a kiss, you are going to your bed. I'm tired, NayNay."

"It's supposed to storm later."

"You can come back if it wakes you up."

"Can't I just stay here? I'm already warm."

Not getting a response from me, she tried taking a different tack.

"Did you get me anything for my birthday?"

"No," I admitted.

"Good. I want kisses, snuggles, and a request to be named later today ..."

"You mean tomorrow?"

She showed me her phone. I watched as the time changed to midnight and the date changed to her birthday.

"Kisses," she demanded.

I leaned over to my little sister and kissed her forehead. She gave me that sweet smile of hers. Renee has always been an adorable little teddy bear - and I don't expect that to change over the next 18 years.

"Snuggles," she ordered next.

"Fine, but you better be as still as the dead after this. I'm tired. What's mom got planned?"

"Not much," she replied.

Renee snuggled into my side. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and she moved her head until it was resting on my arm once more. Her hands were under her chin. She was curled against me like a kitten. She finally quieted and I gave her another kiss on the forehead."

"I love you, Kal-El", she said in response.

"I love you, too, brat."


When she used my full name, my brain tumbled - again - back through the years of the abuse I'd taken (mostly from my classmates) about the moniker. My dad had been a huge Superman geek as a kid and had (somehow) convinced his wife to let him name his first son "Kal-El". I don't know how many times I had wished that I'd had an older brother. Instead, I had a selfish older sister.


The wind began picking up. The sky briefly turned from black to gray - from lightning flashing in the distance. The tiniest fingertips at the end of the branches on the tree in the front yard clattered and scratched against my window frame as the wind whipped them back and forth.

"Kal," Renee called softly, beginning to tremble.

"I'm right here," I told her.

I curled my arm a little tighter around my little sister, bringing my hand to the back of her shoulder blade. I pulled her against me. I turned a little more towards her. A closer flash of lightning illuminated the room and I saw it light up her eyes. Her pupils were as wide as her eyes. She quivered and tucked her head under my chin.

"Kal," she called, more urgently.

"Hush, NayNay. Nothing will hurt you. I'm right here."

"I love you," she cried.

"I love you, too. You're fine. How many storms have we ridden out together?"

"Probably hundreds," she admitted weakly.

"And we're still here," I said.

"But, Kal," she moaned. "Last year ..."

"The sirens will sound if we need to head to the basement. Otherwise, it's just lightning, wind, and rain. We're in the best place that we can be."


If my little sister had been anywhere close to getting over her irrational fear of storms, the tornado that had come through last year had set her back by a decade. I hadn't been here to help NayNay. Mom told me that - by the time she found my little sister - she had been curled up in a fetal position, lying on the floor of her closet. Mom had gotten her up, told her to grab her things, and had herded her down to the basement. Mom said that NayNay clung to her the entire time. The houses a block south of us had been flattened. We only had roof damage but Renee was still terrified.

They'd had other storms while I had been at college - but that had been the worst and - like I said - it had obliterated any confidence that Renee had mustered in the time that she'd been going through high school, enduring storms without me here to hold her and kiss away her tears.


Based on how violent things already were, this storm was quickly moving closer. If it wasn't already here, this was going to be a bad one. Lightning flashed. Immediately following that, my room lit up in an electric blue hue, and an explosion (like a cannon firing) thundered down the street. The fan that I used for white-noise when I slept went off. We had lost power.

"Kal!" Renee gasped.

"Probably a transformer," I told her. "They tend to go boom when lightning hits them. The power company will come and fix it. In the meantime - again - we're in the best place we can be."

"What if it starts a fire?" she whined, the fear in her voice growing stronger.

"We'll put on our coats and take shelter someplace safe."

"Where, Kal? Where?"

"Renee!" I called, trying to get her to focus on me - and not the tempest.

"Hold me, Kal!" she complained more loudly.

Her arms went around my ribs and she pulled herself against me. I pulled her tighter and leaned forward to kiss her cheek. At that same moment, she turned to face me and had started to open her mouth to ask me something. My kiss landed on her slightly-opened lips.

As soon as my lips touched hers, I realized what was happening and tried to pull back. Renee's reaction was the opposite. The exploding blue orb (that had lit up my room) now looked like it was sitting behind her pupils - lighting her eyes with electric fire. Her lips sought mine. Her arms pulled at me. She pushed me at the same time she pulled me closer - and ended up on top of me - straddling my hips with her thighs - holding me in her arms - devouring me with her lips.

As she kissed me, a lightning bolt that sounded like it was racing down our street flashed by the window. For the first time in 18 years, Renee flat-out ignored it. Her fingers clawed my back - but there wasn't fear in her eyes any longer - there was hunger.

Thunder clapped outside so closely that it shook the house. Renee sat up and pulled off her silky pink camisole. I caught a glimpse of her firm bare breasts just before she laid herself down onto my naked chest and began to move her body against mine.

"Renee," I called, breathlessly.

"I'm safe with you," she said confidently.

Her lips started kissing me at the corner of my mouth and then moved to their center - and (once again) consumed me. The quivering and trembling her body was experiencing now didn't have anything to do with the howls of the wind, the flashes of the lightning, or the peals of thunder.

Her hips and pelvis began moving against my loins and my cock answered the call. The front of my boxer-briefs rose to meet her grinding - to embrace it and to seek out a little sanctuary of its own. When it bumped against her maiden tenderness, she moaned.

"Renee," I moaned in echo to her call.

She sat up again. Outside, the storm raged. That chaotic tempest had nothing on the storm that was happening in my lap. My little sister took my hands, placed them on her small, firm breasts and squeezed.

"Kal," she moaned.

"Renee," I replied, in lustful agony.

As I squeezed her breasts, she rode my stiffened member. The harder I squeezed and tugged, the more she ground her cunt against my shorts - stimulating the head of my cock.

"I am safe with you, Kal," she said, looking into my eyes. "I've wanted this forever - but we couldn't. I'm 18 now. Now we can."

"We can't," I said, moaning with denial.

"Maybe YOU can't," she said. "I can - and I will."

"Renee," I moaned.

She continued to rub her front against mine - back and forth - over and over.

"As soon as you have a house, I am moving in. I will tell mom and dad that I'm just living there to save money on housing for college. You will NOT tell them that I'm actually your cum-slut."

"Renee," I moaned.

"No one else has protected and cared for me like you have, Kal," she said. "No one else makes me feel safe. Call it payback. Call it infatuation. Call it whatever you want. I will live in your house and I will take care of your needs. If you want to date and marry, I won't stop you - but your wife will need to get used to the idea of me being your permanent side-bitch. I told you that I had one more request for my birthday. Here it is ..."

Still half-hidden beneath the covers, my little sister rolled to my side. I moaned as she stripped my underwear off of me. I stared into her face as the lightning ignited in her eyes. This lightning wasn't a reflection of the storm outside - it was a storm within my little sister. She wriggled free of her panties.

Renee pushed my stiff prick against my stomach and rolled back on top of me. She sat up and I felt her outer labia spread apart to hug the underside of my dick. She put my hands back on her breasts and then grabbed my biceps and began to slide herself up and down my length.

"I'm going to do this until I'm sure you'll fit - and then you're going to pop my cherry," she told me.

"Renee," I moaned.

She rode me like that for a few seconds and then she moved my hands from her tits to her ass. She laid down on me and hugged my neck. Her lips sought mine once again. Her nipples dragged up and down - against my chest - as she abused her clit and slit on my stiff rod.

"I'm going to cum Kal," she said. "Keep sliding me up and down. I'm tumbling ..."

Tremors - like small earthquakes - moved through her body. She pressed her head against my chin and held on. Her body went rigid and her breath hitched. I slid her up, one more time, and when I slid her down again, her clitoris bumped against the crown of my penis. When that happened, she girl-jizzed me.

It wasn't a lot - but it was just enough to make her slippery - and just enough to let me know that she had climaxed. My sister had cum rubbing her vulva against my cock.

I jumped at the sound of knocking on my door. We were mostly covered by the blankets but Renee tugged them up over her shoulders. I started to slide out from under her, but she bit my jaw and wouldn't let go. Meanwhile, her arms and legs stayed wrapped around me.

"Kal?" mom called from the hall.

"Yes?" I answered.

"Is Renee in your room? She's not in her bed."

"I'm here mom. I'm riding out the storm with Kal."

"You okay, baby?" mom asked.

"I'm good. I feel safe with Kal-El."

"You sure? It's a bad one," mom asked again.

"I'm good, mom. Thanks. Kal called me a brat so I bit him. He's behaving now."

"Be nice to your brother, NayNay," she said.

"He's just gonna hold me til we're through this last bit and then I'll be good."

"Okay, honey - if you're sure."

"I'm sure, mom. Thanks."

Not even waiting for our mother to step away from the door, she pressed her lips against my right ear and demanded that we move to the next step.

"Slide it in," she ordered.

"NayNay," I pleaded.

"You've already made me cum, big brother," she purred. "Now I want you inside of me. I won't be happy until you've claimed this pussy as your own. You need to bust my cherry and you need to cum inside of me."

"Do you have a condom?" I asked.

"I don't want a latex dick inside of me - I want you - I need to feel you - your penis - your sperm - as it fills me."

"Renee, we shouldn't do this," I whispered.

"We ARE doing this," she informed me. "We can do this the easy way or I can wait until you fall asleep, tie you to the bed, and rape you. It doesn't matter to me. I'm riding your cock until you cum inside of me - over and over again."

I was quiet for a while. I looked up into my little sister's eyes. Outside, it sounded like the worst of the storm was finally past. There was still a lot of lightning - and still peals of thunder - but things were moving away and growing quieter. Renee was still staring into my eyes - waiting for my answer.

I stretched my arms open wide - over my head - as if they were tied to the corners of the bedframe. I did the same with my ankles - stretching myself out beneath my younger sister's smaller body.

"I'm all tied up, little sister," I said. "You can rape me now. I'm powerless to resist you. You can do whatever you want to me."

What looked like a bolt of lightning arched behind her pupils - as if traveling from one eye to the other. I wondered, for the briefest moment, what I had given consent to.

Renee slid her body up mine - her stiff nipples digging into my chest as she rose higher and higher. Once my dick fell into the gap between her thighs, she stopped. She kissed me - hard. She began moving down again. Almost immediately, the tip of my stiff prick bumped her closed vulva. She moved her right knee (and leg) to the right until her slippery slit opened and she could slip herself down a little more.

My cock-knob was pressed against the entrance to her most holy place. This was the part of a sister's body where a brother's penis should not be. I found that, the longer she made me wait, the more that I wanted my penis in that place - inside of my little sister's vagina - spearing into her.

She had claimed that I would be the first to enter - that she had saved this honor for me. It should not be; I should not want this - but I did. The absolute fearless desire in my little sister's eyes told me that she wanted this as much as her words had said she did. I found myself wanting this more and more. Did I want it because it was forbidden? That definitely added a level of - not really danger - but of dirtiness or naughtiness to it. No. I wanted this because a beautiful willing sexy young woman had told me that she wanted my cock inside of her - and I wanted that as well.

Renee grasped my biceps like they were the handlebars on a bike. She pushed herself down my body. Her girl-jizz gave us the lubrication we needed to slide against one another - but there was a different resistance to overcome. She pushed and pushed - and then gasped when the head of my swollen penis passed inside of her. Almost immediately, a new barrier presented itself.