Sally's Trip to the Theatre

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A bad choice on her part.
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For me, the day started out bad and got progressively worse. The clock didn't go off when it was supposed to and when I woke up I was already half an hour late for work. I skipped breakfast and with only a cup of black coffee for sustenance I jumped in my car only to find that the battery was dead. It cost me $55 to get the service station to send over a guy to give me a jump-start and when I finally got down town I couldn't find a place to park. I had to settle for one of the rip-off parking lots that hosed me $30 for the day. In the elevator on the way up to the 16th floor I rehearsed my excuses for being late, but I fully expected to have my butt reamed regardless of what I said so I was pleasantly surprised when my boss caught me coming off the elevator and greeted me with:

"John! Thank God you're here. Come into my office."

As I followed him to his office I thought things might be looking up, but that hope was dashed as soon as the door closed behind us.

"The client called and is very unhappy with the proposal we sent. You have to fly out there this afternoon and see what we can do to salvage the account. Mellisa has your tickets and itinerary, and John - don't fuck this up. If we lose Johnson heads will roll."

Great I thought, just fucking great! If we lose the account, and it sounds as if we already have, and I'm the last guy to have talked to the client, guess who will get the blame. Add to that the fact that I'm terrified of flying and that my wife has been waiting two months to see the play I'm supposed to take her to see tonight, and I could see my entire life going to hell in a hand basket.

I found Mellisa, the bosses' secretary, and got my tickets and travel schedule and noticed that my luck was still running true to form - coach instead of business class or first class. Mellisa noticed my expression and said:

"Sorry John. That is all that was available on such short notice."

I gave her a weak smile and said, "Don't sweat it Mel. I'll let you make it up to me some time. You can buy me a drink if I survive this mess."

I sat down at my desk and grabbed the phone and called home knowing that the conversation I was about to have was not going to be pleasant. When Sally answered I told her what happened and asked her to pack me a bag and meet me at the airport.

"John, you can't do this to me," she yelled, "It took me three months to get the tickets for tonight's show and I've waited for the last two months for tonight to get here."

And then I did a bad thing. The day's frustrations had built up in me and I lost it.

"I don't give a rat's fuck about that goddamn play! My fucking career is on the line here and if I don't pull this off I'm going to be out of a job and I'm here to tell you that jobs that pay eighty grand a year don't grow on trees. Now please pack me that fucking bag and meet me at the airport."

There was silence on the other end of the phone for several moments and then in a very controlled voice Sally said, "You'll get your fucking bag and maybe a few other things you didn't bargain for" and she hung up.


I was at the gate nervously pacing back and forth because it was only ten minutes until flight time and Sally hadn't shown up yet. She arrived just as they made the last call for boarding and without a word she tossed me the bag. I went to kiss her, but she stepped back and said:

"We don't have time for things like that, you have to rush off and save your precious job."

This pissed me off and so instead of trying to reason with her I just turned and boarded the aircraft. As luck would have it, bad luck of course, I got a window seat on the terminal side of the aircraft and I could see Sally watching from the window as the plane pushed back. I saw a man I didn't recognize walk up next to her, put his arm around her and then the two of them turned and walked away. With a sinking feeling in my heart I settled into my cramped seat and wondered what else God had in store for me. I didn't have long to wait to find out as the speaker system came alive.

"This is the Captain speaking. We are experiencing some erratic indications on our engine instruments and we are returning to the gate. I apologize for the inconvenience, but your safety is our primary concern. I'll keep you informed."

Five minutes after getting back to the gate the speaker squawked:

"This is the Captain. The problem is a little more serious than we thought and the aircraft is going to have to be taken to the maintenance hanger. Operations tells us that there will be another aircraft available in forty-five minutes so we are asking you to deplane at this time."

Once off the airplane I got to a pay phone and called the office to let them know the situation and then I decided to get myself a drink. I entered one of the small airport bars and was just about to sit down when I saw Sally and the man who had put his arm around her sitting at a table. I probably should have just gone over there and surprised them, but something made me move to where I could keep an eye on them, but where they might not notice me. I ordered a scotch on the rocks, but before the drink arrived Sally and the man got up to leave. I threw a five on the table and got up to follow them. I don't know if my tailing techniques were all that good, or they were just too wrapped up in themselves to notice me, but I was able to follow them out to the rear corner of the short term parking lot where they got into a late model Ford Taurus.

I didn't see Sally's Mustang anywhere so I figured that the man must have driven her to the airport. I stood there aware that they were about to drive off and I would be unable to follow and I had just about decided to step out in front of them when I saw Sally lean over and disappear from view. From the way the man's head went back and his hands gripped the steering wheel I guessed that Sally was sucking his cock. With both of them distracted I gambled that I could move closer without being noticed and I eased my way forward until I could see Sally's head bobbing up and down in the man's lap. In only a few minutes (Sally is very good at giving head) the man took his hands from the steering wheel and put them on the back of Sally's head and held her in place while he came in her mouth. A minute later Sally sat up and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, the man started the car, and they drove off. Some where along the way my decision to step out in front of them and stop them had flown away and I just stood there and watched the taillights disappear.


Back in the terminal I was informed that my flight would be leaving in five minutes and that I'd better hurry on board. I spent the entire flight sitting in my seat and staring out the window and seeing Sally's head bobbing up and down in the man's lap and wondering how long she had been screwing around on me. I'd always thought we had a good marriage and had cared for each other. Sure we had problems, but what marriage didn't? The sex was still good for both of us, or at least I thought it was. I know it was good for me, but had she been faking it? Was that what this was all about?

I stumbled around in a fog the whole time I was in Boston. I don't even remember what I said to the client, but what ever it was it was good enough to save the account. The only thing I remember about the trip was my phone call to Sally when I arrived at the hotel, actually two phone calls, mine to her and hers to me. As soon as I'd checked in at the hotel I'd called Sally to let her know where she could reach me and then I asked her what she was doing.

"I'm getting ready to go to the play tonight," she said.

I said, "I thought that you didn't like to go to those things alone?"

There was a moment's silence and then Sally said, "I'm not going alone."

This time the silence was on my end of the line and then I asked, "Who are you going with?" Sally told me that she was going with someone she worked with and I asked; "Do I know her?"

Another moment of silence, this one longer than the first, and then she said, "It's not a her, it's a him. His name is Sam."

I don't know why I said what I did, it just rushed out of my mouth like it had a will of it's own, "Is he the same guy you sucked off in the parking lot?"

This time there was a very long silence during which the image of Sally with her head in the man's lap, and her wiping her mouth with the back of her hand danced in my head. And then, almost defiantly, Sally said, "Yes!"

No 'how did you know?" or "I'm sorry" or anything else, just a defiant "Yes!" Stunned, by both my question and her answer, I just held the phone without speaking until I was finally able to utter a single "Oh" and hang up the phone. I spent the next four hours staring at the walls of the hotel room and wondering why God had chosen that particular day to shit all over me. The phone rang, dragging me out of the pit of despair I was wallowing in, and I answered it to find out that he wasn't done fucking over me yet.

"Hello" I said and then I heard Sally say, "Oh good. I was afraid you might have gone to bed and turned off the phone."

I looked at the bedside clock and saw that it was just past midnight, "What is it Sally?"

"You hung up on me earlier before I could say anything and I wanted to know what your slavish attention to your job cost you. When you let me know you weren't going to take me to the play I started calling around to find someone who would. Sam is the only one I could find who was free for the evening and when I asked him if he would take me he laughed and said he couldn't. He said I was a married woman and he only dates women he can take to bed. Since you had just screamed at me that you didn't, in your own words, "Give a rat's fuck about that goddamned play" and I was in a pretty pissed off mood I told him that if that were his price, I'd pay it. He didn't believe me and so I told him that if he drove me to the airport I would give him his first installment as soon as you left. Here, listen."

I suddenly heard a squish, squish sound.

Sally said, "What you just heard is the sound of Sam's cock sliding back and forth in my hot, wet pussy. This is the second time he has fucked me tonight and since he is staying over he may even fuck me a few more times. I know for sure that it will be at least once more - when we wake up in the morning. Also, he has asked me out for dinner tomorrow and if you are not home by then I'll probably go out with him and he'll fuck me again. Work hard John. Suck up to your boss and the client. Save your precious career" and she hung up.


As I said, the rest of my stay in Boston is a bit hazy and I don't even remember getting back on the airplane to fly home. That I might have done something right did not begin to dawn on me until I walked into the office to the cheers and hand clapping of my fellow workers. I'd gone straight to the office from the airport more because I couldn't face going home than for any other reason. The boss took me into his office, shook my hand, and thanked me for my efforts in saving the account, "You're the only one who could have done it" he told me and then he said there would be a sizeable bonus on my paycheck. Then he said:

"Go on home. Take a couple of days off and you and Sally can spend some time chasing each other around the house."

Yeah, right, I thought.


I turned onto our street just in time to see Sally get into the same Ford Taurus I'd seen at the airport and drive away. Once inside the house I dropped my bag on the floor and headed for the liquor cabinet and made myself a strong drink. Sally had figured as much because there was a note taped to the door of the cabinet;

"John - If you get home before I get back call me on my cell phone and let me know you are home."

Why, I thought, so you can let me listen in again as you cheat on me? I read the note twice and then I wadded it up and threw it into the wastebasket. I spent the next couple of hours nursing a scotch on the rocks and wondering what I was going to do. Just after eleven a car pulled into the drive and parked behind my car and I watched through the bedroom window as Sally started to get out. The driver reached over and grabbed her and pulled her back in. A couple of minutes passed as they sat there, probably talking, and then Sally again started to get out of the car. Again the driver grabbed Sally and it looked like she was struggling to pull loose and I almost talked myself into going out there, but at the last moment I said:

"Fuck it. She made her bed, let her lie in it."

I took a sip of my scotch and continued to watch. Sally stopped trying to get away from the man and a moment later her head disappeared below the dash. It was almost five minutes before her head came back up and I watched as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand just as she had in the airport parking lot. There seemed to be some more talking and then Sally and the driver got out of the car, but instead of coming toward the house they got in the backseat of the car. I saw Sally lay back and both she and the man disappeared from view and a minute later I saw both of her legs come up and began to kick in the air. I turned and walked away from the window and headed for the bed. Tomorrow was going to be a very bad day at our house.

Sally was going to find out that she was history.

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AnonymousAnonymous26 days ago

Choices and consequences. Does the intent really matter? ("... the Show must go on?)

NitpicNitpic8 months ago

Where is the rest?.What happened "tomorrow",left like this ,it is another one of the authors nothing stories?

Mikie1955Mikie1955about 1 year ago

This is the third story that I have read of yours. They seem to be going downhill in terms of quality. I am a huge fan of yours but these last few stories seem like you don't care.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Why was it “a bad choice on her part” as you say?

It seems like she wants a divorce. No indication here that she has any regrets nor that she does not fair well in the divorce. This story is very incomplete and unfulfilling.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Pathetic cuck crap

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

to nitpic, JPB's mc's rarely(rarely, not never) have the normal set of xy chromosomes or the average % of testosterone, that a normal heterosexual male in the US has. So they v rarely get any revenge on their wives lovers much less put a physical hurting on them. V occasionally the mc's will get some kind of revenge; tells the lovers wife, or boss, puts a scratch in his car or pisses on his shadow, so dont hold your breath. JPB's mc's dont even get much revenge on the cheating cunts, so this is typical. I will say that he more often finishes the story before giving his mc a normal set of chromosomes( guessing they usualy have at best an xxy or else are fem to male trans, and the mc's think they are normal and never go check testosterone levels to see if need a boost. Just like the cheating wives never check w/ potential lover's wife about the open marriage he claims to have or to verify that the lovers wife is frigid and he is welcome to dip his wic anywhere but in her. rk

other authors have to either finish the dam story or write a finish with some oomph to it(as one wld expect w/ a normal red blooded american male, altho w/ the last 2 american generations of fatties trans snowflakes and cowardly wimps, they wld recognize themselves in JPB's mcs.

TheRealMadtexTheRealMadtexalmost 2 years ago

Another typical JPB story that has no ending. For some reason, he thinks that not ending a story makes him a good writer. Nope!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago


NitpicNitpicover 2 years ago

Ruined by the poor ending.We needed to know what happened the next day and did he kick the shit out of Sam?.

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